Mobility analysis of single-loop kinematic chains: an algorithmic approach based on displacement groups

1994 ◽  
Vol 29 (8) ◽  
pp. 1187-1204 ◽  
Pietro Fanghella ◽  
Carlo Galletti
Jose´ Mari´a Rico ◽  
J. Jesu´s Cervantes ◽  
Juan Rocha ◽  
Jaime Gallardo ◽  
Luis Daniel Aguilera ◽  

Setting aside paradoxical linkages such as Bennett’s, Bricard’s or Goldberg’s, the mobility of single loop linkages seemed, with the developments on mobility analysis carried out in the last five years, a closed chapter in kinematic research. However, recent developments on the mobility of parallel platforms have shed additional insight into the problem. This contribution attempts to unify the results obtained in the last five years in the area of mobility of single-loop kinematic chains to state what appears to be a final word on the subject.

Carlo Galletti ◽  
Pietro Fanghella ◽  
Elena Giannotti

The paper describes a systematic approach to define geometrical and dimensional overconstraint conditions for single-loop kinematic chains of both “banal” and “exceptional” types. The approach is an application of the theory of displacement groups. It presents several interesting features: it can be easily integrated with mobility analysis; it makes use of geometric data local to links and does not require a preliminary mechanism assembly nor a given initial congruent position; it is systematic and can be suitably implemented in a computer code; it suggests where geometrical and dimensional tolerances have to be located; it can be embedded in other group-based approaches, like kinematic synthesis or dynamic analysis. After a brief summary of the properties of displacement groups and their operations, the paper shows how they can be used to formulate systematically the overconstraint conditions in kinematic chains. A computer implementation of the approach is also outlined, and several examples with different complexities are given.

Xianwen Kong ◽  
Cle´ment M. Gosselin

This paper presents a systematic approach for the mobility analysis of parallel mechanisms. The method is based on screw theory and the concept of equivalent serial chain. An equivalent serial kinematic chain of a k-legged PKC (parallel kinematic chain) is defined as a serial kinematic chain which has the same twist system and the wrench system as the k-legged PKC. Using the proposed approach, the mobility analysis of a PKC is performed in two steps. The first step is the instantaneous mobility analysis, and the second step is the full-cycle mobility inspection. The first step is dealt with based on screw theory. The second step is performed with the aid of the concept of equivalent serial chain and the types of multi-DOF overconstrained single-loop kinematic chains. The proposed approach is illustrated with several examples.

2013 ◽  
Vol 135 (11) ◽  
Hailin Huang ◽  
Zongquan Deng ◽  
Xiaozhi Qi ◽  
Bing Li

In this paper, we present a virtual chain approach for the mobility analysis of multiloop deployable mechanisms. First, the relative motion of the links of single-loop units in multiloop mechanisms are analyzed using the equivalent motion of certain types of open-loop virtual kinematic chains; these kinematic chains comprise some types of joints connected in series by flexible links. This reveals that the links in these virtual chains are not rigid when the mechanism is moving. The parameters of these virtual kinematic chains (such as the link length, the twist angle of two adjacent revolute joint axes, and so on) are variable. By using this approach that involves equivalent kinematic chains, the multiloop mechanisms can be considered equivalent to single-loop mechanisms with flexible links; the closure equations of such multiloop mechanisms can also be derived. The analytical procedures are explained using examples of multiloop mechanisms in which Myard mechanisms as used as the basic single-loop units. A prototype is also fabricated to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed multiloop mechanism. The proposed method yields a more intuitive and straightforward insight into the mobility of complicated multiloop mechanisms.

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Zongquan Deng ◽  
Hailin Huang ◽  
Bing Li ◽  
Rongqiang Liu

This paper presents a geometric approach for design and synthesis of deployable/foldable single loop mechanisms with pure revolute joints. The basic kinematic chains with symmetric mobility are first synthesized, and an intuitive geometric method is proposed for the mobility analysis of these kinematic chains. The deployable/foldable single loop mechanisms can be regarded as a combination of the basic kinematic chains with nontrivial mobility intersection, under this approach, the 5R to 8R single loop mechanisms with symmetric mobility are synthesized systematically. The method for determining the positions of the joint axes on polyhedral links is also proposed, so that the mechanism can be fully deployed or fully folded without suffering from physical interference. Under this framework, a class of novel deployable/foldable single loop mechanisms is developed. The computer-aided design models for typical examples are built to illustrate their feasibility.

Jieyu Wang ◽  
Xianwen Kong

A novel construction method is proposed to construct multimode deployable polyhedron mechanisms (DPMs) using symmetric spatial RRR compositional units, a serial kinematic chain in which the axes of the first and the third revolute (R) joints are perpendicular to the axis of the second R joint. Single-loop deployable linkages are first constructed using RRR units and are further assembled into polyhedron mechanisms by connecting single-loop kinematic chains using RRR units. The proposed mechanisms are over-constrained and can be deployed through two approaches. The prism mechanism constructed using two Bricard linkages and six RRR limbs has one degree-of-freedom (DOF). When removing three of the RRR limbs, the mechanism obtains one additional 1-DOF motion mode. The DPMs based on 8R and 10R linkages also have multiple modes, and several mechanisms are variable-DOF mechanisms. The DPMs can switch among different motion modes through transition positions. Prototypes are 3D-printed to verify the feasibility of the mechanisms.

Zahra Shahbazi ◽  
Horea T. Ilies¸ ◽  
Kazem Kazerounian

Proteins are nature’s nano-robots in the form of functional molecular components of living cells. The function of these natural nano-robots often requires conformational transitions between two or more native conformations that are made possible by the intrinsic mobility of the proteins. Understanding these transitions is essential to the understanding of how proteins function, as well as to the ability to design and manipulate protein-based nano-mechanical systems [1]. Modeling protein molecules as kinematic chains provides the foundation for developing powerful approaches to the design, manipulation and fabrication of peptide based molecules and devices. Nevertheless, these models possess a high number of degrees of freedom (DOF) with considerable computational implications. On the other hand, real protein molecules appear to exhibits a much lower mobility during the folding process than what is suggested by existing kinematic models. The key contributor to the lower mobility of real proteins is the formation of Hydrogen bonds during the folding process.

Rajesh Pavan Sunkari ◽  
Linda C. Schmidt

Mobility analysis is one of the fundamental problems of structural studies of kinematic chains. Degeneracy testing, an important step in structural synthesis, can be considered as a part of the mobility analysis due to the similarity of the two problems. One common error in the algorithms for these two problems is the assumption that the graph of a planar kinematic chain is a planar graph. This work shows that almost all the mobility analysis algorithms, except that of Lee and Yoon, have this error. This work also critically reviews the two most efficient algorithms on degeneracy testing, those by Hwang and Hwang, and Lee and Yoon. It is shown that due to the errors in the Hwang and Hwang’s algorithm, it failed to identify some of the degenerate chains. Furthermore, the accuracy of the Lee and Yoon’s algorithms for mobility analysis and degeneracy testing is proved by providing the mathematical justification of the individual steps of the algorithms.

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