War-time Finance — A Résumé of Financial Conditions during and after the War as they affected Life Insurance Companies

1928 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 347-387
P. C. Crump

It will, I think, be admitted by all who have given this matter any serious thought that it is impossible to deal adequately with the subject indicated by the above title, as in the first place the paper would run to an inordinate length, and in the second place the time is not yet when the effect of the war on the operations of insurance companies can be correctly measured. It may be that many years must elapse before things can be seen in their true perspective, and incidentally, I suppose, there will always be a certain difference of opinion as to how far any particular results can be attributed to the war itself, or to what extent they were influenced by other factors.

1912 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 205-260
N. J. Carter

It is with considerable diffidence that I submit this paper to the Institute seeing that there are many members who are far better qualified to deal with the subject.However, it was suggested that a paper of this character would be acceptable, and I have endeavoured to make it as complete as possible without transgressing reasonable limits of space.In the first place I have given a general account of the law of bankruptcy, following, in the main, the general arrangement of the subject adopted by Ringwood in “The Principles of Bankruptcy”, and I hope sufficiently full to make the paper useful to Students for Part IV of the examination syllabus. This has inevitably made it somewhat long and formal.

1870 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 411-432 ◽  
Thomas B. Sprague

Some years ago I read before the Institute a paper bearing on this subject (see Journal, vol. xi., p. 90) in which I examined at considerable length the method of valuation which has been on various occasions so strongly advocated by Mr. Tucker, and which is denominated by him the “reinsurance method.” This term, however, appeared to me unsuitable, and I termed the method the “hypothetical method” of valuation; because the sums assured and the premiums are valued by means of a hypothetical table of the values of reversions and annuities, deduced by an inverse process from the premiums actually charged by the office. In that paper I compared Mr. Tucker's method with the net-premium method of valuation, and gave my reasons for believing the latter to be not only greatly superior to the former, but the method that should be generally employed. Subsequent consideration has however satisfied me that the net-premium method of valuation is also open to very serious objections, and that it is not applicable in all cases; and I propose on the present occasion, first to point out some of these objections, and then to consider briefly what method of valuation should be followed when the net-premium method is inapplicable. The subject however is a very wide one; and the present paper must be considered rather as a contribution to the discussion of a question that is all-important to those who have the responsibility of advising as to the liabilities of Life Insurance Companies, than as claiming to be itself a complete essay on the subject.

1877 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 291-297 ◽  
T. B. Sprague

If, a few years ago, a paper had been offerd to the British Association on the subject ov the insolvency of life insurance companies, it woud probably hav been met with the objection that it was ov too theoretical a character. No life insurance company in the contry had ever been knoen to becom insolvent, and ther was no reason to anticipate that such a catastrofy woud ever occur. The well knoen remark ov the late Prof. De Morgan miht probably hav been quoted, that ther is nothing at all comparabl in point ov security with a well establisht and prudently conducted life insurance company.

1877 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 349-355
J. W. Eastwood

In looking over the rules of a few insurance societies, I could not avoid observing the want of unanimity which prevailed with respect to the manner in which they deal with suicides whose lives have been insured. This induced me to take up the subject, and obtain all the information I could from the different offices in England and Scotland. My information is gained from eighty-one out of ninety-two offices, and from the actuaries or secretaries of several of these I have received valuable assistance and useful facts. The ways are so various in which the different companies treat this subject, that it is not easy to classify them briefly. The general rule is, that a life policy is forfeited by suicide, whether the assured has been of unsound mind or not; and the following rule occurs so frequently, that it may be quoted to represent a very large proportion, which I cannot accurately ascertain, of all the insurance companies.

1897 ◽  
Vol 33 (5) ◽  
pp. 373-399
T. B. Sprague

The subject of lost policies is one that is constantly coming before Life Insurance Companies in different ways, and it is one regarding which it seems very desirable that they should all act on the same principles. At present, however, I believe there is a good deal of diversity of practice; and I think it may therefore be useful if I submit to my professional brethren the conclusions to which I have been led by my business experience and careful consideration of the various points involved.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-97
Nana Diana ◽  
Tati Apriani

This study aims to examine the influence of investment returns and Risk Based Capital (RBC) Tabarru Funds to the profit of sharia life insurance in Indonesia from 2014-2019. This study The type of this research is quantitative research with descriptive verification as a method. This research method uses descriptive verification method with quantitative approach. The data used in this study were sourced from the financial statements of Islamic life insurance companies in Indonesia for the 2014-2019 period. Then the data obtained were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing consisting of t test and f test with the help of SPSS 21 software. The sampling technique uses non probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the development of investment returns on Sharia Life Insurance in Indonesia has fluctuated and even suffered losses. While the development of Risk Based Capital (RBC) has increased and decreased but overall above 120% as determined by the government. Likewise, the profits earned in each year fluctuate. The results of statistical tests show that investment results partially have a positive effect on profit and Risk Based Capital (RBC) of Tabarru funds partially has a negative effect on profit. Simultaneously investment return and Risk Based Capital (RBC) affect on profit. In addition, the results of the coefficient of determination (R2) were obtained which obtained a value of 81%. This shows that the variable investment returns and Risk Based Capital (RBC) can affect earnings by 81% and the remaining 19% is influenced by other variables not used in this study.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-128
D. V. Bryzgalov

The subject of the research is the influence of the insurance market digitalization on competition forms in insurance. The purpose of the research was to study the forms of competition and factors of competitiveness in the process of digitalization of insurance activities. The research findings revealed the specifics of competition between insurance companies in digital sales channels of insurance services, and identified groups of new factors in the competitiveness of insurance programs. The paper describes two models of the policyholder behavior typical for traditional and digital sales channels in the insurance market — classical and digital. It is concluded that the digitalization of the insurance market influences the competition between insurance companies making a shift towards the channel competition and contributing to the emergence of new competition factors for insurance programs developed with digital technologies.

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