supersymmetric model
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
Sebastian Baum ◽  
Marcela Carena ◽  
Nausheen R. Shah ◽  
Carlos E. M. Wagner

Abstract A new measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment, gμ− 2, has been reported by the Fermilab Muon g-2 collaboration and shows a 4.2 σ departure from the most precise and reliable calculation of this quantity in the Standard Model. Assuming that this discrepancy is due to new physics, we concentrate on a simple supersymmetric model that also provides a dark matter explanation in a previously unexplored region of supersymmetric parameter space. Such interesting region can realize a Bino-like dark matter candidate compatible with all current direct detection constraints for small to moderate values of the Higgsino mass parameter |μ|. This in turn would imply the existence of light additional Higgs bosons and Higgsino particles within reach of the high-luminosity LHC and future colliders. We provide benchmark scenarios that will be tested in the next generation of direct dark matter experiments and at the LHC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
Mariana Frank ◽  
Yaşar Hiçyılmaz ◽  
Subhadeep Mondal ◽  
Özer Özdal ◽  
Cem Salih Ün

Abstract We attribute deviations of the muon and electron magnetic moments from the theoretical predictions to the presence of an additional U(1)′ supersymmetric model. We interpret the discrepancies between the muon and electron anomalous magnetic moments to be due to the presence of non-universal U(1)′ charges. In a minimally extended model, we show that requiring both deviations to be satisfied imposes constraints on the spectrum of the model, in particular on dark matter candidates and slepton masses and ordering. Choosing three benchmarks with distinct dark matter features, we study implications of the model at colliders, concentrating on variables that can distinguish our non-universal scenario from other U(1)′ implementations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Jin-Lei Yang ◽  
Hai-Bin Zhang ◽  
Chang-Xin Liu ◽  
Xing-Xing Dong ◽  
Tai-Fu Feng

Abstract The difference between the updated experimental result on the muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment and the corresponding theoretical prediction of the standard model on that is about 4.2 standard deviations. In this work, we calculate the muon anomalous MDM at the two-loop level in the supersymmetric B − L extension of the standard model. Considering the experimental constraints on the lightest Higgs boson mass, Higgs boson decay modes h → γγ, WW, ZZ, $$ b\overline{b} $$ b b ¯ , $$ \tau \overline{\tau} $$ τ τ ¯ , B rare decay $$ \overline{B} $$ B ¯ → Xsγ, and the transition magnetic moments of Majorana neutrinos, we analyze the theoretical predictions of the muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment in the B − L supersymmetric model. The numerical analyses indicate that the tension between the experimental measurement and the standard model prediction is remedied in the B − L supersymmetric model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (7) ◽  
P. Banerjee ◽  
U. A. Yajnik

Abstract Low scale leptogenesis scenarios are difficult to verify due to our inability to relate the parameters involved in the early universe processes with the low energy or collider observables. Here we show that one can in principle relate the parameters giving rise to the transient CP violating phase involved in leptogenesis with those that can be deduced from the observation of electric dipole moment (EDM) of the electron. We work out the details of this in the context of the left right symmetric supersymmetric model (LRSUSY) which provides a strong connection between such parameters. In particular, we show that baryon asymmetry requirements imply the scale MB−L of U(1)B−L symmetry breaking to be larger than 104.5 GeV. Moreover the scale MR of SU(2)R symmetry breaking is tightly constrained to lie in a narrow band significantly below $$ {M}_{B-L}^2/{M}_{EW} $$ M B − L 2 / M EW . These are the most stringent constraints on the parameter space of LRSUSY model being considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (6) ◽  
Syuhei Iguro ◽  
Junichiro Kawamura ◽  
Yuji Omura ◽  
Yoshihiro Shigekami

