Bulletin of Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences. Pedagogy and Social Sciences
Latest Publications





Published By Yerevan Brusov State University Of Languages And Social Sciences



Modern political discourse is abundant in politically correct language which is often actualized through the subtle use of passive voice. The given article analyses the euphemistic functions the passive voice performs in political discourse. The euphemistic use of passive voice is relatively common in the discourse of American politicians. Hence, most of the examples analysed in the study were extracted from American news articles involving quotes by American politicians. Basic euphemistic functions of passive voice such as the misleading and obfuscating, information distorting, self-promoting and desireable public image shaping functions were outlined in the article.


The current article touches upon the problem of the development of learners’ creative thinking skills at different stages of teaching the English language. Appropriate methods, techniques, as well as carefully elaborated language materials and practical tasks are clearly emphasized as the main prerequisite for the development of the learners’ creative thinking skills, thus making the teaching process more effective and goal-oriented.


The developments of the penitentiary system and the ever-growing needs for humanization in this area pose a number of new tasks to penitentiary institutions, which are generally aimed at creating conditions for acquiring skills for the offenders’ resocialization. This requirement includes guarantees for the realization of the right to education in the penitentiary system and the provision of continuing education. From this point of view, it is also necessary to study the personal attitude of convicts towards education. Accordingly, this article presents some of the results of the author's research conducted in the penitentiary institutions of the Republic of Armenia. The results relate to attitudes and beliefs about education in two main areas (learning purpose and attitudes, learning process and courses)


The article touches upon the problems of teaching English as a third foreign language in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia. The students’ mother tongue, in this case, is Armenian. Russian is the first foreign language and French is the second one. Considering the fact that the students’ 2nd (French) and 3rd (English) foreign languages have significant similarities that can cause both positive transfer and negative interference, the teaching/learning process of English should be organized by paying special attention to the similarities and taking into account certain peculiarities. Accordingly, the use of correctly selected exercises can help in organizing the teaching/learning process more quickly and effectively. The author also introduces some “dangerous” language phenomena that may bring about undesirable interference in learning English after French. In addition, a number of exercise samples are provided that might be used to develop the students’ lexical, grammatical and phonological competences in teaching/learning English as a third foreign language.


Corpus linguistics is one of the fastest-growing methodologies in contemporary linguistics. It utilizes a large and principled collection of natural texts, known as a corpus, as the basis for analysis. At the same time, corpus linguistics is more than a methodological approach, because it has enabled researchers to ask fundamentally different kinds of research questions, sometimes resulting in radically different perspectives on language variation and use from those taken in previous research. And to make good use of corpus resources one needs a modest orientation to the routines involved in retrieving information from the corpus, and most importantly training and experience in how to evaluate that information. Hence, this paper presents corpus techniques in the field of teaching addressing the possible areas of its usage in vocabulary development through some activities requiring quantitative and qualitative analyses.


The article touches upon the characteristics of the development of business writing skills in the ESP course. For this purpose, a number of practical assignments aimed at the development of business writing skills of the learners have been elaborated and introduced.


NARINE GISHYAN - TRANSLATION OF HUMOR IN SUBTITLING. A CASE STUDY OF THE ARMENIAN FILM “LOST AND FOUND IN ARMENIA” The article touches upon the translation peculiarities of humor into Armenian and the ways of their preservation in English through the use of translation strategies. A contemporary Armenian movie “Lost and Found in Armenia” is selected to give the general insight of the transfer of Armenian humor in subtitling. As a result of the study, we can state that from a semantic point of view, the translator was able to convey the meaning, often through partial or complete loss of humor. Deviations were mainly associated with interjections, which were omitted in the English translation. In all the extracted examples, interjections and sound effects, partially providing the humor of the episodes, were omitted. However, their restoration did not create an additional technical obstacle, since it corresponded to the spatial and temporal standards of subtitling.


RUZANNA DOKHOYAN - THE MANIFESTATION OF HOMONYMY AND PARONYMY IN THE SEMANTIC SUBFIELD OF SPEECH ACTIVITY IN MODERN ARMENIAN The aim of the article is to research homonymy and paronymy as types of morphosemantic interrelations in the contex of semantic subfield of speech activity. First the study of history of homonymy is introduced and the lexical, phrasal and grammatical /morphological /verbal// types of homonyms functioning in the semantic subfield of speech activity are described. Then the study of history of paronymy is introduced, the notions of wide /contextual/ and narrow/lingual/ paronymy are described and the lexical and phrasal paronyms functioning in the above-mentioned subfield. We also speak about the stylistic particularities of homonymy and paronymy.


SIRANUSH HOVHANNISYAN - “THE CENCI” TRAGEDY BY P. B. SHELLEY THROUGH THE EYES OF THE XXI CENTURY READER The article touches upon the literary views of P. B . Shelley, representative of the Romantic period, focusing on the ideology of "The Cenci" tragedy. The core issues of the tragedy are presented in the light of the reality of the XXI century. Based on the analysis, the author concludes that the topics discussed in the tragedy are relevant in the XXI century, particularly focusing on the eternal struggle between the light and darkness, the destruction of family structures, and the vicious phenomenon of remaining indifferent towards the voice of a woman, within the context of falling victim to violence.


LUIZA MARABYAN - GENDER FEATURES OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION IN TELEVISED POLITICAL DEBATES The paper examines gender characteristics in nonverbal communication during televised political debates. Nonverbal communication plays an important role in the process of human interaction. Means of nonverbal communication as a kind of language of feelings are the same product of social development as the language of words. Among such means are facial expressions, views, postures, gestures, touches, behavior in the surrounding space. All these types of nonverbal messages interact, sometimes complementing each other, sometimes contradicting each other.

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