gender characteristics
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2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 123-130
I. D. Bespalova ◽  
V. S. Boshchenko ◽  
Yu. I. Koshchavtseva ◽  
A. V. Tsoy ◽  
A. V. Teteneva ◽  

The review summarizes and analyzes the results of domestic and major foreign studies of recent years concerning gender characteristics of the epidemiology and development mechanisms of metabolic syndrome and urolithiasis as an associated disease. A deep understanding of gender aspects in the pathogenesis of these pathologies can form the basis for development of high-quality diagnostic algorithms and pathogenetically grounded approaches to treatment. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 278-296
Tetiana Kotyk ◽  
Viktoriia Sichka ◽  
Viktoriia Ragozina ◽  
Svetlana Vasilieva ◽  
Nataliia Havrysh ◽  

The discussion of psychologists and physiologists on the work of the brain as the center for the formation of emotions and feelings, the center of memory and planning of future actions has been highlighted. Taking into account the main provisions of neuroscientists’ works, the gender characteristics of the emotional reactions of boys and girls have been revealed in accordance with differences in the structure and work of their brains. This gave the grounds for the conclusion that in order to form the correct behavior of the child in society, it is necessary to enhance his interaction experience in it, develop strong-willed efforts and ensure the full development of a rational brain. of The vast majority of junior schoolchildren need to have their level of emotional intelligence to be corrected. The main source of intellectual, moral and aesthetic feelings as components of the emotional intelligence of preschool and primary school children is gaming and educational activities, during which all kinds of feelings that affect the children’s adaptation to the new living conditions are being developed. If a child does not reach a sufficient level of emotional development by the age of 10-11, which is distinguished by the greatest plasticity of the cerebral cortex and almost unlimited intellectual capabilities, then at the later age his life cannot be successful and comfortable due to numerous misunderstandings with himself and others, close and strangers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1660-1668
Lusi Meikasari ◽  
Neti Mustikawati

AbstractPoor nutritional status has an impact on the body of toddlers, namely toddlers will experience failure to grow. Thear bodies will become short. They may also experience malnutrition if they do not get the right nutritional intak, especially during this Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, to prevent nutritional problems, it is very necessary to monitor their nutritional status. To analyze the nutritional status of children aged 0 to 5 years old during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is a literature review. The selected articles where published in 2019-2021from the science direct database (1 article) and Google Scholer (4 article). The results were obtained according to the keywords and inclusion criteria. Then, they were analyzed using the JBI instrument. The result were concluded by using BMI and BB/U measurement tools. Characteristics of children were fount in 3 articles. It was the age period of aged 0 to 3 years. the gender characteristics of children were found in 3 article. It was male. The nutritional status of children aged 0 to 5 years are mostly good/normal nutritional status with a total of 358 children. Based on the overview of nutritional status in children aged 0 to 5 years during the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the nutritional status is good / normal.Keywords: Nutritional status; Children aged 0 to 5 years; Covid-19 pandemic; AbstrakKeadaan status gizi yang tidak baik memiliki dampak terhadap tubuh balita yaitu balita akan mengalami kegagalan dalam tumbuh, tubuh akan menjadi pendek dan mengalami malnutrisi apabila tidak mendapatkan asupan nutrisi yang benar. Terutama pada masa pandemi Covid-19 ini, agar anak tidak mengalami masalah gizi maka sangat diperlukan pemantauan status gizinya. Untuk melakukan analisis pada Status Gizi pada anak usia 0 sampai 5 tahun pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah literature review, pencarian artikel pada rentang waktu 3 tahun yaitu 2019-2021 melalui penelusuran database science direct 1 artikel dan google scholar 4 artikel. Hasil pencarian didapatkan sesuai kata kunci dan kriteria inklusi, dianalisa menggunakan instrument JBI. Dengan menggunakan alat ukur IMT dan BB/U lalu disimpulkan. Karakteristik anak terdapat 3 artikel yaitu berusia 0 sampai 3 tahun, karakteristik jenis kelamin anak terdapat dari 3 artikel yaitu laki-laki, status gizi anak usia 0 sampai 5 tahun mayoritas berstatus gizi baik/normal dengan jumlah sebanyak 358 anak. Gambaran terhadap status gizi pada anak usia 0 Sampai 5 Tahun di masa pandemi Covid-19 mayoritas status gizi memiliki status gizi baik / normalKata kunci: Status Gizi; Anak usia 0 Sampai 5 Tahun; Pandemi Covid-19;

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1332-1341
Bagas Aji Pamungkas ◽  
Aisyah Dzil Kamalah

