Absorption coefficients of a hydrogen plasma for laser radiation

1974 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-129 ◽  
James R. Stallcop

The formalism for the calculation of the absorption of radiation by a hydrogen plasma at common laboratory conditions is summarized. The hydrogen plasma absorption coefficient for laser radiation has been computed for a wide range of electron densities (1015- 1018 cm-3) and temperatures (10 000–40 000 °K). The results of this computation are presented in a graphical form that permits a determination of the absorption coefficient for the following laser wavelengths: 0.176, 0.325, 0.337, 0.442, 0.488, 0.51, 0.633, 0.694, 1.06, 1.15, 2.36, 3.39, 5.40 and 10.6 Μm. The application of these results and laser radiation absorption measurements to plasma diagnostics is discussed briefly.

2021 ◽  
Jesús Yus-Díez ◽  
Vera Bernardoni ◽  
Griša Močnik ◽  
Andrés Alastuey ◽  
Davide Ciniglia ◽  

Abstract. Accurate measurements of light absorption by aerosolized particles, especially black carbon (BC), are of utter importance since BC represents the second most important climate-warming agent after carbon dioxide (CO2). Reducing the uncertainties related to the absorption measurement techniques will improve the global estimation of BC concentration and the radiative effects of light absorbing aerosols. Currently, one of the most widely used instruments for BC and absorption measurements is the dual-spot aethalometer, AE33, which derives the absorption coefficients of aerosol particles at 7 different wavelengths from the measurements of optical attenuation through a filter where particles are continuously collected. An accurate determination of the absorption coefficient relies on the quantification of non-linear processes related to the collection of sample on the filter. The multiple-scattering correction factor (C(λ)), which depends on the filter tape used and on the optical properties of the collected particles, is the parameter with the greatest uncertainty.An in-depth analysis of the AE33 multiple-scattering correction factor and its wavelength dependence for different filter tapes, i.e. the old most referenced known as TFE-coated glass and the current most widely used M8060, has been carried out by comparing the AE33 attenuation measurements with the absorption measurements from different filter-based techniques. Online co-located multi-angle absorption photometer (MAAP) measurements and offline PP_UniMI polar photometer measurements were used with this aim. We used data from three different measurement stations in North-East of Spain: an urban background station (Barcelona; BCN), a regional background station (Montseny; MSY) and a mountain-top station (Montsec d'Ares; MSA). The median C values (at 637 nm) measured at the three stations ranged between 2.29 (at BCN and MSY; lowest 5th percentile of 1.97 and highest 95th percentile of 2.68) and 2.51 (at MSA; lowest 5th percentile of 2.06 and highest 95th percentile of 3.06). The C factor was wavelength-dependent only at the mountain-top station, whereas at the urban and regional stations no statistically significant difference was found at the 7 different AE33 wavelengths. The wavelength-dependence of C at the mountain station was in part driven by the predominant effect of dust particles during Saharan dust outbreaks at this station. At the mountain station, neglecting the wavelength dependence of the C factor led to an underestimation of the Absorption Ångström Exponent (AAE) of 12 %. The analysis of the cross-sensitivity to scattering for different filter tapes revealed a large increase of the C factor at the three stations when the single scattering albedo (SSA) of the collected particles was above 0.90–0.95, with up to a 3-fold increase above the average values. The result of the cross-sensitivity to scattering displayed a fitted constant multiple scattering parameter, Cf, of 2.21 and 1.96 and a cross-sensitivity factor, ms, of 0.8 % and 1.7 % for MSY and MSA stations, respectively, for the TFE-coated glass filter tape. For the M8060 filter tape, Cf of 2.50, 1.96, 1.82 and a ms of 0.7 %, 1.5 %, 2.7 %, for BCN, MSY and MSA stations, respectively, were obtained. Differences in the absorption coefficient determined from AE33 measurements at BCN, MSY and MSA of around a 35–40 % can be expected when using the site-dependent C determined experimentally instead of the nominal C value.

An account of an experimental determination of the comparative absorption of penetrating γ-rays by a wide range of elements has recently been given by one of us. It is the object of the present paper to consider the results somewhat more fully, especially those concerned with scattering, which was not previously discussed. The rays used were those from RaB + C after filtration through 1 cm. lead. The absorption was primarily measured in terms of aluminium, whose apparent absorption coefficient was measured directly. It was shown that the apparent atomic absorption, for the absorber in one particular position, could be represented with considerable accuracy by μ a' = a Z + b Z 4 (1) where Z is the atomic number.