Abstract In this paper, we focus on the supersymmetric model with left-right (LR) symmetry, that is especially proposed in our previous work [1]. In this model, there are four Higgs doublets in order to realize the Standard Model (SM) fermion masses and the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. The heavy Higgs doublets unavoidably have flavor changing couplings to the SM fermions and induce flavor-changing neutral currents at tree level. We study broader parameter space than the previous work with including the renormalization group corrections to the Yukawa couplings between the LR breaking scale, $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (1013) GeV, and the supersymmetry breaking scales, $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (100) TeV. The CP violating observable in K–$$ \overline{K} $$ K ¯ mixing, ϵK, strongly constrains the model, so that heavy Higgs mass should be heavier than $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (100) TeV. We study the lepton flavor violating (LFV) processes setting heavy Higgs masses to be 170 TeV. The branching ratios of μ → 3e and the μ–e conversion can be larger than 10−16 that could be covered by the future experiments. We also study the degree of fine-tuning in the parameter region that predicts testable LFV processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
H. Babaei-Aghbolagh ◽  
Komeil Babaei Velni ◽  
Davood Mahdavian Yekta ◽  
H. Mohammadzadeh

Abstract We investigate the $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ -like flows for non-linear electrodynamic theories in D(=2n)-dimensional spacetime. Our analysis is restricted to the deformation problem of the classical free action by employing the proposed $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ operator from a simple integration technique. We show that this flow equation is compatible with $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ deformation of a scalar field theory in D = 2 and of a non-linear Born-Infeld type theory in D = 4 dimensions. However, our computation discloses that this kind of $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ flow in higher dimensions is essentially different from deformation that has been derived from the AdS/CFT interpretations. Indeed, the gravity that may be exist as a holographic dual theory of this kind of effective Born-Infeld action is not necessarily an AdS space. As an illustrative investigation in D = 4, we shall also show that our construction for the $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ operator preserves the original SL(2, ℝ) symmetry of a non-supersymmetric Born-Infeld theory, as well as $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 2 supersymmetric model. It is shown that the corresponding SL(2, ℝ) invariant action fixes the relationship between the $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ operator and quadratic form of the energy-momentum tensor in D = 4.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
Wilfried Buchmüller

Abstract We study symmetry breaking and topological defects in a supersymmetric model with gauge group U(2), which can be identified with the right-handed part SU(2)R× U(1)B−L of an extended electroweak symmetry of the Standard Model. The model has two phases of hybrid inflation terminated by tachyonic preheating where either monopoles and strings or, alternatively, dumbbells are formed. In the first case a stochastic gravitational wave background is predicted in the LIGO-Virgo band, possibly extending to the LISA frequency band and to nanohertz frequencies, which is generated by a metastable cosmic string network. In the second case no topological defects survive inflation and no stochastic gravitational wave background is produced.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
Wolfgang Gregor Hollik ◽  
Cheng Li ◽  
Gudrid Moortgat-Pick ◽  
Steven Paasch

AbstractThe current challenges in high energy physics and cosmology are to build coherent particle physics models to describe the phenomenology at colliders in the laboratory and the observations in the universe. From these observations, the existence of an inflationary phase in the early universe gives guidance for particle physics models. We study a supersymmetric model which incorporates successfully inflation by a non-minimal coupling to supergravity and shows a unique collider phenomenology. Motivated by experimental data, we set a special emphasis on a new singlet-like state at $$97\,\text {GeV}$$ 97 GeV and single out possible observables for a future linear collider that permit a distinction of the model from a similar scenario without inflation. We define a benchmark scenario that is in agreement with current collider and Dark Matter constraints, and study the influence of the non-minimal coupling on the phenomenology. Measuring the singlet-like state with high precision on the percent level seems to be promising for resolving the models, even though the Standard Model-like Higgs couplings deviate only marginally. However, a hypothetical singlet-like state with couplings of about $$20\,\%$$ 20 % compared to a Standard Model Higgs at $$97\,\text {GeV}$$ 97 GeV encourages further studies of such footprint scenarios of inflation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (02) ◽  
pp. 2150010
M. C. rodriguez

We build a supersymmetric model with [Formula: see text] gauge symmetry, with a global [Formula: see text] symmetry. The [Formula: see text] symmetry is necessary to keep the proton stable at least at tree level. There is also a global [Formula: see text] symmetry, where [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are the usual baryonic and leptonic numbers, respectively. We introduce three nonidentical right-handed neutrinos plus new scalars fields. After symmetry breaking, the right-handed neutrinos together with one left-handed neutrino get Majorana masses via the seesaw mechanism. The other two left-handed neutrinos get their Majorana masses at 1-loop level. We will also explain the mixing angle in the neutrino sector in agreement with the experimental data and we get several interesting candidates to the observed dark matter.

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