scholarly journals Effective and Secure E-Governance Model of Haryana

In today’s time, e-governance is not only in demand but also trendy. While watching the dream of “Digital India” our Prime Minister NarendraModiJi aimed at various goals and the application of ICT (information and communication technology) was one of them. This exchange of information and communication technology is a necessity not only to renew the governmental processes involved in the functioning of government services but also to integrate various stand-alone systems, to improve interactions, for greater convenience, and in cooperating the flow of information and services with different users at much faster rate. Implementation of e-governance aims at crystal –clear government , resulting in the saving of cost and time at providing and receiving services by the government and public respectively, reduction in corruption , strengthening citizen and economic growth . Our operative focus took in six main sections: glimpses on the impacts of e-governance, need for implementing this action, e-governance model, confrontation of challenges, Design and Implementation, emergence of various projects under this one roof and practical recommendations. Every unbiased coin has two different sides so as a by-product in this case also, there are some deeper issues which become weak when it comes to practical guidance, clarity, perplexed positivism regarding this technology. Haryana has empowered e-government research by the intention of penetrating its loop holes such as the institutional factors –particularly pressures of competition and time, inefficient delivery of public services, deprivation of quality services – that may restrict the development of e-government as a unified research.

Laras Sirly Safitri

Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) bagi petani dalam mengakses kredit masih rendah. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh rendahnya aksesibilitas petani terhadap program-program kredit. Informasi-informasi yang berkenaan program pembiayaan/kredit dari pemerintah belum diperoleh petani secara merata. Bahkan, seringkali informasi tersebut tidak diperoleh sama sekali. Di samping itu, petani masih beranggapan bahwa program-program kredit yang ditawarkan oleh lembaga formal memiliki prosedur yang panjang, sulit dan berbelit-belit. Oleh karena itu, seringkali petani pada akhirnya memilih untuk memperoleh modal dari kredit yang ditawarkan oleh lembaga nonformal, meskipun dengan bunga yang tinggi. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) dapat menjadi solusi untuk meningkatkan akses petani terhadap program pembiayaan/kredit dari pemerintah. Hal ini juga perlu diupayakan oleh pemerintah sebagai peningkatan pelayanan publik bagi petani (e-Government). Dengan memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK), diharapkan dapat membuka akses petani terhadap berbagai informasi terkait program kredit dari pemerintah serta dapat pula membantu petani untuk memperpendek prosedur yang harus dilalui dalam memperoleh kredit. Selama ini pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) pada sektor pertanian, sebagian besar masih terfokus pada informasi seputar teknologi budidaya dan pemasaran hasil pertanian. Sehingga diperlukan perhatian khusus dari pemerintah untuk memberikan layanan dan informasi terkait kredit bagi petani.   Utilization of Information and communication Technology (ICT) for farmers in accessing credit is still low. This is addressed by the low accessibility of farmers to funding / credit programs from the government that has not been obtained evenly. In fact, often the information is not obtained at all. Besides that, farmers still think that credit programs offered by formal institutions have a long, difficult, and complicated procedure. Therefore, often farmers ultimately choose to obtain capital and credit offered by non-formal institutions, even with high interest rates. Information and communication technology (ICT) can be a solution to improve farmers' access to government financing or credit programs. It also needs to be pursued by the government as an increase in public services for farmers (e-government). By utilizing information and communication technology (ICT), farmers are expected to be able to open access to various information related to credit programs from the government and can also help farmers to shorten the procedures that must be passed in obtaining credit. During this time the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the agricultural sector is still largely focused on information about cultivation technology and marketing of agricultural products so that special attention is needed from the Government to provide services and information related to credit for farmers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (68) ◽  
Rasmané Ouedraogo ◽  
Amadou Sy

This paper studies the effect of digitalization on the perception of corruption and trust in tax officials in Africa. Using individual-level data from Afrobarometer surveys and several indices of digitalization, we find that an increase in digital adoption is associated with a reduction in the perception of corruption and an increase in trust in tax officials. Exploiting the exogeneous deployment of submarine cables at the local level, the paper provides evidence of a negative impact of the use of Internet on the perception of corruption. Yet, the paper shows that the dampening effect of digitalization on corruption is hindered in countries where the government has a pattern of intentionally shutting down the Internet, while countries that successfully promote information and communication technology (ICT) enjoy a more amplified effect.

2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Cristina Benedeti Guilhem

Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo expor algumas diretrizes que possam concorrer para a inserção de conteúdos na Web, a fim de promover acesso facilitado e fluxo contínuo de disseminação às informações em um ambiente no qual permite acesso, compartilhamento, interação e colaboração da informação e do conhecimento. Com o intuito de atingir esse fim, o artigo discorre acerca dos seguintes assuntos: virtualidade do texto, seis propostas para o próximo milênio de Ítalo Calvino, sendo: leveza, rapidez, exatidão, visualização, multiplicidade e consistência e diretrizes apontadas a partir dessas características. Palavras-chave conteúdos informacionais; diretrizes; tecnologia de informação e comunicação (TIC); web; bens imateriais Abstract This article aims to display some directions in which the insertion of contents on the Web can concur in order to promote easier access and continuous flow of information diffusion in an environment which allows access, sharing, interaction and contribution of information and knowledge. To this end, the article discusses the following subjects: potentiality of the text, six proposals for the next millenium to Ítalo Calvino, being: slightness, rapidity, exactness, visualization, multiplicity and consistency and the directions these characteristics point to. Keywords informational contents; lines of direction; information and communication technology (ICT); web; incorporeal personal properties    

2006 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 195-202 ◽  
Antonio Cordelia

