1984 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 358 ◽  
P. S. Moore ◽  
G. M. Pitt

The Cretaceous sequence in the Eromanga Basin covers nearly one-fifth of the Australian mainland and has a maximum thickness of about 2000 m. The lowermost prospective unit is the Neocomian Cadna-owie Formation, which commonly contains hydrocarbon shows and recently yielded oil in Merrimelia 15. Likely source rocks include organic-rich sediments at the base of the overlying Bulldog Shale and Wallumbilla Formation. Future commercial production from the Cadna-owie Formation will be hampered by fine grain size and carbonate cements, resulting in low porosity and permeability. In southwestern Queensland, the Cadna-owie Formation appears to have been locally dissected by prominent channels. If sand-infilled, these channels will represent an interesting stratigraphic play, although they are likely to be mudstone-and diamictite-infilled submarine canyons, similar to those in the Tertiary Latrobe Group, Gippsland Basin. As such, they represent one component of a complex hydrocarbon play that has yet to be evaluated.A third, stratigraphically higher exploration target is the middle Albian Coorikiana Sandstone. Although the marine mudstones which encase the Coorikiana Sandstone are only poor to fair source rocks, hydrocarbon shows are common in the unit, which yielded 9900 m3 of gas per day when tested in Strzelecki 8. The potential of the unit is limited by poor reservoir quality and marginal oil maturity.The Toolebuc Formation, of middle-late Albian age, is the fourth promising target for significant hydrocarbons. The formation consists of organic-rich mudstone which is oil-shale bearing over large parts of Queensland. Minor oil and gas shows, attributed to early generation from a very rich source rock, suggest that oil production from the Toolebuc Formation may be possible if naturally fractured shale reservoirs can be located. Overall, the Cretaceous sequence in the southwestern Eromanga Basin is considered to have a modest oil and gas potential which should be evaluated in the course of drilling for deeper targets.It is emphasised that knowledge of Cretaceous and Cainozoic stratigraphy is essential in understanding the evolution of the Eromanga Basin. Rapid deposition of up to 2000 m of Cretaceous sediments enabled generation of hydrocarbons in the Jurassic sequence, beginning in the latest Cretaceous and continuing today. Although early, syn-sedimentary structuring and mild epeirogeny are evident in Cretaceous sediments, of far greater significance is a major phase of Early Tertiary folding, due probably to the effects of continental breakup and collision. This greatly enhanced pre-existing structures, produced some very large anticlines, and caused up to 800 m of the Cenomanian Winton Formation to be eroded from elevated areas. A complex interplay between timing of structural growth and maturation of the sequence is thus considered to be a major control on the present distribution of hydrocarbons in the Eromanga Basin.

1995 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 405 ◽  
C.W. Luxton ◽  
S. T. Horan ◽  
D.L. Pickavance ◽  
M.S. Durham.

In the past 100 years of hydrocarbon exploration in the Otway Basin more than 170 exploration wells have been drilled. Prior to 1993, success was limited to small onshore gas fields. In early 1993, the La Bella-1 and Minerva-1 wells discovered significant volumes of gas in Late Cretaceous sandstones within permits VIC/P30 and VIC/P31 in the offshore Otway Basin. They are the largest discoveries to date in the basin and have enabled new markets to be considered for Otway Basin gas. These discoveries were the culmination of a regional evaluation of the Otway Basin by BHP Petroleum which highlighted the prospectivity of VIC/P30 and VIC/P31. Key factors in this evaluation were:geochemical studies that indicated the presence of source rocks with the potential to generate both oil and gas;the development of a new reservoir/seal model; andimproved seismic data quality through reprocessing and new acquisition.La Bella-1 tested the southern fault block of a faulted anticlinal structure in the southeast corner of VIC/P30. Gas was discovered in two Late Cretaceous sandstone intervals of the Shipwreck Group (informal BHP Petroleum nomenclature). Reservoirs are of moderate to good quality and are sealed vertically, and by cross-fault seal, by Late Cretaceous claystones of the Sherbrook Group. The gas is believed to have been sourced from coals and shales of the Early Cretaceous Eumeralla Formation and the structure appears to be filled to spill as currently mapped. RFT samples recovered dry gas with 13 moI-% CO2 and minor amounts of condensate.Minerva-1 tested the northern fault block of a faulted anticline in the northwest corner of VIC/ P31. Gas was discovered in three excellent quality reservoir horizons within the Shipwreck Group. Late Cretaceous Shipwreck Group silty claystones provide vertical and cross-fault seal. The hydrocarbon source is similar to that for the La Bella accumulation and the structure appears to be filled to spill. A production test was carried out in the lower sand unit and flowed at a rig limited rate of 28.8 MMCFGD (0.81 Mm3/D) through a one-inch choke. The gas is composed mainly of methane, with minor amounts of condensate and 1.9 mol-% C02. Minerva-2A was drilled later in 1993 as an appraisal well to test the southern fault block of the structure to prove up sufficient reserves to pursue entry into developing gas markets. It encountered a similar reservoir unit of excellent quality, with a gas-water contact common with that of the northern block of the structure.The La Bella and Minerva gas discoveries have greatly enhanced the prospectivity of the offshore portion of the Otway Basin. The extension of known hydrocarbon accumulations from the onshore Port Campbell embayment to the La Bella-1 well location, 55 km offshore, demonstrates the potential of this portion of the basin.

