Siberian Traps large igneous province: Evidence for two flood basalt pulses around the Permo-Triassic boundary and in the Middle Triassic, and contemporaneous granitic magmatism

2013 ◽  
Vol 122 ◽  
pp. 58-76 ◽  
Alexei V. Ivanov ◽  
Huayiu He ◽  
Liekun Yan ◽  
Viktor V. Ryabov ◽  
Artem Y. Shevko ◽  
Geology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Jun Shen ◽  
Jiubin Chen ◽  
Thomas J. Algeo ◽  
Qinglai Feng ◽  
Jianxin Yu ◽  

Enhanced regional subduction-related volcanism in the South China craton concurrent with Siberian Traps large igneous province magmatism was a likely contributor to major biotic and environmental stresses associated with the Permian-Triassic boundary (ca. 252 Ma) mass extinction. However, the timing, intensity, and duration of this regional volcanic activity remain uncertain. We analyzed mercury (Hg) concentrations in three widely separated marine sections in the South China craton (Shangsi, Ganxi, and Chaohu) as well as Hg isotopic compositions in one section (Shangsi) from the Upper Permian (Changhsingian) through the lowermost Triassic (Induan) in order to track volcanic inputs. Four mercury enrichment (ME) intervals, dating to the lowermost Changhsingian (ME1), mid–Clarkina changxingensis zone (ME2), upper C. changxingensis to lower C. yini zones (ME3), and latest Permian mass extinction (LPME) interval (ME4), were recognized on the basis of elevated Hg/total organic carbon ratios. These records provide evidence of strong volcanism in the Tethyan region starting ~2 m.y. before the LPME, whereas only the ME4 event is recorded in extra-Tethyan sections. Mercury isotopes support the inference that pre-LPME Hg peaks were related to regional subduction-related volcanism, and that Hg emissions at the LPME were the result of Siberian Traps large igneous province intrusions into organic-rich sediments. This study demonstrates the feasibility of distinguishing flood-basalt from subduction-related volcanic inputs on the basis of marine sedimentary Hg records.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Svetlana Sibik ◽  
Marie Edmonds ◽  
Benoit Villemant ◽  
Henrik H. Svensen ◽  
Alexander G. Polozov ◽  

Volatile emissions to the atmosphere associated with the Siberian Traps eruptions at the Permian-Triassic boundary were sourced from the outgassing of primary magmas and the sedimentary host rocks into which they were intruded. Halogens in volcanic gases may have played an important role in environmental degradation and in stratospheric ozone destruction. Here we investigate how halogens behave during the interaction between salts and basalt magma emplaced as sills and erupted as lava. We present whole-rock, trace, and halogen concentrations for a suite of samples from three locations in the Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province, including basalt lavas erupted, and dolerites intruded into both organic-bearing shales and evaporites. Dolerites are enriched in Cl, Br, and I; their enrichment in Cl is similar to MORB and OIB that have been inferred to have assimilated seawater. The dolerites exhibit halogen compositional systematics, which extend towards both evaporites and crustal brines. Furthermore, all analyzed samples show enrichment in Rb/Nb; with the dolerites also showing enrichment in Cl/K similar to MORB and OIB that have been inferred to have assimilated seawater. We infer that samples from all three locations have assimilated fluids derived from evaporites, which are components of crustal sedimentary rocks. We show that up to 89% of the chlorine in the dolerites may have been assimilated as a consequence of the contact metamorphism of evaporites. We show, by thermal modeling, that halogen transfer may occur via assimilation of a brine phase derived from heating evaporites. Halogen assimilation from subcropping evaporites may be pervasive in the Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province and is expected to have enhanced emissions of Cl and Br into the atmosphere from both intrusive and extrusive magmatism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 483 ◽  
pp. 442-462 ◽  
Alexei V. Ivanov ◽  
Samuel B. Mukasa ◽  
Vadim S. Kamenetsky ◽  
Michael Ackerson ◽  
Elena I. Demonterova ◽  

