Lake Agassiz during the Younger Dryas

2013 ◽  
Vol 80 (3) ◽  
pp. 361-369 ◽  
James T. Teller

Lake Agassiz was ponded on the northward-sloping surface of the Hudson Bay and Arctic Ocean basins, as the Laurentide Ice Sheet retreated. The level of Lake Agassiz abruptly fell ~ 12.9 cal (11 14C) ka BP, exposing the lake floor over a large region for > 1000 yr. The routing of overflow during this (Moorhead low-water) period is uncertain, and there is evidence on the continent and in ocean basins for both an easterly route through the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence to the North Atlantic and for a northwesterly route through the Clearwater–Athabasca–Mackenzie system to the Arctic Ocean. The Moorhead low water phase coincides with the Younger Dryas cooling, and a cause–effect relationship has been proposed by attributing a change in ocean thermohaline circulation to the re-routing of Lake Agassiz freshwaters from the Gulf of Mexico to more northern oceans. Paleoclimatic interpretations from ecosystems in lake sediments in the region, and a simple calculation of the paleohydrological budget of Lake Agassiz, indicate that the climate remained wet and cool throughout the YD in this region, and was not warm nor dry enough to allow evaporative loss to offset the influx of meltwater and precipitation; thus, the Moorhead phase resulted from changes in the outlet that carried overflow.

Nature ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 464 (7289) ◽  
pp. 740-743 ◽  
Julian B. Murton ◽  
Mark D. Bateman ◽  
Scott R. Dallimore ◽  
James T. Teller ◽  
Zhirong Yang

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. e1600582 ◽  
Andrés Cózar ◽  
Elisa Martí ◽  
Carlos M. Duarte ◽  
Juan García-de-Lomas ◽  
Erik van Sebille ◽  

The thermohaline circulation of the Arctic Ocean and the Greenland Sea is conditioned by the harsh, high latitude climate and by bathymetry. Warm Atlantic water loses its heat and also becomes less saline by added river run-off. In the Arctic Ocean, this leads to rapid cooling of the surface water and to ice formation. Brine, released by freezing, increases the density of the surface layer, but the ice cover also insulates the ocean and reduces heat loss. This limits density increase, and in the central Arctic Ocean a low salinity surface layer and a permanent ice cover are maintained. Only over the shallow shelves, where the entire water column is cooled to freezing, can dense water form and accumulate to eventually sink down the continental slope into the deep ocean. The part of the Atlantic water which enters the Arctic Ocean is thus separated into a low density surface layer and a denser, deep circulation. These two loops exit through Fram Strait. The waters are partly rehomogenized in the Greenland Sea. The main current is confined to the Greenland continental slope, but polar surface water and ice are injected into the central gyre and create a low density lid, allowing for ice formation in winter. This leads to a density increase sufficient to trigger convection, upwelling and subsequent ice melt. The convection maintains the weak stratification of the gyre and also reinforces the deep circulation loop. As the transformed waters return to the North Atlantic the low-salinity, upper water of the East Greenland Current enters the Labrador Sea and influences the formation of Labrador Sea deep water. The dense loop passes through Denmark Strait and the Faroe-Shetland Channel and sinks to contribute to the North Atlantic deep water. Changes in the forcing conditions might alter the relative strength of the two loops. This could affect the oceanic thermohaline circulation on a global scale

Ocean Science ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 967-975 ◽  
A. J. G. Nurser ◽  
S. Bacon

Abstract. The first (and second) baroclinic deformation (or Rossby) radii are presented north of ~60° N, focusing on deep basins and shelf seas in the high Arctic Ocean, the Nordic seas, Baffin Bay, Hudson Bay and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, derived from climatological ocean data. In the high Arctic Ocean, the first Rossby radius increases from ~5 km in the Nansen Basin to ~15 km in the central Canadian Basin. In the shelf seas and elsewhere, values are low (1–7 km), reflecting weak density stratification, shallow water, or both. Seasonality strongly impacts the Rossby radius only in shallow seas, where winter homogenization of the water column can reduce it to below 1 km. Greater detail is seen in the output from an ice–ocean general circulation model, of higher resolution than the climatology. To assess the impact of secular variability, 10 years (2003–2012) of hydrographic stations along 150° W in the Beaufort Gyre are also analysed. The first-mode Rossby radius increases over this period by ~20%. Finally, we review the observed scales of Arctic Ocean eddies.