S. A. Sadovnikov

Introduction: Successful monitoring of environmental parameters requires the development of flexible software complexes with evolvable calculation functionality. Purpose: Developing a modular system for numerical simulation of atmospheric laser gas analysis. Results: Based on differential absorption method, a software system has been developed which provides the calculation of molecular absorption cross-sections, molecular absorption coefficients, atmospheric transmission spectra, and lidar signals. Absorption line contours are calculated using the Voigt profile. The prior information sources are HITRAN spectroscopic databases and statistical models of the distribution of temperature, pressure and gas components in the atmosphere. For modeling lidar signals, software blocks of calculating the molecular scattering coefficient and aerosol absorption/scattering coefficients were developed. For testing the applicability of various laser sources in the problems of environmental monitoring of the atmosphere, a concentration reconstruction error calculation block was developed for the atmospheric gas components, ignoring the interfering absorption of laser radiation by foreign gases. To verify the correct functioning of the software, a program block was developed for comparing the results of the modeling of atmospheric absorption and transmission spectra by using the standard SPECTRA information system. The discrepancy between the calculation of the atmospheric transmission spectra obtained using the developed system as compared to the SPECTRA results is less than 1%. Thus, a set of the presented program blocks allows you to carry out complex modeling of remote atmospheric gas analysis. Practical relevance: The software complex allows you to rapidly assess the possibilities of using a wide range of laser radiation sources for the problems of remote gas analysis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Haryo Suganda ◽  
Raja Muhammad Amin

This study is motivated the identification of policies issued by the regional Governmentof Rokan Hulu in the form of Regulatory region number 1 by 2015 on the determination of thevillage and Indigenous Village. Political dynamics based on various interests against themanufacture of, and decision-making in the process of formation of the corresponding localregulations determination of Indigenous Villages in the Rokan Hulu is impacted to a verysignificantamount of changes from the initial draft of the number i.e. 21 (twenty one) the villagebecame Customary 89 (eighty-nine) the Indigenous Villages who have passed. Type of thisresearch is a qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The research aims to describe theState of the real situation in a systematic and accurate fact analysis unit or related research, aswell as observations of the field based on the data (information). Method of data collectionwas done with interviews, documentation, and observations through fieldwork (field research).The results of the research on the process of discussion of the draft local regulations andmutual agreement about Designation of Indigenous Villages in the Rokan Hulu is, showed thatthe political dynamics that occur due to the presence of various political interests, rejectionorally by Villagers who were judged to have met the requirements of Draft Regulations to beformulated and the area for the set to be Indigenous Villages, and also there is a desire fromsome villages in the yet to Draft local regulations in order to set the Indigenous village , there isa wide range of interests of these aspects influenced the agreement to assign the entire localVillage which is in the Rokan Hulu become Indigenous village, and the village of Transmigrationinto administrative Villages where the initiator of the changes in the number of IndigenousVillages in the Rokan Hulu it is the desire of the local Government of its own.

Hernâni Marques ◽  
Pedro Cruz-Vicente ◽  
Tiago Rosado ◽  
Mário Barroso ◽  
Luís A. Passarinha ◽  

Environmental tobacco smoke exposure (ETS) and smoking have been described as the most prevalent factors in the development of certain diseases worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, more than 8 million people die every year due to exposure to tobacco, around 7 million due to direct ETS and the remaining due to exposure to second-hand smoke. Both active and second-hand exposure can be measured and controlled using specific biomarkers of tobacco and its derivatives, allowing the development of more efficient public health policies. Exposure to these compounds can be measured using different methods (involving for instance liquid- or gas-chromatographic procedures) in a wide range of biological specimens to estimate the type and degree of tobacco exposure. In recent years, a lot of research has been carried out using different extraction methods and different analytical equipment; this way, liquid–liquid extraction, solid-phase extraction or even miniaturized procedures have been used, followed by chromatographic analysis coupled mainly to mass spectrometric detection. Through this type of methodologies, second-hand smokers can be distinguished from active smokers, and this is also valid for e-cigarettes and vapers, among others, using their specific biomarkers. This review will focus on recent developments in the determination of tobacco smoke biomarkers, including nicotine and other tobacco alkaloids, specific nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, etc. The methods for their detection will be discussed in detail, as well as the potential use of threshold values to distinguish between types of exposure.

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