The role of personal values in children’s costly sharing and non-costly giving

2018 ◽  
Vol 165 ◽  
pp. 117-134 ◽  
Lior Abramson ◽  
Ella Daniel ◽  
Ariel Knafo-Noam
Arnold Japutra ◽  
Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro ◽  
Shasha Wang

In this study, the researchers explore the antecedents of tourists’ intention to recommend a destination using an extended Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Two personal values (i.e., prosocial and maturity) and two personality traits (i.e., extraversion and agreeableness), which are rarely studied but important elements for marketers to better understand the market (e.g., segment the market), are examined. To test the extended model of TPB, a survey (n=312) was conducted with tourists in Portugal. The researchers find support for the hypothesis that tourists with higher prosocial values, maturity values, and extraversion personality traits are more likely to have a favorable attitude toward a destination and a tendency to recommend the destination. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Susana Sabarni ◽  
Lidia Laksana Hidajat

Latar Belakang : Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi, memudahkan remaja mengakses semua hal yang berhubungan dengan informasi seputar seks. Dengan kemudahan yang dimiliki untuk mengakses teknologi informasi ini, remaja seringkali terekspos oleh konten-konten pornografi. Secara langsung maupun tidak langsung akan memengaruhi sikap remaja terhadap perilaku seks pranikah.Tujuan : Mengetahui peran nilai pribadi, nilai budaya dan nilai religius dikaitkan dengan sikap remaja perempuan di Maumere dan Larantuka terhadap perilaku seks pranikah serta mengetahui sikap remaja perempuan terhadap perilaku seks pranikah.Metode : Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan mixed method, pengukuran sikap melalui pengisian kuesioner dan diskusi kelompok terarah (FGD) untuk mengetahui gambaran sikap remaja perempuan terhadap perilaku seks pranikah yang dikaitkan dengan nilai pribadi, nilai budaya dan nilai religius. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan pada empat SMA di Maumere dan Larantuka. Jumlah partisipan 120 orang, diperoleh dengan teknik accidental sampling. Sebagai informasi tambahan dilakukan wawancara dengan tokoh budaya di Maumere dan tokoh agama di Larantuka. Hasil dan pembahasan : Berdasarkan pengolahan data terhadap pengukuran skala sikap diperoleh gambaran bahwa pada dasarnya remaja perempuan di Maumere dan Larantuka tidak menyetujui hubungan seks pranikah, meskipun telah terjadi pergeseran nilai. Sikap ini berdasarkan pada nilai-nilai pribadi yang diyakini remaja yaitu pertimbangan etika dan moral, dampak kehamilan, aborsi atau penyakit menular seksual. Dalam konteks budaya, pertimbangan remaja adalah sanksi sosial yang akan diperoleh dari kehamilan di luar nikah. Sedang dalam konteks religius, remaja mempertimbangkan tentang dosa. Berdasarkan diskusi kelompok terarah (FGD) disimpulkan bahwa nilai religius dirasakan sangat penting oleh partisipan karena dapat menumbuhkan iman dan memberi dorongan,arah dalam bertingkah laku. Nilai-nilai religius juga berperan dalam memberi motivasi dan membimbing seseorang untuk melakukan perbuatan yang baik. Dalam konteks budaya, para partisipan berpendapat bahwa budaya sangat penting karena dalam budaya diajarkan tentang perilaku yang pantas dan tidak pantas dilakukan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan pendampingan orangtua dalam mendidik dan menanamkan nilai-nilai moral dan etika.Kesimpulan : Pernyataan sikap tidak setuju terhadap perilaku seks pranikah merupakan internalisasi nilai-nilai budaya dan religius yang akhirnya membentuk sikap remaja di Maumere dan Larantuka Kata kunci : Peran nilai pribadi, nilai budaya dan nilai religius, sikap remaja perempuan, perilaku seks pranikah, Maumere dan Larantuka, Nusa Tenggara Timur Susana Sabarni, Lidia Laksana HidajatABSTRACT Background: The rapid development of information technology, making it easier for teenagers to access all things related to information about sex. With the ease they have to access this information technology, teenagers are often exposed to pornographic content. Directly or indirectly will influence teen attitudes towards premarital sex behavior.Objective: To acknowlegde the role of personal values, cultural values and religious values associated with the attitudes of adolescent girls in Maumere and Larantuka towards premarital sex behavior and also to acknowlegde  the attitudes of teenage girls to premarital sex behavior.Methods: The study used a mixed method approach, attitude measurement through filling out questionnaires and focus group discussions (FGD) to describe the attitudes of adolescent girls towards premarital sex behavior which is associated with personal values, cultural values and religious values. Research activities were carried out on four high schools in Maumere and Larantuka. The number of participants 120 people, obtained by accidental sampling technique. For additional information, interviews with cultural leaders in Maumere and religious leaders in Larantuka were conducted.Results and discussion: Based on data processing on attitude scale measurement obtained an illustration that basically girls in Maumere and Larantuka do not approve premarital sex, even though there has been a shift in values. This attitude is based on personal values believed by adolescents, namely ethical and moral considerations, the impact of pregnancy, abortion or sexually transmitted diseases. In the context of culture, adolescent considerations are social sanctions that will be obtained from pregnancy outside of marriage. While in a religious context, teenagers consider sin. Based on focus group discussions (FGD) it was concluded that religious values were felt to be very important by participants because they could foster faith and give encouragement, direction in behaving. Religious values also play a role in motivating and guiding someone to do good deeds. In the cultural context, the participants thought that culture was very important because in the culture it was taught about appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Therefore, parents are needed to assist in educating and instilling moral and ethical values.Conclusion: A statement of disagreement with premarital sex behavior is an internalization of cultural and religious values that ultimately shape their attitudes Keywords: The role of personal values, cultural values and religious values, attitudes of adolescent girls, premarital sexual behavior, Maumere and Larantuka, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Zlatko Nedelko ◽  
Maciej Brzozowski

