The evolution of rational demons

2000 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 742-742 ◽  
Colin Allen

If fast and frugal heuristics are as good as they seem to be, who needs logic and probability theory? Fast and frugal heuristics depend for their success on reliable structure in the environment. In passive environments, there is relatively little change in structure as a consequence of individual choices. But in social interactions with competing agents, the environment may be structured by agents capable of exploiting logical and probabilistic weaknesses in competitors' heuristics. Aspirations toward the ideal of a demon reasoner may consequently be adaptive for direct competition with such agents.

2000 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 744-745 ◽  
José Luis Bermúdez

Gigerenzer and his co-workers make some bold and striking claims about the relation between the fast and frugal heuristics discussed in their book and the traditional norms of rationality provided by deductive logic and probability theory. We are told, for example, that fast and frugal heuristics such as “Take the Best” replace “the multiple coherence criteria stemming from the laws of logic and probability with multiple correspondence criteria relating to real-world decision performance.” This commentary explores just how we should interpret this proposed replacement of logic and probability theory by fast and frugal heuristics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Agostino G. Bruzzone ◽  
Matteo Agresta ◽  
Jen Hsien Hsu

AbstractThis paper presents the first results of a large-scale-Agent-Based Simulation devoted to simulate individual behaviour inside a medium sized city (600,000 inhabitants). Humans are simulated as Intelligent Individual entities characterized by several attributes created from the Open Data available by means of a multi-layer approach. The work presented is divided into two main parts: the first part aims to describe the multi-layer approach adopted with the inclusion of the social network layer devoted to capture how social networks can be correlated with human activities and how an “Individual Opinion” can changes based on social interactions. The second part is devoted to present a preliminary case study for simulating the propagation dynamics of the individual opinion in the form of an ethical value function. The basic idea is to capture the changes in the individual opinion based on the social interactions predicted by the simulation. Finally, a food choice model for predicting individual choices based on the individual opinion function is presented; the model is based on three parameters: accessibility of ethical shops, price difference with standard products, and ethical value propagation.

2017 ◽  
Bernadette M. Deschaine ◽  
Angela R. Heysel ◽  
Adam Lenhart ◽  
Helen A. Murphy

AbstractMicrobes exist in complex communities and can engage in social interactions ranging from cooperation to warfare. Biofilms are structured, cooperative microbial communities; they are pervasive and ancient, representing the first fossilized life. Like all cooperative communities, biofilms are susceptible to invasion by selfish individuals who benefit from cooperation, but do not contribute. The ubiquity of biofilms therefore poses a challenge to evolutionary theory. One hypothesis for biofilm stability is spatial structure: patches of related cooperative cells are able to outcompete unrelated cells. These dynamics have been explored computationally and in bacterial systems; however, their relevance to eukaryotic microbes remains an open question. Here, we investigate the interactions of environmental yeast isolates with different social phenotypes. Our results show that biofilm strains spatially exclude non-biofilm strains, and that biofilm spatial structure confers a consistent and robust fitness advantage in direct competition. We also find that biofilms protect against killer toxin, a warfare phenotype. During biofilm formation, cells are susceptible to toxin from nearby competitors; however, increased spatial use by biofilms provides an escape from toxin-producers. Our results suggest that yeast biofilms represent a competitive strategy, and that principles elucidated for the evolution and stability of bacterial biofilms may apply to eukaryotes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 45
Hamid Reza Kasikhan

The present study compares two poets and scholars (English and Persian) in terms of subject and utopia. Sir Thomas More’s Merry Jest is compared with one piece of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh in terms of the common subject or message they convey in classification of people’s occupations. Having a civilized and more disciplined society, both poets believed in classifying people based on their skills, competence and efficiencies; and insisted that each group should remain in their own category and avoid interfering or entering the profession of which they know nothing. Moreover, as social scholars, both put forward the theory of utopia and describe the ideal society in which people can live more comfortably and pleasantly. Living in the 16th century, the principles proposed by More for his utopia basically turn round modern social interactions and attempts to recognize the reason of problems at the first step, and then amending them through the laws he suggests. In Ferdowsi’s utopia, however, the ideal society is based on two distinct factors: physical structure of towns, the number of necessary architectural buildings constructed, and the moral enhancement of its residents in holding high human values as honesty, integrity and knowledge. The present research aims to probe, examine and find answers for two main questions: what affinities and dichotomies are there in “job classification” and the concept of “utopia” held by Ferdowsi & More? The research method is library-based and the obtained results are categorized by descriptive-analytic method.

