professional success
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2022 ◽  
Vol 186 ◽  
pp. 111340
Hedwig Eisenbarth ◽  
Claire M. Hart ◽  
Elena Zubielevitch ◽  
Tristan Keilor ◽  
Marc Wilson ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 448
Efigênia Alves Neres ◽  
Francis Musa Boakari ◽  
Francilene Brito da Silva

O presente texto expõe um dos resultados de estudos e experiências vivenciadas no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Piauí- PPGEd/UFPI. Através da pesquisa que resultou na Dissertação intitulada, “Histórias que se cruzam na EJA: as Trajetórias de Vida de Mulheres Afrodescendentes de Sucesso Educacional”, em que a primeira autora buscou problematizar como mulheres afrodescendentes interpretam a sua trajetória de vida e sua passagem pela EJA, expondo também, implicações advindas destas em suas formas de organização da vida e no enfrentamento das suas dificuldades socioculturais, considerando os fatores de gênero-raça-classe. Neste artigo buscamos refletir sobre as memórias de duas mulheres afrodescendentes, egressas da EJA, participantes da citada investigação. A intenção foi analisar, a partir das histórias de vida de cada uma, as táticas utilizadas por elas para que pudessem alcançar a emancipação social, e assim obterem o sucesso educacional/profissional desejado por cada uma delas, de maneira singular. As discussões foram feitas a partir dos seguintes autores/as: Arroyo (2014, 2017), Boakari (2010, 2015, 2019), Certeau (1994), Guimarães (2013), Martins (2013), dentre outros/as. A análise dos dados e as suas interpretações evidenciaram que há lições nas trajetórias educativas, que nos mostram como essas mulheres utilizaram o direito a educação como ferramenta para superar algumas dificuldades impostas pela condição interseccional de ser mulher-afrodescendente-pobre no Brasil. Essas mulheres afrodescendentes, por meio de táticas subverteram a lógica social brasileira, e ocuparam lugares que não eram comuns a elas, nem para muitas outras, com características semelhantes e em condições parecidas.Palavras-chave: Mulheres afrodescendentes sujeitas de sua História; EJA como direito e tática; Sucesso educacional e socioprofissional.Memories of successful afrodescendant women in youth and adult educationABSTRACTThis text presents some results of studies and experiences lived in the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Piauí (PPGEd/UFPI). With help from the research that resulted in the Master´s Thesis entitled "Stories that intersect in EJA (Youth and Adult Education Programs): the Life Trajectories and Educational Success of Women of African Descent", we problematized how women of African descendance interpret their trajectories in life and times spent in EJA programs. Implications arising from these experiences in terms of how they helped the women organize their lives and face their sociocultural difficulties, considering gender-race-class factors, were considered. In this article, we seek to reflect on the memories of two Brazilian women of African descent, graduates from EJA programs, with the intention to analyze, from the life stories of each one, the tactics used by them to achieve social emancipation and attain the educational/professional success desired by each one of them, in a unique way. Discussions were supported by the following authors: Arroyo (2014; 2017), Boakari (2010; 2015; 2019), Certeau (1994), Guimarães (2013), Martins (2013), among others. Data analysis and their interpretations showed that there are lessons to be learned from the educational trajectories of the participants of the study, as they show us how these women used their right to an education as a tool to overcome difficulties imposed by their intersectional conditions of being poor Afro-descendant women in Brazil. These women of African origin, through tactics developed by each one, subverted the Brazilian social logic and occupied places that were not common for persons like them, nor for many others with similar characteristics and in similar conditions.Keywords: Subject afrodescendant women of their History; EJA as law and Tactics; Educational and socioprofessional success.Memorias de éxito de mujeres descendientes africanas em la educación de jóvenes y adultosRESUMENEste texto presenta algunos resultados de estudios y experiencias vividas en el Programa de Posgrado en Educación de la Universidad Federal de Piauí-PPGEd/UFPI. A través de la investigación que dio como resultado la Disertación titulada "Historias que se cruzan en EJA: las Trayectorias de Vida de Mujeres Afrodescendientes de Éxito Educativo", tentamos problematizar cómo las mujeres afrodescendientes interpretan su trayectoria de vida y su paso por EJA, exponiendo también, las implicaciones que surgen de estos en sus formas de organizar su vida y en el enfrentamiento de sus dificultades socioculturales, considerando factores género-raza-clase. En este artículo buscamos reflexionar sobre la memoria de dos mujeres afrodescendientes, egresadas de EJA, que participan en la investigación antes mencionada. La intención fue analizar, a partir de las historias de vida de cada una, las tácticas utilizadas por ellas para que pudieran lograr la emancipación social y así obtener el éxito educativo/profesional deseado por cada una de ellas, de manera única. Las discusiones se basaron en los siguientes autores: Arroyo (2014; 2017), Boakari (2010; 2015; 2019), Certeau (1994), Guimarães (2013), Martins (2013), entre otros. El análisis de datos y sus interpretaciones mostraron que hay lecciones en las trayectorias educativas, que nos muestran cómo estas mujeres utilizaron el derecho a la educación como una herramienta para superar algunas dificultades impuestas por la condición interseccional de ser una mujer afrodescendiente pobre en Brasil. Estas mujeres afrodescendientes, mediante tácticas subvirtieron la lógica social brasileña y ocuparon lugares que no eran comunes a ellas, ni a muchas otras con características similares y en condiciones similares.Palabras clave: Sujeto mujeres afrodescendientes de su Historia; EJA en ley y táctica; Éxito educativo y socioprofesional.

