scholarly journals Erratum: Erratum: Can native clonal moso bamboo encroach on adjacent natural forest without human intervention?

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Shangbin Bai ◽  
Yixiang Wang ◽  
Richard T. Conant ◽  
Guomo Zhou ◽  
Yong Xu ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Shangbin Bai ◽  
Yixiang Wang ◽  
Richard T. Conant ◽  
Guomo Zhou ◽  
Yong Xu ◽  

Abstract Native species are generally thought not to encroach on adjacent natural forest without human intervention. However, the phenomenon that native moso bamboo may encroach on surrounding natural forests by itself occurred in China. To certificate this encroaching process, we employed the transition front approach to monitor the native moso bamboo population dynamics in native Chinese fir and evergreen broadleaved forest bordering moso bamboo forest in Tianmu Mountain Nature Reserve during the period between 2005 and 2014. The results showed that the bamboo front moved toward the Chinese fir/evergreen broadleaved stand with the new bamboo produced yearly. Moso bamboo encroached at a rate of 1.28 m yr−1 in Chinese fir forest and 1.04 m yr−1 in evergreen broadleaved forest, and produced 533/437 new culms hm−2 yr−1 in the encroaching natural Chinese fir/evergreen broadleaved forest. Moso bamboo coverage was increasing while adjacent natural forest area decreasing continuously. These results indicate that native moso bamboo was encroaching adjacent natural forest gradually without human intervention. It should be considered to try to create a management regime that humans could selectively remove culms to decrease encroachment.

2011 ◽  
Vol 262 (6) ◽  
pp. 1131-1137 ◽  
Juan Liu ◽  
Peikun Jiang ◽  
Hailong Wang ◽  
Guomo Zhou ◽  
Jiasen Wu ◽  

Prasant Sharma ◽  
Alka Agrawal

Be it industry or academia, Internet of the Things (IoT) has become buzzword today. Everyone is expecting a system of gadgets controlled by web without human intervention. The concept has opened many possibilities and a fear of failure too. All over the world the research is going on and few organizations have already started implementing the concept at a small level. But the available research is still immature and undirectional. The area is very young, the research too. Hence there is a need to develop an IoT architecture which is universally acceptable by various IoT objects as well as server.  To facilitate with the need, the paper presents a novel IOT architecture. In addition, the interaction of IoTobjects with each other has been discussed alongwith connection of a server’s infrastructure with another server’s infrastructure through API gateway.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 5809-5813
Abhishek Prabhakar ◽  
Amod Tiwari ◽  
Vinay Kumar Pathak

Wireless security is the prevention of unauthorized access to computers using wireless networks .The trends in wireless networks over the last few years is same as growth of internet. Wireless networks have reduced the human intervention for accessing data at various sites .It is achieved by replacing wired infrastructure with wireless infrastructure. Some of the key challenges in wireless networks are Signal weakening, movement, increase data rate, minimizing size and cost, security of user and QoS (Quality of service) parameters... The goal of this paper is to minimize challenges that are in way of our understanding of wireless network and wireless network performance.

1999 ◽  
Vol 150 (12) ◽  
pp. 484-488 ◽  
Wolf Hockenjos

Concepts of near-natural forestry are in great demand these days. Most German forest administrations and private forest enterprises attach great importance to being as «near-natural» as possible. This should allow them to make the most of biological rationalisation. The concept of near-natural forestry is widely accepted, especially by conservationists. However, it is much too early to analyse how successful near-natural forestry has been to date, and therefore to decide whether an era of genuine near-natural forest management has really begun. Despite wide-spread recognition, near-natural forestry is jeopardised by mechanised timber harvesting, and particularly by the large-timber harvester. The risk is that machines, which are currently just one element of the timber harvest will gain in importance and gradually become the decisive element. The forest would then be forced to meet the needs of machinery, not the other way round. Forests would consequently become so inhospitable that they would bear no resemblance to the sylvan image conjured up by potential visitors. This could mean taking a huge step backwards: from a near-natural forest to a forest dominated by machinery. The model of multipurpose forest management would become less viable, and the forest would become divided into areas for production, and separate areas for recreation and ecology. The consequences of technical intervention need to be carefully considered, if near-natural forestry is not to become a thing of the past.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 745-754
Otávio Augusto de Oliveira Lima Barra ◽  
Fábio Perdigão Vasconcelos ◽  
Danilo Vieira dos Santos ◽  
Adely Pereira Silveira

