state secretary
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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Mazri Mamat ◽  
Wan Asri Wan Ab. Aziz

The aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence the culture of innovation in Pahang State Secretary Office, Kuantan through the activities of the Innovative and Creative Group (KIK) /Innovation. This study also intends to find the relationship between involvement and cultural factors of creativity and innovation in the Pahang State Secretary Office. Based on the study and knowledge gained from relevant literature, a conceptual framework is gradually built. The sample technique used to fulfil the study's goal was stratified random sampling. The sample size of respondents from the Pahang State Secretary's Office, Kuantan selected is 103 out of 140 total population of the Pahang State Secretary's Office consists of KIK / Innovation group. Descriptive analysis of the data collection found that the framework is dependable and delivers what it was designed for, with significant item-to-total correlations and regression analysis for the dimensions studied and a high Cronbach's alpha value. This methodology is used in this study since it is a convenient way to gather information from respondents. The information was collected using a questionnaire provided. Cronbach Alpha coefficients were used to assess reliability. There were four independent variables and one dependent variable in this study. Studies have found that change management and learning greatly influence and influence engagement and innovation culture. Research in the future should look at how a culture of innovation can be used as a driver to develop creativity and innovation in organisations. Keywords: Creative and Innovative Group, Innovation Culture, Creativity

Transilvania ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 58-67
Paul Brusanowski

The night of the Hungarian Aster Revolution (October 30-31) in Budapest brought about the birth of not only the Hungarian National Council, under the leadership of Mihály Károlyi, but also of the Romanian National Council, consequently moved to Arad two days later. On the one hand, the Romanian Central National Council considered itself to be the Romanian counterpart of the Hungarian National Council which had just taken over the governance of Hungary (although, for the time being, the state was still considered to be the Kingdom of Hungary, under the House of Habsburg). As such, the new Romanian Council’s first concern was to put an end to anarchy and reinstate order in the territories inhabited by Romanians. The organization even affirmed its anti-revolutionary and pro-dynastic position, in contrast with its Hungarian counterpart, which was considered to be too much taken over by revolutionary flames. Very soon after this, the Romanian Central National Council was confronted with new geo-political developments in the Eastern European space. On November 5, 1918, during a press conference, the American State Secretary Robert Lansing mentioned the possibility of uniting Transylvania to the Kingdom of Romania. Two days later, on the occasion of signing the armistice with Hungary, the French General Franchet d’Espèrey held a speech that had a crushing effect on the Government and the public opinion of Hungary that country, in which he utterly proclaimed the dissolution of Great Hungary.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (s1) ◽  
pp. 141-154 ◽  
Göran Palm ◽  
Håkan Sandström

AbstractIn this article we present a preliminary theoretical background and some empirical findings concerning a migrating trend between the fields of politics, PR and journalism: one day a political reporter, the next a communication officer; one day a PR consultant, the next a state secretary. To understand contemporary politics one must, we argue, comprehend the convergence between three fields of power holders that together form the realm of politics and communication: elite politicians, elite political reporters and elite communication/PR officers. Together, they form a communication elite that sets the parameters for the public discourse on politics. When politics is produced and constructed in, and through, social networks formed by elite agents from politics, journalism and PR, what does this mean for how democracy is worked out and what does it mean for citizenship in general?

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-38
Khaerul Umam ◽  
Dimas Ariyoso

This present research aims to analyze how the performance management of the Ministry of State Secretary in managing the service of public information. The approach employed in this research is qualitative with descriptive research. To obtain data, the technique used is a literature review through books, journals, articles, and other research. LINDU-DIS is a new breakthrough made by the Deputy Assistant Public Relations to support the implementation of their duties and functions. LINDU-DIS can support providing excellent services to the public who want to obtain information within the Ministry of State Secretary so that it can increase community satisfaction to the Ministry, and in the end, will specifically improve the positive image of the Ministry in the community and generally the government at large. But the thing that needs to be the focus on is that the amount of budget needed in the construction of LINDU-DIS is very large, do not let this budget become ineffective because of the ability of human resources who are not ready to become a barrier in LINDU-DIS operations. Continuous evaluation is also needed to measure the extent to which this program can run and can be replicated by other agencies.Keywords: Public Service, Performance Management, Bureaucracy, Public Information

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 179-189
Hermawan Susanto

Abstract This study aims to determine the urgency of using legal analysis instruments in the formation of government policies within the Cabinet Secretariat Republic of Indonesia. This research was analyzed by using a qualitative analysis method that uses a comparative approach. The results showed that the use of legal analysis instruments in the formation of government policies within the cabinet secretariat is very important given the strategic role of the cabbage secretariat as an institution whose function is to provide approval to the Minister of State Secretary for requests for permission to draft legislation and on the substance of the draft regulations legislation. Keywords: Legal Analysis, Policy, Cabinet Secretariat, Over Regulation .Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui urgensi penggunaan instrumen analisis hukum dalam pembentukan kebijakan pemerintah di lingkungan Sekretariat Kabinet. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif yang menggunakan pendekatan perbandingan konsep (comparative approach). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan instrumen analisis hukum dalam pembentukan kebijakan pemerintah di lingkungan sekretariat kabinet sangat penting dilakukan mengingat peran strategis sekretariat kabinet sebagai lembaga yang berfungsi untuk memberikan persetujuan kepada Menteri Sekretaris Negara atas permohonan izin prakarsa penyusunan rancangan peraturan perundang-undangan dan atas substansi rancangan peraturan perundang-undangan. Kata Kunci: Analisis Hukum, Kebijakan, Sekretariat Kabinet, Over Regulasi

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