The main purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of prevalent management behavior on management attitudes about creativeness and innovativeness, while also considering the impact of personal values, in three Central European economies, having different development paths, namely Slovenia, Austria, and Poland. Personal values are measured using Schwartz value survey, using openness to change, conservation, self-transcendence and self-enhancement value dimensions. Results reveal that manager's behavior significantly influences on manager's attitudes regarding innovativeness, in all three countries. The impact of personal values on shaping management behavior and manager's attitudes toward innovativeness is significant only in few instances in Austrian sample, while in Slovenia and Poland it is insignificant. Regarding the mediating effect of managers' personal values on the association between management behavior and their creativeness, our results reveal marginal role of personal values.

Zlatko Nedelko ◽  
Vojko Potocan ◽  
Nikša Alfirević

The purpose of this chapter is to examine the role of personal values for social responsibility (SR) of higher education. Besides the core mission of higher education to create, transfer and preserve knowledge in society, the idea of SR has gained its importance also in institutions of higher education. SR has many drivers, among which personal values are considered as one of the key building blocks for SR. For enhancing SR, higher education institutions should also develop stronger ties with the community. The chapter provides an insight into discussion about community involvement of higher education, into the role of personal values for shaping SR of higher education institutions and explain how personal values can help to enhance community and social involvement of higher education. Findings may be a starting point for re-thinking and/or establishing strategies for achieving higher level of SR in higher education institutions and enhancing the link with the community.

Rok Cresnar

The main purpose of this chapter is to consider how can the millennials' personal values impact employee productivity in the future organizational environment of Industry 4.0. In the modern business environment, major changes are happening in many fronts. On one hand, we have the phenomenon of digitalization and Industry 4.0, and on another hand, we see that the millennials are rapidly taking over important roles and positions in those organizations that are impacted by digitalization. If we consider the notion that the new industrial revolution behind Industry 4.0 will be based on major improvements in productivity due to the mediating effect of a technological revolution, then the role of employee productivity or better say the millennials' productivity will be paramount. This chapter shows that based on deep analysis of millennials' personal values worldwide, the millennials hold prominent personal values, which correspond well with Industry 4.0 readiness and competency models, meaning that they can significantly impact the productivity of an organization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (17) ◽  
pp. 6939
Jaroslava Kubátová ◽  
Ondřej Kročil

With the increasing challenges our society faces, ranging from environmental issues to the current coronavirus crisis, interest in a new way of investing, known as impact investing, has also been increasing. In addition, recently, an even more conscious way of investing, known as integral investing, has appeared. In this article, the concepts of impact investing and integral investing are described and compared and their positive impacts on society are documented. The importance of people and leaders with corresponding ethics, morals, and personal values for the success of the investments is explained. As both impact and integral investing have the potential to meet the challenges of present-day society and to contribute to its further sustainable development, they should be addressed in academic research and higher education. Therefore, this article seeks to answer the question of whether these concepts are reflected in academia. To answer this question, a bibliometric analysis was conducted. The findings show that there is a modest but growing academic interest in impact investing and very little interest in integral investing. Reasons to take these topics into account in research and education are discussed in the final part of the article.

Juan Alberto Hueso ◽  
Inmaculada Jaén ◽  
Francisco Liñán ◽  
Whysnianti Basuki

This article analyses the specific role of collectivistic personal values as an antecedent of entrepreneurial intention. While previous studies have focused on individualistic values, the influence of collectivistic values has remained largely ignored. We study this influence on a sample of 413 university students from the United Kingdom and Spain. The results are consistent in both countries, suggesting that an emphasis on collectivistic personal values triggers an indirect, negative effect on entrepreneurial intentions through both personal attitude and perceived behavioural control. However, it also induces an indirect positive effect through subjective norms. The study indicates that not only individualistic values but the complete personal-value structure is influential in explaining the formation of entrepreneurial intentions.

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