Piglet use of the creep area—Effects of breeding value and farrowing environment

2009 ◽  
Vol 120 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 62-67 ◽  
Guro Vasdal ◽  
Inger Lise Andersen ◽  
Lene Juul Pedersen
1960 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 390-395 ◽  


According to the current “Instruction” used in dairy cattle selection and breeding in the Republic of Kazakhstan, bulls-producers of dairy breeds are assessed according to the their offspring quality based on the principle of “peer daughter”. This means that the phenotypic indicators of the daughters of the tested bulls are compared with the corresponding indicators of their peers. In European countries with developed dairy cattle breeding, as well as in Canada, the USA, etc., to ensure a reliable forecast of the genetic value of individuals (primarily, bulls-producers), use is made of the best linear unbiased forecast method (BLUP method). This method implies that the breeding value of producers is determined by the deviation values of the development of traits of the examined animal from its average values in the population. Especially urgent area is the research aimed at improving breeding programs, including assessing the breeding value of bulls-producers of dairy breeds using BLUP methods based on the productive qualities of the mass of dairy cattle in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The research material included the data on the phenotypic indicators of the milk productivity of first-calf cows (the amount of milk yield, the content of fat and protein in milk, the yield of milk fat and protein) of the Holstein black-motley dairy cattle breed, obtained from the information and analytical database of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016–2017. It was found that when evaluating according to the official “Instruction”, 16 sires out of 256 bulls (6.2%) got the stud category in 2016, 14 sires (9.2%) out of 152 bulls in 2017, and – 30 sires of 249 bulls (12.0%) over the cumulative period. The results of the conducted research prove that the use of the classic “Instructions” in dairy cattle breeding has lower efficiency (by 42.8–90.0%) as compared with the assessment of the breeding value of bulls based on the BLUP method.The selection of sire bulls into breeding groups based on the “peer daughter” methodology is not reliable enough and rather ineffective. Comparing the results of assessing the breeding qualities of sire bulls, obtianed using two methods in all compared periods (2016, 2017, 2016–2017), the authors established a clear superiority of the BLUP method over the current Instruction used in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 112-119
L. M. Khmelnychy

The estimation of the first-born cows of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed by the exterior type in the leading breeding herds of Cherkassy region by the method of linear classification (n = 566) has been carried out. The results of the evaluated animals by the 100-score system indicate that within the group of traits, the average level of assessment is "good with the plus". The animals have been differed by the good development of group features characterizing the dairy type (82.4 score), body condition (83.5 score), limbs (82.8 score), udder (82.7 score) and overall score (82.8 score). The degree of development 18 descriptive traits of the exterior of cows, has been predicted by the method of linear classification, indicates their significant intraherd variability. Animals have the moderate height, deep body and angularity. The rump angle, the angle of hock joint and the teats length, according to the variability of scores in the range of 17.8–22.4%, have an average optimal development. The level of scores for the rear width (5.9 score), attachment of the fore (6.3 score) and the rear parts (6.0 score) of the udder testifies to their good development. The body structure of the cows-firstborn has a sufficient description of the type traits that determine their milk yield. At the present stage of selection and breeding work due to the use of bull-sires different origins and breeding value on the local population livestock with significant genotype diversity, the degree of influence each of the hereditary factors in the overall variability of linear features has a scientific and practical significance. In our studies, the force of influence conditional bloodiness of the Holstein mother's breed in the overall fraction of variability of linear type traits within the exterior complexes and the overall assessment takes a significant percentage - from 24.9 to 31.5 with a high degree of reliability according to Fischer's criterion. Among the descriptive traits, the proportion of influence the conditional bloodiness of mother, which is confirmed by high statistical confidence, ranges from 14.4 to 19.8%, and refers to the traits important for breeding. The level of coefficients of influence the father's breeding value in the total phenotypic variability for some of the linear traits is high and reliable. First of all it concerns group traits of the exterior, the development of which is determined by the pedigree value of father by 37.1–41.8%, and the overall assessment of type – by 46.6%. The coefficients of influence father's breeding value in most of the descriptive traits have high reliability (P < 0,001). The coefficients of the force of influence father, depending on the heredity of Holstein for the linear traits of almost the same level as his pedigree value. Since in this case the organized factor is purebreed Holstein and crossbreed bulls-sires of domestic selection, the positive role of Holstein heredity in improving the exterior type of cows has been traced realistically. The necessity of linear breeding, as an effective method in the system of dairy cattle breeding, has been substantiated by reliable values of the coefficients of the force of influence of father's line on the linear traits of offspring (3.4–29.5%). Despite the significant variability of coefficients of the force of influence on the linear traits, most of them have a high level of reliability within the evaluated body parts important for selection. The effect of cows belonging to the maternal line on the development of features of the body structure is insignificant and unreliable (5.3–9.2%). In the process of breeding aimed at improving cows of dairy herd by the exterior type, the pedigree value of parents has been assessed according to the method of linear classification of their daughters and their belonging to perspective genealogical formations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 52 ◽  
pp. 82-94 ◽  
A. Ye. Pochukalin

