writing skills
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 349-364
R. Bunga Febriani ◽  
Dwi Rukmini ◽  
Januarius Mujiyanto ◽  
Issy Yuliasri

The selection of appropriate approach(es) to teaching literature in EFL classrooms becomes a necessity that they can result in good performance of the students, both in their critical thinking aspect and their language proficiency. The problem appears when the lecturer does not implement a suitable approach to literary analysis when teaching literature to the EFL students. These problems led to the student’s inability to perform as expected. The present study examines how lecturers perceive the implementation of approaches to teaching literature in EFL classrooms and their relations to improving the students’ reflective writing skills as the manifestation of the student’ responses to the literary works. Among the approaches studied were the Language-based approach, the Reader-Response approach, and the Philosophical approach. The study was carried out on six lecturers teaching the Literary Criticism course in the EFL classrooms at the university level. A questionnaire was distributed to the lecturers teaching this course at a university in Semarang, Indonesia, containing eight-question items regarding how they perceive the literary approaches and how effective they used them in improving the students’ reflective writing skills, in encouraging the students to think critically about the events in literary works and in relating the readings to some aspects of their own lives. The study revealed that each literary analysis approach in teaching literature has its benefits and characteristics. The study results also showed that each approach has its strengths and weaknesses that differ from one another.

Harun Rashid ◽  
Wang Hui

Teaching one of the productive skills of the English language, writing, involves developing students' linguistic competence, which many E.S.L. teachers find difficult. The study's main goal is to examine the challenges faced by E.S.L. teachers in teaching writing skills to students in university classrooms. This study aims to identify problems faced by teachers of Arts Colleges in Universities. The researcher used questionnaires to survey teachers' concerns about teaching writing skills. The researcher used a descriptive method to report the problems encountered by the sampled teachers in teaching writing skills. The survey had 12 questions. This study's findings not only revealed the problematic factors but also suggested some practical solutions. This study's findings and recommendations may help teachers reflect on their teaching practices and assist authorities in supporting teachers' efforts to improve student writing skills.

يمينة عطال

Writing is the pride of the human mind throughout its long history, as it is a symbol of its humanity and the title of its civilization and its memory and its history. Writing is one of the means of communication by which a person can express his thoughts and feelings, and records what he would like to record of incidents, facts and information, in order to preserve them from oblivion and disappearance. We will address in this research paper writing in two main axes; The first is an introduction to writing, the factors helping to acquire it, the stages of its learning, and methods of teaching it. As for the second axis, we will dedicate it to writing skills, each skill separately. handwriting, spelling and written expression, in terms of definition and teaching methods, as well as weaknesses in some of them and the reasons for that.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 236-246
G. Nurmatova

The article introduces corpus-based DDL (Data-driven Learning) technologies in teaching ESP (English for Specific Purposes). The aim of the author is twofold: to offer English language teachers to design grammatical and lexical activities to develop senior students’ research writing skill and to assist senior students to construct scholarly field-related sentences. For the purpose of the study, the author used a mini manually compiled corpus of robotics, one of the branches of mechanical engineering and demonstrated practical instructions of corpus-based grammatical and lexical insights with DDL technologies. In spite of some limitations and future research, the findings of the study can contribute language teachers to develop senior students’ productive (writing) skills via designing corpus-based data driven materials as well as improve students to construct grammatically and lexically correct sentences for succeeding in their further research and career growth.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-141
Risnawati . ◽  
Abdurrachman Faridi ◽  
Sri Wuli Fitriati

This study was a qualitative research method focused on a case study approach. This study aimed to find out the impact of pedagogical Twitter on improving the writing skills of English Language Education students at Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah (UNIMUDA) Sorong. The sample of this study was 27 students of the English Language Education Study Program in the academic year 2020/2021. The sampling technique of this study used a purposive sampling technique. Invalidating the data, I used methodological and investigator triangulation. The instrument of this study had validated by expert judgment invalidating the data. The data of this study had collected through students writing text, tweets from Twitter, and interviews. After collecting the data, I used Brown’s rubric score to analyze students’ writing text, and tweets from their Twitter accounts as a pre-test and post-test. The interview item became the last instrumental in exploring the impact of Twitter on improving students writing skills. The analysis found that Twitter became an effective tool in enhancing students’ writing skills. The result showed from five categories of Brown’s assessing writing skills: students writing content of 83.33%, the organization was 81.48%, grammar structures of 85.19%, vocabulary had 82.41%, and mechanism had 100.00%. The result concluded that Twitter was more influential in improving students writing skills. The average of each category was an outstanding category. In short, Twitter became an effective pedagogical tool in helping students to improve their writing skills. In addition, Twitter has functioned as social media, but it has integrated into the teaching and learning process. Keywords: Twitter, Pedagogical Tool, Writing Skills.