Transaction cost theory has often been used to support the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to reduce imperfection in the economic system. Electronic markets and hierarchies have repeatedly been described as solutions to inefficiencies in the organisation of transactions in complex and uncertain settings. Far from criticising this assumption, this paper highlights the limits associated with this application of transaction cost theory that has been prevalent in IS research. Building on the concepts first proposed by Ciborra, the paper argues that information-related problems represent only some of the elements contributing to transaction costs. These costs also emerge due to the interdependencies among the various factors contributing to their growth. The study of the consequences associated with ICT design and implementation, grounded in transaction cost theory, should consider the overall implication associated with the adoption and use of ICT and not only the direct effect on problems associated with information flow, distribution, and management.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
Mutiara Deivana Rorimpandey ◽  
Robert Lambey

KPP Pratama Manado is a place provided by the government for the public or taxpayer in carrying out their obligations to report on each asset or wealth or income they have. Along with the times in the advancement of information and communication technology, KPP Pratama Manado provides convenience for taxpayer in reporting SPT (Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan) by providing e-Filing. The e-Filing system is an online tax reporting system that has been provided by the government for taxpayer. However, the lack of knowledge of taxpayer on e-Filing system affects taxpayer still reporting annual SPTs manually. KPP Pratama Manado should further improve the grade and quality of e-Filing system so that they can be used more optimally by taxpayer.Keywords: SPT, e-Filing, taxpayer

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Asep Id Hadiana ◽  
Faiza Renaldi

The development of mobile and mobile technology has given the Government the opportunity to utilize Mobile Information and Communication Technology (M-ICT) to help facilitate daily administration and to provide better services to citizens, businesses and government institutions through the use of mobile technology. The number of cellular telephone users in Indonesia continues to grow and now it has reached 50.6 million customers. Therefore, the application of m-Government in Indonesia is an interesting material to be studied. There are many forms of services that can be provided by m-Government, one of which is service in government offices for stakeholders of the state civil apparatus. This research takes place in the Office of Communication and Information (Diskominfo), which is one part of the Regional Work Unit (SKPD) in West Bandung Regency, and focuses on the existence of monitoring activities of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the SKPD. ASN always plays an important role in the daily activities of the government bureaucracy, therefore it is necessary to manage employee data in order to achieve quality assurance on employee performance. Diskominfo West Bandung Regency has a number of employees of approximately 150 employees spread in 3 fields. The use of M-Government technology is believed to be able to provide a necessity to resolve the challenges that must be overcome, one of which is the external office / city monitoring of the ASN Diskominfo. This research will build a m-Government application in Diskominfo, West Bandung Regency to monitor the activities of the state civil apparatus (ASN), which uses smart cellphones based on Android as its media.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 61-69
Prolucen C. Velarde ◽  
Richie C. Velarde ◽  
Cheryll V. Bermudo ◽  
Relly C. Velarde

The study was conducted focused on the utilization of Information and Communication Technology in Technical-Vocational Schools in Region V, Philippines, School Year 2011-2012. It determined the profile of teachers, adequacy of ICT equipment, competence of teachers and their relationships. The data were gathered through a questionnaire-checklist formulated by the researcher. The validity and reliability of the instrument were ensured. Findings revealed that the majority of the teachers are 26 years old and above. Three-fourths of them have attended a very minimal number (1-3 times) of ICT – related training. Eighty-four percent of the teachers have master’s degrees; fifty percent of them have served the government for more than 10 years; fifty-eight percent were occupying Teacher I position; twelve percentage designated to different administrative functions. There is fairly adequate ICT tools and equipment and the teachers are competent in working with word processors only. Furthermore, the age of teachers and the competences is significantly related to using ICT tools and equipment. The researcher concluded that there is a dearth of ICT-related training for teachers of all age levels and ICT tools and equipment should be procured to sustain the development of competence among teachers. It is recommended therefore to implement the proposed ICT development plan and the conduct of further research on the extent of utilization of ICT tools and equipment along the actual teaching-learning process.

C. M. Li ◽  
X. L. Liu ◽  
Z. X. Dai ◽  
P. D. Wu

Abstract. Smart City is a new concept that uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to promote the smartification of urban construction, planning and services. Currently, a number of countries and cities have conducted studies on Smart City, but they mostly focused on the conceptual connotations analysis and applications in specific domains, lacking a common, shareable and integrated framework understanding, which led to significant barriers among individual Smart City projects. By analyzing the framework connotations and application domains of Smart City, this paper proposed a common, shareable and integrated conceptual framework for smart city. Then based on this framework, a unified portal platform that is suitable for multiple domains, including the government, citizen and business, as well as common, custom and other application modes, is further proposed. Finally, Smart Weifang was implemented based on this platform. The application outcomes indicate that this common and shareable platform can effectively eliminate the data and technological barriers between different smart city systems, while also avoiding redundant financial investments. The investigation of the proposed framework and platform is of key significance to the unified construction of Smart City and the intensification of the hardware environment, thus representing a true achievement in the transition from “information island” to “information sharing and interconnection” for urban informatization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 4052-4055

E-governance is the new as well as important form of governance in the twenty-first century. To be particular, in the system of e-governance Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is used to its processes as well as to the functioning of the government so that a kind of SMART governance can be brought which means ‘Transparent, Accountable, Responsive, Simple and Moral’ governance. In other words, it can be defined as the process of interaction between the government of a country and its citizens as well as internal governmental operations for effective implementation of different government policies with the application of ICT. It is believed that e-governance is a major weapon which is wielded to remove corruption and to make public delivery system clutter-free. The main purpose of this paper is to show the importance of the ICT in the processes of e-governance which will in turn ensure good governance.

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