Analogue model studies of induction effects at auroral latitudes

1995 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 1187-1196
A. Viljanen ◽  
L. Szarka

Abstract. In addition to field observations and numerical models, geomagnetic induction effects can be studied by scaled analogue model experiments. We present here results of analogue model studies of the auroral electrojet with an Earth model simulating the Arctic Ocean and inland conductivity structures in northern Fennoscandia. The main elements of the analogue model used were salt water simulating the host rock, an aluminium plate corresponding to the ocean and graphite pieces producing the inland highly conducting anomalies. The electrojet was a time-harmonic line current flowing at a (simulated) height of 100 km above northern Fennoscandia. The period simulated was 9 min. The analogue model results confirmed the well-known rapid increase of the vertical field when the coast is approached from the continent. The increase of the horizontal field due to induced ocean currents was demonstrated above the ocean, as well as the essentially negligible effect of these currents on the horizontal field on the continent. The behaviour of the magnetic field is explained with a simple two-dimensional thin-sheet model. The range, or the adjustment distance, of the ocean effect inland was found to be some hundreds of kilometers, which also agrees with earlier results of the Siebert-Kertz separation of IMAGE magnetometer data. The modelled inland anomalies evidently had too large conductivities, but on the other hand, their influence decayed on scales of only some tens of kilometers. Analogue model results, thin-sheet calculations, and field observations show that the induction effect on the horizontal magnetic field Bx near the electrojet is negligible. On the other hand, the vertical component Bz is clearly affected by induced currents in the ocean. Evidence of this is the shift of the zero point of Bz 0-1° southwards from the maximum of Bx. The importance of these results are discussed, emphasizing the determination of ionospheric currents.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 30407-30452 ◽  
W. Chehade ◽  
J. P. Burrows ◽  
M. Weber

Abstract. The study presents a~long term statistical trend analysis of total ozone datasets obtained from various satellites. A multi-variate linear regression was applied to annual mean zonal mean data using various natural and anthropogenic explanatory variables that represent dynamical and chemical processes which modify global ozone distributions in a changing climate. The study investigated the magnitude and zonal distribution of the different atmospheric chemical and dynamical factors to long-term total ozone changes. The regression model included the equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine (EESC), the 11 yr solar cycle, the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), stratospheric aerosol loading describing the effects from major volcanic eruptions, the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Arctic and Antarctic Oscillation (AO/AAO), and accumulated eddy heat flux (EHF), the latter representing changes due to the Brewer–Dobson circulation. The total ozone column dataset used here comprises the SBUV/TOMS/OMI merged data (1979–2012) MOD V8.0, the SBUV/SBUV-2 merged V8.6 and the merged GOME/SCIAMACHY/GOME-2 (GSG) WFDOAS merged data (1995–2012). The trend analysis was performed for twenty six 5° wide latitude bands from 65° S to 65° N, the analysis explained most of the ozone variability. The results show that QBO dominates the ozone variability in the tropics (±7 DU) while at higher latitudes, the dynamical indices, AO/AAO and eddy heat flux, have substantial influence on total ozone variations by up to ±10 DU. Volcanic aerosols are only prominent during the eruption periods and these together with the ENSO signal are more evident in the Northern Hemisphere. The signature of the solar cycle is evident over all latitudes and contributes about 10 DU from solar maximum to solar minimum. EESC is found to be a main contributor to the long-term ozone decline and the trend changes after the end of 1990s. A positive significant trend in total ozone columns is found after 1997 (between 1 and 8.2 DU decade−1) which points at the slowing of ozone decline and the onset of ozone recovery. The EESC based trends are compared with the trends obtained from the statistical piecewise linear trend (PWLT or hockey stick) model with a turnaround in 1997 to examine the differences between both approaches. Similar and significant pre-turnaround trends are observed. On the other hand, our results do indicate that the positive PWLT turnaround trends are larger than indicated by the EESC trends, however, they agree within 2-sigma, thus demonstrating the success of the Montreal Protocol phasing out of the ozone depleting substances (ODS). A sensitivity study is carried out by comparing the regression results, using SBUV MOD 8.0 merged time series (1979–2012) and a merged dataset combining TOMS/SBUV (1979–June 1995) and GOME/SCIAMACHY/GOME-2 ("GSG") WFDOAS (Weighting Function DOAS) (July 1995–2012) as well as SBUV/SBUV-2 MOD 8.6 (1979–2012) in the regression analysis in order to investigate the uncertainty in the long-term trends due to different ozone datasets and data versions. Replacing the late SBUV merged data record with GSG data (unscaled and adjusted) leads to very similar results demonstrating the high consistency between satellite datasets. However, the comparison of the new SBUV merged Mod V8.6 with the V8.0 data showed somewhat smaller sensitivities with regard to several proxies, however, the EESC and PWLT trends are very similar. On the other hand, the new MOD 8.6 data in the PWLT model revealed a~reduced ODS related upward trend after 1997.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. 3045 ◽  
Takehito Kikuchi ◽  
Yusuke Kobayashi ◽  
Mika Kawai ◽  
Tetsu Mitsumata

Magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) are stimulus-responsive soft materials that consist of polymeric matrices and magnetic particles. In this study, large-strain response of MREs with 5 vol % of carbonyl iron (CI) particles is experimentally characterized for two different conditions: (1) shear deformation in a uniform magnetic field; and (2), compression in a heterogeneous uniaxial magnetic field. For condition (1), dynamic viscoelastic measurements were performed using a rheometer with a rotor disc and an electric magnet that generated a uniform magnetic field on disc-like material samples. For condition (2), on the other hand, three permanent magnets with different surface flux densities were used to generate a heterogeneous uniaxial magnetic field under cylindrical material samples. The experimental results were mathematically modeled, and the relationship between them was investigated. We also used finite-element method (FEM) software to estimate the uniaxial distributions of the magnetic field in the analyzed MREs for condition (2), and developed mathematical models to describe these phenomena. By using these practicable techniques, we established a simple macroscale model of the elastic properties of MREs under simple compression. We estimated the elastic properties of MREs in the small-strain regime (neo–Hookean model) and in the large-strain regime (Mooney–Rivlin model). The small-strain model explains the experimental results for strains under 5%. On the other hand, the large-strain model explains the experimental results for strains above 10%.

Polar Record ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18 ◽  
W. Gillies Ross

The search for Sir John Franklin (1847–59) coincided with a growing interest in mesmerism and modern spiritualism in Britain. Several clairvoyants, claiming to ‘see’ Franklin's ships and crews in the Arctic, made statements about the status and location of the overdue expedition, and at least three mediums described communications with Franklin’s spirit. Although the Admiralty provided assistance to Dr Haddock, the mesmerist of Emma, the Bolton clairvoyant, they did not take any action on the basis of her statements, probably because the various accounts were contradictory and could not be verified, and because the Admiralty Lords were sceptical of paranormal phenomena. Lady Franklin, on the other hand, visited clairvoyants and altered the plans for her search expeditions under Forsyth and Kennedy on the basis of a revelation. Recently, an American medium has described more than two dozen conversations with the spirits of Sir John and Lady Franklin.

Geophysics ◽  
1984 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-80 ◽  
V. J. S. Grauch ◽  
David L. Campbell

Contrary to intuition, draped aeromagnetic surveys (when compared to typical level surveys) amplify, rather than reduce, the problem of magnetic‐terrain anomalies. Calculations of the total magnetic field of various simple magnetic topographies on level and draped surfaces support this conclusion. In cases where draped surfaces are lower than level surfaces, the draped profiles exhibit steeper gradients and deeper polarity lows over topography than do the level profiles. On the other hand, where draped surfaces are higher than level surfaces, all anomalies are attenuated, so that magnetic‐terrain effects might be reduced relative to subsurface sources (depending upon the magnetization of each). The difference in magnetic behavior between level and draped data can be explained by a contribution of a vertical derivative component in the draped case that is absent in the level case. The contribution is most significant near topographic features because both the observation surface and the topographic surface are changing vertically.

