scholarly journals Coaching effectiveness within competitive youth football: youth football coaches’ and athletes’ perceptions and practices

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-193 ◽  
Fernando Santos ◽  
Nuno Corte-Real ◽  
Leonor Regueiras ◽  
Cláudia Dias ◽  
Thomas J. Martinek ◽  
Kelly Sarmiento ◽  
Dana Waltzman ◽  
Kelley Borradaile ◽  
Andrew Hurwitz ◽  
Kara Conroy ◽  

Due in part to concern about the potential long-term effects of concussion and repetitive head injuries in football, some programs have implemented tackling interventions. This paper explores youth football coaches’ perception of football safety and their experiences implementing these interventions aimed at athlete safety. Using a qualitative approach, coaches were interviewed by means of a semi-structured protocol that covered: (a) demographics; (b) background and experiences with contact sports; (c) perceived concussion risks and benefits of youth football; (d) experiences with tackling technique; (e) experiences with mouth guard sensors; and (f) personal sources of training related to football safety. Most coaches felt that learning tackling at a young age helped prepare them for their playing later in life and believed that youth should begin playing tackle football at a young age. Coaches were mixed regarding their concerns about the risk for concussion and subconcussive head impacts. Still, most were receptive to changes in rules and policies aimed at making football safer. Findings from this study demonstrate that youth football coaches are important stakeholders to consider when implementing changes to youth football. Understanding coach perceptions and experiences may inform future efforts aimed to educate coaches on rules and policies to make the game safer for youth athletes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 295-303
Kurtis Pankow ◽  
Amber D. Mosewich ◽  
Nicholas L. Holt

The overall purpose of this study was to explore athletes’ perceptions of pragmatic leadership in award-winning Canadian youth football coaches. Using a qualitative description methodology, semistructured interviews were conducted with 15 men who had been coached by 5 award-winning youth football coaches. The coaches were classified as pragmatic leaders. Participants’ perceptions of the coaches’ leadership were grouped into 3 main themes: individualized consideration, accountability/responsibility, and solving problems by valuing unique contributions. Because leadership is a process of interpersonal influence, on a practical level these themes may account for key features of the coach–athlete relationship that arise from pragmatic leadership.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 380-393 ◽  
Ed Cope ◽  
Mark Partington ◽  
Christopher J. Cushion ◽  
Stephen Harvey

2017 ◽  
pp. 1-29 ◽  
Bård Erlend Solstad ◽  
Torill Marie Bogsnes Larsen ◽  
Ingrid Holsen ◽  
Andreas Ivarsson ◽  
Lars Tore Ronglan ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 253-262 ◽  
Kurtis Pankow ◽  
Amber D. Mosewich ◽  
Nicholas L. Holt

The purpose of this study was to examine perceptions of leadership styles in model youth football coaches. Six award-winning youth football coaches participated, and each was interviewed twice. Within a qualitative descriptive framework, deductive analysis was completed to identify the coaches’ leadership styles, using the charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic model of outstanding leadership. Whereas pragmatic leadership behaviors were most frequently identified, all coaches appeared to have mixed leadership styles. Inductive analysis was then used to examine factors that influenced the coaches’ leadership development. Identified themes were role models, networks of coaches, experience and reflection, and formal, nonformal, and informal learning. These were consistent across all the coaches, regardless of leadership style. This study therefore provides new insights into the perceived use of pragmatic behaviors in mixed leadership styles in model youth sport coaches and indicates that similar factors contributed to their leadership development.