Geology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (8) ◽  
pp. 830-833 ◽  
Stephen E. Grasby ◽  
Xiaojun Liu ◽  
Runsheng Yin ◽  
Richard E. Ernst ◽  
Zhuoheng Chen

Abstract Large spikes in mercury (Hg) concentration are observed globally at the latest Permian extinction (LPE) horizon that are thought to be related to enhanced volcanic emissions of the Siberian Traps large igneous province (LIP). While forming an effective chemostratigraphic marker, it remains unclear whether such enhanced volcanic Hg emissions could have generated toxic conditions that contributed to extinction processes. To address this, we examined the nature of enhanced Hg emissions from the Siberian Traps LIP and the potential impact it may have had on global ecosystems during the LPE. Model results for a LIP eruption predict that pulses of Hg emissions to the atmosphere would have been orders of magnitude greater than normal background conditions. When deposited into world environments, this would have generated a series of toxic shocks, each lasting >1000 yr. Such repeated Hg loading events would have had severe impact across marine trophic levels, as well as been toxic to terrestrial plant and animal life. Such high Hg loading rates may help explain the co-occurrence of marine and terrestrial extinctions.

2021 ◽  
Melanie Kling ◽  
Hallgeir Sirevaag ◽  
Emmanuelle Pucéat ◽  
Christian Haug Eide

<p><span><span>The emplacement of the Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province around the Permian–Triassic boundary significantly affected both climate and depositional environments across the world. Known long term consequences of this event are (I) global warming, (II) increased continental weathering, (III) oceanic stagnation and acidification and (IV) mass extinction. These effects have the potential to strongly alter signals from source-to-sink systems in terms of petrography, sediment volumes and geochemistry. The Barents Sea Basin is an excellent area to investigate the response of source-to-sink systems to such climatic changes because it contains a continuous record of sediments deposited before, during and after the Permian-Triassic event, and because this interval is sampled in several exploration wells.</span></span></p><p><span><span>The goal of this project is to investigate how the Triassic climatic changes were expressed in source-to-sink systems, mainly using techniques such as facies analysis, petrograpy, mudstone geochemistry and sediment volumes. Herein we present preliminary results mainly from sandstone petrology. On the Finnmark Plattform, the upper Permian strata of the Røye Formation contains spiculitic mudstones and limestones with sparse sandstones. These are overlain by mudstones, interbedded turbidites and prograding deltas of the Lower Triassic. In order to determine how the signal from the catchment changed to the great climatic changes, it is of high importance to examine changes within provenance and sediment volumes across the P-T boundary.</span></span></p><p><span><span>I wish to give this presentation as a poster</span></span></p>

2008 ◽  
Vol 145 (3) ◽  
pp. 373-388 ◽  

AbstractAfter the formation of the ~ 260 Ma Emeishan large igneous province, there were two volumetrically minor magmatic pulses at ~ 252 Ma and ~ 242 Ma, respectively. Alkaline mafic dykes intruding both 260 Ma and 252 Ma felsic plutons in the Panxi region, southwestern China, have compositions similar to the Emeishan flood basalts. One dyke is dated using the SHRIMP zircon U–Pb technique at 242 ± 2 Ma, ~ 18 Ma younger than the start of Emeishan magmatism. The dykes have enriched light rare earth element patterns (La/YbN = 4.4–18.8) and trace element patterns similar to the Emeishan flood basalts and average ocean-island basalts. Some trace element ratios of the dykes (Zr/Nb = 3.8–8.2, La/Nb = 0.4–1.7, Ba/La = 7.5–25.6) are somewhat similar to EM1 source material, however, there are differences. Their εNd values (εNd = +2.6 and +2.7) andISr (ISr = 0.704542 and 0.704554) ratios are indicative of a mantle source. Thus Emeishan magmatism may have lasted for almost 20 Ma after the initial eruption. However, geological evidence precludes the possibility that the post-260 Ma magmatic events were directly related to Emeishan magmatism, which began at and ended shortly after 260 Ma. The 252 Ma plutons and 242 Ma dykes represent volumetrically minor melting of the fossil Emeishan plume-head beneath the Yangtze crust. The 252 Ma magmatic event was likely caused by post-flood basalt extension of the Yangtze crust, whereas the 242 Ma event was caused by decompressional melting associated with the collision between the South China and North China blocks during the Middle Triassic.

