Ministrate: Jurnal Birokrasi dan Pemerintahan Daerah
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Published By Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Of Bandung


2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 27-38
Muhibudin Wijaya Laksana

In July 2021 the government issued a policy on the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) of the Java-Bali Emergency as a step in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic crisis in the Java region. This policy is specifically addressed to the governors in Java as instructions to be able to suppress the decline in the number of COVID-19 cases in their respective regions. The governors used Instagram as one of the channels in communicating the policy. The study aims to look at the comparison of crisis communication strategies carried out by governors through Instagram. The study is based on the Situational Crisis Communciation Theory (Timothy Coombs, 1995). Content Analysis is used as a tool to analyze the contents of the uploads of governors in java about emergency PPKM. The results of this study show that crisis communication conducted by governors has a different tendency to communicate the substance of policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 63-71
Siti Alia ◽  
Ega Ratnasari

Pemerintah daerah merupakan salah satu penyelenggara urusan pemerintah berdasarkan asas otonomi oleh karena itu dalam hal ini pemerintah provinsi Jawa Barat membuat sebuah inovasi dalam rangka untuk pengendalian dan penanganan COVID-19. Pemprov Jawa Barat mengeluarkan sebuah inovasi dalam upaya pengendalian dan penanganan kasus COVID-19 yaitu sebuah inovasi aplikasi PIKOBAR (Pusat Informasi dan Koordinasi COVID-19 Provinsi Jawa Barat). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauhmana aplikasi PIKOBAR bisa menjadi solusi digital andalan di Jawa Barat dalam upaya pengendalian dan penanganan COVID-19. Dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana alur data dari aplikasi PIKOBAR ini. Sehingga, permasalahan aplikasi PIKOBAR diharapkan mampu dikupas melalui hasil dari analisis tersebut, dan diharapkan bisa menjadi masukan untuk perbaikan aplikasi PIKOBAR dalam upaya penanganan dan pengendalian pandemi COVID-19. Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi PIKOBAR merupakan salah satu dari inovasi berbasis digital yang di unggulkan di Jawa Barat karena PIKOBAR telah memberikan berbagai kegunaan serta kebermanfaatan bagi masyarakat Jawa Barat pada masa pandemi COVID-19 ini. Kabupaten/kota mengembangkan aplikasi pelaporan PIKOBAR pada masing-masing kabupaten/kota. Pelaporan data yang diumumkan oleh jubir yaitu sebelum jam 12 pada hari yang sama, tim data provinsi menyiapkan data kasus sembuh dan meninggal yang bersumber dari aplikasi data PIKOBAR.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 72-80
Nada Khairiyah ◽  
Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini

The One Family One Undergraduate Program (SKSS) by Baznas is a scholarship for outstanding students at public and private campuses throughout Indonesia. This program prioritizes students who come from underprivileged families where one of the family members does not yet have a bachelor's level of education. This SKSS scholarship program finances students from the first semester to graduate. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the one-family one-graduate program by Baznas in Kampar Regency and to determine the factors inhibiting the effectiveness of the implementation of the one-family one-graduate program by Baznas in Kampar Regency. The theory used in this study is the theory of program effectiveness from Budiani which uses four indicators, namely accuracy of objectives, program socialization, program objectives, and program monitoring. The method that the researcher uses is a qualitative method using a descriptive approach. In this qualitative research, the author analyzes on the basis of research problems using data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the effectiveness of the implementation of the One Family One Bachelor program by Baznas in Kampar Regency can be seen from four indicators, namely the accuracy of Targets, Program Socialization, Program Targets, and Program Monitoring can be said to be effective. The obstacle for this program is the consistency of program implementation and also constrained by limited funds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 81-91
Winardi Winardi

