Computer-Assisted Market Research & Marketing

Wolfgang Gaul
2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 229-238 ◽  
Eric Horster ◽  
Carsten Gottschalk

Through social media applications, consumers are increasingly participating in information processes. When booking a journey, consumer opinions exchanged via modern media shape the reputation of enterprises like travel agencies and thus have a major impact on the decision to book a journey. Online market research is regarded as a crucial tool to steer these online discourses, with the emphasis on quantitative analyses. However, looking at the Web as a social forum can provide additional insights. Taking user-generated data has the advantage that it is collected within a natural setting. Webnography is an attempt to capture this information in a systematic way. Therefore, in this article, Computer-Assisted Webnography is presented as an innovative control method. It is based on the practical modification of ethnographic methods. Computer-Assisted Webnography is meant to combine quantitative and qualitative methods and merges both the approaches on a virtual working platform, so that the semiotic codes of any given target group can be extracted efficiently and precisely. The results shall be used to create individual reputation management strategies.

E. T. O'Toole ◽  
R. R. Hantgan ◽  
J. C. Lewis

Thrombocytes (TC), the avian equivalent of blood platelets, support hemostasis by aggregating at sites of injury. Studies in our lab suggested that fibrinogen (fib) is a requisite cofactor for TC aggregation but operates by an undefined mechanism. To study the interaction of fib with TC and to identify fib receptors on cells, fib was purified from pigeon plasma, conjugated to colloidal gold and used both to facilitate aggregation and as a receptor probe. Described is the application of computer assisted reconstruction and stereo whole mount microscopy to visualize the 3-D organization of fib receptors at sites of cell contact in TC aggregates and on adherent cells.Pigeon TC were obtained from citrated whole blood by differential centrifugation, washed with Ca++ free Hank's balanced salts containing 0.3% EDTA (pH 6.5) and resuspended in Ca++ free Hank's. Pigeon fib was isolated by precipitation with PEG-1000 and the purity assessed by SDS-PAGE. Fib was conjugated to 25nm colloidal gold by vortexing and the conjugates used as the ligand to identify fib receptors.

A.M. Jones ◽  
A. Max Fiskin

If the tilt of a specimen can be varied either by the strategy of observing identical particles orientated randomly or by use of a eucentric goniometer stage, three dimensional reconstruction procedures are available (l). If the specimens, such as small protein aggregates, lack periodicity, direct space methods compete favorably in ease of implementation with reconstruction by the Fourier (transform) space approach (2). Regardless of method, reconstruction is possible because useful specimen thicknesses are always much less than the depth of field in an electron microscope. Thus electron images record the amount of stain in columns of the object normal to the recording plates. For single particles, practical considerations dictate that the specimen be tilted precisely about a single axis. In so doing a reconstructed image is achieved serially from two-dimensional sections which in turn are generated by a series of back-to-front lines of projection data.

Beverly L. Giammara ◽  
Jennifer S. Stevenson ◽  
Peggy E. Yates ◽  
Robert H. Gunderson ◽  
Jacob S. Hanker

An 11mm length of sciatic nerve was removed from 10 anesthetized adult rats and replaced by a biodegradable polyester Vicryl™ mesh sleeve which was then injected with the basement membrane gel, Matrigel™. It was noted that leg sensation and movement were much improved after 30 to 45 days and upon sacrifice nerve reconnection was noted in all animals. Epoxy sections of the repaired nerves were compared with those of the excised segments by the use of a variation of the PAS reaction, the PATS reaction, developed in our laboratories for light and electron microscopy. This microwave-accelerated technique employs periodic acid, thiocarbohydrazide and silver methenamine. It stains basement membrane or Type IV collagen brown and type III collagen (reticulin), axons, Schwann cells, endoneurium and perineurium black. Epoxy sections of repaired and excised nerves were also compared by toluidine blue (tb) staining. Comparison of the sections of control and repaired nerves was done by computer-assisted microscopic image analysis using an Olympus CUE-2 Image Analysis System.

Rudolf Oldenbourg

The recent renaissance of the light microsope is fueled in part by technological advances in components on the periphery of the microscope, such as the laser as illumination source, electronic image recording (video), computer assisted image analysis and the biochemistry of fluorescent dyes for labeling specimens. After great progress in these peripheral parts, it seems timely to examine the optics itself and ask how progress in the periphery facilitates the use of new optical components and of new optical designs inside the microscope. Some results of this fruitful reflection are presented in this symposium.We have considered the polarized light microscope, and developed a design that replaces the traditional compensator, typically a birefringent crystal plate, with a precision universal compensator made of two liquid crystal variable retarders. A video camera and digital image processing system provide fast measurements of specimen anisotropy (retardance magnitude and azimuth) at ALL POINTS of the image forming the field of view. The images document fine structural and molecular organization within a thin optical section of the specimen.