2020 ◽  
Vol 194 ◽  
pp. 01045
WANG Zhiguo ◽  
JIN Wei ◽  

Recent years, progress has been made in hydrocarbon exploration of Shaximiao Formation in Sichuan Basin. The Shaximiao formation is fluvial facies deposit, the reservoir is channel sandstone with a low porosity and permeability, oil and gas generate from black shale of the Lianggaoshan formation and the Da’anzhai section of Ziliujing formation. In Longgang, immigration channel is the key condition of accumulation of Shaximiao formation. There are two kinds of immigration channels, fractures caused by hydrocarbon generation overpressure release and faults. Oil generated from Lianggaoshan shale immigrated to the sandstone of bottom part of Sha1, oil and gas generated from Da’anzhai black shale immigrated to upper part sandstone though faults. There is no water in the reservoir. Channel sandstone and source faults interpretation is the key point of exploration success.

2013 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 470
Ray Johnson ◽  
Josh Bluett ◽  
Luke Titus ◽  
David Warner

In early 2012, Armour Energy set out to evaluate the Middle-Proterozoic formations in the Batten Trough, McArthur Basin, NT. The Batten Trough holds a massive potential shale gas play in the Barney Creek Formation, and recent gas discoveries in the overlying Lynott and Reward formations, and underlying Coxco Dolomite. The Lawn Supersequence, Isa Superbasin, Queensland, is another Middle-Proterozoic shale gas play with overlying and underlying conventional and unconventional oil and gas accumulations. Exploratory drilling between the 1980s and 1990s showed gas and oil shows across the Isa Superbasin, Queensland. Egilabria–1, ATP 1087, exhibited 390 gas units while drilling with mud, highlighting the prospectivity of this area. In both areas, the Barney Creek and Lawn Hill formations are proven source rocks and are significantly older than North American shale reservoirs. In 2012, an innovative exploration program was designed and implemented in the NT to maximise the capture of drilling data while integrating data from previous mineral and petroleum exploration programs. This resulted in gas discoveries at Cow Lagoon–1, EP 176, and in the Glyde–1 and Glyde–1 ST lateral wells in the Glyde Sub-basin in EP171. In both cases, air drilling was instrumental in aiding drilling penetration rates, gauging gas influx while drilling, and allowing geologists to rapidly obtain and assess drill cuttings. The authors first discuss the details of the formation evaluation methods used in Armour’s successful 2012 program and how these methods are extended to Armour’s 2013 program in the Isa Superbasin, northern Queensland. Next, an outline of the strategy for further delineation of the Batten Trough is provided. Finally, the authors summarise the exciting potential of the Lawn Supersequence in Queensland.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. SM53-SM64
Guangxu Bi ◽  
Chengfu Lyu ◽  
Qianshan Zhou ◽  
Guojun Chen ◽  
Chao Li ◽  