One of the ways of increasing level of animal economically useful traits is selection work with farm families. In pedigree cattle breeding of Ukraine families are a statistical component of breed genealogy. Among the main scientific works on working with families, it should be noted minimum number of female ancestors, proposed by D. T. Vinnichuk, to determine the breeding value, different categories, classification and techniques for evaluating related groups of females. The aim of our research was to analyse importance of farm families for genealogical structure of the breed. The research was on basis of data of primary breeding records at the herd of Volyn Beef cattle of “Zorya” breeding farm, Kovel district, Volyn region. Akula 102, Galka 37 and Galka 1537 families belonging to Krasavchyk 3004 bloodline, Smorodyna 613, Korona 2382 and Visla 1016 families – Tsebryk 3888 bloodline, Kalyna 212, Verba 1536 and Garna 536 families – Yamb 3066 bloodlines, Kazka 433, Galka 421 and Bystra 1124 families – Buinyi 3042 bloodline, Rozetka 1313, Arfa 599 and Bulana 943 families – Sonnyi-Kaktus 3307-9828 bloodline, and Palma 275, Desna 870 and Veselka 444 families – Mudryi 9100 bloodline were characterized. Belonging to a bloodline was determined by the father's side of female ancestors. Structural units of families: branches, branching with identifying the best individuals on breeding traits were submitted to identify the best combinations and successful use of closely related breeding. Comparing assessment of related groups of females on the main breeding traits belonging to Krasavchyk 3004 bloodline, it was noted that the cows of Akula 102 family predominated in live weight at 5 years’ age, milk ability and economic use duration, whereas the cows of Galka 1537 family – on traits of reproductive ability. Smorodyna 613 family of Tsebryk 3888 bloodline had high duration of economic use and cows’ live weight at 5 years’ age compared with Korana 2382 and Visla 1016 families with equal values of the exterior traits (height measures) and coefficient of reproductive ability. The families of Mudryi 9100 bloodline in terms of reproduction (calving interval, coefficient of reproductive ability) had the highest figures of cows’ milk ability and live weight. The cows of Bulana 943 family had a considerable predominance over representatives of Rozetka 1313 and Arfa 599 families of Sonnyi-Kaktus 3307-9828 bloodline by main economically useful traits. High indices of reproductive ability were noted in these families. Heifers of the families of Buinyi 3042 bloodline had high live weight at 18 months’ age at average values of milk ability and cows’ live weight at 5 years’ age. More equal figures of growth rate, exterior and economic use duration were observed in the cows of Kalyna 212, Verba 1536 and Garna 536 families of Yamb 3066 bloodline. Breeding by families in beef cattle breeding is an important element of selection, because it allows to evaluate not only related group of female ancestor, but also to analyse a successful combination with lines and purposeful use of closely related breeding by the best representatives of a breed.


В симментальской породе предусматривается разведение скота, сбалансировано сочетающего молочную и мясную продуктивность. Однако в практике совершенствования племенных стад в подборах быков доминируют улучшатели удоя, что во многом предопределяет результаты селекции и продуктивный тип животных. Объектом нашего исследования стало стадо чистопородного симментальского скота в условиях стойловой системы беспривязного и привязного содержания коров. Для изучения эффективности использования быков-производителей разного племенного достоинства сформировали 2 опытные группы: I состояла из бычков, полученных от отцов с племенной ценностью (ПЦ) по удою 100 кг и более, а во II с ПЦ от 0 до 100 кг молока. Симментальские бычки, отобранные для контрольного убоя, достигали весовых кондиций 500 кг и более в 17,5 мес при среднесуточном приросте 911 г. При использовании на маточном поголовье быков-производителей с улучшающим эффектом по удою 100 кг и более, их сыновья (I группа), на фоне более высоких суточных приростов (на 30 г) и раннем возрасте достижения живой массы 500 кг (на 18 дней) имели массу и выход туши на 21,4 кг и 2,7 ниже, чем у бычков II группы. При формировании молочно-мясного типа быки-производители с умеренной племенной ценностью по удою обеспечивали получение потомства, сочетающего молочную и мясную продуктивность в экономически значимых пропорциях.The Simmental breed provides for the breeding of cattle that combines milk and meat productivity in a balanced proportion. However, in the practice of improving breeding herds, the selection of bulls is dominated by milk yield improvers, which largely determines the results of selection and the productive type of animals. The object of our research was a breeding herd of purebred Simmental cattle in variety feeding and housing practices. To study the effectiveness of using bulls-producers of different breeding values, 2 experimental groups were formed: I consisted of bulls received from fathers with a breeding value (BV) of milk yield 100 kg or more, and II with a BV from 0 to 100 kg of milk. Simmental bulls selected for control slaughter reached weight standards of 500 kg or more in 17.5 months with an average daily increase of 911 g. When used on breeding of bulls with an improving effect on the yield of 100 kg or more, their sons (group I), against the background of higher daily gains (30 g) and an early age of reaching a live weight of 500 kg (18 days), had a mass and carcass yield of 21.4 kg and 2.7 lower than that of group II bulls. When forming a dairy-meat type, producing bulls with a moderate breeding value for milk yield provided for the production of offspring that combined dairy and meat productivity in economically significant proportions.


