personal attitude
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2022 ◽  
pp. 208-219
Mohd Yasir Arafat ◽  
Imran Saleem ◽  
Thoudam Prabha Devi

The existing research advocating entrepreneurship as an important way to increase the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) in developing countries and EV charging business is also playing a crucial role in increasing the adoption of EVs. EV charging is important for EV adoption, and entrepreneurship is also important for EV adoption; therefore, it is important that we must understand what mobilizes or prevents EV charging entrepreneurship. This chapter aimed at explaining drivers of EV charging entrepreneurship. A survey of 121 potential entrepreneurs shows that personal attitude, self-confidence, and opportunity perceptions shape the decision to engage in EV charging entrepreneurship. Policy measures to boost EV charging entrepreneurship have been suggested.

2022 ◽  
pp. 5-19
Ulf Lubienetzki ◽  
Heidrun Schüler-Lubienetzki

2021 ◽  
pp. 28-47
Nataliia Nikoriak ◽  
Aliona Matiychak

The genre heredity concept is articulated on the analysis example of I. Drach’s screen version of the biographical film story “I’m coming to you” (1970), dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka. The film is marked by innovative approach of I. Drach as a scriptwriter to the image of the poetess. Contrary to the tradition of documentary film to interpret her biography in a certain matrix key (as a fighter and revolutionary), Drach tried to identify Lesya Ukrainka primarily as a private individual, as the woman who knew how to sacrifice herself for the sake of love. Without aiming to show in detail the entire biography of the poetess, the author of the film story chose only a small fragment of her life – four years 1897–1901. In terms of biopic genre heredity, the article observes how this biographical film presents possible ways of processing and contamination of available documentary material (letters, memoirs, reminiscences of contemporaries) and integral creation by Lesya Ukrainka (her poetry, translations, renditions). Hence, the biopic on the basis of multi-genre text material appears as a kind of intertextual plexus. At the same time, the film pays much attention to the feelings, thoughts, creative impulses and state of mind of the heroine. By analogy with the poetics of literary writing, the form of the poetess’ inner monologue was chosen in accordance with the portrait film genre. It is clear that through the prism of Lesya’s life and creative experience the personal attitude of the poet I. Drach emerges towards understanding and reproducing the figure of creative personality in art: the author’ vision logically leads to those biographical episodes that in the existential sense appear the most significant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 151-161
Elena M. Boldyreva

The article considers the work of the Chinese poet Hai Zi (mostly based on works not translated into Russian) as a characteristic example of the spiritual and artistic influence of Sergei Yesenin's work on modern Chinese poetry. The poetic dialogue of Hai Zi and S. Yesenin is considered from the point of view of tanatological poetics, which allows us to present their work as a single meta text, developing various variations of tanatopoetics in order to achieve absolute self-identification by synthesising “self” – death – art. The category of death is considered as the integral basis of the work of S. Yesenin and Hai Zi, which ultimately leads to the realisation of their personal attitude to death as the ontological, epistemological and axiological basis of life and creative work. The article justifies that the “romance with death” of S. Yesenin and Hai Zi is a manifestation of their life-building strategy, consonances in motif and figuration are revealed in the aspect of tanatological poetics, taking into account the different nature of those motifs: the spontaneous-organic feeling of death in S. Yesenin and the tanatological ideology of Hai Zi, based on the synthesis of Western philosophy, Confucianism, Taoism. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of S.Yesenin's poem “The Black Man” and the poem “Spring. Ten Hai Zi” as works that expose the key settings of the poets' tanatological discourse, as well as an analysis of Hai Zi's poem "Life Was Interrupted" as prisms for the reinterpretation of S. Yesenin's life and work within the framework of the tanatological paradigm of "Chinese Yesenin" and the most important act of semiotisation of life and creative work of the Chinese youth, when suicide is positioned as the final statement.

Polina Y. Udachina ◽  
Manushak A. Egikyan

The article discusses the importance of personal psychological resource in the context of cancer. As such an internal resource, we have identified the vital and existential meanings, and we also determined the difference between these two concepts. The analysis of the literature has shown that one of the main problems of psychological science is search for psychological reasons for its loss and the possibility of finding meaning of life again and again rather than understanding it. We also found that a significant role in the acquisition and loss of meanings can be played by the personal qualities, personal attitude towards oneself, towards the world around, the ability to self-responsibility and to responsibility for own life.

Svetlana Sergeyko

In the article self-actualizing portraits (types) of teachers, which were identified on the basis of the study, are presented. The main aim of two of them (“Subject Teachers” and “Psychologists”) is to develop gifted students. The developed separate training program for teachers working in the context of the development of gifted students has been substantiated in the article. This made it possible for the Institute for the Development of Education to develop a strategy for advanced training and scientific and methodological support of teachers of both types. The strategy is based on the principles of mutual enrichment, mutual respect, cooperation of all subjects of the education system and promotes the professional self-realization of teachers and, as a result, the development of gifted students. Through participating in events using various forms and technologies, the teacher shows himself, his uniqueness and originality, the desire for his own realization in professional activity, demonstrates a personal attitude towards himself, colleagues, professional events, and corporate culture. Measures, creating an environment of advanced personal and professional development, contribute to the professional motivation of teachers, ensuring the effectiveness of the pedagogical activity, develop the readiness for professional self-realization, and help raise the level of awareness of the value of pedagogical activity for personal self-realization. The result of the implementation of the mentioned program for teachers will be the development of the creative potential of teachers; stimulation of personal and professional growth of teachers; self-identification, self-organization, self-government and professional self-realization of these types of teachers. Keywords: self-realization of personality; professional self-realization of the teacher; the self-actualizing portrait (type) of a teacher; cognitive, activity, emotional, axiological levels of the program; gifted children.

