Search mode for rapid detection of virus particles

O. E. Bradfute

Electron microscopy is frequently used in preliminary diagnosis of plant virus diseases by surveying negatively stained preparations of crude extracts of leaf samples. A major limitation of this method is the time required to survey grids when the concentration of virus particles (VPs) is low. A rapid survey of grids for VPs is reported here; the method employs a low magnification, out-of-focus Search Mode similar to that used for low dose electron microscopy of radiation sensitive specimens. A higher magnification, in-focus Confirm Mode is used to photograph or confirm the detection of VPs. Setting up the Search Mode by obtaining an out-of-focus image of the specimen in diffraction (K. H. Downing and W. Chiu, private communications) and pre-aligning the image in Search Mode with the image in Confirm Mode facilitates rapid switching between Modes.

2001 ◽  
Vol 7 (S2) ◽  
pp. 970-971
B. Carragher ◽  
D. Fellmann ◽  
N. Kisseberth ◽  
R.A. Milligan ◽  
C.S. Potter ◽  

Cryo-electron microscopy is becoming an increasingly powerful tool for solving the structure of protein complexes and has the potential to address problems that cannot be solved using other methods. The field however suffers from several major disadvantages related to the time required to acquire, process and analyze the data and the tedium of using the current prevailing methods. We have for some time been working towards the goal of developing a system that will result in a 3D map of a macromolecular structure automatically and within hours of inserting a specimen into a transmission electron microscope. We propose that these automated methods for data collection and analysis will have a significant impact in transferring the cryo-electron microscopy technology to the general biological community as well as in increasing the volume of data that can be collected during a single session at the microscope.The Leginon system that we have developed is designed to emulate all of the decisions and actions of a highly trained microscopist in collecting data from a vitreous ice specimen. These include identifying suitable areas of vitreous ice at low magnification, determining the presence and location of specimen on the grid, automatically adjusting imaging parameters (focus, astigmatism) under low dose conditions and acquiring images at high magnification to either film or a digital camera.

Charles TurnbiLL ◽  
Delbert E. Philpott

The advent of the scanning electron microscope (SCEM) has renewed interest in preparing specimens by avoiding the forces of surface tension. The present method of freeze drying by Boyde and Barger (1969) and Small and Marszalek (1969) does prevent surface tension but ice crystal formation and time required for pumping out the specimen to dryness has discouraged us. We believe an attractive alternative to freeze drying is the critical point method originated by Anderson (1951; for electron microscopy. He avoided surface tension effects during drying by first exchanging the specimen water with alcohol, amy L acetate and then with carbon dioxide. He then selected a specific temperature (36.5°C) and pressure (72 Atm.) at which carbon dioxide would pass from the liquid to the gaseous phase without the effect of surface tension This combination of temperature and, pressure is known as the "critical point" of the Liquid.

R.W. Horne

The technique of surrounding virus particles with a neutralised electron dense stain was described at the Fourth International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Berlin 1958 (see Home & Brenner, 1960, p. 625). For many years the negative staining technique in one form or another, has been applied to a wide range of biological materials. However, the full potential of the method has only recently been explored following the development and applications of optical diffraction and computer image analytical techniques to electron micrographs (cf. De Hosier & Klug, 1968; Markham 1968; Crowther et al., 1970; Home & Markham, 1973; Klug & Berger, 1974; Crowther & Klug, 1975). These image processing procedures have allowed a more precise and quantitative approach to be made concerning the interpretation, measurement and reconstruction of repeating features in certain biological systems.

W. H. Wu ◽  
R. M. Glaeser

Spirillum serpens possesses a surface layer protein which exhibits a regular hexagonal packing of the morphological subunits. A morphological model of the structure of the protein has been proposed at a resolution of about 25 Å, in which the morphological unit might be described as having the appearance of a flared-out, hollow cylinder with six ÅspokesÅ at the flared end. In order to understand the detailed association of the macromolecules, it is necessary to do a high resolution structural analysis. Large, single layered arrays of the surface layer protein have been obtained for this purpose by means of extensive heating in high CaCl2, a procedure derived from that of Buckmire and Murray. Low dose, low temperature electron microscopy has been applied to the large arrays.As a first step, the samples were negatively stained with neutralized phosphotungstic acid, and the specimens were imaged at 40,000 magnification by use of a high resolution cold stage on a JE0L 100B. Low dose images were recorded with exposures of 7-9 electrons/Å2. The micrographs obtained (Fig. 1) were examined by use of optical diffraction (Fig. 2) to tell what areas were especially well ordered.

Lee F. Ellis ◽  
Richard M. Van Frank ◽  
Walter J. Kleinschmidt

The extract from Penicillum stoliniferum, known as statolon, has been purified by density gradient centrifugation. These centrifuge fractions contained virus particles that are an interferon inducer in mice or in tissue culture. Highly purified preparations of these particles are difficult to enumerate by electron microscopy because of aggregation. Therefore a study of staining methods was undertaken.

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