scholarly journals Selection of Soybean Genotypes by Seed Size and its Prospects for Industrial Raw Material in Indonesia

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 355-363 ◽  
Ayda Krisnawati ◽  
M. Muchlish Adie
2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-95
Agus Sudibyo ◽  
Sardjono Sardjono

Crude palm oil (CPO)is the richest natural plant source of carotenoids in terms of retinol (pro-vitamin A) equivalent, whereas palm oil mill effluent (POME) is generated from palm oil industry that contains oil and carotenes that used to be treated before discharge. Carotenoids are importance in animals and humans for the purpose of the enhancement of immune response, conversion of vitamin A and scavenging of oxygen radicals. This component has different nutritional  functions and benefits to humaan health. The growing interest in the other natural sources of beta-carotene and growing awareness to prevent pollution has stimulated the industrial use of CPO and POME as a raw material for carotenoids extraction. Various technologies of extraction and separation have been developed in order to recover of carotenoids.This article reports on various technologies that have been developed in order to recover of carotenoids from being destroyed in commercial refining of palm oil and effects of some various treatments on the extraction end separation for carotenoid from palm oil and carotenoids concentration. Principally, there are different technologies, and there is one some future which is the use of solvent. Solvent plays important role  in the most technologiest, however the problem of solvents which are used is that they posses potentiaal fire health and environmental hazards. Hence selection of the  most safe, environmentally friendly and cost effective solvent is important to design of alternative extraction methods.Chemical molecular product design is one of the methods that are becoming more popular nowadays for finding solvent with the desired properties prior to experimental testing.ABSTRAKMinyak sawit kasar merupakan sumber karotenoid terkaya yang berasal dari tanaman sawit sebagai senyawa yang sama dengan retinol atau pro-vitamin A; sedangkan limbah pengolahan minyak sawit dihasilkan dari industri pengolahan minyak sawit yang berisi minyak dan karotene yang perlu diberi perlakuan terlebih dahulu sebelum dibuang. Karotenoid merupakan bahan penting yang diperlukan pada hewan dan manusia guna memperkuat tanggapan terhadap kekebalan, konversi ke vitamin A dan penangkapan gugus oksigen radikal. Dengan berkembangnya ketertarikan dalam mencari beta-karotene yang bersumber dari alam lain dan meningkatnya kesadaran untuk mencegah adanya pencemaran lingkungan, maka mendorong suatu industri untuk menggunakan CPO dan POME sebagai bahan baku untuk diekstrak karotenoidnya. Berbagai macam teknologi guna mengekstrak dan memisahkan karotenoid telah dikembangkan untuk mendapatkan kembali karotenoidnya. Makalah ini melaporkan dan membahas berbagai jenis teknologi yang telah dikembangkan guna mendapatkan kembali senyawa karotenoid dari kerusakan di dalam proses pemurnian minyak sawit secara komersial dan pengaruh beberapa perlakuan terhadap ekstrasi dan pemisahan karotenoid dari minyak sawit dan konsentrasi karotenoidnya. Pada prinsipnya, berbagai teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengekstrak dan memisahkan karotenoid terdapat perbedaan, dan terdapat salah satu teknologi yang digunakan untuk esktrasi dan pemisahan karotenoid adalah menggunakan bahan pelarut. Pelarut yang digunakan mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam teknologi ekstrasi; namun pelarut yang digunakan untuk mengekstrak tersebut mempunyai persoalan karena berpotensi mengganggu kesehatan dan membahayakan cemaran lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, pemilihan jenis teknologi yang aman, ramah terhadap lingkungan dan biaya yang efektif untuk penggunaan pelarut merupakan hal penting sebelum dilakukan desain metode/teknologi alternatif untuk esktrasi karotenoid. Pola produk molekuler kimia merupakan salah satu metode yang saat ini menjadi lebih populer untuk mencari pelarut dengan sifat-sifat yang dikehendaki sebelum diujicobakan. Kata kunci :    karotenoid, ekstrasi, pemisahan, teknologi, minyak sawit kasar, limbah industri pengolahan sawit.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 5256
Daryoush Shafiei ◽  
Prof. Basavaiah*

