Partita for Piano and small Orchestra

Tempo ◽  
1980 ◽  
pp. 39-43
Alex de Graeff

Markevitch's achievement does not lie in having produced, at 18, a work stamped with the skill of a thoroughly experienced musician. We might well apply on his behalf the observation Radiguet made in declining a success due only to his precocity: ‘Age is nothing. All the great poets were writing when they were seventeen. The greatest are those who succeed in making us forget it.’ But it is wonderful to see the young Markevitch achieving such sure mastery in a field where there is no safeguard to keep him from error and no restriction to prevent him from exceeding his powers.

1966 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 118-119
Th. Schmidt-Kaler

I should like to give you a very condensed progress report on some spectrophotometric measurements of objective-prism spectra made in collaboration with H. Leicher at Bonn. The procedure used is almost completely automatic. The measurements are made with the help of a semi-automatic fully digitized registering microphotometer constructed by Hög-Hamburg. The reductions are carried out with the aid of a number of interconnected programmes written for the computer IBM 7090, beginning with the output of the photometer in the form of punched cards and ending with the printing-out of the final two-dimensional classifications.

J. Temple Black ◽  
William G. Boldosser

Ultramicrotomy produces plastic deformation in the surfaces of microtomed TEM specimens which can not generally be observed unless special preparations are made. In this study, a typical biological composite of tissue (infundibular thoracic attachment) infiltrated in the normal manner with an embedding epoxy resin (Epon 812 in a 60/40 mixture) was microtomed with glass and diamond knives, both with 45 degree body angle. Sectioning was done in Portor Blum Mt-2 and Mt-1 microtomes. Sections were collected on formvar coated grids so that both the top side and the bottom side of the sections could be examined. Sections were then placed in a vacuum evaporator and self-shadowed with carbon. Some were chromium shadowed at a 30 degree angle. The sections were then examined in a Phillips 300 TEM at 60kv.Carbon coating (C) or carbon coating with chrom shadowing (C-Ch) makes in effect, single stage replicas of the surfaces of the sections and thus allows the damage in the surfaces to be observable in the TEM. Figure 1 (see key to figures) shows the bottom side of a diamond knife section, carbon self-shadowed and chrom shadowed perpendicular to the cutting direction. Very fine knife marks and surface damage can be observed.

M. Ashraf ◽  
F. Thompson ◽  
S. Miki ◽  
P. Srivastava

Iron is believed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of ischemic injury. However, the sources of intracellular iron in myocytes are not yet defined. In this study we have attempted to localize iron at various cellular sites of the cardiac tissue with the ferrocyanide technique.Rat hearts were excised under ether anesthesia. They were fixed with coronary perfusion with 3% buffered glutaraldehyde made in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer pH 7.3. Sections, 60 μm in thickness, were cut on a vibratome and were incubated in the medium containing 500 mg of potassium ferrocyanide in 49.5 ml H2O and 0.5 ml concentrated HC1 for 30 minutes at room temperature. Following rinses in the buffer, tissues were dehydrated in ethanol and embedded in Spurr medium.The examination of thin sections revealed intense staining or reaction product in peroxisomes (Fig. 1).

J.M. Titchmarsh

The advances in recent years in the microanalytical capabilities of conventional TEM's fitted with probe forming lenses allow much more detailed investigations to be made of the microstructures of complex alloys, such as ferritic steels, than have been possible previously. In particular, the identification of individual precipitate particles with dimensions of a few tens of nanometers in alloys containing high densities of several chemically and crystallographically different precipitate types is feasible. The aim of the investigation described in this paper was to establish a method which allowed individual particle identification to be made in a few seconds so that large numbers of particles could be examined in a few hours.A Philips EM400 microscope, fitted with the scanning transmission (STEM) objective lens pole-pieces and an EDAX energy dispersive X-ray analyser, was used at 120 kV with a thermal W hairpin filament. The precipitates examined were extracted using a standard C replica technique from specimens of a 2¼Cr-lMo ferritic steel in a quenched and tempered condition.

T. R. Dinger

Zirconia (ZrO2) is often added to ceramic compacts to increase their toughness. The mechanisms by which this toughness increase occurs are generally accepted to be those of transformation toughening and microcracking. The mechanism of transformation toughening is based on the presence of metastable tetragonal ZrO2 which transforms to the monoclinic allotrope when stressed by a propagating crack. The decrease in volume which accompanies this transformation effectively relieves the applied stress at the crack tip and toughens the material; microcrack toughening arises from the deflection of a propagating crack around sharply angular inclusions.These mechanisms, however, do not explain the toughness increases associated with the class of composites investigated here. Analytical electron microscopy (AEM) has been used to determine whether solid solution effects could be the cause of this increased toughness. Specimens of a mullite (3Al2O3·2SiO2) + 15 vol. % ZrO2 were prepared by the usual technique of mechanical thinning followed by ion beam milling. All observations were made in a Philips EM400 TEM/STEM microscope fitted with EDXS and EELS spectrometers.

