Judgements of attractiveness of the opposite sex and nostril differences in self-rated mood: The effects of androstenol

2022 ◽  
Vol 167 ◽  
pp. 108237
Alan A. Beaton ◽  
Lowri Jones ◽  
David Benton ◽  
Gareth Richards
2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Kohei Fuseda ◽  
Jun’ichi Katayama

Abstract. Interest is a positive emotion related to attention. The event-related brain potential (ERP) probe technique is a useful method to evaluate the level of interest in dynamic stimuli. However, even in the irrelevant probe technique, the probe is presented as a physical stimulus and steals the observer’s attentional resources, although no overt response is required. Therefore, the probe might become a problematic distractor, preventing deep immersion of participants. Heartbeat-evoked brain potential (HEP) is a brain activity, time-locked to a cardiac event. No probe is required to obtain HEP data. Thus, we aimed to investigate whether the HEP can be used to evaluate the level of interest. Twenty-four participants (12 males and 12 females) watched attractive and unattractive individuals of the opposite sex in interesting and uninteresting videos (7 min each), respectively. We performed two techniques each for both the interesting and the uninteresting videos: the ERP probe and the HEP techniques. In the former, somatosensory stimuli were presented as task-irrelevant probes while participants watched videos: frequent (80%) and infrequent (20%) stimuli were presented at each wrist in random order. In the latter, participants watched videos without the probe. The P2 amplitude in response to the somatosensory probe was smaller and the positive wave amplitudes of HEP were larger while watching the videos of attractive individuals than while watching the videos of unattractive ones. These results indicate that the HEP technique is a useful method to evaluate the level of interest without an external probe stimulus.

2005 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-42 ◽  
Cornelia A. Pauls ◽  
Jan Wacker ◽  
Nicolas W. Crost

Abstract. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between resting frontal hemispheric asymmetry (FHA) in the low α band (8-10.25 Hz) and the two components of socially desirable responding, i.e., self-deceptive enhancement (SDE) and impression management (IM), in an opposite-sex encounter. In addition, Big Five facets, self-reports of emotion, and spontaneous eye blink rate (BR), a noninvasive indicator of functional dopamine activity, were assessed. SDE as well as IM were related to relatively greater right-than-left activity in the low α band (i.e., relative left frontal activation; LFA) and to self-reported positive affect (PA), but only SDE was related to BR. We hypothesized that two independent types of motivational approach tendencies underlie individual differences in FHA and PA: affiliative motivation represented by IM and agentic incentive motivation represented by SDE. Whereas the relationship between SDE and PA was mediated by BR, the relationship between SDE and FHA was not.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Ronny Gunawan

ABSTRACTChildren with Special Needs are children who have special behaviors that require guidance and special education from his parents and teachers. Like children in general, children with special needs also have the development and growth of the physical, mental, psychological and sexual. Based on the research conducted by researchers together with some teachers in individuals investigated, if the children with special needs get therapy sustained every day about sexual behavior and patterns of life, then they tend to have a positive sexual behavior, but if the therapy is not done, then they tend to a negative behavior. This study used the name Parents Therapy, in which the children with special needs who have negative sex in schools (respondents one child), as is often held his cock, embraced by aggressive children of the opposite sex therapy is given not only to their children but also their parents through counseling services. This treatment method is given for 30 days, but there are three days of therapy which is not performed as comparison changes in deviant behavior in children. The results of this therapy are very positive and significant, in which the child has calmness in his mental condition and the negative sexual behavior decreased (changed in his behavior).Keywords: Children with Special Needs, sexual behavior, Parents Therapy and counseling servicesABSTRAKAnak Berkebutuhan Khusus adalah anak yang memiliki perilaku khusus yang memerlukan bimbingan dan pendidikan khusus dari orangtua maupun guru. Seperti layaknya anak pada umumnya, Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus juga memiliki perkembangan dan pertumbuhan dari sisi fisik, mental, kejiwaan maupun seks. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti bersama dengan beberapa guru pada individu yang diteliti, apabila anak berkebutuhan khusus mendapatkan terapi yang berkesinambungan setiap harinya tentang perilaku seks dan pola hidup, maka anak memiliki perilaku seks yang positif, namun apabila terapi tidak dilakukan, maka anak memiliki perilaku yang negatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan nama Parents Therapy, di mana, anak berkebutuhan khusus yang mengalami perilaku seks negatif di sekolah (responden satu anak), seperti sering memegang kemaluannya, memeluk dengan agresif anak-anak yang berlawanan jenis diberikan terapi bukan hanya pada anaknya namun juga orangtuanya melalui layanan konseling. Metode terapi ini diberikan selama 30 hari, namun ada tiga hari terapi tidak dilakukan sebagai pembanding perubahan perilaku menyimpang pada anak. Hasil terapi ini sangat positif dan signifikan, di mana anak tersebut memiliki ketenangan dalam kondisi jiwanya dan perilaku seks negatifnya mengalami penurunan (ada perubahan perilaku).Kata kunci: Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, perilaku seks, Parents Therapy, dan layanan konseling

