Reviews: IMF Lending to Developing Countries: Issues and Evidence, Housing and the Environment: A New Agenda, a New Social Atlas of Britain, Cities of Pride: Rebuilding Community, Refocusing Government, Re-Presenting the City: Ethnicity, Capital and Culture in the 21st-Century Metropolis, Future Drive: Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation, Homeworkers in Global Perspective: Invisible no More, Theories of the Information Society, Ethnicity: Geographic Perspectives on Ethnic Change in Modern Cities, Remapping Memory: The Politics of Timespace

1997 ◽  
Vol 29 (9) ◽  
pp. 1697-1710
J Wills ◽  
M Roseland ◽  
C Philo ◽  
R K Whelan ◽  
C Nagel ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 50-57
Joanna Klimowicz

XXI wiek przyczynił się do rozwoju nowych, innowacyjnych technologii w wielu dziedzinach życia, w medycynie, lotnictwie, inżynierii molekularnej czy budownictwie. Współczesne technologie rozwijają się bardzo szybko, przynosząc rozmaite udogodnienia współczesnym człowiekowi. Jednakże XXI wiek przyniósł nam też niszczycielskie działanie narastających anomalii pogodowych związanych z pogłębiającymi się zmianami klimatu. Żyjąc w dobie konsumpcjonizmu, powinniśmy się zastanowić w jaki sposób przyczyniamy się do tego stanu? Czy my współcześnie żyjący możemy wpłynąć na poprawę naszej egzystencji? Czy współcześnie proponowane rozwiązania są w stanie ochronić nas przed wieloma negatywnymi skutkami zmian klimatu? Czy możemy wpłynąć na wzrost zanieczyszczenia powietrza, wzrost temperatury oraz związane z nimi narastające zjawiska takie jak powodzie czy pożary? Mieszkańcy współczesnych miast stykają się z wieloma tymi niedogodnościami. My jako architekci i urbaniści powinniśmy reagować i wprowadzać takie rozwiązania, które będą sprzyjały poprawie warunków życia. Tematem artykuły jest przedstawienie wybranych przykładów rozwiązań zastosowania zieleni, wpływającej na niwelowanie niekorzystnych warunków klimatycznych panujących w miasta. Odpowiednio projektowana zieleń, zarówno w skali urbanistycznej jak i architektonicznej miasta, przyczynia się do niwelowanie Miejskiej Wyspy Ciepła, wpływa na poprawę komfortu zamieszkania, jest stabilizatorem temperatury oraz wilgotności. Badania kamerą termowizyjną wykazują w jaki sposób zastosowanie zieleni przyczynia się do obniżania temperatury w zabudowie śródmiejskiej. Wyniki badań stanowić uzupełnienie prowadzonych analiz związanych z obserwacją zachowań termicznych zabudowy miejskiej. Możliwość odniesienia wyników wpłynie na świadomość mieszkańców jest istotne jest stosowanie odpowiednich materiałów budowalnych oraz zieleni miejskiej jako jednych z elementów poprawiających komfort życia w mieście. The problem of the overheating of twenty-first century cities (UHI) versus greenery The 21st century has contributed to the development of new, innovative technologies in many areas of life, including medicine, aviation, molecular engineering and construction. Modern technologies are developing very quickly, bringing various conveniences to modern man. However, the 21st century has brought us also the destructive effect of growing weather anomalies associated with deepening climate change. Living in the age of consumerism, we should think about how we are contributing to this state? Can we, living today, improve our existence? Can the solutions proposed nowadays protect us from many negative effects of climate change? Can we influence the increase in air pollution, temperature rise and the associated growing phenomena such as floods and fires? Citizens of modern cities are facing many of these inconveniences. We, as architects and urban planners, should react and implement solutions that will improve living conditions. The subject of the articles is to present selected examples of solutions for the use of greenery, which will help to eliminate unfavorable climate conditions in cities. Properly designed greenery, both on the urban and architectural scale of the city, contributes to the leveling of the Urban Heat Island, improves the comfort of living, and is a stabilizer of temperature and humidity. Research with a thermal imaging camera shows how the use of greenery contributes to lowering the temperature in downtown buildings. The results of the research are a supplement to the analyses carried out in connection with the observation of thermal behavior of urban development. The possibility of referencing the results will influence the residents’ awareness. It is important to use appropriate building materials and greenery as one of the elements improving the comfort of living in the city.

Spatium ◽  
2008 ◽  
pp. 21-26 ◽  
Aleksandra Stupar

Perceived as one of the possible reflections of the contemporary society, the technopolis (or the 'techno-city') integrates the latest technology, various modernist and anti-modernist elements, as well as numerous 'utopian' features which should facilitate our lives and underline aspirations for the future. Consequently, our world, composed of overlapped digital and physical realms, flexible spaces and transformable webs, is balancing between utopia and anti-utopia, progress and decay, geography and non-geography. The stunning, but also horrifying images of the present create tension and confusion, while their fast-changing scales and modes additionally complicate the latest morphing and charting of the global world and its urban nodes. Obviously, the city, as always, depicts the technological background of the society, demonstrating its potentials, paradoxes and threats. However, the modern cities, whose spaces and buildings often represent the wonders of technology, are facing numerous problems. Placed between material and virtual reality, their landscapes are blended and distorted, but colored by similar imperatives and demands. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to define and analyze the outcomes of the urban/architectural interventions which explicitly or implicitly used modern technologies, generating a stage for the 21st century technopolis. .