F. Monchoux ◽  
A. Rocher ◽  
J.L. Martin

Interphase sliding is an important phenomenon of high temperature plasticity. In order to study the microstructural changes associated with it, as well as its influence on the strain rate dependence on stress and temperature, plane boundaries were obtained by welding together two polycrystals of Cu-Zn alloys having the face centered cubic and body centered cubic structures respectively following the procedure described in (1). These specimens were then deformed in shear along the interface on a creep machine (2) at the same temperature as that of the diffusion treatment so as to avoid any precipitation. The present paper reports observations by conventional and high voltage electron microscopy of the microstructure of both phases, in the vicinity of the phase boundary, after different creep tests corresponding to various deformation conditions.Foils were cut by spark machining out of the bulk samples, 0.2 mm thick. They were then electropolished down to 0.1 mm, after which a hole with thin edges was made in an area including the boundary

Imre Pozsgai ◽  
Klara Erdöhalmi-Torok

The paintings by the great Hungarian master Mihaly Munkacsy (1844-1900) made in an 8-9 years period of his activity are deteriorating. The most conspicuous sign of the deterioration is an intensive darkening. We have made an attempt by electron beam microanalysis to clarify the causes of the darkening. The importance of a study like this is increased by the fact that a similar darkening can be observed on the paintings by Munkacsy’s contemporaries e.g Courbet and Makart. A thick brown mass the so called bitumen used by Munkacsy for grounding and also as a paint is believed by the art historians to cause the darkening.For this study, paint specimens were taken from the following paintings: “Studio”, “Farewell” and the “Portrait of the Master’s Wife”, all of them are the property of the Hungarian National Gallery. The paint samples were embedded in a polyester resin “Poly-Pol PS-230” and after grinding and polishing their cross section was used for x-ray mapping.

F. Al-Bagdadi ◽  
D. Hoyt ◽  
P. Karns ◽  
G. Martin ◽  
M. Memon ◽  

The most frequently occuring abnormality of the male genital system in mammals is the failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum. The reasons for abdominal or inguinal retention of testes could be anatomic malformation, faulty development or hormone imbalance.Cryptorchidism has been associated with either greatly reduced or absent spermatogenesis (Kaueakami et al, 1984), and being a source of neoplasia. According to Stick (1980), germinal carcinoma cells have been believed to be the cause of teratomas in equine cryptorchid testicles. Neoplasia has been reported in descended testes of unilateral cryptorchid patients (Martin et al, 1981).No distinction has been made in relating the problem of cryptorchid testes to inguinal or abdominal retention. The purpose of this study is to record the morphological differences between inguinal and abdominal cryptorchid testes as an aid in diagnosis and prognosis.

Stuart McKernan

For many years the concept of quantitative diffraction contrast experiments might have consisted of the determination of dislocation Burgers vectors using a g.b = 0 criterion from several different 2-beam images. Since the advent of the personal computer revolution, the available computing power for performing image-processing and image-simulation calculations is enormous and ubiquitous. Several programs now exist to perform simulations of diffraction contrast images using various approximations. The most common approximations are the use of only 2-beams or a single systematic row to calculate the image contrast, or calculating the image using a column approximation. The increasing amount of literature showing comparisons of experimental and simulated images shows that it is possible to obtain very close agreement between the two images; although the choice of parameters used, and the assumptions made, in performing the calculation must be properly dealt with. The simulation of the images of defects in materials has, in many cases, therefore become a tractable problem.

David J. Smith

The electron microscope has evolved to the level where it is now straightforward to record highresolution images from thin samples (t∼10 to 20nm) that are directly interpretable in terms of atomic arrangements. Whilst recorded images necessarily represent two-dimensional projections of the structure, many defects such as dislocations and interfaces may be linear or planar in nature and thus might be expected to be amenable to detailed characterization. In this review, we briefly consider the recent significant progress that has been made in quantitative defect analysis using the high-resolution electron microscope and then discuss some drawbacks to the technique as well as potential scope for further improvements. Surveys of defect modelling for some small-unit-cell materials and interfaces have recently been published, and reference should be made to other papers in this symposium for further examples.The technique of structure imaging originated in the early '70s with observations of large-unit-cell block oxides.

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