Effects of motivational climate in Singaporean physical education lessons on intrinsic motivation and physical activity intention

2007 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
pp. 1037-1049 ◽  
John Sproule ◽  
C.K. John Wang ◽  
Kevin Morgan ◽  
Mike McNeill ◽  
Terry McMorris
2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 626
Francisco Ruiz-Juan

The objective is to analyze the psychometric properties of Achievement Goals Questionnaire (AGQ) and Perceptions of Teachers' Emphasis on Goals Questionnaire (PTEGQ) in Spanish, determining the reliability and construct validity and external validity by understanding that achievement goals and perceived motivational climate in physical education may predict intrinsic motivation and satisfaction in those subjects who exercise at leisure time regularly. Psychometric tests confirm PTEGQ and AGQ have four dimensions that are hypothesized from the original one. It has proved the structural supporting hypothesis that it is based on the principle of compatibility. It has also been demonstrated construct validity and external validity as achievement goals and perceived motivational climate in physical education may predict intrinsic motivation and satisfaction in active subjects. Its reliability has been acceptable

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 37 ◽  
González-Valero ◽  
Ubago-Jiménez ◽  
Ramírez-Granizo ◽  

Physical Education is an essential educational area to develop physical-healthy habits and motivational orientations, which are fundamental to guide the situation of future Physical Education teachers. These professionals will have a fundamental role in teaching different types of motivations, active lifestyles, and healthy habits in youths. For this reason, the objective of the study is to know the association between motivational climate, adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD), and the practice of physical activity in future Physical Education teachers. A cross-sectional and nonexperimental study was carried out using a single measurement within a single group. The sample consisted of 775 university students from the cities of Andalusia (Spain). Motivational climate was evaluated through the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire (PMCSQ-2), levels of physical activity were evaluated through the adolescent version of the Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ-A), and level of adherence to the MD was assessed through Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED). On one hand, the healthy and self-improvement component promoted by physical activity favors an orientation focused on process and learning. Likewise, the competitive component is key to motivation focused on product and social recognition. In addition, future Physical Education teachers should pay special attention to the unequal recognition among members that physical activity can generate, in order to avoid personal disregard and social rejection. The ego climate is related to a high adherence to the MD. On the other hand, the future Physical Education teachers who manifest motivational processes based on fun and their own satisfaction have low levels of adherence to the MD.

Juha Kokkonen ◽  
Arto Gråstén ◽  
John Quay ◽  
Marja Kokkonen

Using a cross-sectional study design, we tested a structural equation model of hypothesized relationships among a group of variables: motivational climate in physical education (PE), students’ social competence in PE, out of-school physical activity (PA) motivation, PA intention and their moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA). Based on the self-reports of 363 fourth to sixth grade elementary school students (172 girls, 191 boys), the model revealed that the task-involving motivational climate in PE was linked to higher MVPA via cooperation in PE, and also via extrinsic motivation and PA intention. Ego-involving motivational climate was related to higher extrinsic motivation and amotivation, further to higher PA intention and, finally, to higher MVPA. Task-involving motivational climate was positively linked to students’ social competence markers of cooperation and empathy, and negatively to disruptiveness. Ego-involving motivational climate was positively related to disruptiveness and impulsivity, the markers of low social competence. The study showed that the motivational climate and co-operational aspect of social competence both played significant roles in students’ PA motivation, PA intention and MVPA. A pedagogical model that brings the learning of social competence relevant skills to the fore is creative physical education (CPE). Analysis of CPE is provided which highlights teaching behaviors which contribute to the students’ MVPA through motivational climates, co-operation, PA motivation and PA intention.

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-100 ◽  
Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia ◽  
Elisa Huéscar ◽  
Eduardo Cervelló

The purpose of this study, based on the self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000) was to test the prediction power of student's responsibility, psychological mediators, intrinsic motivation and the importance attached to physical education in the intention to continue to practice some form of physical activity and/or sport, and the possible relationships that exist between these variables. We used a sample of 482 adolescent students in physical education classes, with a mean age of 14.3 years, which were measured for responsibility, psychological mediators, sports motivation, the importance of physical education and intention to be physically active. We completed an analysis of structural equations modelling. The results showed that the responsibility positively predicted psychological mediators, and this predicted intrinsic motivation, which positively predicted the importance students attach to physical education, and this, finally, positively predicted the intention of the student to continue doing sport. Results are discussed in relation to the promotion of student's responsibility towards a greater commitment to the practice of physical exercise.