2021 ◽  
Tara Jan Fagan

<p>Since industrialisation, children have increasingly become educated in age-bands to facilitate manageability. The contemporary 21st century Western world further limits mixed-age interaction for young children, yet there is little concern expressed about educational segregation based on age. At the same time, mixed-age settings have been noted to be beneficial for children's learning. This qualitative exploratory study, situated within a socio-cultural framework, considered the nature of children's interactions in one mixed-age Playcentre. Using narrative records that captured the nuances of the social interactions of three focus children, over the course of three Playcentre sessions for each child, the experiences of an 18-month aged girl, a 3-year-3-month old boy and a 4-year-7-month old girl were analysed to explore the qualitative nature of the social interactions that are enabled in a mixed-age early childhood setting. This study supports earlier studies that indicate that age makes a difference to the type of interactions that children engage in. In this study age impacted on the social interaction techniques and strategies that the focus children applied and was also a factor when choosing a peer to engage with. Older children were the ideal child to observe, and to engage with, and this assigned an unspoken leadership role to these older children. Yet, all children were active in their life-world with all being able to contribute to the interactions at the Playcentre, regardless of age. Each of the focus children took responsibility for one another, contributing to the upholding of centre rules and regulations while also respecting each others' needs. I argue that the children's social interactions within this Playcentre created a sense of togetherness within a community; this was the central feature of children's social experiences in this mixed-age setting.</p>

2021 ◽  
Tara Jan Fagan

<p>Since industrialisation, children have increasingly become educated in age-bands to facilitate manageability. The contemporary 21st century Western world further limits mixed-age interaction for young children, yet there is little concern expressed about educational segregation based on age. At the same time, mixed-age settings have been noted to be beneficial for children's learning. This qualitative exploratory study, situated within a socio-cultural framework, considered the nature of children's interactions in one mixed-age Playcentre. Using narrative records that captured the nuances of the social interactions of three focus children, over the course of three Playcentre sessions for each child, the experiences of an 18-month aged girl, a 3-year-3-month old boy and a 4-year-7-month old girl were analysed to explore the qualitative nature of the social interactions that are enabled in a mixed-age early childhood setting. This study supports earlier studies that indicate that age makes a difference to the type of interactions that children engage in. In this study age impacted on the social interaction techniques and strategies that the focus children applied and was also a factor when choosing a peer to engage with. Older children were the ideal child to observe, and to engage with, and this assigned an unspoken leadership role to these older children. Yet, all children were active in their life-world with all being able to contribute to the interactions at the Playcentre, regardless of age. Each of the focus children took responsibility for one another, contributing to the upholding of centre rules and regulations while also respecting each others' needs. I argue that the children's social interactions within this Playcentre created a sense of togetherness within a community; this was the central feature of children's social experiences in this mixed-age setting.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 60-67
Anastasia A. Osmushina ◽  
Pavel Alexandrovich Gagaev ◽  

Deixis study is a part of cosmo-psycho-logical and psycho-semantic study of folktales. Growing interest to their flexion and study of the sociological, psychological and philosophical categories in the language determines the relevance of our work. The aim of the work is to formulate a methodology for the deixis study of folk tales’ semantics. The material of the study is works of the tale researchers and works of the researchers of methods and models of scientific cognition. The research methods include the comparative-evolutionary historical principle of cognition in the model of the cultural-typical method of cognition in the CPL system with the recognition of the differences priority of differences and the similarities secondary role, the formation of psycho-semantics, deixis semantics of folk tales models, a comparative research of the ethnic tales and epics types. The results demonstrate thatthe deixis methodology allows us to perform a comparative analysis of the ethnic meaning of the folk tale. The forms of ethnic relative deixis are a formalization of subjects, objects, and the effectiveness of action in history, and relative assessments. Ethnic social deixis reveals the logic of the chronotope of social interactions and their social meaning, meliorative, admirative, pejorative, desiderative, inherent and adherent, and fear assessments. Ethnic nominative deixis is the formalization by linguistic means of roles in intuitional situations of life, recursion, and ethnic assessments. Ethnic indicative deixis reveals estimates of aspiration. Ethnic absolute deixis reveals absolute estimates of the ideal/final result of history.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
Titin Rustini