Elena E. Dmitrieva

The digital educational environment has become an important part of the educational process, which has a strong influence on the forms and methods of teaching. The development of the pupil's personality is the main educational task. The orientation of the digital educational environment as a key component of the school educational process has a strong influence on the pupil’s attitude to the learning, the satisfaction with the acquired knowledge, the learning motivation, and on the future professional success. The purpose of the work is to diagnose the school digital educational environment orientation and to propose measures to strengthen its orientation towards the pupils’ personal qualities. The study involved 156 pupils and 56 teachers from two schools at the City of Ryazan. The author's questionnaire was used for diagnosing the school digital educational environment orientation. The questionnaire logic is presented in this article. The results obtained indicate that: 74 % of teachers and 72 % of pupils define the frontal form of work as the most frequently used in school; 83.3 % of teachers are confident that the proposed materials and assignments used in interaction in a digital educational environment correspond to the cognitive interests of pupils. 48.4 % of pupils believe that interaction with a teacher in an organised digital educational environment develops their cognitive interests. The results obtained make it possible to determine the necessary measures to modify the digital educational environment into a personality-oriented digital educational environment: creating conditions for self-presentation, establishing high-quality feedback in the process of performing productive type tasks, increasing the proportion of creative tasks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 54-59
José Abel De Andrade Baptista ◽  
Alexandre Formigoni ◽  
Sara Almeida da Silva ◽  
Caio Flavio Stettiner ◽  
Rosana Aparecida Bueno de Novais

The present work aims to demonstrate the most relevant points in the theory of acquired needs, formulated by the American psychologist David Clarence McClelland in 1961. The theory reports that the individual's success depends on two factors, from the socially acquired experiences to the of life and how these experiences should be treated to understand what needs the individual needs to meet to achieve motivation. From this point, the problem to be studied is intended to understand whether professional success can be measured based on three needs that, when met, would be enough to generate employee satisfaction with their work? The general objective of the research is the analysis of the theory developed by McClelland and how it can be more recently related to the concept of satisfaction in the professional environment. The research method for the proposed theme is a bibliographic search, as it stands out in the use of well-selected and updated information on the subject to be treated, in addition to being the most viable methodology to avoid redundancies in approaching the theme. It was obtained as a result of the analysis that amid so many problems found in managers, according to the point of view of the teams of collaborators, the concern to know the differences and needs of the team has not been a behavior properly adopted by the leadership. Therefore, it was concluded that the theory is useful for the reality of several globalization companies, but the problem lies in the neglect of leadership.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (5) ◽  
pp. 18-22
A. Kosenkov

