Annual variations in body-size spectra of planktonic ciliate communities and their relationships to environmental conditions: a case study in Jiaozhou Bay, northern China

Henglong Xu ◽  
Yong Jiang ◽  
Wei Zhang ◽  
Mingzhuang Zhu ◽  
Khaled A. S. Al-Rasheid ◽  

The annual variations in body-size spectra of planktonic ciliate communities and their relationships to environmental conditions were studied based on a 12-month dataset (June 2007 to May 2008) from Jiaozhou Bay on the Yellow Sea coast of northern China. Based on the dataset, the body sizes of the ciliates, expressed as equivalent spherical diameters, included five ranks: S1 (5–35 μm); S2 (35–55 μm); S3 (55–75 μm); S4 (75–100 μm); and S5 (100–350 μm). These body-size ranks showed a clear temporal succession of dominance in the order of S2 (January–April) → S1 (May–July) → S4 (August–September) → S3 (October–December). Multivariate analyses showed that the temporal variations in their body-size patterns were significantly correlated with changes in environmental conditions, especially water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) and nutrients. In terms of abundance, rank S2 was significantly correlated with water temperature, DO and nutrients, whereas ranks S4 and S5 were correlated with the salinity and nutrients respectively (P < 0.05). These results suggest that the body-size patterns of planktonic ciliate communities showed a clear temporal pattern during an annual cycle and significantly associated with environmental conditions in marine ecosystems.

2016 ◽  
Vol 96 (5) ◽  
pp. 1113-1118 ◽  
Zheng Wang ◽  
Guanjian Xu ◽  
Henglong Xu

As an inherent function of a community, body-size spectrum has been increasingly used as a useful indicator in global ecological research. The colonization dynamics of biofilm-dwelling protozoa with regard to body-size spectrum were studied based on a 1-month baseline survey in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, northern China. Samples were collected at time intervals of 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 21 and 28 days from depths of 1 and 3 m. A total of seven body-size ranks were identified based on a trait hierarchy. The individual abundance of the protozoa at each body-size rank was well fitted to the logistic model equation. The body-size spectra showed a clear shift in probability density during the colonization period at both depths. The multivariate approach demonstrated that the temporal dynamics in body-size spectra of the protozoa may be divided into initial (1 day), transitional (3–7 days) and stable (10–28 days) stages during the colonization period. These results provide useful information for ecological research and monitoring programmes using biofilm-dwelling protozoa in marine ecosystems.

2017 ◽  
Vol 37 (8) ◽  
徐国瑞 XU Guorui ◽  
马克明 MA Keming
The Body ◽  

2011 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 8189-8240 ◽  
B. A. Kelly-Gerreyn ◽  
T. R. Anderson ◽  
B. J. Bett ◽  
A. P. Martin ◽  
J. I. Kaariainen

Abstract. Factors controlling biomass distributions in marine benthic organisms (meio- to macro-fauna, 1 μg–32 mg wet weight) were investigated through observations and allometric modelling. Biomass (and abundance) size spectra were measured at three locations: the Faroe-Shetland Channel in the north-east Atlantic (FSC, water depth 1600 m, September 2000); the Fladen Ground in the North Sea (FG, 150 m, September 2000); and the hypoxic Oman Margin (OM, 500 m, September 2002) in the Arabian Sea. Biomass increased with body size through a power law at FG (allometric exponent, b = 0.16) and at FSC (b = 0.32), but less convincingly at OM (b was not significantly different from −1/4 or 0). Our results question the assumption that metazoan biomass spectra are bimodal in marine sediments. The model incorporated 16 metazoan size classes, as derived from the observed spectra, all reliant on a common detrital food pool. All physiological (ingestion, mortality, assimilation and respiration) parameters scaled to body size following optimisation to the data at each site, the resulting values being consistent within expectations from the literature. For all sites, body size related changes in mortality played the greatest role in determining the trend of the biomass size spectra. The body size trend in the respiration rate was most sensitive to allometry in both mortality and ingestion, and the trend in body size spectra of the production: biomass ratio was explained by the allometry in ingestion. Our results suggest that size-scaling mortality and ingestion are important factors determining the distribution of biomass across the meiofauna to macrofauna size range in marine sedimentary communities, in agreement with the general observation that biomass tends to accumulates in larger rather than smaller size classes in these environments.