AbstrakPelajaran matematika bagi sebagian siswa merupakan pelajaran yang sulit, tidak menyenangkan atau kadang menakutkan, sehingga siswa tidak termotivasi untuk belajar matematika secara mendalam. Siswa perlu diberikan suatu tugas dimana siswa sendiri yang akan membuat soal dan menyelesaikannya sendiri, sehingga soal yang mereka buat dan selesaikan menjadi soal yang lebih bermakna bagi mereka. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk mencapai hasil yang diinginkan adalah pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan pendekatan pengajuan soal.Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan pendekatan pengajuan soal yang baik untuk materi teori peluang dan mendeskripsikan keefektifan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan pendekatan pengajuan soal pada materi teori peluang. Penelitan ini dilakukan dengan jenis pengembangan dengan data diperoleh melalui angket, observasi dan tes. Semua data dianalisis secara deskriptif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) dengan mengadopsi kesembilan unsur model desain sistem pembelajaran Kemp, diperoleh perangkat pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan pendekatan pengajuan soal yang baik yaitu memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis dan efektif pada materi peluang, (2) pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan pendekatan pengajuan soal efektif untuk mengajarkan materi peluang di SMKN 2 Kediri karena memenuhi empat indikator yaitu ketuntasan hasil belajar secara klasikal sebesar 87%, aktivitas siswa untuk setiap kategori berada dalam kriteria waktu ideal, respons siswa positif, dan nilai rata-rata kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran untuk setiap RPP berkategori baik dan sangat baik. Kata Kunci: kooperatif tipe STAD, pengajuan soal, teori  peluang.         Abstract         Mathematics for some students is a difficult subject, unpleasant or scary sometimes, so that students are not motivated to learn mathematics in depth. Students need to be given an assignment in which the students themselves who will create their own problems and solve them, so that they make matter and resolve the matter more meaningful for them. One model of learning that is used to achieve the desired result is STAD cooperative learning with problem posing approach. This research was conducted with the type of development with the data obtained through questionnaires , observations and tests . All data were analyzed descriptively The purpose of the research is to produce devices STAD cooperative learning with problem posing approach about the probability theory is good and effectiveness of STAD cooperative learning with problem posing approach about the probability theory.The results showed that ( 1 ) by adopting the nine elements of the design model of learning systems Kemp , produce device the STAD cooperative learning with problem posing approach  that is good  meets the criteria of a valid , practically and effective on  opportunities theory , ( 2 ) the STAD cooperative learning with problem posing approach effective  for teaching about probability theory at SMK 2 Kediri because it meets the four indicators , namely mastery of learning outcomes in the class is 87 % , the activity of students for each category  within the ideal time criteria , student response is positive, and the average value of the teacher 's ability to manage the learning each lesson plan categorized well and very well . Keywords: the STAD cooperative learning, problem posing, probability

M.S. Shahrabadi ◽  
T. Yamamoto

The technique of labeling of macromolecules with ferritin conjugated antibody has been successfully used for extracellular antigen by means of staining the specimen with conjugate prior to fixation and embedding. However, the ideal method to determine the location of intracellular antigen would be to do the antigen-antibody reaction in thin sections. This technique contains inherent problems such as the destruction of antigenic determinants during fixation or embedding and the non-specific attachment of conjugate to the embedding media. Certain embedding media such as polyampholytes (2) or cross-linked bovine serum albumin (3) have been introduced to overcome some of these problems.

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