95/03332 The Porto Torres biodepyritization pilot plant: Light and shade of one year operation

1995 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 247
2000 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-72 ◽  
S.Ç. Ayaz ◽  
I. Akca

The constructed wetland is a low-cost technology to control environmental pollution. The system is especially suitable for small settlements. An innovative constructed wetland technology is described in this paper. A pilot plant was used to assess the performance of the system. The experimental system consists of two serial connected tanks that settled up with fillers and Cyperus as treatment media. Wastewater is recycled periodically upward and downward between the two tanks. The treatment performance was monitored in different loading conditions in a one-year period. The average COD removal efficiency of 90% was observed at 122 g COD/m2.day average loading conditions. Other average removal values in the same conditions are as follows: suspended solid 95%, TKN 77%, total nitrogen 61%, PO4-P 39%. The land requirement for this system will be 0.82 m2 per capita when applying as full-scale system.

1996 ◽  
Vol 34 (11) ◽  
pp. 51-58 ◽  
K. Chigusa ◽  
T. Hasegawa ◽  
N. Yamamoto ◽  
Y. Watanabe

Nine strains of yeasts capable of decomposing oil were isolated in order to directly treat wastewater from oil manufacturing plants with no pretreatment. The oil decomposing ability of these yeast strains was evaluated in terms of lipase activity and β-oxidation activity. Since the mixture of the isolated yeasts was superior to any single strain in the oil removal rate, a pilot plant utilizing the mixed strains was operated at the soybean oil factory. Following a one year pilot plant operation, it was found that 10,000 mgℓ−1 of hexane extracts in the raw wastewater could be reduced by yeast treatment to a concentration of about 100 mgℓ−1. This concentration was further treated by the activated sludge process to 2 mgℓ−1. The dominant yeasts in the pilot plant were found to form mycelial or pseudomycelial pellets and have low fermenting ability.

1997 ◽  
Vol 35 (8) ◽  
pp. 83-90
Shigeo Fujii ◽  
Chiaki Niwa ◽  
Mitsuo Mouri ◽  
Ranjna Jindal

Applicability of the rock-bed filtration technique was investigated through pilot-plant experiments in Bangkok, Thailand. Polluted canal water was used as horizontal flow influent to two reactor channels filled with rocks. During one year operation, HRT, filter media, and aeration mode, were changed in several runs. The results showed that 1) the rock-bed filtration with aeration and the HRT more than 6 h can successfully improve polluted klong water by reducing the pollutants (e.g. 60-120mg/L of SS to 20-40 mg/L and 15-30 mg/L of BOD to 5-20 mg/L); 2) main removal mechanism seems to be the sedimentation resulting from the settleability enhanced by aeration, and the biofilm attached onto rocks also works in the reduction of soluble organic matter; 3) a combination of three rock sizes arranged in descending order showed best results; 4) longer HRT (13 h) produces better effluent but is not so effective if it exceeds 9 hours; 5) 60-70% of sediment IL was decomposed in a year, and porosity in rock beds reduced approximately 16%.

1992 ◽  
Vol 25 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 427-428 ◽  
R. Schulze-Rettmer ◽  
S. S. Kim ◽  
S. S. Son

The two-stage activated sludge process (AB-process, i.e. adsorption activated sludge process) invented by Boehnke was successfully applied to several municipal and industrial wastewaters in Korea. The first large wastewater treatment plant for the combined effluents of 22 textile dyeing companies was constructed in Taegu and started operation in 1989. Two years earlier pilot plant runs were performed. The AB-process proved to be superior to any other activated sludge process. BOD was reduced from 1200 mg/l down to 24 mg/l. In the meantime in Korea several further AB-process treatment plants were constructed, the overall planning and constructing period being not longer than one year.

2000 ◽  
Vol 41 (10-11) ◽  
pp. 251-258 ◽  
J. Wagner ◽  
K-H. Rosenwinkel

With membrane bioreactors, the production of surplus sludge is lower than with conventional activated sludge systems, a fact that has been confirmed in a large number of analyses. There is, however, no consensus about the dimension of the reactions and their respective causes. In order to examine these, at the University of Hanover a pilot plant with a capacity of 220 l was run for one year without any extraction of surplus sludge. The plant was started with 2 g MLSS/l; after one year, this value had risen to approximately 18 g MLSS/l. In order to be able to set the plant for different sludge loads (0.04 to 0.2 kg COD/(kg MLSS · d)), the wastewater was artificially stocked up. The emerging result was that in contrast to conventional systems the sludge growth was lower, but still continuously existing. Then, comparisons with theoretical approaches were run – among others with the ASM1-Model – which confirmed the findings. One possible reason could be the different biocoenoses, which was assumed to be the cause after several microscopic examinations had been run.

1997 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
pp. 223-230 ◽  
Monika Schönerklee ◽  
Ferdinand Koch ◽  
Reinhard Perfler ◽  
Raimund Haberl ◽  
Johannes Laber

In Strengberg, Lower Austria, a vertical flow reed bed system (gravel/sand) was chosen as a new type of tertiary treatment which was designed as a full scale pilot plant with various possibilities of operational use. The surface of the vertical flow pilot plant amounts to about 600 m2 and is divided into four beds whereby two different depths of substrate are used. The application of the conventional plant effluent is carried out in intermittent flushes and at changeable time intervals. Final nitrification and partial denitrification and elimination of phosphorus are the main goals to be achieved. In the framework of the present research project the load limits will be determined by gradually raising the influent load. The efficiency and operational reliability within the whole year period (summer/winter) are considered to be an important factor for establishing general dimensioning approaches. The pilot plant has been in operation for more than one year now. Different operational stages up to a hydraulic load of 1.3 m2.p.e.−1 (i.e. 0.75 m2.p.e.−1) were carried out. The average chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the reed bed effluents varied from 1 to 20 mg.1−1. Not surprisingly the ammonium (NH4-N) results showed more variation. Results, thus far, indicate NH4-N removal efficiencies between 40% and 90%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (24) ◽  
pp. 10604
Stevo Lavrnić ◽  
Maribel Zapater Pereyra ◽  
Sandra Cristino ◽  
Domenico Cupido ◽  
Giovanni Lucchese ◽  

University wastewater is a type of wastewater with higher pollutants load and flow rate variability than typical domestic wastewater. Constructed wetlands (CW) could be used for university wastewater treatment and consequently for wastewater reuse. A hybrid CW pilot plant, at the University of Bologna (Italy), was monitored to assess its potential to be used at the university. Its treatment performance was monitored for one year and public acceptance explored through a survey. The pilot plant had two treatment lines, (1) a vertical flow CW (VFCW) and a planted horizontal flow CW (HFCW), and (2) the same VFCW and an unplanted horizontal flow filter (HFF). The HFCW achieved higher removals than the HFF, but it was also found to be prone to higher water losses. However, both treatment lines met the Italian limits for discharge in natural water bodies and some of the limits for wastewater reuse in Italy and the EU. The VFCW alone was not able to meet the same limits, demonstrating the advantages of hybrid over single stage CWs. A positive attitude towards CWs and wastewater reuse was found among the survey participants. Therefore, hybrid CWs (planted and unplanted) are considered a feasible technology for application at universities.

1994 ◽  
Vol 40 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 261-268 ◽  
G. Loi ◽  
A. Mura ◽  
P. Trois ◽  
G. Rossi

Solar Energy ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 125 ◽  
pp. 398-414 ◽  
D. Carbonell ◽  
D. Philippen ◽  
M.Y. Haller ◽  
S. Brunold

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