Retos ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 442-448
Carlos Fernández-Espínola ◽  
Bartolomé J. Almagro ◽  
Javier A. Tamayo Fajardo

El objetivo del estudio fue analizar el rol que puede ejercer la necesidad de novedad en la motivación humana, testando un modelo en el que se relacionaba el clima motivacional que implica a la tarea con la necesidad de novedad, la motivación intrínseca y la intención de ser físicamente activo. Se utilizó una muestra de 732 estudiantes que cursaban de 1º de ESO a 1º de Bachillerato y con una edad media de 13.92. Se emplearon el factor clima tarea del cuestionario de Medida de las Estrategias Motivacionales en las clases de Educación Física, el factor novedad de la Escala de Medición de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas, el factor motivación intrínseca de la Escala del Locus Percibido de Causalidad en Educación Física y la Escala de Intención de ser Físicamente Activo. Los resultados del modelo mostraron que el clima motivacional que implica a la tarea predijo positivamente la necesidad novedad, la cual predijo positivamente la motivación intrínseca y ejerció un rol mediador entra ambas. Finalmente, la motivación intrínseca predijo de forma positiva la intención de ser físicamente activo. En conclusión, este estudio ha mostrado que la propuesta de tareas, metodologías y materiales novedosos por parte del docente de Educación Física, podrían aumentar los niveles de motivación autodeterminados en el alumnado y, en consecuencia, incrementar su intención de practicar actividad física fuera del contexto escolar en un futuro.Abstract. The aim of this study was to analyze the role that novelty need can play on human motivation. For that purpose, a model that linked task-involving motivational climate, novelty need, intrinsic motivation, and intention to be physically active, was tested. A sample of 732 students enrolled from the first year of Secondary School to the first year of Baccalaureate (five courses), with mean age of 13.92 years, participated in the study. The mastery climate factor from the Measurement of Motivational Strategies in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, the novelty factor from the Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale, the intrinsic motivation factor from the Perceived Locus of Causality Scale, and the Intention to be Physically Active Scale, were used. The model outcomes showed that task-involving motivational climate positively predicted novelty need, which positively predicted intrinsic motivation and played the role of mediator between the two of them. Finally, intrinsic motivation positively predicted intention to be physically active. In conclusion, this study has shown that Physical Education teachers’ proposal of novel tasks, methodologies, and materials, could increase self-determined levels of motivation in students and, consequently, their intention to practice physical activity outside the school context in the future.

Retos ◽  
2017 ◽  
pp. 19-24
Ana Cabello Moyano ◽  
Manuel Moyano Pacheco ◽  
Carmen Tabernero Urbieta

El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar diferentes procesos psicosociales en Educación Física. Se examinan variables sociodeomográficas -tales como la edad, sexo y práctica de actividad física fuera del horario escolar- en relación a variables psicosociales como las actitudes (hacia el docente y el área), estrategias motivacionales (tarea/ego) y clima motivacional percibido (tarea/ego). A través de diferentes análisis se ponen a prueba varias hipótesis en relación a las mismas. La muestra se compone de 422 adolescentes de diferentes cursos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, agrupados en 21 grupos-clase. Los resultados muestran que el alumnado más joven y los chicos (vs. chicas) presentan actitudes más positivas y una mayor motivación hacia la Educación Física. Los chicos presentan unas estrategias y un clima motivacional orientado al ego, en mayor medida que las chicas. En relación a la práctica de actividad física fuera del horario escolar, los que sí la practican son los que muestran una actitud más positiva hacia el área y el docente, así como unas estrategias y clima motivacional orientadas a la tarea. Asimismo, en relación con las actitudes que el alumnado desarrolla hacia la Educación Física y el docente, los datos muestran la importancia relativa de las estrategias motivacionales y clima motivacional orientado hacia la tarea. Finalmente, se discuten los resultados en el marco de investigaciones previas y se proponen implicaciones prácticas para la docencia y la intervención psicosocial. Abstract. The objective of this research is to analyze different psychosocial processes in physical education. Socio-demographic variables - such as age, sex, and hours of practice of physical activity outside the school - in relation to psycho-social variables like attitudes (towards the teacher and area), motivational strategies (task/ego), and perceived motivational climate (task/ego) are examined. Several hypotheses regarding those variables are tested through different analyses. The sample is composed by 422 adolescents from secondary education, grouped into 21 class groups. Results show that the youngest students, as well as boys (vs. girls), present more positive attitudes and greater motivation toward physical education. Boys present strategies and motivational climate aimed at the ego to a greater extent than girls. In relation to the practice of physical activity outside of school, those engaged in it show a more positive attitude towards subject and teacher, as well as task-oriented strategies and motivational climate. Additionally, in relation to attitudes that students develop towards physical education and teaching, data show the relative importance of task-oriented motivational strategies and motivational climate. Finally, the results are discussed in the framework of previous research, and several practical implications for teaching and psychosocial intervention are proposed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 210-224 ◽  
Antonio Baena-Extremera ◽  
Manuel Gómez-López ◽  
Antonio Granero-Gallegos ◽  
Maria del Mar Ortiz-Camacho

The purpose of this research study was to determine to what extent the motivational climate perceived by students in Physical Education (PE) classes predicts self-determined motivation, and satisfaction with physical education classes. Questionnaires were administered to 758 high school students aged 13-18 years. We used the Spanish versions of the PE adaptations of instruments: Sport Satisfaction Instrument, Sport Motivation Scale and Learning and Performance Orientations in PE Classes Questionnaire. We conducted a descriptive statistical analysis and correlations with structural equation modeling. The results showed the highest mean values in satisfaction/fun, intrinsic motivation and motivational task-oriented climate. By using a structural equation model, we found a positive association between a task-oriented climate and students’ intrinsic motivation (γ=.69) and their satisfaction in PE classes (β=.56).

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