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 2030
Marianna Jacyna ◽  
Renata Żochowska ◽  
Aleksander Sobota ◽  
Mariusz Wasiak

In recent years, policymakers of urban agglomerations in various regions of the world have been striving to reduce environmental pollution from harmful exhaust and noise emissions. Restrictions on conventional vehicles entering the inner city are being introduced and the introduction of low-emission measures, including electric ones, is being promoted. This paper presents a method for scenario analysis applied to study the reduction of exhaust emissions by introducing electric vehicles in a selected city. The original scenario analyses relating to real problems faced by contemporary metropolitan areas are based on the VISUM tool (PTV Headquarters for Europe: PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany). For the case study, the transport model of the city of Bielsko-Biala (Poland) was used to conduct experiments with different forms of participation of electric vehicles on the one hand and traffic restrictions for high emission vehicles on the other hand. Scenario analyses were conducted for various constraint options including inbound, outbound, and through traffic. Travel time for specific transport relations and the volume of harmful emissions were used as criteria for evaluating scenarios of limited accessibility to city zones for selected types of vehicles. The comparative analyses carried out showed that the introduction of electric vehicles in the inner city resulted in a significant reduction in the emission of harmful exhaust compounds and, consequently, in an increase in the area of clean air in the city. The case study and its results provide some valuable insights and may guide decision-makers in their actions to introduce both driving ban restrictions for high-emission vehicles and incentives for the use of electric vehicles for city residents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 261
Christos Petsas ◽  
Marinos Stylianou ◽  
Antonis Zorpas ◽  
Agapios Agapiou

The air quality of modern cities is considered an important factor for the quality of life of humans and therefore is being safeguarded by various international organizations, concentrating on the mass concentration of particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10, 2.5 and 1 μm. However, the different physical and anthropogenic processes and activities within the city contribute to the rise of fine (<1 μm) and coarse (>1 μm) particles, directly impacting human health and the environment. In order to monitor certain natural and anthropogenic events, suspecting their significant contribution to PM concentrations, seven different events taking place on the coastal front of the city of Limassol (Cyprus) were on-site monitored using a portable PM instrument; these included both natural (e.g., dust event) and anthropogenic (e.g., cement factory, meat festival, tall building construction, tire factory, traffic jam, dust road) emissions taking place in spring and summer periods. The violations of the limits that were noticed were attributed mainly to the various anthropogenic activities taking place on-site, revealing once more the need for further research and continuous monitoring of air quality.

Stroke ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 42 (12) ◽  
pp. 3655-3658 ◽  
Valery L. Feigin ◽  
Rita Krishnamurthi

In the early 21st century, developing countries are experiencing an ever-increasing burden of stroke due its high morbidity and associated disability. Given the limited health resources available in developing countries, stroke prevention there is of paramount importance. This narrative review summarizes currently available evidence for stroke prevention in the developing world and outlines their major strategies and priorities.

2011 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-6
Yurdanur Dulgeroglu-Yuksel

This editorial deals with the issue of sustainability in relation to the development of the city in the 21st century. The main goal is to make an inquiry into Piecemeal vs Grand Planning Approaches to generating sustainable cities. The focus of the city is the human settlements. The issue of sustainability has been a concern for many planners, architects, urban geographers and social scientists. “Sustainability” is an old concept but has become a new solution criteria for generating liveable cities. The role of the professional is crucial in the development of cities to become more sustainable. It seems that development of cities, especially those in developing countries, in the post-modern age require a critical evaluation and updating of their existing housing and settlement policies and practices. They seem to neglect the development dynamics in fast-growing metropoles sometimes. While the natural phenomenon of urbanisation require piecemeal approach to spatial planning and development in Developing countries, their governments tend to adopt Grand policies of developed countries. Implementation of such policies with fujrthern use of high-tech often results in large wipe-outs in the city and social disintegration, following the replacement of existing neighborhoods. Physical and social integrity, as well as slow growth of settlements is a crucial start towards sustainable cities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 3344-3351
Xinquan Ma ◽  
Xiaofang Yao ◽  
Kwon Hwan

Objectives: Cigarettes are not goods that have existed in China since ancient times, but consumer goods that were introduced into China by western countries and accepted and developed by Chinese people in modern times. The application of Chinese soil smoke culture in Li gonglin’s landscape painting is studied in this paper. Methods: From the perspective of art history, landscape painters in the Northern Song Dynasty, as a prosperous period of Chinese art history landscape painting, thought deeply about painting from the artistic form of nature, and integrated their own view of environment into their creation, forming many landscape aesthetic paradigms. Results: This paper focuses on the interactive dialogue between the literati and the environment with the involvement of how space planning and governance are allocated. It is aimed at the global perspective in the Anthropocene and a local position in the Northern Song Dynasty. Localization is not only the exploration of the ecological approaches of China and the West in space, but also the integration of the past and the present, observing its ecological image from the perception and practice of traditional environmental aesthetics to the harmonious coexistence of modern cities and nature. Conclusion: Local tobacco is not a traditional local consumer product. Under the public’s praise, it has gradually formed a unique thing in China - cigarette culture. People in the society are not only the observers of the environment, but also the participants of the environment. Through the aesthetic configuration of the classification of environmental belonging space and the transformation of the image and vision into such realistic or ideal landscapes as “Longmian Villa”, it goes towards ecological holism. Therefore, from the perspective of environmental aesthetics research, Li Gonglin’s paintings have research value.

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