1993 ◽  
Vol 67 (S35) ◽  
pp. 1-35 ◽  
Louie Marincovich

The marine molluscan fauna of the Prince Creek Formation near Ocean Point, northern Alaska, is of Danian age. It is the only diverse and abundant Danian molluscan fauna known from the Arctic Ocean realm, and is the first evidence for an indigenous Paleocene shallow-water biota within a discrete Arctic Ocean Basin faunal province.A high percentage of endemic species, and two endemic genera, emphasize the degree to which the Arctic Ocean was geographically isolated from the world ocean during the earliest Tertiary. Many of the well-preserved Ocean Point mollusks, however, also occur in Danian faunas of the North American Western Interior, the Canadian Arctic Islands, Svalbard, and northwestern Europe, and are the basis for relating this Arctic Ocean fauna to that of the Danian world ocean.The Arctic Ocean was a Danian refugium for some genera that became extinct elsewhere during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. At the same time, this nearly landlocked ocean fostered the evolution of new taxa that later in the Paleogene migrated into the world ocean by way of the northeastern Atlantic. The first Cenozoic occurrences are reported for the bivalves Integricardium (Integricardium), Oxytoma (Hypoxytoma), Placunopsis, Tancredia (Tancredia), and Tellinimera, and the oldest Cenozoic records given for the bivalves Gari (Garum), Neilo, and Yoldia (Cnesterium). Among the 25 species in the molluscan fauna are four new gastropod species, Amauropsis fetteri, Ellipsoscapha sohli, Mathilda (Fimbriatella) amundseni, and Polinices (Euspira) repenningi, two new bivalve genera, Arcticlam and Mytilon, and 15 new bivalve species, Arcticlam nanseni, Corbula (Caryocorbula) betsyae, Crenella kannoi, Cyrtodaria katieae, Gari (Garum) brouwersae, Integricardium (Integricardium) keenae, Mytilon theresae, Neilo gryci, Nucula (Nucula) micheleae, Nuculana (Jupiteria) moriyai, Oxytoma (Hypoxytoma) hargrovei, Placunopsis rothi, Tancredia (Tancredia) slavichi, Tellinimera kauffmani, and Yoldia (Cnesterium) gladenkovi.

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 971-994 ◽  
E. H. Shadwick ◽  
T. Papakyriakou ◽  
A. E. F. Prowe ◽  
D. Leong ◽  
S. A. Moore ◽  

Abstract. The Arctic Ocean is expected to be disproportionately sensitive to climatic changes, and is thought to be an area where such changes might be detected. The Arctic hydrological cycle is influenced by: runoff and precipitation, sea ice formation/melting, and the inflow of saline waters from Bering and Fram Straits and the Barents Sea Shelf. Pacific water is recognizable as intermediate salinity water, with high concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), flowing from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic via the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. We present DIC data from an east-west section through the Archipelago, as part of the Canadian International Polar Year initiatives. The fractions of Pacific and Arctic Ocean waters leaving the Archipelago and entering Baffin Bay, and subsequently the North Atlantic, are computed. The eastward transport of carbon from the Pacific, via the Arctic, to the North Atlantic is estimated. Altered mixing ratios of Pacific and freshwater in the Arctic Ocean have been recorded in recent decades. Any climatically driven alterations in the composition of waters leaving the Arctic Archipelago may have implications for anthropogenic CO2 uptake, and hence ocean acidification, in the subpolar and temperate North Atlantic.