Results: To study the relationship between the ratio of the extraversion and fluid intelligence levels with the success of the professional activity of the nuclear power plants (NPP) operators. Material and methods: This paper analyzes the results of psychodiagnostic examinations of operators of main control rooms of NPPs that functioned under normal conditions. All individuals were administered the J. Raven's “Progressive matrices”, the Russian language adaptation of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF, form A). Cross-peer review using the ranking method identified 5 groups of operators with different levels of professional success (from markedly reduced to high). Results: Using factor analysis, the dimension of the data matrix obtained during the surveys was reduced. Correlation analysis showed that out of 9 identified factors, only 2 had a statistically significant correlation with the success of professional activity, namely, the factors of extraversion (negative relationship) and intelligence (positive relationship). Based on these two factors, an automatic classification of operators was carried out using cluster analysis, as a result of which 5 classes of operators were identified. It was shown that classes A and B with a predominance of the extraversion factor included mainly (79 %) operators with a level of professional success below average. On the contrary, classes C, D and E with a predominance of the intelligence factor consisted mainly (81 %) of operators with average and above average levels of professional success. It is noteworthy that the average value of intelligence factor in one of the classes consisting of operators, advantageously with lower professional success rate (class B) was the same or even 10 T-scores higher in comparison with the classes represented mainly by operators whose success rate was assessed from medium to high. Conclusion: Factors of extraversion and intelligence are associated with the quality of performance of professional duties by the NPP control room operators under normal operating conditions. At the same time, the success of their professional activity depends not so much on the quantitative values for these factors, but on their ratio, namely: the predominance of the intelligence factor is prognostically favorable.

2021 ◽  
pp. 16-28
Elena Iosifovna Mychko

The key problems of the article are determined by the increased requirements for the professional development of modern teachers. Based on the methods of theoretical analysis of scientific literature, a characteristic of the main components of the professional success of a modern teacher was proposed. Special attention is paid to the professional development of young teachers. As a result, conditions that ensure the professional success of teachers in modern educational practice were presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (9(73)) ◽  
pp. 31-37
M. Shirokaya ◽  
O. Zhukova

The study is focussed on the specialist’s with different individual-typological characteristics attitude to the changed conditions for accomplishing work tasks, satisfaction and professional success in the conditions of remote work during global pandemic. Objectives of the study: learn about the attitude specifics of the specialists with different individual-typological characteristics (cognitive styles) to remote work, job satisfaction during pandemic and professional success. The study involved 120 respondents. To obtain the results a professional psychological questionnaire and a methodology of individual typological characteristics (L.N.Sobchik) were used. As a result of the analysis, it was found that respondents with different cognitive styles differ among themselves in the indicator of assessing the duration of working hours after the introduction of a remote work format, a subjective indicator of preference (choice) of a remote work format over face-to-face and professional success in these conditions. Respondents with formal-logical, verbal and accentuated cognitive styles noted an increase in the duration of working hours during switching to a remote work format and they had the lowest indicators of professional work success. Individuals with visual-figurative and intuitive cognitive styles did not notice an increase in the duration of working hours due to the transition to a distance with the highest indicators of professional success in activity. It is concluded that the "stress of time" was a valid factor influencing the decrease in professional success in the conditions of universal telecommuting in a pandemic. No connection was found between the cognitive styles of the respondents and the subjective assessment of job satisfaction in a distant setting.