AbstractAdolescence is one of the transition periods in an individual's life from childhood to adulthood. Problems in adolescents in carrying out their developmental tasks as for the impact of the problems faced by adolescents and the emergence of feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and depression which can later lead to suicidal ideation. This study aims to describe the level of depression in adolescents. Search articles through PubMed and Google Scholar to find articles according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, followed by a literature review. Gender characteristics in this literature are male, 969 respondents (60%), and The level of depression was obtained as many as 837 respondents (47.8%) did not experience depression. Most teenagers do not experience depression, so it is hoped that health professionals, especially nurses, can provide health information or health promotion, related to depression in adolescents to maintain adolescent mental health.Keywords : Adolescents, Depression. AbstrakRemaja merupakan periode transisi dalam kehidupan individu dari fase anak hingga menuju fase dewasa . Permasalahan pada remaja muncul ketika menjalani perkembangan dan munculnya perasaan tidak aman, cemas, dan depresi yang nantinya dapat memunculkan ide bunuh diri. Study ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat depresi pada remaja. Pencarian artikel melalui PubMed dan Portal garuda untuk menemukan artikel sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang kemudian dilakukan literature review. Karakteristik jenis kelamin pada literature ini berjenis kelamin laki – laki 969 responden (60%) dan pendidikan sekolah 198 (98%). Tingkat depresi didapatkan sebanyak 837 responden (47,8%) tidak mengalami depresi. Sebagian besar remaja tidak mengalami depresi sehingga diharapkan profesi kesehatan khususnya perawat dapat memberikan infotmasi kesehatan atau promosi kesehatan,terkait depresi pada remaja untuk mempertahankan kesehatan mental remaja.Kata kunci : Depresi, Remaja.

Kolly-Shamne A.V. ◽  
Tokareva N.M.

The article is devoted to the empirical study of one of the dimensions of the problem of the relationship between intelligence and emotional evaluation of personality. Theaimof this article is to investigate the age and gender characteristics of verbal, mathematical, spatial intelligence in adolescence and youths, as well as to establish a correlation with the characteristics of emotional evaluation of commercials by high school and university students of different genders. The study focused on determining the age and gender characteristics of intelligence indices of high school students aged 15–17 (N = 47) and university students aged 19–21 (N = 49); and determining the relationship between the verbal, mathematical, and spatial intelligence of the two samples’ respondents (adolescents and young people, boys and girls), and their emotional evaluation of the commercials. Methods. In order to solve research questions, two approaches are used: R. Amthauer’s “Test of the Structure of Intelligence” and C. Osgood’s semantic differential method. Results.In contrast to high school students,universitystudents have a higherlevel of development of verbal and mathematical intelligence. A higher level of development of verbal intelligence in girls and a higher level of development of spatial intelligence in boys were stated. Significant correlations between the emotional evaluation of commercials and gender and age characteristics of intellectual abilities have been identified. The independent variable “gender” has a higher value than the independent variable “age”, according to the mathematical and spatial intelligence of boys and girls in their advertising evaluation. Music commercials with actors, a storyline, and elements of drama, as well as videos with computer special effects, were found to be the most entertaining to the respondents.Keywords: cognitive abilities, verbal intelligence, mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, advertising, semantic differential. Стаття присвячена емпіричному дослідженню одного з вимірів проблеми взаємозв’язку інтелекту та емоційної оцінки особистості. Метою статті є дослідження вікових та ґендерних особливостей вербального, математичного, просторового інтелекту в підлітковому та юнацькому віці, а також встановлення зв’язку з особливостями емоційноїоцінки рекламних роликів учнями та студентами різної статі. Означене зорієнтувало дослідження на такі проблемні напрямки: встановлення вікових та ґендерних особливостей індексів інтелекту учнів старших класів віком 15-17 років (N=47) та студентів закладу вищої освіти віком 19-21 років (N=49); визначення зв’язку вербального, математичного та просторового інтелекту респондентів двох вибірок (підлітки-юнаки, хлопці-дівчата) з емоційною оцінкою ними рекламних відеороликів. Методи. Розв’язування дослідницьких завдань передбачало використання двох методик: “Тесту структури інтелекту” Р.Амтхауера та методики семантичного диференціалу Ч.Осгуда.Р езультати. Встановлено більш високий рівень розвитку вербального та математичного інтелекту у студентів порівняно з учнями старших класів. Констатовано більш високий рівень розвитку вербального інтелекту у дівчат і більш високий рівень розвитку просторового інтелекту у хлопців. Виявлено значущі кореляційні взаємозв’язки емоційної оцінки рекламних роликів з ґендерними та віковими особливостями інтелектуальних здібностей. Значення незалежної змінної “стать” є більш сильним порівняно з незалежною змінною “вік”, що з’ясовано переважно у зв’язку математичного та просторового інтелекту хлопців і дівчат з оцінкою ними реклами. Визначено, що найбільш привабливими для респондентів є музичні рекламні ролики за участі акторів, наявністю сюжетної лінії та елементами драматургії, а також ролики з використанням комп’ютерних спецефектів.Ключовіслова:когнітивні здібності,вербальний інтелект, математичний інтелект, просторовий інтелект, реклама, семантичний диференціал.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Yeni Siswanti ◽  
Ika Yuni Widyawati ◽  
Candra Panji Asmoro

