beta carotene
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Niloofar Asghari ◽  
Shiva Irani ◽  
Mohamad Pezeshki-Moddaress ◽  
Mojgan Zandi ◽  
Marjan Mohamadali

2022 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 701-711
Anastasiia Kopylova ◽  
Nataliia Davydenko ◽  
Aleksandr Sapozhnikov ◽  
Anna Loseva

Introduction. Semi-finished choux dough has neither vitamins nor minerals. However, its nutritional value can be increased by adding vegetable raw materials. The research objective was to evaluate the possibilities of using spicy vegetable raw materials in the formulation of semi-finished choux dough. Study objects and methods. The study featured fresh parsley (Petroselinum crispum), basil (Ocimum), celery (Apium) leaves and stems, and IR-dried powder of celery stalks. Standard research methods were used to determine the sensory, physico-chemical, and nutritional properties of the resulting choux samples. Results and discussion. Classical semi-finished choux dough with craquelin served as control sample. Fresh spicy vegetable raw materials degraded the sensory characteristics of the product. However, powdered celery stalks did not interfere with the taste of the choux dough. They were added in the amount of 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5% by weight of wheat flour. The celery powder gave the dough a sour-spicy flavor, as well as increased the content of vitamins B (up to 10%) and beta-carotene (up to 70%) in the finished product. Conclusion. The sample with 5% of IR-dried celery powder proved optimal for choux dough. It increased the content of vitamin B2 and beta-carotene, thus improving the nutritional value of the semi-finished product. In future, the powder can be tested as part of bakery filling in combination with ingredients that mask the typical celery taste.

Sangle Yohanes Randa ◽  
Siska Tirajoh ◽  
Osfar Sjofjan

Abstract This study aims to improve the nutritional quality of venison floss by modifying the the technology process of floss making with adding red fruit oil (Pandanus conoideus L) and kebar grass extract (Biophytum petersianum) as a source of natural antioxidants. The results showed that the nutritional value of floss was influenced by the use of these herbal.  Supplementation of antioxidant  is to potentially extend the shelf-life of floss as indicated in decreasing the value of water activity (Aw) and thiobarburic acid (TBA).  The Aw value decreased from 0.756 to 0.701, and TBA decreased from 0.139 to 0.055 mg/kg.  The protein of floss increased from 33.20 to 35.60%.  The result also showed that the content of antioxidant increased which is indicated by the increasing of beta-carotene content from 0.0087 mg /100 gram to 0.81 mg/100 gram. Results also showed that the use of red fruit oil extract and kebar grass extract decreased the content of saturated fatty acids, meanwhile in unsaturated fatty acids it increased arachidonic fatty acids. Keywords: Antioxidant; Beta-caroten; Kebar grass; Red-fruit oil; Venison floss.   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas nutrisi abon daging rusa dengan memodifikasi proses teknologi produksinya dengan penambahan ekstrak minyak buah merah (Pandanus conoideus L) dan ekstrak rumput kebar (Biophytum petersianum) sebagai sumber antioksidan alami. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa nilai nutrisi produk olahan daging dipengaruhi oleh adanya penambahan senyawa antioksidan. Pemberian suplementasi bahan sumber antioksidan meningkatkan daya awet pada abon yang ditunjukkan dengan penurunan nilai aktivitas air (Aw) dan nilai thiobarburic acid (TBA).  Nilai Aw abon menurun dari 0,756 menjadi 0,701, dan nilai TBA-nya menurun dari 0,139 menjadi 0,055 mg/kg.  Nilai nutrisi terjadi pada nilai protein yang meningkat dari 33,20 menjadi 35,60%.  Sebagai sumber antioksidan terlihat pada peningkatan kandungan beta-karoten dari 0,0087 mg/100 gram menjadi 0,81 mg/100 gram.  Faktor penting lainnya  dengan penggunaan ekstrak minyak buah merah dan ekstrak rumput kebar yakni adanya penurunan yang signifikan pada kandungan asam-asam lemak jenuh, akan tetapi pada asam-asam lemak tidak jenuh terjadi peningkatan pada asam lemak arakidonat. Kata kunci:  Abon rusa; Beta-karoten; Herbal antioksidant; Minyak buah-merah; Rumput kebar.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-48
Sunarsih Sunarsih ◽  
Aryati Sumarlinda ◽  
Fijri Rachmawati

ABSTRAK Dismenore adalah nyeri ringan yang dapat ditolerir tanpa obat, namun dalam kondisi berat bisa mengganggu aktivitas sehari – hari atau absen sekolah. Pemicu utama dismenore primer adalah prostaglandin yang berperan penting menyebabkan kram dan kontraksi serta gejala lainnya. Mengatasi dismenore dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan jus wortel yang kaya akan karotin, pectin, aspargin, serat, lemak, hidrat arang, kalsium, fosfor, besi, sodium, asam amino, minyak esensial dan beta karote serta vitamin A,B,C,D,E dan K. Vitamin E membantu block formasi prostaglandin dan membantu mengatasi efek dari peningkatan prostaglandin, sehingga efektif menurunkan nyeri. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mulya Asri tanggal 15 maret 2021. Kegiatan diawali dengan melakukan pertest lalu penyampaian materi, demonstrasi pembuatan jus dan diakhiri dengan evalusi dalam bentuk post test. Terdapat  peningkatan pengetahuan remaja putri tentang dismenore serta cara mengatasi dismenorea menggunakan jus wortel yaitu sebesar 55%. Kata Kunci: Edukasi, Jus Wortel, Remaja, Dismenore ABSTRACTDysmenorrhea is mild pain that can be tolerated without medicine, however, severe conditions can disturb daily activity or be absent in school. The main trigger of primer dysmenorrhea is a prostaglandin that has an important role in causing cramps, contraction, and other symptoms. The way to overcome dysmenorrhea can be done by using carrot juice in which very rich in carotene, pectin, asparagine, fiber, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, amino acids, essential oil, beta carotene, and A, B, C, D, E, K vitamin. Vitamin E helps block the formation of prostaglandin and helps in overcoming the effects of increased prostaglandin so that it is very effective in decreasing pain.  Counseling activity was done in the worked area of Mulya Asri’s Public Health Center on 15th March 2021.  This activity was started by doing a pretest, delivering the material, demonstrating in making juice, and ended by evaluating in the form of the posttest. The results were that teenage girls have had increased their knowledge about dysmenorrhea and they have had known in overcoming dysmenorrhea by using carrot juice totally 55%. Keywords : Education, Carrot Juice, teenage, Dysmenorrhea