1975 ◽  
Vol 15 (73) ◽  
pp. 193-213
Moira Dunbar

AbstractSLAR imagery of Nares Strait was obtained on three flights carried out in. January, March, and August of 1973 by Canadian Forces Maritime Proving and Evaluation Unit in an Argus aircraft equipped with a Motorola APS-94D SLAR; the March flight also covered two lines in the Arctic Ocean, from Alert 10 the North Pole and from the Pole down the long. 4ºE. meridian to the ice edge at about lat. 80º N. No observations on the ground were possible, but -some back-up was available on all flights from visual observations recorded in the air, and on the March flight from infrared line-scan and vertical photography.The interpretation of ice features from the SLAR imagery is discussed, and the conclusion reached that in spite of certain ambiguities the technique has great potential which will increase with improving resolution, Extent of coverage per distance flown and independence of light and cloud conditions make it unique among airborne sensors.

1973 ◽  
Vol 12 (65) ◽  
pp. 173-185 ◽  
R. M. Koerner

AbstractFrom data taken on the British Trans-Arctic Expedition it is calculated that 9% of the Arctic Ocean surface between the North Pole and Spitsbergen was hummocked or ridged ice, 17% was unridged ice less than a year old, 73% was unridged old ice and 0.6% was ice-free. The mode of 250 thickness measurements taken through level areas of old floes along the entire traverse lies between 2.25 and 2.75 m. The mean end-of-winter thickness of the ice is calculated to be 4.6 m in the Pacific Gyral and 3.9 m in the Trans-Polar Drift Stream. From measurements of the percentage coverage and thickness of the various ice forms, it is calculated that the total annual ice accumulation in the Arctic Ocean is equivalent to a continuous layer of ice 1.1 m thick. 47% of this accumulation occurs in ice-free areas and under ice less than 1 year old. 20% of the total ice production is either directly or indirectly related to ridging or hummocking. An ice-ablation rate of 500 kg m−2 measured on a level area of a multi-year floe is compared with the rate on deformed and ponded ice. Greatest melting occurs on new hummocks and least on old smooth hummocks. The annual balance of ice older than 1 year but younger than multi-year ice is calculated from a knowledge of ice-drift patterns and the percentage coverage of first-year ice. The same calculations give a mean-maximum drift period of 5 years for ice in the Trans-Polar Drift Stream and 16 years in the Pacific Gyral. It is calculated that for the period February 1968 to May 1969 the annual ice export was 5 580 km3.

Atmosphere ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1170
Sergey Sakerin ◽  
Dmitry Kabanov ◽  
Valery Makarov ◽  
Viktor Pol’kin ◽  
Svetlana Popova ◽  

The results from studies of aerosol in the Arctic atmosphere are presented: the aerosol optical depth (AOD), the concentrations of aerosol and black carbon, as well as the chemical composition of the aerosol. The average aerosol characteristics, measured during nine expeditions (2007–2018) in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean, had been 0.068 for AOD (0.5 µm); 2.95 cm−3 for particle number concentrations; 32.1 ng/m3 for black carbon mass concentrations. Approximately two–fold decrease of the average characteristics in the eastern direction (from the Barents Sea to Chukchi Sea) is revealed in aerosol spatial distribution. The average aerosol characteristics over the Barents Sea decrease in the northern direction: black carbon concentrations by a factor of 1.5; particle concentrations by a factor of 3.7. These features of the spatial distribution are caused mainly by changes in the content of fine aerosol, namely: by outflows of smokes from forest fires and anthropogenic aerosol. We considered separately the measurements of aerosol characteristics during two expeditions in 2019: in the north of the Barents Sea (April) and along the Northern Sea Route (July–September). In the second expedition the average aerosol characteristics turned out to be larger than multiyear values: AOD reached 0.36, particle concentration up to 8.6 cm−3, and black carbon concentration up to 179 ng/m3. The increased aerosol content was affected by frequent outflows of smoke from forest fires. The main (99%) contribution to the elemental composition of aerosol in the study regions was due to Ca, K, Fe, Zn, Br, Ni, Cu, Mn, and Sr. The spatial distribution of the chemical composition of aerosols was analogous to that of microphysical characteristics. The lowest concentrations of organic and elemental carbon (OC, EC) and of most elements are observed in April in the north of the Barents Sea, and the maximal concentrations in Far East seas and in the south of the Barents Sea. The average contents of carbon in aerosol over seas of the Asian sector of the Arctic Ocean are OC = 629 ng/m3, EC = 47 ng/m3.

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