Vera Hagemann ◽  
Jonathan Meinecke ◽  
Martina Schaper ◽  
Christina Debbing ◽  
Caroline Ruiner ◽  

Abstract. When digitalizing work, organizations face the challenge of analyzing, evaluating, and mitigating a potential increase in mental workload for employees and managers. This paper presents an instrument to assess mental stress and strain in digital work contexts and the related development process and validation. Based on a literature and instrument review and an interview study, we developed an assessment instrument and validated it in two coordinated studies ( N = 245, N = 279), ultimately resulting in an instrument with 139 items: 27 items addressing demographic aspects and 112 items dispersed over five categories (work task and activity, workflow and organizing, work environment, organizational climate, and personal attitude). To demonstrate the instrument’s validity, we calculated a structural equation model based on the framework of the job demands-resources model. The resulting instrument is comprehensive and can also be applied by HR nonprofessionals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-124
Elena V. Gabrielova ◽  
Olga I. Maksimenko

The current research answers the question how Twitter users express their evaluation of topical social problems (explicitly or implicitly) and what linguistic means they use, being restricted by the allowed length of the message. The article explores how Twitter users communicate with each other and exchange ideas on social issues of great importance, express their feelings using a number of linguistic means, while being limited by a fixed number of characters, and form solidarity, being geographically distant from each other. The research is focused on the linguistic tools employed by Twitter users in order to express their personal attitude. The subject chosen for study was the migration processes in Europe and the USA. The aim of the current investigation is to determine the correlation between the attitudes of English-speaking users towards migration and the way they are expressed implicitly or explicitly. The authors make an attempt to define which tools contribute to the implicit or explicit nature of the utterances. The material includes 100 tweets of English-speaking users collected from February 1 to July 31, 2017. The choice of the time period is defined by significant events in Trumps migration policy and their consequences. The research is based on the content analysis of the material carried out by means of the Atlas.ti program. The software performs the coding of textual units, counts the frequency of codes and their correlation. The results of the research show that Twitter users tend to express their critical attitudes towards migration, rather than approve of it or sympathise with migrants. Criticism is more often expressed implicitly rather than explicitly. In order to disguise the attitude and feelings, the English-speaking users of Twitter employed irony, questions and quotations, while the explicit expression of attitudes was done by means of imperative structures. It is also worth mentioning that ellipses, contractions and abbreviations were used quite frequently due to the word limit of tweets. At the same time, the lack of knowledge about extralinguistic factors and personal characteristics of users makes the process of interpretation of tweets rather challenging. The findings of the current research suggest the necessity to take into account implicit negative attitudes while carrying out the analysis of public opinion on Twitter.

2021 ◽  
Vol - (4) ◽  
pp. 153-162
Anna Laktionova

Will is a very old important philosophical concept, an analysis of which is very specific, if not odd, comparatively with the others (when it fruitfully proceeds in terms of criteria). This concept (‘will’) is going to be used to provide and clarify conditions of possibility for person of being an agent. In doing that I refer to the correspondent pieces of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus and Philosophical Investigations; and to their interpretations by M. Alvarez in “Wittgenstein on Action and Will” (2009) and D. K. Levy in “Morality without Agency” (2017). Person is essentially constituted by ‘powerless’ will in terms of ‘understanding’ that is experienced during her life. Action depends on and manifests understanding by will of a personal attitude to some states of affairs. Will does not incline a person to particular desires about preferable states of affairs or actions. Will is not about states of affairs. By willing I value the world, its portions, they appear significant, important to me. Volition is treated as related to will. Both are personal conditions of being an agent with priority of agency as capacity realized by rational actions.

Prince Yeboah ◽  
Dennis Bomansang Daliri ◽  
Ahmad Yaman Abdin ◽  
Emmanuel Appiah-Brempong ◽  
Werner Pitsch ◽  

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected populations globally, including Ghana. Knowledge of the COVID-19 disease, and the application of preventive public health interventions are pivotal to its control. Besides a lockdown, measures taken against the spread of the virus include the wearing of face masks, social distancing, regular hand washing with soap and, more recently, vaccination against the virus. In order to establish a possible link between the knowledge of the disease and compliance with preventive measures, including vaccination, a cross-sectional study employing an interview-structured questionnaire was conducted in six regions of Ghana (n = 1560). An adequate level of knowledge of COVID-19 (69.9%) was reported. The linear multiple regression analysis further explicated the differences in the knowledge of COVID-19 among the respondents by their knowledge of cholera and influenza (adjusted R-Square = 0.643). Despite this profound knowledge of the illness, two thirds of the respondents were unwilling to follow basic preventive measures and only 35.3% were willing to be vaccinated. Amazingly, neither knowledge of COVID-19 nor the socio-demographic characteristics had any meaningful influence on the practice of preventive measures. Personal attitude leading to efficient public compliance with preventive measures, therefore, is a critical issue demanding special attention and effective interventions by the government and locals with authority to curb the spread of the pandemic which surpasses the traditional channels of public health communication. This includes a roll-out of persuasion, possibly including public figures and influencers, and in any case, a balanced and open discussion addressing the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine in order to avoid new variants and comparable problems currently facing many countries of Western Europe. Indeed, a profound hesitancy against vaccination may turn African countries such as Ghana for many years into hotspots of new viral variants.

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