2020 ◽  
Urs Schaltegger ◽  
Philipp Widmann ◽  
Nicolas D. Greber ◽  
Luis Lena ◽  
Sean P. Gaynor ◽  

<p>The connection between volcanic activity of large igneous provinces and the respective feedback from environment and biosphere contributing to the carbon cycle has been investigated at the present temporal resolution of high-precision U/Pb dating. Uncertainties of 0.05 % on the <sup>206</sup>Pb/<sup>238</sup>U age from zircon dating allow a resolution of 30-50 ka pulses of magmatic activity; simultaneously, the duration of carbon isotope excursions (CIE) can be determined, the geological boundaries dated, or global sedimentary gaps can be quantified at the same level of precision. This contribution demonstrates with two case studies that we can refine the contemporaneity and start to reliably infer causality of consecutive events at the 10<sup>4</sup> year level.</p><p>Until the Anisian the aftermath of the Permo-Triassic Boundary Mass extinction (PTBME; ~251.94 Ma, Baresel et al., 2017) is characterized by profound fluctuations of the global carbon cycle with amplitudes of up to 8 ‰ in d<sup>13</sup>C<sub>carb</sub> values. These represent large variations in the global climate and biological crises, in particular during the end-Smithian extinction event (~249.1 Ma). A precise chronology from the southern Nanpanjiang basin (China) allows for a quantification of these fluctuations of Earth climate. Following the volcanic pulse causing the PTBME, several discontinuous episodes of volcanism of the Siberian Large Igneous Province (S-LIP) were generally assumed to have caused the subsequent Early Triassic carbon cycle fluctuations. This is, however, in disagreement with the geochronological database of precise zircon U/Pb dates that put an end to the volcanic activity at 250.6 Ma (Burgess & Bowring, 2015; Augland et al., 2019). Therefore, recurrent S-LIP volcanism is an unlikely explanation for the Early Triassic unstable carbon cycle.</p><p>The initial intrusive pulse of the Karoo Large Igneous Province (K-LIP) formed the sill/dyke complex of the Karoo basin, South Africa. New, precise U/Pb geochronology confirms its very short duration at around 183.2-182.8 Ma (Burgess et al., 2015; Corfu et al., 2016), as well as its synchronicity with the lower Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE), and a carbon cycle disturbance of presumable global importance. Repeated excursions in d<sup>13</sup>C<sub>org</sub> of up to 3 ‰ in the late Pliensbachian (~185.5 Ma) as well as at the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary (~183.5 Ma) are therefore at least partly older than any known magmatic activity of the K-LIP (Lena et al., 2019). We therefore, again, must invoke non-volcanic drivers in order to explain the instability of the carbon cycle.</p><p>These two case histories demonstrate that in order to invoke causality and global importance to carbon cycle instability, as well as for the testing of its correlation with volcanic episodes, we need to rely on geochronology of both sedimentary and volcanic records at the 10<sup>4</sup> years level of precision.</p><p>References: Augland et al. (2019) Scientific Reports, 9:18723 ; Baresel et al. (2017) Solid Earth, 8, 361–378, 2017; Burgess & Bowring (2015) Science Advances, 1(7), e1500470–e1500470; Burgess et al. (2015) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 415(C), 90–99; Corfu, F. et al. (2016) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 434(C), 349–352; Lena et al. (2019) Scientific Reports, 9:18430.</p>

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