A simple optode based method for imaging O2 distribution and dynamics in tap water biofilms

2011 ◽  
Vol 45 (16) ◽  
pp. 5027-5037 ◽  
M. Staal ◽  
E.I. Prest ◽  
J.S. Vrouwenvelder ◽  
L.F. Rickelt ◽  
M. Kühl
1960 ◽  
Vol XXXIII (IV) ◽  
pp. 630-636
F.-E. Krusius ◽  
P. Peltola

ABSTRACT The study reported here was performed in order to examine the tap water of Helsinki for its alleged goitrogenous effect. In a short-term, 24-hour experiment with rats, kept on an iodine-poor diet, we noticed no inhibition of the 4-hour 131I uptake, as compared with that of animals receiving physiological saline instead of tap water. Two similar groups of rats receiving 1 and 2 mg of mercazole in redistilled water showed a distinct blockage of the 4-hour uptake, which proved the effect of this substance. In a long-term experiment of 5 weeks' duration there was no detectable difference in the body weight, thyroid weight and the 4-hour 131I uptake when the rats receiving tap water or distilled water to which 0.45 per cent of sodium chloride was added were compared with each other. Replacement of tap water by a 10 mg per cent solution of mercazole in redistilled water enlarged the thyroid to double its normal weight and increased the 131I uptake to approximately five times that of the controls. Thus our experiments failed to demonstrate any goitrogenous effect in the tap water of Helsinki. Changes similar to those produced by a long-term administration of mercazole, i. e. an enlargement of the thyroid and an increased thyroidal iodine uptake, have been shown to be due to milk collected from goitrous areas. The observations here reported confirm the importance of milk in the genesis of the goitre endemia of Helsinki. Attention is further called to the fact that a thyroidal enlargement combined with an increased thyroidal iodine uptake cannot always be taken as a sign of iodine deficiency because similar changes may be produced by the administration of goitrogens.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-2
* Dr. Prashant Hansraj Salvi ◽  
Dr.Ketan Vartak ◽  
Dr. Sudhir Shinde

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 1343-1354
Dr. Sakreen Hasan

The urban centers offering diverse employment opportunities and means of livelihood are the main centers of attraction for migration. But the availability of infrastructure is low to accommodate the invariably growing population. The access to basic amenities like electricity, drinking water, toilet facility, wastewater outlet and clean fuel are critical determinants of quality of urbanization. And if it lacks, then it would facilitates the growth of slum.  In this paper it being tried to capture the interdependent relationship between basic amenities and slum population residing in the class I towns in Maharashtra; largest slum populated state of India. As the slum is all about the situation or condition in which the people of medium and lower strata are living. A detailed analysis of proportion of slum population and availability of amenities which includes good housing condition, treated tap water as the source of drinking water, electricity as the source of lightning, households having latrine and bathing facility within the premises, waste water outlet connected to closed drainage, and households availing the banking facilities. This may be a limitation of the study that only these indicators have been taken to assess the availability of amenities and to calculate the amenity index of class I towns of the state of Maharashtra. To achieve the sustainable development goal (Sustainable cities and communities), we have to control the growth of slum population and to combat the formation of slum; we have to analyze the situation of basic infrastructure provided in urban centers. Amenities and slum population has policy implications as to reduce the slum population, provide basic amenities to the households which will improve their standard of living and ultimately lead to reduction in growth of slum and check the future slum formation.

Ahmad Z Al-Herrawy ◽  
Mohamed A Marouf ◽  
Mahmoud A. Gad

Genus Acanthamoeba causes 3 clinical syndromes amebic keratitis, granulomatous amebic encephalitis and disseminated granulomatous amebic disease (eg, sinus, skin and pulmonary infections). A total of 144 tap water samples were collected from Giza governorate, Egypt. Samples were processed for detection of Acanthamoeba species using non-nutrient agar (NNA) and were incubated at 30oC. The isolates of Acanthamoeba were identified to species level based on the morphologic criteria. Molecular characterization of the Acanthamoeba isolates to genus level was performed by using PCR. The obtained results showed that the highest occurrence percentage of Acanthamoeba species in water samples was observed in summer season (38.9%), then it decreased to be 30.6% in spring and 25% in each of autumn and winter. PCR analysis showed that 100% of 43 Acanthamoeba morphologically positive samples were positive by genus specific primer. In the present study eight species of Acanthamoeba can be morphologically recognized namely Acanthamoeba triangularis, Acanthamoeba echinulata, Acanthamoeba astronyxis, Acanthamoeba comandoni, Acanthamoeba griffini, Acanthamoeba culbertsoni, Acanthamoeba quina and Acanthamoeba lenticulata. In conclusion, the most common Acanthamoeba species in tap water was Acanthamoeba comandoni