Industrial estates have experienced rapid development in the last 10 years, where there are around 132 industrial estates that have been operating throughout Indonesia. However, the industrial institutional model has not changed much since the first industrial estate was established in the 1970s, which is limited to the management carried out by business entities either by BUMN/BUMD, Cooperatives and Limited Company. In this regard, this study was conducted in order to innovate the development and management of industrial estates, especially those initiated by the government through the Public Private Partnership scheme. The method used is a qualitative method with a desk study approach and Focus Group Discussion. The results of this study recommend the Government to establish a technical agency unit in the form of the National Industrial Estate Development Agency in the form of PK BLU to carry out the main tasks and functions in building and managing competitive industrial estates so that it is expected to accelerate the spread of industrial estate development throughout Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 12-26
Adi Wibawa ◽  
Muhammad Ridha Iswardhana ◽  
Hidayat Chusnul Chotimah

Maritime security is an essential aspect for an archipelagic country like Indonesia. In addition, as stated by President Joko Widodo, maritime defense forces are also one of the five pillars in realizing Indonesia as the "World Maritime Axis." However, unfortunately, there are still many problems that we can identify in the management of Indonesian maritime security and defense. One of the most fundamental problems is many authorized ministries/agencies, causing overlapping authorities in our territorial waters. This study aims to determine the pattern of interaction between ministries/agencies and how the government should carry out the government towards the ministry/institution in question. The researcher uses qualitative methods, and the data used are secondary data obtained from books, journal articles, and other sources that can be accessed online. In analyzing the interaction pattern between ministries/agencies, the researcher uses the theory of inter-agency working. As a result, the interaction between the competent ministries/agencies has not shown good synergy in maintaining maritime security in Indonesian waters. Furthermore, the era of technological disruption has demanded bureaucratic reform 4.0 by emphasizing three (3) things, including innovation, collaboration, and maximizing the use of information and communication technology. The researcher concludes that there is a need to reform Indonesia's maritime security governance by strengthening the synergy between ministries/agencies or even simplifying the number of authorized ministries/agencies based on the single agency multi-task system. In addition, it is necessary to use quality technology to support effectiveness and efficiency in protecting the security of marine waters in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-55
Imanda Meylana ◽  
Abdul Sadad

Di awal tahun 2020, COVID-19 telah menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia. Pada masa ini semua golongan masyarakat mengalami dampak ekonomi dari COVID-19, namun mengingat sebagian besar dari mereka adalah pekerja di sektor informal, mereka sangat bergantung pada masyarakat, sehingga keluarga kelas menengah ke bawah menderita. Kondisi tersebut direspons oleh pemerintah dengan mengeluarkan kebijakan perlindungan bagi keluarga dari kelompok menengah ke bawah yang terdampak COVID-19, salah satunya ialah Bantuan Keuangan bersifat Khusus (BKK). Kelurahan Simpang Baru juga mendapatkan tugas dari Pemerintah Kota untuk menyalurkan bantuan sosial selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Namun setelah disalurkannya BKK, ternyata masih banyak jumlah BKK yang tidak tersalurkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas pelaksanaan program Bantuan Keuangan Khusus pada masa pandemi COVID-19 di Kelurahan Simpang Baru dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang menghambat pelaksanaan program BKK. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif menggunakan teori efektivitas pelaksanaan progam. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertama, efektivitas pelaksanaan program BKK periode pandemi COVID-19 di Kelurahan Simpang Baru dapat dilihat dari empat indikator yaitu ketepatan Sasaran, Sosialisasi Program, Sasaran Program, Pemantauan Program belum efektif. Kedua, faktor penghambat yaitu kelengkapan data KPM dan Sosialisasi dari pelaksana yang tidak terlaksana.Kata Kunci : Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Program, Bantuan Keuangan Khusus, Distribusi Bantuan, Kelurahan Simpang Baru.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 39-45
Fauzi Akbar ◽  
Sam'un Jaja ◽  
Achmad Buchori ◽  
Sinta Ningrum