Yong Jiang ◽  
Wei Zhang ◽  
Mingzhuang Zhu ◽  
Khaled A. S. Al-Rasheid ◽  
Henglong Xu

The contribution of non-loricate ciliate assemblage to the ecological pattern of a ciliated protozoan community was studied based on a 1-year (June 2007–May 2008) dataset collected from Jiaozhou Bay, northern China. Samples were collected biweekly from five sampling sites. Results showed that: (1) the non-loricate ciliate assemblages were the primary components and significantly correlated with the total ciliate communities in terms of species number, abundance and biomass; (2) the ecological pattern of non-loricate ciliate assemblages was significantly related to that of both total ciliate communities and variations in environmental variables; and (3) spatio-temporal variations in biodiversity (richness, diversity and evenness of species) indices of non-loricate ciliate assemblages were significantly correlated with those of total ciliate communities and the environmental conditions, especially nutrients nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorous. These results suggest that the non-loricate ciliates are a primary contributor to the ecological pattern of total ciliate communities and might be used as a potential bioindicator for bioassessment in marine ecosystems.

Yong Jiang ◽  
Henglong Xu ◽  
Khaled A.S. Al-Rasheid ◽  
Alan Warren ◽  
Xiaozhong Hu ◽  

To reveal the annual patterns of planktonic ciliate communities, planktonic ciliate species composition, abundance and biomass, and responses to environmental conditions, were investigated during an annual cycle in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, northern China. A total of 64 species belonging to five orders (Oligotrichida, Haptorida, Cyrtophorida, Hypotrichida and Tintinnida) were identified, 9 of which were dominant. Ciliate communities presented a clear seasonal pattern in terms of both abundance and biomass. A single peak of ciliate abundance and biomass occurred in late August, mainly due to the oligotrichids, tintinnids and haptorids. The 9 dominant species showed a distinct temporal distribution with seasonal successions of ciliate communities. Multivariate analyses revealed that ciliate abundance was significantly correlated with water temperature, dissolved oxygen and nutrients, especially nitrate nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphate (P < 0.05). These findings provided basic data on annual cycle of planktonic ciliate communities in a semi-enclosed bay of Yellow Sea, northern China.

Yong Jiang ◽  
Henglong Xu ◽  
Mingzhuang Zhu ◽  
Khaled A.S. Al-Rasheid

To analyse temporal distributions of microplankton populations and relationships to environmental conditions in marine ecosystems, a dataset of microplankton communities was investigated using a range of statistical methods. A total of 164 microplankton species comprising 100 microalgae and 64 ciliates were identified from 120 samples, respectively. Both planktonic microalga and ciliate assemblages showed temporal patterns and were significantly correlated between their temporal variations in abundance. The microplankton communities were characterized by 14 ciliates (e.g. Strombidium sulcatum, Tintinnopsis tubulosoides and Strombidium cheshiri) and 18 microalgae (e.g. Skeletonema costatum and Alexandrium tamarense). Multiple regression analyses showed that the interspecies correlations among these dominant species represented a complex network with a clear seasonal shift. Temporal pattern of microplankton communities was significantly correlated with the environmental variables such as temperature, salinity and nitrate nitrogen. The results suggest the clear species distribution and temporal dynamics of microplankton communities in response to environmental changes, and multivariate statistical approaches were a useful tool to reveal the species distribution patterns and complex microplanktonic interspecies correlations in marine ecosystems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (4) ◽  
pp. 576 ◽  
Mamun Abdullah Al ◽  
Guangjian Xu ◽  
Mohammad Nurul Azim Sikder ◽  
Alan Warren ◽  
Henglong Xu

