Crustal contamination versus subduction zone enrichment: Examples from the Lesser Antilles and implications for mantle source compositions of island arc volcanic rocks

1987 ◽  
Vol 51 (8) ◽  
pp. 2185-2198 ◽  
Jon P Davidson
Lithos ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 290-291 ◽  
pp. 228-252 ◽  
Yamirka Rojas-Agramonte ◽  
Ian S. Williams ◽  
Richard Arculus ◽  
Alfred Kröner ◽  
Antonio García-Casco ◽  

There are well established differences in the chemical and isotopic characteristics of the calc-alkaline basalt—andesite-dacite-rhyolite association of the northern (n.v.z.), central (c.v.z.) and southern volcanic zones (s.v.z.) of the South American Andes. Volcanic rocks of the alkaline basalt-trachyte association occur within and to the east of these active volcanic zones. The chemical and isotopic characteristics of the n.v.z. basaltic andesites and andesites and the s.v.z. basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites are consistent with derivation by fractional crystallization of basaltic parent magmas formed by partial melting of the asthenospheric mantle wedge containing components from subducted oceanic lithosphere. Conversely, the alkaline lavas are derived from basaltic parent magmas formed from mantle of ‘within-plate’ character. Recent basaltic andesites from the Cerro Galan volcanic centre to the SE of the c.v.z. are derived from mantle containing both subduction zone and within-plate components, and have experienced assimilation and fractional crystallization (a.f.c.) during uprise through the continental crust. The c.v.z. basaltic andesites are derived from mantle containing subduction-zone components, probably accompanied by a.f.c. within the continental crust. Some c.v.z. lavas and pyroclastic rocks show petrological and geochemical evidence for magma mixing. The petrogenesis of the c.v.z. lavas is therefore a complex process in which magmas derived from heterogeneous mantle experience assimilation, fractional crystallization, and magma mixing during uprise through the continental crust.

2004 ◽  
Vol 175 (5) ◽  
pp. 443-460 ◽  
Rodolfo A. Tamayo* ◽  
René C. Maury* ◽  
Graciano P. Yumul ◽  
Mireille Polvé ◽  
Joseph Cotten ◽  

Abstract The basement complexes of the Philippine archipelago include at least 20 ophiolites and ophiolitic complexes. These complexes are characterised by volcanic sequences displaying geochemical compositions similar to those observed in MORB, transitional MORB-island arc tholeiites and arc volcanic rocks originating from modern Pacific-type oceans, back-arc basins and island arcs. Ocean island basalt-like rocks are rarely encountered in the volcanic sequences. The gabbros from the ophiolites contain clinopyroxenes and plagioclases showing a wide range of XMg and An values, respectively. Some of these gabbros exhibit mineral chemistries suggesting their derivation from basaltic liquids formed from mantle sources that underwent either high degrees of partial melting or several partial melting episodes. Moreover, some of the gabbros display a crystallization sequence where orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene appeared before plagioclase. The major element compositions of coexisting orthopyroxenes and olivines from the mantle peridotites are consistent with low to high degrees of partial melting. Accessory spinels in these peridotites display a wide range of XCr values as well with some of them above the empirical upper limit of 0.6 often observed in most modern mid-oceanic ridge (MOR) mantle rocks. Co-existing olivines and spinels from the peridotites also exhibit compositions suggesting that they lastly equilibrated under oxidizing mantle conditions. The juxtaposition of volcanic rocks showing affinities with modern MOR and island arc environments suggests that most of the volcanic sequences in Philippine ophiolites formed in subduction-related geodynamic settings. Similarly, their associated gabbros and peridotites display mineralogical characteristics and mineral chemistries consistent with their derivation from modern supra-subduction zone-like environments. Alternatively, these rocks could have, in part, evolved in a supra-subduction zone even though they originated from a MOR-like setting. A simplified scenario regarding the early geodynamic evolution of the Philippines is proposed on the basis of the geochemical signatures of the ophiolites, their ages of formation and the ages and origins of the oceanic basins actually bounding the archipelago, including basins presumed to be now totally consumed. This scenario envisages the early development of the archipelago to be largely dominated by the opening and closing of oceanic basins. Fragments of these basins provided the substratum on top of which the Cretaceous to Recent volcanic arcs of the Philippines were emplaced.