Based on information including porosity and permeability, petrography, the stable isotopic composition of carbonate cements, and homogenization temperatures of aqueous fluid inclusions, we have studied the main factors for the development of abnormally high porosity in the Lingshui Formation reservoir of the Yacheng area. We found the sandstones were mainly subarkose, arkose, and lithic arkose and were texturally and compositionally immature. The research suggested that the sandstones existing close beneath the regional unconformity were formed during the Late Oligocene. Early diagenetic calcite cements leached to form intergranular secondary pores without the precipitation of late-diagenetic calcite cements in most sandstones. The isotopic composition of carbonate cements suggested a significant incursion of meteoric freshwater in the sandstones. Early diagenetic meteoric freshwater leaching reactions provided favorable conduits for the penetration of organic acids during the later period. Thermal fluid activities allowed source rocks to mature rapidly; therefore, the organic acid generation period was extended and feldspars were corroded to form abundant intragranular secondary pores. The abundant corroded minerals and the small amounts of associated authigenic minerals suggested that the dissolution of minerals most likely occurred in an open geochemical system. The dissolution of feldspars and calcite minerals generated an enhanced secondary porosity of approximately 9%–13% in thin sections of these sandstones.

Geofluids ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Kaixun Zhang ◽  
Xinxin Fang ◽  
Ying Xie ◽  
Shun Guo ◽  
Zhenwang Liu ◽  

Diagenesis is one of the most predominant factors controlling reservoir quality in the deeply buried siliciclastic sandstones of the third member in the Eocene Shahejie Formation (Es3), in the Raoyang Sag, the Bohai Bay Basin. In this study, thin section, cathodoluminescence (CL), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectrum, carbon and oxygen isotopes, and fluid inclusion analyses are used to restructure paragenetic sequences and detect origins of carbonate cements recorded in this deeply buried member. Based on petrographic analyses, the Es3 sandstones are identified as lithic arkoses and feldspathic litharenites at present, but derived from original arkoses and lithic arkoses, respectively. Geohistorically, the Es3 sandstones have undergone two diagenetic episodes of eogenesis and mesogenesis. Events observed during eogenesis include chemical compaction, leaching of feldspar, development of chlorite coating and kaolinite, precipitation of the first generation of quartz overgrowth (QogI), dissolution of feldspar, and precipitation of calcite and nonferroan dolomite cement. Mesogenetic alterations include chemical compaction, precipitation of kaolinite aggregate and the second generation of quartz overgrowth (QogII), precipitation of ankerite, development of I/S and illite, and formation of pyrite. Carbon and oxygen isotopic data show that calcite cements are characterized by 13C ( δ 13 C PDB ranging from -0.7‰ to 1.0‰ with an average of 0.1‰) and 18O ( δ 18 O SMOW varying from 12.3‰ to 19.0‰ with an average of 16.2‰); these stable isotopic data combined with Z value (from 114.69 to 122.18) indicate skeletal debris ( δ 13 C PDB ranging from -1.2‰ to -1.1‰ with an average of -1.15‰; δ 18 O SMOW varying from 23.0‰ to 23.2‰ with an average of 23.1‰) and ooids in adjacent carbonate beds involved in meteoric water and seawater from outside jointly served as the carbon sources. For nonferroan dolomite, the δ 13 C PDB value of -4.1‰ is a little bit negative than the calcite, and the δ 18 O SMOW of 14.3‰ is coincident with the calcite, which suggest the nonferroan dolomites come from the diagenetic fluids with a similar oxygen isotopic composition to that of the calcite but modified by the external acidic δ 13C-depleted water. However, the ankerites are actually rich in 12C ( δ 13 C PDB ranging from -10.0‰ to -1.2‰, mean = − 4.3 ‰ ) and 16O ( δ 18 O SMOW varying from 10.1‰ to 19.4‰, mean = 14.9 ‰ ), when combined with the distribution of cutting down along the direction pointing to sand-body center from the margin and microthermometric temperature (Th’s) data mainly varying between 115.2°C and 135.5°C with an average of 96.0°C, indicating the main origination from the Es3 source rocks with effective feldspar buffer action for the acidic fluids in the margins of the Es3 sandstones. In addition, the necessary elements for ankerite such as Fe2+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ ions also come from organic matter and clay minerals during thermal maturation of the Es3 source rocks. The study provides insights into diagenetic processes and origination of carbonate cements in the Es3 sandstones; it will facilitate the cognition of predictive models of deeply buried sandstone reservoirs to some extent, which can reduce the risks involved in oil and gas exploration and development.