Целью проведенных исследований являлась отработка и адаптация применения методик BLUP AM (Animal Model — модель животного) и TDM (Test-Day Model — модель тестового дня) для прогнозирования племенной ценности быков-производителей и оценки селекционно-генетических параметров на популяции скота симментальской породы четырех регионов РФ. Проведен сравнительный анализ указанных методов с более ранним методом BLUP SM (Sire Model — модель отца). Рассчитана племенная ценность быков и коров симментальской породы по признакам молочной продуктивности: удой за 305 дней, выход молочного жира, выход молочного белка. Анализ полученных средних значений достоверности оценок быков-производителей, рассчитанных на основе сопоставляемых методов, свидетельствует, что достоверность для признака «удой за 305 дней» при переходе от метода SM1 к AM1 увеличивается на 2,4%, а при переходе от SM1 к TDM1 — на 7,8%. Даны варианты генетического тренда по удою с использованием различных уравнений моделей расчета племенной ценности. На основании полученных данных можно сделать вывод о том, что модель тестового дня позволяет не только повысить точность оценок быков, но и более рельефно выявить их ранги, а также несколько уменьшить срок получения достоверных оценок производителей по качеству потомства по продуктивным признакам. The purpose of this research was to develop and adapt the application of BLUP AM (Animal Model) and TDM (Test-Day Model) methods for predicting the sires breeding value and evaluating genetic parameters for Simmental cattle population in four regions of the Russian Federation. A comparative analysis of these methods with the earlier BLUP SM (Sire Model) method is performed. The breeding value for sires and cows of Simmental breed was calculated by milk production traits: milk yield for 305 days; milk fatyield; milk proteinyield. The sires reliability of average breeding value calculated by different methods reveal that milk yield for 305 days when switching from the SM1 to AM1 method increases by 2.4%, and when switching from SM1 to TDM1 — by 7.8%.The variants of the genetic trend for milk yield are given using various equations of BLUP and TDM. Based on the obtained data, it can be concluded that the Test-Day model allows increasing the accuracy of bull’s evaluation and also more clearly identifying their ranks, as well as slightly reducing the time for obtaining reliable estimates of bulls by offspring for production traits.

L.M. Tolstolik

Aim. To evaluate the composition and breeding potential of a gene poolcollection of sweet cherry varieties of M.F. SydorenkoMelitopolResearch Station of Fruit Growing of the Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine. Result and Discussion.The results of studying the morphological, economic and biological features of sweet cherry (Cerasusavium L. Moench) varieties from the gene pool collection of MelitopolExperimental Station of Horticulturenamed after M.F. Sidorenko of the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS are presented. The history of the collection creation and the genealogy of modern Ukrainian varieties were analyzed. We found that they were the 1st and 2nd generations of traditional Western European varieties. Major sweet cherry varieties that had been most often used in developing modern Ukrainian assortment, were identified. Analysis of the collection showed that 111 accessions of 129 were varieties bred in Melitopol, 40 of which are officially registered.The other accessions are elite forms, which failed the state variety trials or are being tested according to the competitive design. Among the latter, promising forms (candidates for varieties and pre-breeding forms) were distinguished, as they are sources of valuable economic traits. It was determined that the morphogenic process had contributed to the diversity in fruit quality features, which enabled building up a trait collection of sweet cherries for 20 traits with 82 levels of their expression. However, morphogenesis almost did not affect the growth power, fructification nature, generative organs, fructification time and resistance to diseases, therefore there are no significant differences in these features between the collection accessions bred at Melitopol Experimental Station of Horticulture named after M.F. Sidorenko of the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS. Most of the varieties grown on Magalebian cherry plantlet have extensive crowns, bear fruit on "May bouquets" and, after one-year growth, are winter hardy, tolerant to drought, moderately and highly resistant to spur blight and leaf spot as well as self-infertile. On this parent stock, most of the varieties come into fruition after 5-6 years and quickly increase their yields. It was established that enrichment of the gene pool collection with valuable introduced accessions and their wide involvement in hybridization were currently the key objectives aimed at expansion of morphogenesis limits to obtain competitive varieties with high adaptability, productivity and marketability. Conclusions. Modern Ukrainian varieties are the 1st and 2nd generations of traditional Western European varieties. German variety Drogansgelbeknorpelkirsche (DroganaZhyoltaya) with its clone Napoleon Belaya and Russian-Ukrainian variety Valeriy Chkalov were the most actively used in their development. 86% of the gene pool collection of MelitopolExperimental Stationof Horticulture named after M.F. Sidorenkoof the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS are varieties bred in Melitopol differing mainly in ripening time and fruit quality. The collection contains released varieties, a number of sources of valuable traits and, as a tool for the effective implementation of modern breeding programs, requires enrichment with varieties of other eco-geographical groups.

1982 ◽  
Vol 119 (4) ◽  
pp. 573-575
M. F. Claridge ◽  
M. R. Wilson

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