This study aims to determine the involvement of actors with a triple helix approach in cooperation in managing corporate social responsibility (CSR) of Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) of West Java Province, given that CSR management during visits to West Java Province is expected to be able to support regional development budgets and one of the the door of the West Java Provincial government's sustenance from the eight priority doors of sustenance. This research method uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach and uses data collection techniques in the form of interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is an interactive model consisting of data reduction, data analysis or display and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are that there are actors who collaborate in a triple helix in the management of CSR for BUMD West Java Province, which have different roles in achieving the same goal of implementing CSR to the community in a sustainable manner and supporting collaboration between the government and the community and companies. This triple helix collaborative research is seen from the 3 actors who have the most significant influence on the CSR management process. The actors in question are from the West Java Provincial Government through the CSR Facilitation Team (Government), BUMD Actors, namely PT. Migas Hulu West Java (entrepreneurs), and the role of academics as well as groups receiving CSR programs. The recommendation in this study is that the West Java Government as the highest policy holder discusses CSR management as a prioritized policy agenda to help the West Java Government itself in the context of socializing and outreach of government cooperation with academic and community groups as well as supporting the West Java Provincial government in managing sustainable CSR. and have a major impact on society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 56-62
Didik Iskandar

Ethics is one approach that is often used in public policy in the framework of public administration. The Family Hope Program is an empowerment program for underprivileged communities by providing conditional cash assistance. This study will to describe the benefits, great benefits, and benefits for as many people as possible in terms of the ethical perspective of utilitarianism from a policy in the form of a program, namely, implementation of the family of hope program in Palopo City. The object of this research is was family hope program at Palopo City. This study uses an evaluation method through a qualitative approach. Data obtained through data presentation, data reduction, verification and conclusion drawing. The results of the study indicate that the benefits obtained to implementation of family hope program in Palopo City are based on utilitarian ethics, namely there are additional costs in meeting education and health needs. Furthermore, great benefit that can be obtained to program recipients is a change in mindset to prioritize and care more about the importance of children's education and in the health sector, namely the importance of regular check-ups to the posyandu for pregnant women and toddlers. The great benefit for as many people as possible that will be found in implementation on this program is that there is an insurance effect for program recipients, namely future security guarantees for PKH participants as a means of motivation to see education and health as potential welfare.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Alma Apriliya Regita ◽  
Abdul Sadad

The application of the Land Information System (SIPTANAH) in Marpoyan Damai District is a form of innovation from Mr. Fiora as the sub-district head in Marpoyan Damai District for the 2016-2019 term.  This aims to facilitate urban villages that provide direct services to the community in land administration management services through SIPTANAH.  This study aims to determine how the application of land administration management services through SIPTANAH in Marpoyan Damai District and the inhibiting factors of application that make land administration management through SIPTANAH no longer used in mid-2019. The theory used in this study is the theory of Taliziduhu Ndraha (2001:  67) which suggests that there are 4 (four) indicators in determining the quality of service, namely: Speed, Accuracy, Easiness, and Justice.  This research uses qualitative research with a case study approach and the required data both primary and secondary are obtained from observation, interview and documentation techniques for further analysis using the interactive model of Miles and Huberman.  The results of this study indicate that, the application of land administration services through SIPTANAH is quite optimal, but there are still several indicators that must be added, one of which is the human resources for operators who take care of land administration services through SIPTANAH at both the District and Kelurahan levels.  And the inhibiting factors for the application of land administration services through SIPTANAH in Marpoyan Damai District are the lack of cooperation between the sub-district government and the village government, and outreach to the kelurahan. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 92-100
Putri Angellia Perdana ◽  
Mimin Sundari Nasution

The Indragiri Hilir Regency Covid-19 Task Force provides social assistance to communities affected by covid-19. However, this assistance program did not run effectively because the objectives of this social assistance had not been achieved. The purpose of this social assistance is to ease the burden on the community in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic situation. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of social assistance for the Covid-19 task force in Indragiri Hilir Regency. The theory that the researcher uses is the effectiveness of the program according to Budiani in Nuraida 2019 which has indicators, namely the accuracy of program targets, program socialization, program objectives, and program monitoring. The research method used is qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. In realizing the effectiveness of social assistance, there are still several inhibiting factors, such as goals that have not been achieved so that there are still people who do not receive assistance, socialization related to social assistance is not optimal so that many people do not know about this assistance, and the task force unit is less responsive in implementing social assistance. distribute social assistance so that there are still people who do not receive assistance. The results showed that the effectiveness of the social assistance task force unit for the acceleration of handling the 2019 corona virus disease in Indragiri Hilir Regency had not been effective.

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