Video-tape role playing in the job interview.

1968 ◽  
Vol 15 (5, Pt.1) ◽  
pp. 436-438 ◽  
P. E. Logue ◽  
M. Zenner ◽  
G. Gohman
1997 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 401-407 ◽  
Nichole R. Lorentz ◽  
Verlin B. Hinsz

This study tests the hypothesis that behaviors engaged in as part of an individual's work roles impact the cognitions that are the antecedents of task-related self-esteem. This experiment varied participants' cognitions of competence/incompetence, importance/unimportance, and control/non-control within the context of role playing in a job interview. Results indicate that although the cognitions were influenced as a consequence of role-playing on the task, manipulation of the cognitions had no influence on task-specific-self-esteem. However, perceptions of the task-related cognitions were related to self-esteem ratings. Discussion focuses on implications of these findings for research on workplace self-esteem.

1987 ◽  
Vol 81 (6) ◽  
pp. 251-255 ◽  
Y.S. Howze

Social skills training was investigated as a treatment strategy for improving the verbal job interview behaviors of four visually handicapped young adult males. Training took place on the campus of a state residential school for the blind in a classroom designed to resemble an office. A combination of instructions, modeling, behavior rehearsal, and constructive feedback was used in training students to give positive personal and job-related information, and to ask relevant questions. To examine the effectiveness of training, students were pre- and post-interviewed by employers in local businesses who had extensive experience in interviewing youth. Interview sessions were tape recorded. Observers scored the frequency of occurence of the three target behaviors, and increased rates of positive interview behaviors were obtained for all four students during training. Students transferred acquired behaviors in a follow-up interview with an actual employer. The results suggest that a social skills training package may be effective in increasing certain verbal behaviors of severely visually handicapped young adults during the job interview. Further, findings support the theory that programs serving low-incidence populations may need to include role-playing and modeling in their job-training programs.

W. Krakow ◽  
W. C. Nixon

The scanning electron microscope (SEM) can be run at television scanning rates and used with a video tape recorder to observe dynamic specimen changes. With a conventional tungsten source, a low noise TV image is obtained with a field of view sufficient to cover the area of the specimen to be recorded. Contrast and resolution considerations have been elucidated and many changing specimens have been studied at TV rates.To extend the work on measuring the magnitude of charge and field distributions of small particles in the SEM, we have investigated their motion and electrostatic interaction at TV rates. Fig. 1 shows a time sequence of polystyrene spheres on a conducting grating surface inclined to the microscope axis. In (la) there are four particles present in the field of view, while in (lb) a fifth particle has moved into view.

Shinya Inoué

This paper reports progress of our effort to rapidly capture, and display in time-lapsed mode, the 3-dimensional dynamic architecture of active living cells and developing embryos at the highest resolution of the light microscope. Our approach entails: (A) real-time video tape recording of through-focal, ultrathin optical sections of live cells at the highest resolution of the light microscope; (B) repeat of A at time-lapsed intervals; (C) once each time-lapsed interval, an image at home focus is recorded onto Optical Disk Memory Recorder (OMDR); (D) periods of interest are selected using the OMDR and video tape records; (E) selected stacks of optical sections are converted into plane projections representing different view angles (±4 degrees for stereo view, additional angles when revolving stereos are desired); (F) analysis using A - D.

T. Kizuka ◽  
N. Tanaka

Structure and stability of atomic clusters have been studied by time-resolved high-resolution electron microscopy (TRHREM). Typical examples are observations of structural fluctuation in gold (Au) clusters supported on silicon oxide films, graphtized carbon films and magnesium oxide (MgO) films. All the observations have been performed on the clusters consisted of single metal element. Structural stability of ceramics clusters, such as metal-oxide, metal-nitride and metal-carbide clusters, has not been observed by TRHREM although the clusters show anomalous structural and functional properties concerning to solid state physics and materials science.In the present study, the behavior of ceramic, magnesium oxide (MgO) clusters is for the first time observed by TRHREM at 1/60 s time resolution and at atomic resolution down to 0.2 nm.MgO and gold were subsequently deposited on sodium chloride (001) substrates. The specimens, single crystalline MgO films on which Au particles were dispersed were separated in distilled water and observed by using a 200-kV high-resolution electron microscope (JEOL, JEM2010) equipped with a high sensitive TV camera and a video tape recorder system.

Kenneth S. Vecchio ◽  
John A. Hunt

In-situ experiments conducted within a transmission electron microscope provide the operator a unique opportunity to directly observe microstructural phenomena, such as phase transformations and dislocation-precipitate interactions, “as they happen”. However, in-situ experiments usually require a tremendous amount of experimental preparation beforehand, as well as, during the actual experiment. In most cases the researcher must operate and control several pieces of equipment simultaneously. For example, in in-situ deformation experiments, the researcher may have to not only operate the TEM, but also control the straining holder and possibly some recording system such as a video tape machine. When it comes to in-situ fatigue deformation, the experiments became even more complicated with having to control numerous loading cycles while following the slow crack growth. In this paper we will describe a new method for conducting in-situ fatigue experiments using a camputer-controlled tensile straining holder.The tensile straining holder used with computer-control system was manufactured by Philips for the Philips 300 series microscopes. It was necessary to modify the specimen stage area of this holder to work in the Philips 400 series microscopes because the distance between the optic axis and holder airlock is different than in the Philips 300 series microscopes. However, the program and interfacing can easily be modified to work with any goniometer type straining holder which uses a penrmanent magnet motor.

1974 ◽  
Vol 38 (8) ◽  
pp. 451-455 ◽  
JA Gershen ◽  
SL Handelman

2010 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-179 ◽  
Samantha Perrin ◽  
Benoît Testé

Research into the norm of internality ( Beauvois & Dubois, 1988 ) has shown that the expression of internal causal explanations is socially valued in social judgment. However, the value attributed to different types of internal explanations (e.g., efforts vs. traits) is far from homogeneous. This study used the Weiner (1979 ) tridimensional model to clarify the factors explaining the social utility attached to internal versus external explanations. Three dimensions were manipulated: locus of causality, controllability, and stability. Participants (N = 180 students) read the explanations expressed by appliants during a job interview. They then described the applicants on the French version of the revised causal dimension scale and rated their future professional success. Results indicated that internal-controllable explanations were the most valued. In addition, perceived internal and external control of explanations were significant predictors of judgments.

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