morphological unit
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Ganesh B. Bharaswadkar ◽  
Nalan Babacan

Obesity, nulliparity, and comparatively younger age may attribute a “hormonal field effect” which leads to the development of synchronous endometrioid cancers. The morphological unit consisting of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovary as part of the Mullerian system may explain the synchronous appearance of these malignancies. Synchronous endometrial and ovarian cancer (SEOC) is defined as the simultaneous presence of these dual cancers at the time of diagnosis as opposed to metachronous cancer where these two cancers are diagnosed at different chronologic time points. Synchronous malignancies in the female genital tract are very rare entities. Synchronous endometrial and ovarian tumors must be differentiated from either primary endometrium or ovarian tumors with metastasis. The landmark criteria for diagnosing such cases have been laid down by Ulbright and Roth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Wahyul Falah ◽  
Prasetyaningsih ◽  
Nanang Saptono ◽  
Endang Widyastuti ◽  
Rusyanti ◽  

The sites of Benteng Saksi and Kuripan Saka are the center of settlement or the capital of Keratuan Darah Putih. The research was conducted in Kuripan Village, Penengahan District, South Lampung Regency. The research objective was to determine the factors causing the sites of Benteng Saksi and Kuripan Saka suitable for settlements. The method used is a field survey and interpretation of geological map data. The results of field observations and mapping showed that the areas of the sites of Benteng Saksi and Kuripan Saka were included in the morphological unit of undulating plains with an average height of 50 m above sea level consisting of tertiary-quaternary and alluvial volcanoclastic deposits. The rock lithology found was Breccia Rocks from the eruption of Rajabasa Volcano and Tufan Sandstones. Based on the analysis of basic physical aspects of the area such as the physical characteristics of the rocks, morphological conditions, availability of water sources, and disaster factors in the area of Benteng Saksi and Kuripan Saka sites, it does not indicate any problems in terms of the basic physical aspects of the area.

2021 ◽  
Annika Schebesta ◽  
Gero Kunter

This paper investigates the effect of a range of variables on the acoustic duration of constituents in left- and right-branching NNN compounds derived from a corpus of spoken English (Boston University Radio Speech Corpus, \citealt{Ostendorf.1997}). Variables of interest include speaker-dependent as well as phonological, morphological and lexical factors. The analysis reveals that most variables affect constituent durations as expected, and only few predictors do not yield any effect on the acoustic signal. Furthermore, we detected a complex interplay of the morphological structure of NNN compounds and the two involved bigram frequencies. For instance, the duration of N2 in left-branching compounds is affected by the frequency of N2N3 even though these two constituents do not form a morphological unit in this type of NNN compound. This interplay may be interpreted as a way of resolving potential conflicts between the frequency of adjacent constituents and the morphological structure: In such an instance, speakers appear to use acoustic duration to signal the branching direction of the triconstituent compound.

2021 ◽  
Chaode Yan ◽  
Ziwei Li ◽  
Muhammad Waseem Boota ◽  
Muhammad Zohaib ◽  
Xiao Liu ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 4928
Walter Chen ◽  
Kent Thomas

Sediment transport to river channels in a basin is of great significance for a variety of reasons ranging from soil preservation to siltation prevention of reservoirs. Among the commonly used models of sediment transport, the SEdiment Delivery Distributed model (SEDD) uses an exponential function to model the likelihood of eroded soils reaching the rivers and denotes the probability as the Sediment Delivery Ratio of morphological unit i (SDRi). The use of probability to model SDRi in SEDD led us to examine the model and check for its statistical validity. As a result, we found that the SEDD model had several false assertions and needs to be revised to correct for the discrepancies with the statistical properties of the exponential distributions. The results of our study are presented here. We propose an alternative model, the Revised SEDD (RSEDD) model, to better estimate SDRi. We also show how to calibrate the model parameters and examine an example watershed to see if the travel time of sediments follows an exponential distribution. Finally, we reviewed studies citing the SEDD model to explore if they would be impacted by switching to the proposed RSEDD model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-91
Tatiana G. ARTEMEVA ◽  