Introduction: One of the complications of stroke patients receiving intravenous therapy is mechanical phlebitis. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences characteristic of stroke patients who experienced mechanical phlebitisMethods: This study was used a comparative descriptive method with a documentation study design. The subjects of this study were stroke patients who experienced mechanical phlebitis from January 2018 until September 2020. The sampling method used total sampling with 92 samples. Data analysis using Chi-squared test.Results: Gender (p = 0.020) had a significant difference with the incidence of mechanical phlebitis in stroke patients. Characteristics of age (p=0.511), history of hypertension (p=0.058), diabetes mellitus (p=0.503), pneumonia (p=0.164), and stroke (p= 0.160) did not have a significant difference with the incidence of mechanical phlebitis in stroke patients.Conclusion: There are differences in gender characteristics in stroke patients who experience mechanical phlebitis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
Shamahmudova Aziza Furkatovna ◽  
Tuychiyeva Mahchehra Jurabekovna ◽  
Tursunova Parvina Mamurjonovna

Quite important for scientists is the question of the place of gender characteristics in the choice of linguistic means, as well as the reflection in the language of stereotypes associated with gender. Each person has his own style of communication, which depends on upbringing, education, age, social status, and gender. In general, men and women speak differently, although each person has a different level of gender speech characteristics.

2021 ◽  
pp. 164-169
V. V. Tsurko ◽  
M. A. Gromova

Introduction. To date, there is no consensus regarding the gender characteristics of the course of gout. There is little data on the possible difference between men and women in response to uric acid-lowering therapy.Aim. To compare the clinical characteristics of the course of gout and evaluate the differences in response to urate-lowering therapy (ULT) with allopurinol and febuxostat in men and women.Material and methods. The retrospective cohort study included 279 men and 83 women diagnosed with gout (ACR/EULAR, 2015). The comparative analysis of the clinical characteristics of gout, as well as responses to the intake of xanthioxidase (XO) inhibitors in representatives of different sexes, was carried out. We compared the gender characteristics of obtaining a positive response to ULT, defined as achieving a target serum uric acid (sUA) level of < 360 μmol / l within 6 months of treatment, while taking allopurinol and febuxostat.Results. By the age at which the onset of gout took place, women were older than men, the duration of the disease in them was shorter. Men showed a shorter duration of the first attack of arthritis. Chronic arthritis was diagnosed in 56% of men and 35% of women (p < 0.05). The process involved the joints of both the lower and upper extremities. However, more often the joints of the lower extremities were affected in men, and in the upper extremities in women. Tophus were detected in 35% of patients, of whom 30.3% were men, 4.7% were women (p < 0.05). Allopurinol was prescribed to 216 men and 54 women, and febuxostat was prescribed to 63 men and 29 women. After six months, the proportion of women who achieved the target sUA was 57.5% and 65.8%, the proportion of men – 60.4% and 76.2% for allopurinol and febuxostat, respectively.Conclusion. The clinical manifestations of gout in men and women differ. Due to the pronounced increase in the level of uric acid, men develop more severe joint damage due to the tendency to chronicity. However, the study did not reveal gender differences in the response to XO inhibitors, which indicates that there is no need to choose therapy depending on the patient’s gender.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-178
Dongye Lyu ◽  
Zhuotong Wu

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games has brought great strides in terms of equality and inclusion. At least 185 publicly out LGBTIQ+ athletes have attended this global mega-event, which is more than triple the number from the 2016 Rio Olympics. This study investigates the sports participation of the LGBTIQ+ group based on qualitative method of literature review and logical analysis. It first examines the literature about the LGBTIQ+ group's sports participation and then sheds light on the evolution of gender characteristics of Olympics and sports from a historical research perspective. Finally, taking Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games as an example, this work discusses the state quo and future of the LGBTIQ+ group's Olympic participation. The results indicate that sex discrimination in sports has a long history. As the most important global sporting event, the Olympic Games have gone through different stages from the "male-exclusivity" to the gender binary system. However, true gender equality has not yet been realized. In addition, it points out that the Tokyo Olympics is of positive significance for promoting inclusiveness and equality. The ever-developing inclusiveness and diversity will probably break the gender competition mechanism of the Olympic Games. Sports institutions need to deal well with issues of gender equality and fair competition

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 73-78
Z. A. Goncharova ◽  
M. A. Gelpey ◽  
H. M. Mutalieva

Objective: to study the structure of NMS, their frequency and clinical significance at all stages of PD; to conduct a comparative analysis of the structure of NMS in PD, depending on the stage, form of the disease and gender characteristics of patients.Material and methods: examined 100 patients with PD, 31 patients as the control, and 11 patients as the comparison with Parkinson’s syndrome. The severity of movement disorders was assessed using the Hen and Yar scale. All patients with PD were also clinically assessed according to the UPDRS scale (parts II, III). Cognitive functions were assessed according to the Montreal CI scale (MOCA). The patients’ neuropsychological status was assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).Results: vegetative disorders are a frequent manifestation of PD; they differ significantly depending on the gender of the patient and on the stage of the disease. In 20% of patients with PD clinically pronounced depression and severe cognitive impairment were revealed. Conclusion: non‑motor disorders are distinguished by a wide variety of manifestations and combinations, and their structure changes significantly from early to late stages of PD. The presence of NMS is an obligatory sign of PD. Although the structure of non‑motor manifestations of the disease is not specific, attention is drawn to the combination of more than ten different NMS in most patients, which does not occur with natural aging.

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