Body-size spectra are inherent characteristics of organisms that can be used to summarise the functional structure of a community and thus be used in both ecological studies and biomonitoring programs. In order to determine the effect of water depth on body-size spectra of marine periphytic ciliate communities, a 1-month baseline survey was conducted at four depths (1, 2, 3.5 and 5m) in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, northern China. Based on equivalent spherical diameters (ESD), 50 species were categorised into seven body-size ranks: S1, 2–17μm; S2, 22–27μm; S3, 29–36μm; S4, 37–49μm; S5, 53–71μm; S6, 84–92μm; S7, 127–153μm. These seven body-size ranks were composed of four trophic functional groups: algivores (A), bacterivores (B), predators (R) and non-selectives (N). Body-size rank S1 was composed primarily of the B functional group; S2 was composed of the N and R functional groups, S3 and S4 were composed of the A, B and N functional groups, S5 and S6 were composed of the A functional group and S7 was composed of the R functional group. The medium body-size ranks (S4 and S5) were dominant at 1 and 2m, whereas the smallest body-size rank (S1) was dominant at 3.5 and 5m. Canonical analysis of principal coordinates revealed a clear vertical variation in body-size spectra at the four depths. Body-size diversity indices peaked at 2–3.5m and fell sharply at 5m. Body-size diversity indices peaked at 2–3.5m and fell sharply at 5m. Body-size distinctness, as measured by the paired-index (ellipse) test, showed an increasing trend of departure from the expected pattern from surface to deeper layers. These results suggest that the body-size spectra of periphytic ciliates may be significantly shaped by water depth and thus may be used as bioindicators of the ecological integrity and quality of water at different depths in marine ecosystems.

1951 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-30 ◽  
R. Phillips

1. The body size and grading of the wastage cattle have been described. It was found that the average wastage cow is relatively small in size with an average live weight of 1100 lb. or 9¾ cwt. The condition was also disappointingly poor since over one-half of the total wastage cows are in grade C or are ungraded.2. The seasonality of the sales shows an autumn glut, which appears to increase as the grade or condition deteriorates.3. The annual variations in body size during the 4 years are very slight, which seems to indicate that under present circumstances the region can only maintain cows of this size.4. It was shown that the region can be subdivided into four parts in which the average body size for each section falls into one of four well-defined ranges of weight.

Nematology ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. 1153-1164 ◽  
Maickel Armenteros ◽  
Alexei Ruiz-Abierno

Body size is a fundamental property of organisms but its distribution is almost unknown for marine nematodes. We measured the length and width of 7446 nematodes of 186 species to describe their morphological landscape and the relationship between abundance and body size. The body shape has a bimodal distribution with two morphotypes, suggesting adaptations to lifestyle. In fine sediments (seagrass bed), slender nematodes dominated, whereas sandy sediments had mostly stout nematodes but also slender forms. Seaweed turf from hard bottom substrates may favour mostly slender nematodes, whereas dead coral harbours both morphotypes, probably as a result of high heterogeneity of the substrate. The size spectra of abundance vs mass class shows a negative exponential relationship, suggesting that the energetic equivalence hypothesis holds for nematodes. The shape and position of the size spectra depended on the type of habitat. Body size is an important organismal trait that offers valuable information for disentangling ecological patterns in Nematoda.

1988 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-351 ◽  
Hans Schneider ◽  
Nasr Mahmoud Mohamad Radwan

AbstractAt a pond in Kottenforst, Bonn, West Germany, the calling period of the water frog Rana lessonae began on the first of May and ended by the end of June, 1983. The population is of the mixed type: 80-85 % of the individuals are classified as R. lessonae, the rest as R. esculenta. The reproductive period is subdivided into 3 successive phases: pre-spawning, spawning and post-spawning. Various exogenous factors, such as temperature, rainfall and sunlight, influence the reproductive period, and they particularly affect calling activity. The male frogs do not produce mating calls when the water temperature is below 14°C, or above 26°C. Female frogs prefer sunny places in the water during the spawning phase. Sexual activity is more intense in male R. lessonae than in male R. esculenta. Medium- and large-size male R. lessonae are more successful than small males in choosing suitable territories and in maintaining of amplexus with females. Male R. lessonae give four basic types of calls-mating call, two territorial calls and release call-and in addition two transitional calls. The basic types are given throughout the calling period, whereas the transitional calls are not. An increase in water temperature induces a decrease in call duration, intercall interval and pulse-group duration of the mating call. On the other hand, the frequencies and the repetition rate of the pulse groups are raised. Similarly, the duration of both territorial calls decreases at higher water temperatures, whereas their dominant frequencies are subjected to a notable increase. Body size has a prominent effect on the mating call. The number of pulses per pulse group and the different frequencies of the call decrease with increasing male body length. The lower pitch in the mating call produced by medium- and large-size males is assumed to play a role in their mating-success. The repetition rate of pulses and the dominant frequency in the territorial calls decrease as the body size of the frogs increases.

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