Recognition of Gram-negative bacteria and endotoxin by the innate immune system

1999 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-22 ◽  
Richard J Ulevitch ◽  
Peter S Tobias
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-37
L.L. Vorontsova ◽  
V.A. Kovalenko ◽  
M.I. Dub ◽  
M.Ye. Zhuravlova

EFFECT OF ENDOTOXIN AGGRESSION ON DEVELOPMENT OF IMMUNE HOMEOSTASIS DAMAGES IN INFERTILE MENVorontsova L.L., Kovalenko V.A., Dub M.I., Zhuravlova M.Ye.The article describes that studying condition of endotoxin-antiendotoxin system it has been revealed that endotoxin aggression occurs in infertile men it transforms acute character (in considerable decreasing ejaculate fertility) into chronic one (in absolute lack of fertile properties in ejaculate). Changes for indices of immune system link damaged indicate increasing tension, that, obviously, assumes alternative available agents (in particular, gram-negative bacteria), which further damages of spermatogenesis. It is possible to assume, that endotoxin aggression, in particular, chronic one is an important link for pathogenesis of male infertility, thought high concentrations in LPS potentiate immune phagocytic link, obviously, as compensator.Keywords: endotoxin, innate immune system, male infertility. РОЛЬ ЕНДОТОКСИНОВОЇ АГРЕСІЇ У РОЗВИТКУ ПОРУШЕНЬ ІМУННОГО ГОМЕОСТАЗУ У БЕЗПЛІДНИХ ЧОЛОВІКІВВоронцова Л.Л., Коваленко В.А., Дуб М.І., Журавльова М.Є.В результаті проведеного дослідження стану ендотоксин-антиендотоксинової системи виявлено, що у чоловіків з безпліддям має місце ендотоксинові агресія, яка змінює гострий характер (при значному зниженні фертильності еякуляту) на хронічний (при повній відсутності фертильних властивостей еякуляту). Зміни показників вродженої ланки імунної системи, що спостерігаються у безплідних чоловіків свідчать про зростання напруги, що, вочевидь, вказує на наявність альтернативних факторів (зокрема, грамнегативних бактерій), які сприяють, в свою чергу, порушенню сперматогенезу. Таким чином, ендотоксинова агресія, і зокрема хронічна, є важливою ланкою патогенезу чоловічого безпліддя, в той час як висока концентрація ЛПС сприяє активації фагоцитарної ланки імунної системи, вочевидь, компенсаторного характеру.Ключові слова: вроджений імунітет, ендотоксин, чоловіче безпліддя. РОЛЬ ЭНДОТОКСИНОВОЙ АГРЕССИИ В РАЗВИТИИ НАРУШЕНИЙ ИММУННОГО ГОМЕОСТАЗА У БЕСПЛОДНЫХ МУЖЧИН Воронцова Л.Л., Коваленко В.А., Дуб М.И., Журавлева М.Е.В результате проведенного исследования состояния энотоксин-антиэндотоксиновой системы выявлено, что у мужчин с бесплодием имеет место эндотоксиновая агрессия, которая изменяет острый характер (при значительном снижении фертильности эякулята) на хронический (при полном отсутствии фертильных свойств эякулята). Изменения показателей врожденного звена иммунной системы, наблюдающиеся у бесплодных мужчин, свидетельствуют об усилении напряжения, и, по-видимому, указывают на наличие альтернативных факторов (в частности, грамотрицательных бактерий), которые способствуют, в свою очередь, нарушению сперматогенеза. Таким образом, эндотоксиновая агрессия, и в частности хроническая, является важным звеном патогенеза мужского бесплодия, в то время как высокая концентрация ЛПС способствует активации фагоцитарного звена иммунной системы, по-видимому, компенсаторного характера.Ключевые слова: врожденный иммунитет, мужское бесплодие, эндотоксин.

2020 ◽  
Vol 217 (5) ◽  
Stephanie Houston

Vijay Rathinam is an Assistant Professor of Immunology and the Director of the Graduate Program in Immunology at UConn Health. His work is focused on understanding pathogen recognition by the innate immune system, specifically how the inflammasome is activated by Gram-negative bacteria. I caught up with Vijay to find out more about his journey in science.

Biomolecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1410
Yuriy A. Knirel ◽  
Andrey P. Anisimov ◽  
Angelina A. Kislichkina ◽  
Anna N. Kondakova ◽  
Olga V. Bystrova ◽  

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), localized in the outer leaflet of the outer membrane, serves as the major surface component of the Gram-negative bacterial cell envelope responsible for the activation of the host’s innate immune system. Variations of the LPS structure utilized by Gram-negative bacteria promote survival by providing resistance to components of the innate immune system and preventing recognition by TLR4. This review summarizes studies of the biosynthesis of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis complex LPSs, and the roles of their structural components in molecular mechanisms of yersiniae pathogenesis and immunogenesis.

Antibiotics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 94 ◽  
Ashley S. Brott ◽  
Anthony J. Clarke

The peptidoglycan sacculus of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria acts as a protective mesh and provides structural support around the entirety of the cell. The integrity of this structure is of utmost importance for cell viability and so naturally is the first target for attack by the host immune system during bacterial infection. Lysozyme, a muramidase and the first line of defense of the innate immune system, targets the peptidoglycan sacculus hydrolyzing the β-(1→4) linkage between repeating glycan units, causing lysis and the death of the invading bacterium. The O-acetylation of N-acetylmuramoyl residues within peptidoglycan precludes the productive binding of lysozyme, and in doing so renders it inactive. This modification has been shown to be an important virulence factor in pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and is currently being investigated as a novel target for anti-virulence therapies. This article reviews interactions made between peptidoglycan and the host immune system, specifically with respect to lysozyme, and how the O-acetylation of the peptidoglycan interrupts these interactions, leading to increased pathogenicity.

2003 ◽  
Vol 82 (12) ◽  
pp. 944-950 ◽  
E.E. LeClair

An expanding number of innate immune molecules occupy the “epithelial frontier”. This review introduces a recently recognized class of mammalian proteins with similarity to PLUNC (palate, lung and nasal epithelium clone), which is itself related to the host defense protein BPI (bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein). Four emerging lines of evidence unite the PLUNC-like proteins: conserved genetic structure, epithelial expression, three-dimensional protein similarity, and a physiological response to injury or inflammation. By analogy to known proteins of the innate immune system, an emerging hypothesis for this family is that they act as sensors of Gram-negative bacteria in the oral cavity, among other areas.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Yung An Tsou ◽  
Hung-Jin Huang ◽  
Wesley Wen Yang Lin ◽  
Calvin Yu-Chian Chen

The innate immune system is the first line in the defense system and prevents the body from further bacteria, virus, or fungal infections. Most of the innate immune system is relevant to mucosa immunity. Lactotransferrin is secreted from the human mammal breast duct epithelial tissue and strengthens infant immunity to defense with regard to outward pathogens. Splunc-1 is also an innate material secreted from the soft palate, lung, nasal cavity epithelium, and mucosa. It helps with mucosa defense against bacterial, virus, and even fungus. LPS is the main etiology of Gram-negative bacilla infection source. And studies of lactoferricin and slpunc-1 both can combine with LPS and subsequently cause insults to the mucosa. Although, we know that both of them partake in an important role in innate immunity, we do not know the effects when they work together. In this study, we just overview silicon stimulation to examine the combination of Lactoferricin and Splunc-1 and the effect with regard to LPS.

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