scholarly journals Is real GDP per capita a stationary process? Smooth transitions, nonlinear trends and unit root testing

2010 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 555-563 ◽  
Juan Carlos Cuestas ◽  
Dean Garratt
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 303 ◽  
Edmira Cakrani ◽  
Pranvera Resulaj ◽  
Luciana Koprencka (Kabello)

Various studies have found that governmentspending can lead to overestimation orunderestimation of the real exchange rate, depending on the composition of theseexpenditures. The purpose of this paper is toassess the impact of government spendingon real exchange rate in Albania. In this paper is used a log liner model with quarterlydata. Other explanatory variables in this model are: foreign direct investment, remittances,real GDP per capita, openness. Variables are tested for unit root and cointegration. Theresults indicate that government spendingis associated with overvaluation of realexchange rate in Albania.JEL Classification: E62; F31Various studies have found that governmentspending can lead to overestimation orunderestimation of the real exchange rate, depending on the composition of theseexpenditures. The purpose of this paper is toassess the impact of government spendingon real exchange rate in Albania. In this paper is used a log liner model with quarterlydata. Other explanatory variables in this model are: foreign direct investment, remittances,real GDP per capita, openness. Variables are tested for unit root and cointegration. Theresults indicate that government spendingis associated with overvaluation of realexchange rate in Albania.

Rafael Avila ◽  
Hugo J. Faria ◽  
Hugo Montesinos-Yufa ◽  
Daniel Morales

Preliminary findings of this research suggest significant stochastic properties differences between growth miracles and growth disasters. Miracles real GDP per capita exhibit at least one unit root whereas disasters is either stationary or has a negative unit root. Average growth rates appear to be significantly different. Average population growth rate is stationary for disasters, for miracles the existence of a negative unit root cannot be rejected. Consumption for miracles is either stationary or tends to decline, for disasters is stationary or tends to increase. Investment average and volatility are apparently significantly greater for miracles. Government expenditures for disasters are non stationary, for miracles are stationary with an incipient tendency to decline. Moreover, average government expenditures apparently are greater and more volatile for disasters. Finally, openness is stationary for disasters and for miracles it has at least one unit root.

2007 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 379-388 ◽  
Stanislav Ivanov ◽  
Craig Webster

This paper presents a methodology for measuring the contribution of tourism to an economy's growth, which is tested with data for Cyprus, Greece and Spain. The authors use the growth of real GDP per capita as a measure of economic growth and disaggregate it into economic growth generated by tourism and economic growth generated by other industries. The methodology is compared with other existing methodologies; namely, Tourism Satellite Account, Computable General Equilibrium models and econometric modelling of economic growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-46
Zia Ur Rahman

The core objective of the study is to analyze the association between export and eco-nomic growth under the consideration of the time frame 1967 to 2017 for Pakistan economy. The review of literature assists to find out the frequently utilize factors are the real GDP per capita, export, import, trade openness, fiscal development and capi-tal formation possible determinants of the economic growth. However, Export Led Growth (ELG) hypothesis is oftenly employed to elaborate the affiliation between ex-port and the growth. Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bound test approach to cointegration accompanied with the structural break and vector auto regressive (VAR) are employed to analysis the long-term association among real GDP per capita, ex-port, import, trade openness, fiscal development and capital formation. The empirical analysis confirms the cointegration among the factors and the ELG hypothesis holds in Pakistan economy. The Block Exogeneity reveals that export and the capital for-mation have strong influence to stimulate the economic growth. While all the other factors have cumulative influence on the growth. Moreover, the impulse response exposes that if the shock of real GDP per capita, import, trade openness, fiscal devel-opment and the capital formation are given to the export, then response of export would be positive in the coming time frame.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 16-22
Аверина ◽  
Tatyana Averina ◽  
Иванова ◽  
O. Ivanova

The article presents the research results of Kondratieff cycles in the economy of Finland on the basis of real GDP per capita over the period of 1860–2008 years. The using of economic and mathematical modeling has allowed estimating the power of long duration business cycles, revealing the chronological framework of long waves: the third, fourth and fifth. Kondratieff’s theory has served as a methodological basis for the study of processes: the emergence, the domination and the withering away of technological structures. Regression analysis has allowed establishing the productivity of different technological structures in the Finnish economy.

1987 ◽  
Vol 97 (386) ◽  
pp. 468 ◽  
Andrew J. Stollar ◽  
Stephen G. Grubaugh ◽  
G. Rodney Thompson

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