О.И. Каяшева ◽  
З.Г. Ханова

Актуальность исследования связана с тем, что рефлексия является одним из психологических факторов, способствующих достижению профессиональной успешности у студентов. Профессиональная деятельность будущих психологов сопряжена со многими сложностями, предполагающими высокий уровень профессиональной подготовки, самопознание своих качеств и характеристик, способность работать с трудными жизненными ситуациями клиентов. Рефлексия предполагает самопознание будущими психологами своих качеств, характеристик, интеграцию представлений о себе, основанных на прошлом опыте, в связи с настоящим временем и предполагаемым профессиональным будущим. Цель статьи: на основе теоретического исследования выявление значения ретроспективной, ситуативной и проспективной форм рефлексии в достижении профессиональной успешности студентов-психологов. В статье раскрыта характеристика временных форм рефлексии и их связь с достижением профессиональной успешности будущих психологов, отмечено, что высокий уровень ретроспективной рефлексии студентов-психологов характеризуется развитой способностью к анализу и оценке своего прошлого опыта, мотивов поведения и деятельности, установлению необходимых причинно-следственных связей и определению способов конструктивного поведения в сложных ситуациях. Ситуативная рефлексия студентов позволяет выйти за ограничения детерминизма и способствует адаптивности, осознаванию субъектом сложной профессиональной ситуации и самоанализу; необходима для координации и контроля компонентов деятельности человека. Высокий уровень проспективной рефлексии обеспечивает успешность предстоящей деятельности и включает функции целеполагания, планирования, прогнозирования предполагаемых результатов профессиональной деятельности и эффективных способов ее осуществления. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that reflection is one of the psychological factors contributing to the achievement of professional success among students. The professional activity of future psychologists is associated with many difficulties, involving a high level of professional training, self-knowledge of their qualities and characteristics, the ability to work with difficult life situations of clients. Reflection involves self-knowledge by future psychologists of their qualities, characteristics, integration of self-concepts based on past experience in connection with the present time and the expected professional future. The purpose of the article: on the basis of a theoretical study, to identify the significance of retrospective, situational and prospective forms of reflection in achieving professional success of psychology students. The article reveals the characteristics of temporary forms of reflection and their connection with the achievement of professional success of future psychologists, it is noted that the high level of retrospective reflection of psychology students is characterized by a developed ability to analyze and evaluate their past experience, motives of behavior and activity, establish the necessary cause-and-effect relationships and determine ways of constructive behavior in difficult situations. Situational reflection of students allows you to go beyond the limitations of determinism and promotes adaptability, awareness of a complex professional situation by the subject and self-analysis; it is necessary for the coordination and control of the components of human activity. A high level of prospective reflection ensures the success of the upcoming activity and includes the functions of goal-setting, planning, forecasting the expected results of professional activity and effective ways of its implementation.

Barbara Myrdzik

The article constitutes an attempt to interpret the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro The Unconsoled – a work with a complex plot and a multi-threaded structure, typical for a composition stretched on the frame of the rhizome-like labyrinth and the motif of memory imperfections. The labyrinth is a space of strangeness, of being lost. It is a journey of the main character who wanders around various spaces of the city and hotel (which performs a variety of functions), meets many random people and listens to their accounts. The life problems of the city’s inhabitants indicate the eternal truth, according to which a man cannot live without understanding, without talking to someone kind who has the ability to listen. They were looking for someone who would listen and understand them, someone who would kindly respond to their problems. It may also be assumed that living in a world without the feeling of a lack of transcendence, the inhabitants were looking for an authority like a messiah who would indicate the direction of renewal in the world of chaos and who would answer the question: How to live? The novel describes a cultural crisis triggered by the feeling of a fundamental contradiction between the world of scientific truths and the inner world of every human being. Values such as faith, friendship, selflessness, truthfulness or family, to which Ishiguro pays a lot of attention, have been lost. “Toxic parents” are shown in multiple configurations: on the example of Ryder’s parents, or Ryder himself as the father of Boris and Stephan Hoffman. The author shows one of the major causes of the paternity crisis, namely the cult of professional success. Professional success and rivalry connected with it completely absorb Ryder’s life and activities. As a result of the pursuit of professional fulfillment, the role of emotional ties in his life becomes less significant, they almost disappear. It may be assumed that, using the example of the crisis in the described city, Ishiguro presents the contemporary world, which lost the sense of life; however, he did not limit it to the lost past. The world in which all attempts to search for a new form of expression and valorization end in failure. It is a labyrinthine, objectified world which is only given outside, a world of showing off and a “game” of pretending, without honesty and simplicity. It is a place dominated by a pose and culture of narcissism, full of inauthenticity, artificiality and appearance. In addition, The Unconsoled is a poignant novel about human loneliness.

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