2008 ◽  
Vol 4 (S259) ◽  
pp. 243-246
G. A. Guerrero ◽  
E. M. de Gouveia Dal Pino ◽  
M. Dikpati

AbstractThe effects of turbulent pumping and η-quenching on Babcock-Leighton dynamo models are explored separately. Turbulent pumping seems to be important to solve several reported problems in these dynamo models related to the magnetic flux transport and to the parity. On the other hand, the suppression of the magnetic diffusivity, η, could help in the formation of long-lived, small and intense structures of toroidal magnetic field.

Nordlit ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 193
Silje Solheim Karlsen

In Fridtjof Nansens Hunting & adventure in the Arctic (1924), the last polar travel account Nansen wrote, he writes about his first experience with the Arctic; when he as a young student in 1882 joined the sealboat Viking to the sealing grounds outsideGreenland. The account is a polyphonic book where both the young student and the 63 year old scientist and polar hero alternately speaks. The young Nansen seems overwhelmed by the Arctic surroundings, he tells enthusiastically of ice, polar bears, hunting and the sealing. The old scientist explains the nature and whole fauna in the Arctic, supported by his own experiences and all research available. The result is, on the one hand, a nostalgic travelbook which also functions as a memoir over the totalof Nansen´s Arctic travels and expeditions. On the other hand, the convincing andthorough scientific material in the book positions Nansen as an authority both what regards science, but perhaps just as important: as a successful polar explorer and hero.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 019-031
Jean Victor Tshisuku Milolo ◽  
Dieudonné Musibono Eyul’anki ◽  
Constantin Lubini Ayingweu ◽  
Séraphin Ifuta Ndey Bibuya

The present study consisted of the identification of Numididae and Phasianidae birds of the Bombo-Lumene Hunting Estate and Reserve with a view to a domestication trial of one or two of their species. It focuses on direct field observations and trapping of birds. The following parameters were targeted in relation to domestication: weight, size, diet of these birds. A total of 468 bird specimens were observed (105) and captured (363) in various habitats. Of the individuals captured, 31 or 8.5% were Numididae and 332 or 91.4% were Phasianidae. The identification revealed five (5) species, three (3) genera, two (2) families and a single order. The species Francolinus afer, Numida meleagris and Francolinus coqui are the richest with respectively 364 individuals, 58 individuals and 42 individuals. On the other hand, the species Guttera pucherani and Francolinus streptophorus are the least rich with three individuals and one individual respectively. As millet farming has already been successfully experimented elsewhere and in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the results obtained from the targeted parameters indicate that among the species identified, only the species Guttera pucherani (Numididae) and Francolinus afer (Phasianidae) are eligible for a domestication trial in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Arsitektura ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Nurul Handayani ◽  
Kuswanto Nurhadi ◽  
Erma Fitria Rini

<p><em>Ciputat Market is a regional scale traditional market in South Tangerang. In 2002, the construction of shopping centers and modern shops began to grow slowly in the area of South Tangerang. The operation of shopping centers and modern shops are getting closer and outreach to the people, on the one hand it has made it easier for people to buy goods of daily needs, but on the other hand it can impact the development of the traditional market, because consumers have many choices places to shop. The problem of this study was about the changing of consumers shopping preference that can effect the development of Ciputat Market. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumers shopping preferences towards the development of Ciputat Market in South Tangerang. The method used in this research is deductive with descriptive explanative technique analysis. While the data obtained is the result of field observations, questionnaires, and document research. The results of this study shows the preferences of consumer shopping in South Tangerang bases on the location of shopping vebues indicated a tendency to shop in other shopping venues rather than Ciputat market, while the development of the range of services markets tend to stagnate.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>shopping preferences, development of traditional markets</em></p>

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