M Wessendorf ◽  
A Beuning ◽  
D Cameron ◽  
J Williams ◽  
C Knox

Multi-color confocal scanning-laser microscopy (CSLM) allows examination of the relationships between neuronal somata and the nerve fibers surrounding them at sub-micron resolution in x,y, and z. Given these properties, it should be possible to use multi-color CSLM to identify relationships that might be synapses and eliminate those that are clearly too distant to be synapses. In previous studies of this type, pairs of images (e.g., red and green images for tissue stained with rhodamine and fluorescein) have been merged and examined for nerve terminals that appose a stained cell (see, for instance, Mason et al.). The above method suffers from two disadvantages, though. First, although it is possible to recognize appositions in which the varicosity abuts the cell in the x or y axes, it is more difficult to recognize them if the apposition is oriented at all in the z-axis—e.g., if the varicosity lies above or below the neuron rather than next to it. Second, using this method to identify potential appositions over an entire cell is time-consuming and tedious.

Antonia M. Milroy

In recent years many new techniques and instruments for 3-Dimensional visualization of electron microscopic images have become available. Higher accelerating voltage through thicker sections, photographed at a tilt for stereo viewing, or the use of confocal microscopy, help to analyze biological material without the necessity of serial sectioning. However, when determining the presence of neurotransmitter receptors or biochemical substances present within the nervous system, the need for good serial sectioning (Fig. 1+2) remains. The advent of computer assisted reconstruction and the possibility of feeding information from the specimen viewing chamber directly into a computer via a camera mounted on the electron microscope column, facilitates serial analysis. Detailed information observed at the subcellular level is more precise and extensive and the complexities of interactions within the nervous system can be further elucidated.We emphasize that serial ultra thin sectioning can be performed routinely and consistently in multiple user electron microscopy laboratories. Initial tissue fixation and embedding must be of high quality.

Rudolf Oldenbourg

The polarized light microscope has the unique potential to measure submicroscopic molecular arrangements dynamically and non-destructively in living cells and other specimens. With the traditional pol-scope, however, single images display only those anisotropic structures that have a limited range of orientations with respect to the polarization axes of the microscope. Furthermore, rapid measurements are restricted to a single image point or single area that exhibits uniform birefringence or other form of optical anisotropy, while measurements comparing several image points take an inordinately long time.We are developing a new kind of polarized light microscope which combines speed and high resolution in its measurement of the specimen anisotropy, irrespective of its orientation. The design of the new pol-scope is based on the traditional polarized light microscope with two essential modifications: circular polarizers replace linear polarizers and two electro-optical modulators replace the traditional compensator. A video camera and computer assisted image analysis provide measurements of specimen anisotropy in rapid succession for all points of the image comprising the field of view.

F.A. Ponce ◽  
H. Hikashi

The determination of the atomic positions from HRTEM micrographs is only possible if the optical parameters are known to a certain accuracy, and reliable through-focus series are available to match the experimental images with calculated images of possible atomic models. The main limitation in interpreting images at the atomic level is the knowledge of the optical parameters such as beam alignment, astigmatism correction and defocus value. Under ordinary conditions, the uncertainty in these values is sufficiently large to prevent the accurate determination of the atomic positions. Therefore, in order to achieve the resolution power of the microscope (under 0.2nm) it is necessary to take extraordinary measures. The use of on line computers has been proposed [e.g.: 2-5] and used with certain amount of success.We have built a system that can perform operations in the range of one frame stored and analyzed per second. A schematic diagram of the system is shown in figure 1. A JEOL 4000EX microscope equipped with an external computer interface is directly linked to a SUN-3 computer. All electrical parameters in the microscope can be changed via this interface by the use of a set of commands. The image is received from a video camera. A commercial image processor improves the signal-to-noise ratio by recursively averaging with a time constant, usually set at 0.25 sec. The computer software is based on a multi-window system and is entirely mouse-driven. All operations can be performed by clicking the mouse on the appropiate windows and buttons. This capability leads to extreme friendliness, ease of operation, and high operator speeds. Image analysis can be done in various ways. Here, we have measured the image contrast and used it to optimize certain parameters. The system is designed to have instant access to: (a) x- and y- alignment coils, (b) x- and y- astigmatism correction coils, and (c) objective lens current. The algorithm is shown in figure 2. Figure 3 shows an example taken from a thin CdTe crystal. The image contrast is displayed for changing objective lens current (defocus value). The display is calibrated in angstroms. Images are stored on the disk and are accessible by clicking the data points in the graph. Some of the frame-store images are displayed in Fig. 4.

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