1985 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 62 ◽  
P.W. Vincent I.R. Mortimore ◽  
D.M. McKirdy

The northern part of the Naccowlah Block, situated in the southeastern part of the Authority to Prospect 259P in southwestern Queensland, is a major Eromanga Basin hydrocarbon province. The Hutton Sandstone is the main reservoir but hydrocarbons have been encountered at several levels within the Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence. In contrast, the underlying Cooper Basin sequence is generally unproductive in the Naccowlah Block although gas was discovered in the Permian at Naccowlah South 1. Oil and gas discoveries within the Eromanga Basin sequence are confined to the Naccowlah-Jackson Trend. This trend forms a prominent high separating the deep Nappamerri Trough from the shallower, more stable northern part of the Cooper Basin.The Murta Member is mature for initial oil generation along the Naccowlah-Jackson Trend and has sourced the small oil accumulations within this unit and the underlying Namur Sandstone Member. The Birkhead Formation is a good source unit in this area with lesser oil source potential also evident in the Westbourne Formation and 'basal Jurassic'. Source quality and maturation considerations imply that much of the oil discovered in Jurassic reservoirs along the Naccowlah-Jackson Trend was generated from more mature Jurassic source beds in the Nappamerri Trough area to the southwest. Maturation modelling of this deeper section suggests that hydrocarbon generation from Jurassic source units commenced in the Early Tertiary. Significant oil generation and migration has therefore occurred since the period of major structural development of the Naccowlah-Jackson Trend in the Early Tertiary. This trend, however, has long been a major focus for hydrocarbon migration paths out of the Nappamerri Trough as a result of intermittent structuring during the Mesozoic. Gas reservoired in Jurassic sandstones at Chookoo has been generated from more mature Jurassic source rocks in the deeper parts of the Nappamerri Trough.Permian sediments in the Nappamerri Trough area are overmature for oil generation and are gas prone. Gas generated in this area has charged the lean Permian gas Field at Naccowlah South, along the Wackett-Naccowlah- Jackson Trend. North of this trend Permian source rocks are mainly gas prone but more favourable levels of maturity allow the accumulation of some gas liquids and oil. However, geological and geochemical evidence suggests that Permian sediments did not source the oil found in Jurassic-Cretaceous reservoirs in the Jackson- Naccowlah area.

2009 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 247-261 ◽  
James Conliffe ◽  
Karem Azmy ◽  
Ian Knight ◽  
Denis Lavoie

The Watts Bight Formation in western Newfoundland consists of a Lower Ordovician succession of shallow-water carbonates and has been extensively dolomitized. These dolomites occur as both replacements and cements and are associated with complex changes in the rock porosity and permeability. Early replacement micritic dolomites (D1) are finely crystalline and indicate that dolomitization began during early stages of diagenesis. The calculated δ18O values of the earliest (D1) dolomitizing fluids (–6.4‰ to –9.5‰ VSMOW, Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water) fall between the estimated δ18O values of Tremadocian seawater and meteoric waters and suggest mixing-zone dolomitization. A second phase of coarsely crystalline (up to 400 μm) dolomite (D2) replaces D1 dolomite and early calcite and is associated with enhancement in porosity and permeability through the development of intercrystalline pores. A late-stage saddle dolomite (D3) and late burial calcite cements significantly occluded the pores in some horizons. Petrography, fluid inclusions, and geochemistry show that D2 and D3 dolomites formed from warm (65–125 °C) saline (10 to 25 eq. wt.% NaCl + CaCl2) hydrothermal fluids. The calculated δ18Ofluid of D2 ranges from –4.5‰ to 3.6‰ VSMOW, and for D3 dolomites, calculated δ18Ofluid ranges from 1.4‰ to 8.4‰ VSMOW, suggesting an influx of basinal brines. The occurrence of high porosity associated with D2, combined with the laterally sealing tight limestone beds, presence of favourable source rocks, and thermal maturation, may suggest that the Watts Bight carbonates are possible potential hydrocarbon reservoirs and suitable targets for future hydrocarbon exploration in western Newfoundland.