O Brasil é um país com uma extensa linha de costa, são cerca de 7.367 km de extensão do seu litoral, com um potencial natural para a geração de energia eólica. O estado do Ceará é um dos maiores produtores de energia eólica para o país, obtendo notoriedade e a necessidade de manutenção dos seus parques eólicos, especialmente se instalados em zonas de costa, onde há uma grande dinâmica natural. O presente trabalho, busca o acompanhamento das dinâmicas morfológicas na praia de Volta do Rio, localizada em Acaraú/CE, que fica a cerca de 238 km de Fortaleza/CE. Os dados coletados em idas à campo, constataram que há um forte processo erosivo atuante na praia de Volta do Rio, o que alerta para a contenção do avanço marinho sob o parque eólico presente no local. A erosão é um fenômeno natural que trabalha na modelação de demasiadas formas terrestres. No litoral, isso não é diferente, por ser um ambiente altamente dinâmico onde há a interação entre continente, atmosfera e oceano, sendo possível encontrar diversos atuantes que podem intensificar os processos erosivos, sejam eles o vento, maré, ou por intervenções humanas, como construções e ocupações indevidas ao longo da linha de costa.Palavras Chave: Volta do Rio; Energia Eólica; Erosão. ABSTRACTBrazil is a country with an extensive coastline, about 7,367 km of coastline, with a natural potential for wind power generation. The state of Ceará is one of the largest producers of wind energy for the country, obtaining notoriety and required maintenance of its wind farms, especially if located in coastal areas, where there is a great natural dynamic. The present work seeks the movement of morphological dynamics in the beach of Volta do Rio, located in Acaraú/CE, which is about 238 km from Fortaleza/CE. The data collected in the field found that there is a strong erosive process on the Beach of Volta do Rio, which warns about the expansion of advanced marine on the wind farm present on site. Erosion is a natural phenomenon that works in the modeling of many hearth forms. On the coast, this is not different, considering a highly dynamic environment in which there is an interaction between continent, atmosphere and ocean, being possible to find many factors that can intensify the erosive processes, such as wind, tide, or human intervention, as constructions and improper occupations along the coast line.Key words: Volta do Rio; Wind Energy; Erosion. RESUMENBrasil es un país con una extensa costa, cerca de 7.367 km de costa, con un potencial natural para la generación de energía eólica. El estado del Ceará es uno de los mayores productores de energía eólica del país, ganando notoriedad y la necesidad de mantener sus parques eólicos, especialmente si está instalado en zonas costeras, donde existe una gran dinámica natural. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo monitorear la dinámica morfológica en la playa de Vuelta del Rio, ubicada en Acaraú / CE, que está a unos 238 km de Fortaleza / CE. Los datos recopilados en los viajes de campo, encontraron que hay un fuerte proceso erosivo en la playa de Vuelta del Rio, que advierte sobre la contención del avance marino bajo el parque eólico presente en el sitio. La erosión es un fenómeno natural que funciona en el modelado de muchas formas terrestres. En la costa, esto no es diferente, ya que es un entorno altamente dinámico donde existe la interacción entre el continente, la atmósfera y el océano, permitiendo encontrar varios actores que pueden intensificar los procesos erosivos, ya sea viento, marea o intervenciones humanas, como edificios y ocupaciones inadecuadas a lo largo de la costa.Palabras clave: Vuelta del Río; Energía Eólica; Erosión.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Farnis B Boneka ◽  
N Gustaf F Mamangkey

Corallivorous gastropods, Drupella cornus are living in the Indo Pacific coral reefs. To assess the distribution of the snails at Bunaken National Park in Indonesia, a study has been conducted on three zones established in three main islands of the park: core, tourism, and exploitation zones. The zones represent degrees of human interventions in which the least intervention is for core zone, moderate for tourism zone and high for the exploitation zone. The results showed that degrees of human interventions are related to the density of snails where the least human intervention zone (the core zone) had low numbers of snails while the high human intervention (exploitation) zone had high numbers of snails. Three corals in the zones that were preferred by the snails were: Montipora spp., Acropora spp., and Porites spp. The numbers of snails living on the corals followed the percent of coral cover© Gastropod pemakan polip karang, Drupella cornus hidup di areal terumbu karang Indo-Pasifik. Untuk mengetahui distribusi dari siput di Taman Nasional Bunaken, sebuah studi telah dilakukan pada tiga zona yang ditetapkan di tiga pulau utama di taman nasional ini: zona inti, zona pariwisata, dan zona pemanfaatan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tinggi-rendahnya intervensi manusia berhubungan dengan kepadatan siput di mana zona yang memiliki intervensi terendah (zona inti) memiliki jumlah siput sedikit sementara zona dengan intervensi tertinggi (zone pemanfaatan) memiliki jumlah siput terbanyak. Tiga spesies karang di ketiga zona ini yang disukai oleh siput adalah Montipora spp., Acropora spp., and Porites spp. Jumlah siput yang hidup di karang mengikuti jumlah persen tutupan karang©

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