2002 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-170 ◽  

2004 ◽  
Vol 141 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-98 ◽  

Extensive continental collision-related volcanism occurred in Turkey during Neogene–Quaternary times. In central Anatolia, calc-alkaline to alkaline volcanism began in the Middle–Late Miocene. Here we report trace elemental and isotopic data from Quaternary age samples from central and eastern Anatolia. Most mafic lavas from central Anatolia are basalt and basaltic andesite, with lesser amounts of basaltic trachyandesite and andesite. All magma types exhibit enrichment in LILE (Sr, Rb, Ba and Pb) relative to HFSE (Nb, Ta). Trace element patterns are characteristic of continental margin volcanism with high Ba/Nb and Th/Nb ratios. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios of central Anatolian lavas range between 0.704105–0.705619 and 0.512604–0.512849, respectively. The Quaternary alkaline volcanism of eastern Anatolia has been closely linked to the collision between the Arabian and Eurasian plates. Karacadaǧ and Tendürek volcanic rocks are represented by alkali basalts and basaltic trachyandesites, respectively. As expected from their alkaline nature, they contain high abundances of LIL elements, but Tendürek lavas also show depletion in Nb and Ta, indicating the role of crustal contamination in the evolution of these magmas. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios of the Karacadaǧ and Tendürek lavas range from 0.703512 to 0.704466; 0.512742 to 0.512883 and 0.705743 to 0.705889 and 0.512676, respectively. Petrogenetic modelling has been used to constrain source characteristics for the central and eastern Anatolian volcanic rocks. Trace element ratio plots and REE modelling indicate that the central Anatolian volcanism was generated from a lithospheric mantle source that recorded the previous subduction events between Afro-Arabian and Eurasian plates during Eocene to Miocene times. In contrast, The Karacadaǧ alkaline basaltic volcanism on the Arabian foreland is derived from an OIB-like mantle source with limited crustal contamination. Tendürek volcanism, located on thickened crust, north of the Bitlis thrust zone, derived from the lithospheric mantle via small degrees (1.5 %) of partial melting.

Gail L. Christeson ◽  
Nathan L. Bangs ◽  
Thomas H. Shipley

2013 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 416
K. Pipera ◽  
A. Koroneos ◽  
T. Soldatos ◽  
G. Poli ◽  
G. Christofides

Tertiary plutonic and volcanic rocks cropping out in the Rhodope Massif (N. Greece) are studied using existing and new geochemical and isotopic data. Most of these rocks belong to the post-collisional magmatism formed as part of the prolonged extensional tectonics of the Rhodope region in Late Cretaceous– Paleogene time. This magmatism is considered to be of mantle origin; however, the character of the mantle source is controversial. Rock bulk chemistry and compositional variations show magmas with calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic features associated with magmatism at convergent margins. Initial 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd ratios, Pb isotopes and REE composition of the mafic rocks indicate mainly an enriched mantle source, even if some rocks indicate a depleted mantle source. Low- and High-K mafic members of these rocks coexist indicating a strongly heterogeneous mantle source. The High-K character of some of the mafic rocks is primarily strongly related to mantle enrichment by subduction-related components, rather than crustal contamination. The geochemical characteristics of the studied rocks (e.g Ba/Th,Th/Yb,Ba/La, U/Th, Ce/Pb) indicate that primarily sediments and/or sediment melts, rather than fluid released by the subducted oceanic crust controlled the source enrichment under the Rhodope Massif.

1983 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 205-219 ◽  
M. P. Searle

ABSTRACTThe Tibetan–Tethys zone of the Zanskar Himalaya shows a complete Mesozoic shelf carbonate sequence overlying metamorphic basement of the Central crystalline complex and Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks. Continental rifting in the Permian produced the alkaline and basaltic Panjal volcanic rocks and by Triassic time a small ocean basin was developed in the Indus-Tsangpo zone. Stable sedimentation continued until the Middle-Late Cretaceous when a thick sequence of tholeiitic to andesitic island arc lavas (Dras arc) were erupted in the basin above a N-dipping subduction zone. The Spontang ophiolite was emplaced southwards onto the Zanskar shelf edge during latest Cretaceous or earliest Tertiary times.Following emplacement of the Spontang ophiolite, deep-sea sedimentation ended abruptly with initial collision between the Indian plate and the Dras island arc. Emplacement of the massive Ladakh (Trans-Himalayan) batholith along the southern margin of Tibet in late Cretaceous-Eocene time occurred by crustal melting as a result of northward subduction of Mesozoic oceanic crust along the Indus subduction zone. Southward-directed thrusting in both Zanskar and Indus zones accompanied ocean closure during the late Cretaceous–Eocene. Late Tertiary compression caused intense folding, overturning and a phase of northward-directed thrusting along the Indus suture zone and the northern margin of the Tibetan–Tethys zone, resulting in a large amount of crustal shortening.

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