2021 ◽  
Lozano Mario Jorge ◽  
Hilario Camacho ◽  
Jose Guevara

Abstract The Middle East contains some of the most fascinating and prolific oil provinces in the world. The combination of excellent source rocks of different geologic ages, the presence of outstanding reservoirs and ubiquitous seals, optimal thermal history, and structural evolution provides an ideal recipe to produce the largest oilfields in the world. The UAE is currently estimated to hold 6% of global oil reserves, 96% of which are within Abu Dhabi. However, exploration for additional recoverable reserves is becoming more challenging. Finding hydrocarbons for the future is dependent upon a detailed understanding of the petroleum systems and subtle play types. For southeastern Abu Dhabi, several petroleum systems have been proposed to explain the oil and gas accumulations in Lower Cretaceous reservoirs. This study presents the practical application of a geochemical inversion workflow to a set of oil samples from Lower Cretaceous reservoirs collected in two exploration wells recently drilled in southeastern Abu Dhabi. The geochemical inversion workflow is based on stable isotope, biomarker, and oil composition data. Preliminary results and comparisons with previously identified oil families in the UAE suggest that the oils were generated from a carbonate-rich source rock deposited during Jurassic time. Compositional data and detailed stratigraphic and structural analyses support the possibility of multiple episodes of lateral and vertical migrations. The implications and risk associated with the timing of oil generation and trap formation are presented here to define a path forward and guide the prospecting efforts within this exciting region.

2012 ◽  
Vol 424-425 ◽  
pp. 545-550
Hui Qing Liu ◽  
Yu Yuan Zhong

Inclusion as a research method was mainly applied in the study of mineral deposit geology in the beginning. In recent years, organic inclusion research has become one of the important means in hydrocarbon exploration. The study of the inclusion can determine the role of diagenesis and reservoir of time and temperature, infer hydrocarbon migration, tectonic movement and paleo-heat flow history, in order to better guide hydrocarbon exploration. This paper mainly discussed research method of hydrocarbon inclusions type and oil and gas inclusion, and summarizes the inclusion of the fracture structure used to study and hydrocarbon accumulation relations, determines the gas accumulation time, evaluate hydrocarbon, calculate fluid potential, predict oil and gas accumulation zones, and other aspects of the role. Inclusions found early, at first is mainly applied in the study of mineral deposit geology. Since Marray (1957) discovered larger hydrocarbon inclusions in quartz especially[1], in the 70 s, with the development of oil geochemical, the minerals fluid inclusions in the oil field geological research has been widely used. G. m. Gigashvili and v. p. Kalish in 1977 are the first to report the use of mineral inclusions as the hydrocarbons containing hydrocarbon migration of physical and chemical condition of fluid of the index. At the beginning of the 80's, the technology has already been foreign research institutions and oil company are widely used in reservoir the diagenesis of research and oil and gas exploration [2,3,4]. China has begun to set up in the 1960 s, the early main inclusions laboratory to research various metal hydrothermal ore deposits in the ore-forming temperature and the composition of the ore-forming fluid. ShiJiXi (1985,1987) will fluid inclusions method is used to study the carbonate formation of China and the thermal evolution degree, division of hydrocarbon generation evolutionary stages, according to package the body type, distribution, homogenization temperature, salinity, gas organic composition various inclusions observation and analysis data put forward the carbonate hydrocarbon source rocks and oil and gas reservoir has performance evaluation method and hydrocarbon index[2,5,6]. In petroleum exploration, through[[ First Author: Huiqing Liu (1980-), male, doctoral students, Major: mineralogy petrology mineralogy,E-mail:[email protected]]] the study of the sandstone reservoir formation of diagenetic minerals fluid inclusions, and combining with the chip observation to judge whether have oil and gas migration to reservoir, and oil and gas accumulation of time, ancient geothermal, formation water such as the salinity has a very important significance

1990 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 373 ◽  
N. P. Tupper ◽  
D. M. Burckhardt

The methylphenanthrene index (MPI) molecular maturity parameter is available for over 100 Cooper and Eromanga Basin oils. Oil maturity data define the threshold and range of expulsion maturity for source rocks and can be used to determine oil-source affinity. Mapping of this maturity range for all potential source rocks identifies areas of greatest oil potential.Cooper and Eromanga oils were expelled over a wide maturity range commencing at 0.6 per cent calculated vitrinite reflectance equivalent in some parts of the basin. Oil occurrence and expulsion maturity are controlled by variations in source quality such that no single expulsion threshold can be applied basin-wide. The full oil potential of the basin will only be realised by selective drilling of prospects with access to source rocks in the 0.60-0.95 per cent vitrinite reflectance range.The timing of oil expulsion is determined by using oil maturity data to calibrate thermal modelling of basin depocentres. Peak expulsion occurred during the Cretaceous and therefore prospects with pre-Tertiary structural growth are favoured.Structural embayments with thick Permian section at the southern margin of the Cooper Basin, plus the flanks of the Patchawarra and Nappamerri troughs, are highly prospective in terms of oil source potential and will be further evaluated by drilling in 1990.

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