2022 ◽  
Nor Hafizah Adnan ◽  
Siti Shakirah Sayadi

Self-directed learning among students, particularly at the upper secondary level, is still underexplored in Malaysia. Further understanding of ESL students’ readiness for self-directed learning in improving English writing skills is crucial to exploit the advantages of this learning method for their benefit. Thus, this study aimed to examine the levels of self-directedness among secondary school students and their readiness to apply self-directed learning in improving English writing skills through a survey design. A total of 50 ESL students in a secondary school responded to two sets of questionnaires that measured different variables in this research. The first questionnaire included a self-rating scale of self-directed learning, which consisted of awareness, learning strategies, learning activities, evaluation, and interpersonal skills. The second questionnaire contained questions about students’ readiness for self-directed learning in improving English writing skills. Sampling was done randomly without considering students’ academic level of English. The findings found that most students possessed a medium level of self-directedness with not much difference with the high-level ones. The study then revealed a positive relationship between students’ level of self-directedness and students’ readiness to incorporate self-directed learning in English writing skills. For instance, students with a high level of self-directedness scored higher in students’ readiness for self-directed learning in improving English writing skills than those with a low level of self-directedness. Future studies should consider self-directed learning strategies to promote lifelong effects of positive attributes towards learning experiences, such as discipline, attention, responsible, and creativity in planning learning objectives.

Raluca Pop

This article investigates different types of language errors performed in a written summative exam by ten BA students enrolled in an elective Norwegian Didactics course in Romania. The corpus comprising the students’ exam papers was analysed qualitatively to identify various types of errors. The theoretical model suggested by Gass & Selinker (1994) was used to discuss issues of error analysis. A survey was then conducted to receive student feedback on the reported errors in the texts. Findings indicate that students make both inter-lingual and intra-lingual errors and that error analysis can be helpful when designing L2 Norwegian instructional materials.   Keywords: error analysis, foreign language teaching, language transfer, language distance, writing skills, Norwegian, Romanian.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Yi Xue

In today’s society, calligraphy, which reflects one’s basic writing skills, is becoming more and more important to people. People are influenced by calligraphy in their studies, work, etc. Improving calligraphy writing skills has become one of the key directions for developing one’s abilities at this stage. As an important means of improving writing skills, calligraphy practice products are attracting more and more attention and purchases. In particular, in recent years, as the market economy has developed in a deeper direction, people’s demand for calligraphy practice products has diversified and calligraphy practice product companies have launched a variety of products to meet the public’s calligraphy practice needs in order to adapt to the reality of consumer demand. However, with the development of the Internet culture industry and influenced by objective factors such as school holidays and seasons, the current market demand for calligraphy practice products is rapidly and dynamically changing, making market changes difficult to grasp and leading to poor sales, which directly affects the profits of calligraphy practice product-related companies. The artificial intelligence neural network method realizes the nonlinear relationship between the input and output of sample data through the self-learning ability of each neuron and has a certain nonlinear mapping ability in prediction, which plays a great role in the market demand prediction of many commercial products. Based on this, this paper proposes a recursive neural network-based algorithm to predict the future demand and development trend of calligraphy practice products through extensive and in-depth research, so as to provide positive and beneficial guidance for enterprises’ future production and sales.

Peter Heckadon ◽  
Victoria Tuzlukova

Today, effective English writing is one of the most valuable professional skills for growth and development in the world of entrepreneurship. In spite of the prominence of English as the leading language of business and business education, writing is still one of the biggest challenges that business students face. The purpose of this paper is to report on a study that explored Omani business student-perceived challenges, needs and wants in writing. The study used an online survey involving seventy students from Sultan Qaboos University who were asked to share their perceptions in regard to these three dimensions specifically related to the skill of business writing. Analysis of the data was conducted using frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. Findings reveal that business students place effective writing skills high in terms of their perceived necessity. They also indicate that in spite of interesting and engaging writing activities contextualized in Oman’s world of business, students’ overall enjoyment level of writing is moderate on average due to perceived challenges throughout learning, and lacks in perspectives pertaining to how the writing tasks and assignments could be developed and implemented, including providing more guiding writing practice, more feedback, more interesting topics and more real-world topics and tasks. These student challenges, needs and wants analysis’ findings can direct further developments, leading to a successful English business writing syllabus and teaching practice.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-45
Nguyen Minh Trang

YouTube videos play a vital role as powerful educational resources for language learning and cultural understanding. Using authentic YouTube videos to develop students’ writing skills is not often applied, especially at tertiary level. The paper discusses the reasons YouTube should be used as inside and outside of classroom writing activities. Then the research design offers a review of literature relating to the use of YouTube videos in various fields of language education. Methods to implement the research including research tools and steps taken for data analysis are also recommended. The article ends with limitation of the use of YouTube videos and suggestions for further studies of the topic.

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