The article discusses the role of the social context in the evolution of implemented urban development utopia. The ontological and morphostructural problems of one of the implemented urban development utopias on the example of the city of Togliatti are revealed. It was established that the general plan of the Avtozavodsky district of Tolyatti, which fully met the ideals of the Athenian Charter, came into conflict with the idea of the city as a concentrated environment. It is noted that modern Togliatti is in search of a solution to the problem of the integrity of the urban structure. The conclusion is drawn: overcoming the crisis state of Togliatti lies in the field of generating, including new utopias; integration of existing morphostructures; reinforcing redundant conceptuality of form with contextual content. A new morphological unit is proposed - this is macro frame, which is based on multilevel integration of traffic and pedestrian flows.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-68 ◽  
Borja Herce

The concept of the morphome (i.e. a morphological unit at odds with syntax and semantics) is notoriously uncomfortable for many formal models of morphology. Many discussions have thus centred on whether morphomes exist and whether individual cases are morphomic or not. When one gets rid of theoretically-driven assumptions, however, there is little evidence for a dichotomic taxonomization of morphological minimal signs into morphemes and morphomes. Cross-linguistic variation suggests that morphological units can be arranged on a scale from those having the simplest morphosyntactic distributions to those whose distributions are most complex. The properties of the former vs the latter are, however, not substantially different. I argue, therefore, that we should avoid this arbitrary taxonomy and explore instead the diversity of form-meaning mappings objectively by developing adequate and cross-linguistically applicable quantitative measures.

2020 ◽  
pp. 164-190
Tomio Hirose ◽  
Rose-Marie Déchaine ◽  
Heather Bliss

Two neighboring Algonquian languages, Blackfoot and Plains Cree, differ as to how spatial expressions are represented structurally. Blackfoot it- is an adpositional element occurring within the verbal complex, radically discontinuous from a location-denoting DP; Plains Cree -ihk is an adpositional suffix to a DP, with which it forms a morphological unit. This chapter argues that the contrasting behavior of those morphemes is a function of two factors: (i) which head of the adpositional extended projection each morpheme realizes; (ii) whether or not they have undergone a transcategorial shift—dubbed “mutation”—in the lexicon. This mutation approach applies, for example, to the [PERSON] nature of Blackfoot INFL and to the [TENSE] use of source-denoting Plains Cree adposition ohci and its occurrence within the verbal complex. The emergent category status of adpositions is implicated, too.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 015
Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu ◽  
Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu

The paper presents some important aspects related to the human liver, which is a real human body's plant, having essential roles in human life, especially in the preparation of the food necessary for the organism, in the production of the various essential substances necessary for the body and the basic chemical elements. At the same time, the human liver has the role of detoxifying the body, processing and eliminating toxic elements from ingested foods. The liver secretes various substances necessary for the human body. The more we keep this vital organ healthier, the more human body becomes free, healthier, younger and vigorous. The liver is probably the organ with the most diverse functions in the human body. After ingestion of food, they are processed along the digestive tract and degraded to nutrients that will reach all tissues and organs in the body. The liver is an annexe of the digestive tract with a very complex structure. The morphological unit of the liver is the liver lobe. It has a pyramid shape and a length of a few millimeters. The liver contains up to 100,000 lobules.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-84
Camil Staps

Abstract Besides using the verbal niphal and hitpael stems, ancient Hebrew can indicate semantic reciprocity with bipartite reciprocal markers such as , literally ‘someone with his brother’. In contrast to the Western European counter-parts of these constructions (e.g. English each other), the ancient Hebrew variants are not fully grammaticalized into a single morphological unit like . This article considers one type of bipartite reciprocal marker (the one using ‘someone’ and a term denoting kinship or fellowship) in detail, to see whether the preposition in the construction (e.g., ‘with’) may have prevented further grammaticalization. Since no bleaching of the preposition can be observed in the corpus of Biblical and Qumran Hebrew, we conclude that prepositions continued to have a significant semantic value, which indeed suggests that their near-obligatory presence has prevented further grammaticalization.

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