2020 ◽  
Vicki Levy ◽  
Colette Thayer

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Putu Yunita Trisna Dewi ◽  
M. Arief Sumantri

Friends with Benefits (FWB) is a friendship of the opposite sex that involves sexual activity without commitment, feelings of love and encouragement to continue the relationship toward a romantic relationship. This study aims to determine the role of intimacy and jealousy towards the relationship satisfaction of individuals undergoing the FWB and the role of jealousy towards intimacy, and describing the emotions and views of participants on their FWB relationships. The subjects were 304 people undergoing FWB relationship in the last two years. Data were collected using Miller Social Intimacy, Multidimensional Jealousy, and Relationship Assessment Scales. Hierarchical linear regression and descriptive analysis were used to analyze data. Participants’ experiences of their FBW relationship were also collected and analyzed qualitatively. The result showed that intimacy and jealousy significantly predicted the relationship satisfaction both simultaneously and partially. Jealousy also significantly influences intimacy. A qualitative analysis reveals three categories that describe the emotions and views of the participants towards their FWB  relationships, namely feeling satisfied and happy, feeling less satisfied and regretful, and feeling happy but regretful.Keywords : friends with benefits, intimacy, jealousy, relationship satisfaction. Abstrak: Friends with Benefits (FWB) adalah hubungan pertemanan lawan jenis yang melibatkan hubungan seksual tanpa komitmen, perasaan cinta dan dorongan untuk melanjutkan ke hubungan yang romantis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peranan intimasi dan perasaan cemburu terhadap kepuasan hubungan partisipan yang menjalani hubungan FWB, peranan perasaan cemburu terhadap intimasi, serta mendeskripsikan gambaran emosi dan pandangan partisipan saat menjalani hubungan FWB. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 304 partisipan, yang menjalani hubungan FWB dalam kurun waktu dua tahun terakhir. Data dikumpulkan dengan skala Miller Social Intimacy, Multi-dimensional Jealousy, dan Relationship Assesment. Data dianalisis menggunakan regresi linier berjenjang. Data kualitatif juga dikumpulkan dan dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk mendalami perasaan dan pandangan partisipan terhadap FWB yang dijalani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan intimasi dan perasaan cemburu secara signifikan mempengaruhi kepuasan hubungan baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Perasaan cemburu juga secara signifikan memberi pengaruh terhadap intimasi. Secara kualitatif, ditemukan tiga kategori yang menggambarkan emosi dan pandangan partisipan dalam menjalani hubungan FWB, yaitu merasa puas dan senang, kurang puas hingga menyesal, dan merasa senang namun ada penyesalan.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Anam Miftakhul Huda

The woman stands for Java language (wani ditoto) term used for Homo sapiens gender and has reproduction. The opposite sex from the woman is a man or a male. The woman is a word commonly used to describe mature women. Awareness of Indonesian women to work very large, although the country must work out to become migrant workers, this is shown by the increasing number of women migrant workers every year.Based BNP2TKI report in 2013 the number of migrants reached 512 168 people, consisting of 285 197 person formal workers (56 %) and 226 871 informal migrant workers (44 %). Whereas in 2012 migrant workers reached 494 609 people consisting of 258 411 formal sector (52 %) and 236 198 informal migrant workers (48 %). (detik.com). This research using phenomenology approach by deep interview (unstructured) observation non participants and study documentation. The subject in this research is Javanese Indonesian women. The informants of this research are six women workers.   The purpose of this research is expected to describe the shift in the concept of Javanese women carry out tasks in abroad, there are Indonesian cultural values implied by the instincts of a typical traditional Javanese woman, though the housemaids are located in other countries.Social identity theory is a theory that was originally engaged in the area of Social Psychology, with the language and its ability to find and understand the meaning, has become a meta - theory that is able to bring together many disciplines such as psychology, anthropology, sociology, history, communications, as implications is that reality is always social, and the social contextual character always in a state of local culture and history.The meaning of something can be very different in cultures or groups of people who are different because in each cultural or community groups have own ways to interpret things. Groups of people who have a background of understanding is not the same to certain cultural codes will not be able to understand the meaning produced by other community groups.Research described that diversity nations woman patriarchy, Javanese culture properties characteristic of java women clearly reflected in life with workers Indonesia (TKW) is different from another country.

2018 ◽  
Leif Ekblad

Gender identities that differ from biological sex (non-cisgender identities) appear to be more common in autism and neurodiversity. The study found that part of the non-cisgender identities could be related to having behavioral preferences of the opposite sex, but this failed to explain the higher prevalence in neurodiversity. Non-cisgender identities in neurodiversity could better be explained by having neurodiverse relationship preferences or lacking typical relationship preferences. Being part of the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bi Transgender) community biased answers to questions about gender identity. Neurodiverse non-cisgender people, just like neurodiverse asexual people, might be better off with new communities that focus on the more relevant relationship preference differences rather than on narrow and indirect gender and sexual issues.

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