Transaction Costs and Information Systems: Does IT Add Up?

2006 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 195-202 ◽  
Antonio Cordelia

Transaction cost theory has often been used to support the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to reduce imperfection in the economic system. Electronic markets and hierarchies have repeatedly been described as solutions to inefficiencies in the organisation of transactions in complex and uncertain settings. Far from criticising this assumption, this paper highlights the limits associated with this application of transaction cost theory that has been prevalent in IS research. Building on the concepts first proposed by Ciborra, the paper argues that information-related problems represent only some of the elements contributing to transaction costs. These costs also emerge due to the interdependencies among the various factors contributing to their growth. The study of the consequences associated with ICT design and implementation, grounded in transaction cost theory, should consider the overall implication associated with the adoption and use of ICT and not only the direct effect on problems associated with information flow, distribution, and management.

Marlei Pozzebon ◽  
Eduardo Diniz ◽  
Martin Jayo

The multilevel framework proposed in this chapter is particularly useful for research involving complex and multilevel interactions (i.e., interactions involving individuals, groups, organizations and networks at the community, regional or societal levels). The framework is influenced by three theoretical perspectives. The core foundation comes from the structurationist view of technology, a stream of research characterized by the application of structuration theory to information systems (IS) research and notably influenced by researchers like Orlikowski (2000) and Walsham (2002). In order to extend the framework to encompass research at the community/societal levels, concepts from social shaping of technology and from contextualism have been integrated. Beyond sharing a number of ontological and epistemological assumptions, these three streams of thinking have been combined because each of them offers particular concepts that are of great value for the kind of studies the authors wish to put forward: investigating the influence of information and communication technology (ICT) from a structurationist standpoint at levels that go beyond the organizational one.

Ronald Maier

An increasing share of work in businesses and organizations depends on information and knowledge rather than manual labor and physical goods (Wolf, 2005). Knowledge work contributes substantially to the long-term success of an organization. It is characterized by unstructured, creative, and learning-oriented tasks and involves access to a wide variety of structured and unstructured data sources such as Web sites, databases, data warehouses, document bases, or messaging systems. Knowledge work is often hampered by the fragmentation of resources across these numerous elements of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructures. Consequently, concepts for the design and implementation of integrating technologies are required in order to improve ICT support for knowledge work.

2020 ◽  

Background and Objectives: This study faces two main challenges, namely the lack of budget and similar national social networks. Moreover, the problems of information and communication technology infrastructure in Iran and issues, such as compliance with copyright and privacy, complicated the project. Materials and Methods: Given that there has been no previous research in this regard, the present study was the first attempt to design and implement a social network for Iranian health academics. Therefore, to achieve the goals of this study, various methods will be used to prevent the failure of the project and gather comprehensive information. This research project will make use of four qualitative studies, one comparative study, one review study, and four quantitative studies. Discussion: This study faces two main challenges, namely the lack of budget and similar national social networks. Moreover, the problems of information and communication technology infrastructure in Iran and issues, such as compliance with copyright and privacy, complicated the project.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
Dwi Putri Hartiningsari ◽  
Suprayitno Suprayitno ◽  
Taslimah Retno Marpinjun

The aim of this research is to develop web-based learning media using the blog and the feature of information and communication technology which is combined with discovery learning model to teach English lecture in non-English class in STKIP PGRI Trenggalek. The research design used is research and development invented by Borg and Gall which is modified with ASSURE method. The instrument used are interview and questionnaire. The collected data then be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The result of the development is a learning blog with 5 menus, they are Home, Site guide, Chapter, Forum dan Credit. Within the use of media, students will experience learning which utilizes discovery model namely 2W3L. The final product of this learning media has been validated by blog-basis media expert with the score of 83 which means the media is good and there is no revision, meanwhile, the expert of learning content gives 88.8 points which means the learning steps of discovery and the material are very good and no revision. This valid and proper media is also accepted by the students very well.

In today’s time, e-governance is not only in demand but also trendy. While watching the dream of “Digital India” our Prime Minister NarendraModiJi aimed at various goals and the application of ICT (information and communication technology) was one of them. This exchange of information and communication technology is a necessity not only to renew the governmental processes involved in the functioning of government services but also to integrate various stand-alone systems, to improve interactions, for greater convenience, and in cooperating the flow of information and services with different users at much faster rate. Implementation of e-governance aims at crystal –clear government , resulting in the saving of cost and time at providing and receiving services by the government and public respectively, reduction in corruption , strengthening citizen and economic growth . Our operative focus took in six main sections: glimpses on the impacts of e-governance, need for implementing this action, e-governance model, confrontation of challenges, Design and Implementation, emergence of various projects under this one roof and practical recommendations. Every unbiased coin has two different sides so as a by-product in this case also, there are some deeper issues which become weak when it comes to practical guidance, clarity, perplexed positivism regarding this technology. Haryana has empowered e-government research by the intention of penetrating its loop holes such as the institutional factors –particularly pressures of competition and time, inefficient delivery of public services, deprivation of quality services – that may restrict the development of e-government as a unified research.

Yasushige Ishikawa ◽  
Mutsumi Kondo ◽  
Craig Smith

This chapter reports on the development of an innovative interoperable Information and Communication Technology (ICT) application for English teaching in primary schools in Japan. An investigation into the use of the ICT application during a four month period at two primary schools is also described. The results of the initial needs analysis conducted to identify appropriate means of support for effective primary school English education, the subsequent processes of the design, the development and implementation of the ICT application, the children’s reflections during use of the ICT application in English lessons, and a post-course evaluation by children and by their homeroom teachers are described. Proposals are made for the future enhancement of the interoperability capacity for the ICT application.

2012 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 222-231 ◽  
Nina Hansen ◽  
Tom Postmes ◽  
Nikita van der Vinne ◽  
Wendy van Thiel

This paper studies whether and how information and communication technology (ICT) changes self-construal and cultural values in a developing country. Ethiopian children were given laptops in the context of an ICT for development scheme. We compared children who used laptops (n = 69) with a control group without laptops (n = 76) and a second control group of children whose laptop had broken down (n = 24). Results confirmed that after 1 year of laptop usage, the children’s self-concept had become more independent and children endorsed individualist values more strongly. Interestingly, the impact of laptop usage on cultural values was mediated by self-construal (moderated mediation). Importantly, modernization did not “crowd out” traditional culture: ICT usage was not associated with a reduction in traditional expressions (interdependent self-construal, collectivist values). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

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