In mulberry (Morus spp.), the process of selection of promising hybrids from F1 population requires the screening of a large number of progenies and a long period. To develop a simple and faster approach for screening, studies were conducted using F1 seeds of two crosses. The details of screening studies conducted in relation to seed-size and seedling-size are reported separately in two parts. In this part, the F1 seeds were size-graded as small, medium and large seeds; their progenies were raised separately and screened in nursery. There was a considerable degree of variation in size of seeds and medium-size class seeds were in high percentage in both the crosses. The length, width and weight of seeds were also varied between the seed size classes significantly in both the crosses. The seed size classes differ with high significance in shoot length and Root collar diameter and also differ significantly in root length and weight of seedlings. The positive correlation between the seed size and growth of seedlings, seed size and germination, seed size and seedling survival in nursery indicated that size-grading of seeds and rejection of small seeds in the beginning of screening process may help to increase the efficiency of screening by increasing the chances of getting superior hybrids from limited progenies. However, confirmation on the performance of large seedlings from small seed size class may help to draw conclusion. Hence, the studies are continued with size- grading of seedlings in the next part of screening study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 672 (1) ◽  
pp. 012071
N K I Mayasti ◽  
R Kumalasari ◽  
R Ekafitri ◽  
D Desnilasari ◽  
D N Surahman ◽  

Fuel ◽  
1988 ◽  
Vol 67 (11) ◽  
pp. 1589-1591 ◽  

2005 ◽  
Vol 59 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 529-547
Radosav Mitrovic ◽  
Ranko Kljajic ◽  
Mihajlo Vicentijevic

The paper presents instructive methodology for introducing and realizing the HACCP system in pig production, as a typical representative of intensive breeding, with the objective of establishing radiation-hygiene supervision. Attention was focused on the type of pig diet as the key link in the production chain, in fact the selection of the raw material components necessary in the production of pig feed concentrates for intense breeding conditions, and on the establishment of a certain radiation-hygiene balance through prognostic-selective methodology, as a guarantee of radiation safety.

JOM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Joalet Dalene Steenkamp ◽  
Kondwani Wesley Banda ◽  
Pieter Johannes Andries Bezuidenhout ◽  
Glen Michael Denton

AbstractThe Pyrometallurgy Division at Mintek is known internationally for the development of applications of direct current (DC) arc furnace technology in smelting applications, more specifically in the smelting of primary resources, i.e., chromite, ilmenite, titanomagnetite, nickel laterite and ores containing precious group metals, and secondary resources, i.e., furnace slag or dust. From a furnace containment perspective, either an insulating or a conductive design philosophy can be applied, irrespective of the raw material being processed. In the initial stages of a project, desktop studies are typically conducted which include the selection of a furnace containment design philosophy, specific to the application. To lower the risk associated with incorrect selection of a design philosophy and/or furnace containment system components, it is prudent to conduct tests on laboratory and pilot scale and to transfer the knowledge gained to industrial applications. The paper presents examples of the laboratory and pilot techniques utilized.

Nafta-Gaz ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 208-214
Michał Pajda ◽  
Wojciech Mazela ◽  

The aim of the work was to present the issue of eco-efficiency, based on the PN-EN ISO 14045:2012 standard in relation to the production of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). The ecoefficiency analysis takes into account economic and environmental aspects in the improvement of products and processes / technologies. Eco-efficiency considers the product and technology throughout the life cycle, from the construction phase, through use to decommissioning. The impact on the natural environment is assessed on the basis of: consumption of energy, materials, dust and gas emissions, waste and sewage. Total costs include: production costs, raw material costs, costs during the use phase including maintenance, repair and operating costs, product disposal or recycling. The eco-efficiency analysis is helpful in making decisions regarding the selection of a new product or designing a new technology, and enables the selection of the variant that is the most economical and has the least possible impact on the natural environment. These issues are particularly important in the case of biofuels. The rapid growth of their production and the European Union’s policy, which aims to increase the share of energy from renewable sources, cause concerns of many experts regarding the threats related to the production of biofuels, both for the environment and food security. In particular, efforts are made to minimize the amount of waste and residues by implementing the idea of a circular economy. This approach promotes the development of new technologies that are more environmentally friendly. Due to the regulations set out in the RED and RED II Directives, there is a chance that the biofuels will have a less negative impact on the environment. This results from the obligation to certify compliance with the sustainability criteria, which is carried out by voluntary systems recognized by the European Commission, such as the KZR INiG System.

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