V.V. Lapenko ◽  
L.N. Bikbulatova ◽  
E.M. Ternikova

Water is very important for humans, as it is a solvent for metabolic products. Moreover, it is necessary for metabolism, biochemical and transport processes. The elemental status in persons depends on the geochemical environment and consumption of bioelements with food and water. The aim of the paper is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of chemical composition of drinking tap water in Khanty-Mansiysk and Salekhard. Materials and Methods. The chemical composition of 100 samples of drinking tap water was analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry, spectrophotometry and capillary electrophoresis. All in all, there were 50 samples from Khanty-Mansiysk and 50 samples from Salekhard. The results were compared with Sanitary Rules and Norms Results. Drinking tap water in Salekhard contains a significantly higher concentration of iron, which is much above the maximum allowable concentration, if compared to water samples in Khanty-Mansiysk (p=0.03). In the cities under consideration, the water undergoes high-quality reagent-free treatment. However, the deterioration of the water supply networks in Salekhard is 3 times as high as in Khanty-Mansiysk. Calcium and magnesium concentration in water samples from Khanty-Mansiysk is 5.6 and 3.9 times lower than the MAC; in water samples from Salekhard calcium concentration is 6.3 (p=0.008) and magnesium concentration 4.6 (p<0.001) times lower than the MAC. Conclusion. The consumption of ultra-fresh drinking water leads to low intake of bioelements, which are a part of enzymes contributing to the human antioxidant defense and can result in manifestation of cardiovascular diseases. This is especially true for Salekhard with very soft drinking water and high iron concentration, which excess can exhibit prooxidant properties. Keywords: tap water, bioelements, northern region, antioxidants. Вода является важнейшим соединением для человека: необходима в качестве растворителя продуктов метаболизма и протекания обменных, биохимических и транспортных процессов. Элементный статус организма человека зависит от геохимического окружения и поступления биоэлементов с пищей и водой. Цель. Провести комплексную оценку химического состава водопроводной воды городов Ханты-Мансийск и Салехард. Материалы и методы. Методами атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии, спектрофотометрии и капиллярного электрофореза проанализирован химический состав 100 проб водопроводной воды: по 50 из Ханты-Мансийска и Салехарда. Результаты сравнивали с СанПиН Результаты. В водопроводной воде Салехарда установлена превышающая ПДК и достоверно более высокая концентрация железа сравнительно с водой Ханты-Мансийска (р=0,03). При условии качественной безреагентной водоподготовки в изучаемых городах это обусловлено изношенностью водопроводных сетей в Салехарде, более чем в 3 раза превышающей этот показатель в Ханты-Мансийске. Концентрация кальция и магния в воде Ханты-Мансийска в 5,6 и 3,9 раза ниже ПДК; в воде Салехарда – в 6,3 (р=0,008) и 4,6 (р<0,001) раза ниже ПДК соответственно. Заключение. Употребление ультрапресной питьевой воды на фоне очень малого поступления с водой биоэлементов, входящих в состав ферментов антиоксидантной защиты организма человека, может привести к манифестации кардиоваскулярных заболеваний. Это особенно актуально для г. Салехарда с очень мягкой питьевой водой с повышенным содержанием железа, избыток которого может проявлять прооксидантные свойства. Ключевые слова: водопроводная вода, биоэлементы, северный регион, антиоксиданты.

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (5) ◽  
pp. 1089-1098
Elena Suzana Biris Dorhoi ◽  
Maria Tofana ◽  
Simona Maria Chis ◽  
Carmen Elena Lupu ◽  
Ticuta Negreanu Pirjol

The valorification of the marine biomass is an important resource for many industries like pharmaceutical, supplying raw material for the extraction of bioactive substances (vitamins, sterols and collagen), cosmetics, biofertilizers and wastewater treatment. In the last years a special attention has been given to the use of macroalgae. The aim of this study was to emphasize the capacity of two representative green algae species frequent presents on the Romanian shore, Ulva lactuca (L.) and Cladophora vagabunda (L.) Hoek, to remove two usual detergents from wastewater. The green algae washed, dried at room temperature, macerated to powder were introduced into different filter paper for comparison, then immersed in waste water treated with different concentrations of detergents. Tap water was used for the experiment. The results show that Ulva lactuca (L.) species is suitable than Cladophora vagabunda (L.) Hoek species, for wastewater treatment.

HortScience ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 456f-457 ◽  
Ali O. Sari ◽  
Mario R. Morales ◽  
James E. Simon

Echinacea is a medicinal plant native to North America. It was used extensively by native Americans in the treatment of their ailments. It is presently one of the most popular medicinal plants in the United States. Its popularity has created a large market demand for the roots and foliage of the plant. The gathering of echinacea from the wild is leading to the reduction of native populations and the destruction of its genetic diversity. Cultivation of medicinal echinaceas is hindered by a low seed germination. Dormancy breaking studies were done on freshly harvested seeds of Echinacea angustifolia. Seed lots were placed under light at a constant temperature of 25 °C and at alternate temperatures of 25/15 °C for 14/10 h, respectively. Germination was more rapid and uniform and percent germination higher at 25 °C than at 25/15 °C. Seed tap-water soaking, dry heating, and sharp heating alteration did not increase germination. The application of 1.0 mM ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphoric acid) increased seed germination to 94% at 25 °C and 86% at 25/15 °C. Untreated seeds gave 65% germination at 25 °C and 11% at 25/15 °C. The application of 2500 mg·L–1 and 3500 mg·L–1 of GA to dry seeds and 2500 mg·L–1 to seeds that have been soaked under tap water and then dried increased germination to 82%, 83%, and 83% at 25 °C and 64%, 78%, and 64% at 25/15 °C, respectively.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-55 ◽  
Athar Hussain ◽  
Manjeeta Priyadarshi ◽  
Saif Said ◽  
Suraj Negi

Most of the industrial sewage effluents used for irrigation contains heavy metals which cause toxicity to crop plants as the soils are able to accumulate heavy metal for many years. The vegetables grown for the present study were irrigated with treated wastewater brought from a nearby full-scale sewage treatment plant at different compositions along with tap water as a control. The concentration levels of the Cd, Co, Cu, Mn and Zn in the soil were found to below the toxic limits as prescribed in literature. Daily Intake Metals (DIM) values suggest that the consumption of plants grown in treated wastewater and tap water is nearly free of risks, as the dietary intake limits of Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn. The Enrichment Factor for the treated wastewater irrigated soil was found in order Zn> Ni> Pb> Cr> Cu> Co> Mn> Cd. Thus, treated wastewater can be effectively used for irrigation. This will have twofold significant environmental advantages: (1) helpful to reduce the groundwater usage for irrigation and (2) helpful to reduce the stress on surface water resources.

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