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-77
Beta Herilla Sekti ◽  
Rakhmadani Gadis Aprilianti ◽  
Susi Wijiastini

Carrot plant (Daucus carota L.) is a type of vegetable that contains lots of vitamin A and is very much needed by the body to help regulate or metabolic processes in the body. The research design used in this study was experimental, the population and sample were carrots from Ngabab village aged 3-3.5 months, using purposive sampling technique. The results of the qualitative analysis showed that there were orange spots with an Rf value of 0.64 in the carrot extract and the beta-carotene comparison standard. The results of the quantitative analysis showed that the average level of vitamin A in carrots was 49.7% with an absorbance of 0.649. Keywords: Visible Spectrophotometry, Vitamin A, Carrot.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Haimanot Hailegiorgis Ayele ◽  
Sajid Latif ◽  
Joachim Müller

In this study, the development of a mild processing method for cassava leaves to remove cyanogenic compounds with minimum nutritional loss is evaluated. Fresh leaves were reduced in size using a mixer at temperatures of 25 (room temperature), 55, 80, and 100 °C for 1 min before screw pressing to separate the juice and press cake fractions. Cyanide content in the fresh leaves was reduced by 60% at 100 °C and by 57% in the juice sample processed at 25 °C. The press cake cyanide content was low (210 ppm) in both the control and the sample that was processed at 55 °C. An increase in the temperature for processing cassava leaves to 100 °C resulted in a loss of 5–13% of the CP and 7–18% of the vitamin C content. The press-cake fraction had high beta-carotene, lutein, and chlorophyll a and b content, and low values were registered for the juice fraction. Processing fresh cassava leaves at 25 and 55 °C resulted in fractions with high beta-carotene and lutein content. The protein quality of press cake was better than that of juice for feed. Short thermal shredding with pressing resulted in minimal loss of nutrients and a significant reduction of cyanide in the leaves.

2021 ◽  
Julia Kokesch-Himmelreich ◽  
Oliver Wittek ◽  
Alan M. Race ◽  
Sophie Rakete ◽  
Claus Schlicht ◽  

Mass Spectrometry imaging (MS imaging) provides spatial information for a wide range of compound classes in different sample matrices. We used MS imaging to investigate the distribution of components in fresh and processed food, including meat, dairy and bakery products. The MS imaging workflow was optimized to cater to the specific properties and challenges of the individual samples. We successfully detected highly nonpolar and polar constituents such as beta-carotene and anthocyanins, respectively. For the first time, the distribution of a contaminant and a food additive was visualized in processed food. We detected acrylamide in German gingerbread and investigated the penetration of the preservative natamycin into cheese. For this purpose, a new data analysis tool was developed to study the penetration of analytes from uneven surfaces. Our results show that MS imaging has great potential in food analysis to provide relevant information about components' distributions, particularly those underlying official regulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-89
Kepaito Mandela ◽  
Evaire Shakave

This article discusses the benefits of sweet potato leaves containing beta carotene and lutein for eye health. There are some problems of eyes namely Conjunctivitis, Dry Eyes , Cataract, Glaucoma and Refractive errors (blurred vision). Treatment options include surgery, including laser and traditional eye surgery. Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene and anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that can help prevent eyesight loss and support eye health. Beta carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin C are plentiful in yellow sweet potato. The beta carotene and lutein content is beneficial for eye health.

Food Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 229-237
N.M. Thuy ◽  
M.N. Linh ◽  
L.T.D. My ◽  
V.Q. Minh ◽  
N.V. Tai

There are changes in chemical and physical characteristics involved in the ripening of bananas. This study evaluated the changes in physico-chemical and nutritional characteristics of the "Xiêm" banana cultivar at the harvesting (unripe fruit) and ripe stages (ripe fruit). As the pulp to peel ratio and titrable acidity increased, the firmness decreased with an increase in ripening time. A significant increase in total polyphenol content and decrease in beta-carotene and vitamin C content was observed at climacteric peak during ripening. During ripening, the banana peel colour changed from green to yellow, the pulp softened, the flavour develops, and the moisture is lost. "Xiem" banana variety was fully mature after 7 and 22 days of storage at 28-30oC and 13-15oC, respectively. The correlation between various stages of ripeness and these properties were determined and the correlation coefficients were calculated. A very high coefficient of determination (r2 >0.937) was recorded between physical properties (pulp firmness/peel colour) and chemical properties (starch/sugar) of banana fruit with the stage of ripeness.

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