2015 ◽  
Γεώργιος Γοροζίδης

The purpose of the present PhD research was the in-depth examination of Greek teachers’ and youth football coaches’ work specific motivation regarding two work tasks promoting educational innovations; (a) participation in training and (b) implementing innovative practices. Drawing from social-cognitive psychology, two prominent theoretical frameworks of human motivation namely Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2002) and Achievement Goals Theory (AGT; Ames, 1990; Dweck, 1986; Nicholls, 1984), guided this investigation in order to better explain and understand various aspects of participants’ intentions, behaviors, beliefs and thoughts in real life situations. In order to examine theoretical hypotheses in diverse contexts and populations, four different purposefully selected samples of educators-instructors were invited to participate in the research. Specifically, participants were youth football coaches (n=15), pre-service physical education teachers (n=52), in-service secondary school teachers (n=287) and physical educators (n=92) who were taking part in independent programs aiming at promoting instructional innovations.To triangulate and to complement findings, multiple sources of data were utilized, such as face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, on-line surveys, open-ended questions, and email interviews. Thus, for the purposes of the present research a multiphase mixed methods design (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011) was adopted (see Table 2, p. 56) in terms of data gathering and analyses, where multiple studies were conducted sequentially and concurrently, to inform one another and to answer three overarching research questions: (a) Why do some individuals decide to participate in training aiming to promote educational innovation? (b)Why are some educators more engaged than others with educational innovations? (c) How this involvement with instructional innovation might be fostered?Cumulatively, the findings of the studies described below suggest that not only individual motivation plays a very important role in their work behaviors, but the quality of this motivation is the element that makes the difference. From quantitative and qualitative data it was evident that educators (i.e., secondary school teachers, PE teachers and youth football coaches) decide to participate in training programs promoting innovative instruction, primarily for autonomous intrinsic and well internalized extrinsic reasons, while non-autonomous extrinsic reasons may exist but in a much smaller extent and vigor. Furthermore it seems that the most autonomous motivated individuals are those who are mastery/learning oriented in their working behaviors, meaning that they embrace this kind of disposition in a variety of work tasks. In addition, educators’ future intention for engagement with innovations was found to be determined only by their autonomous motivation and mastery goals orientation, and not by controlled motivations and performance goals. Nevertheless, it appeared that teachers may hold different beliefs about their capabilities (i.e., self-efficacy) to implement different aspects of an educational innovation. These findings suggest that during the design phase of an educational novelty/change, it would be meaningful apart from educators’ motivation quality, to take into account their self-efficacy beliefs, as well. Hence, stemming from empirical evidence and the theoretical foundation of the present research, suggestions to foster teachers’ and coaches’ optimal involvement with innovative instruction include the establishment of a work environment for teachers, supporting and enhancing their mastery goals and autonomous motivations. According to the existing theory and research, this work climate must (a) emphasize personal development, effort expenditure and persistence, (b) constantly deliver opportunities for collaboration and experimentation, (c) provide frequently, corrective non-threatening feedback and support (e.g., by colleagues, superiors and experts).

2015 ◽  
Vol 115 (6) ◽  
pp. 570-586 ◽  
Torill Larsen ◽  
Aurelie Van Hoye ◽  
Hege Eikeland Tjomsland ◽  
Ingrid Holsen ◽  
Bente Wold ◽  

Purpose – The health promoting benefits of sport participation are under-utilized and should be further developed, particularly at the grassroots level. The purpose of this paper is to examine how grassroots coaches in youth football perceive their coaching practices after participating in a community-based coach education program aimed at optimizing their experiences in youth sport, namely the Empowering Coaching™ training program, based on self-determination theory (SDT) and achievement goal theory (AGT). It compares French and Norwegian coaches to suggest whether the principles of the Empowering Coaching™ training program can be applied successfully in the two countries. Design/methodology/approach – The Empowering Coaching™ training program is a six hour workshop and was delivered at the beginning of the 2011 football season. At the end of the season, the grassroots coaches’ reflections on their coaching practices were examined through a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews of 18 coaches in France and Norway, applying a hybrid analyses and comparing country-wise. Findings – All coaches expressed the intention to embrace the philosophy of the program, and to apply several of the strategies they had learnt during the workshop. The coaches perceived that the program supported their efforts to develop and implement strategies to stimulate intrinsic motivation, enjoyment and long-term participation among the players. There were some differences between coaches from France and Norway (e.g. rules and involvement), but the similarities were more evident, supporting the universality of applying SDT in the youth sport setting. Social implications – The findings are encouraging for sport as a health promoting setting and for the development of the personal skills in grassroot coaches, as they imply that coaches who feel competent in how to structure practices and matches that provide the players with positive sport experiences are likely to enable players to feel supported and motivated. Originality/value – This study explores qualitatively the impact of an intervention based on SDT and AGT, focussing on football coaches’ reflections on their coaching practices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 0022
ديانا حيدر غضبان ◽  
أ.د. وداد كاظم الزهيري

      مستخلص البحث      تبلورت مشكلة البحث من خلال ادخال تمرينات مركبة باستعمال اجهزة علمية مثل جهاز ( RANDOM  SHOT )  والهدف الالكتروني  عند تطبيق تمرينات حراس مرمى المنتخب الوطني للشباب لكرة القدم للصالات. ومن خلال خبرة الباحثتان في المجال الميداني والاكاديمي وعلى الدراسات والبحوث والمقابلات الشخصية مع مدربي لعبة كره  قدم للصالات فضلا عن متابعتهما  سير التدريب. لاحظتا ان هناك تذبذب في الاستجابة الحركية والقدرة السريعة للرجلين لحراس المرمى والذي قد يعزى الى قلة اهتمام المدربين في تدريب هاتين القدرتين فضلا عن قلة الأجهزة والأدوات التي ترافق التمرينات  التي  تسمح بحدوث التنوع والتغيير والذي يُعد من القواعد المهمة في التدريب .  لذا جاءت هذه الدراسة لتلقي الضوء على هكذا تمرينات وفق الأسس العلمية التي ترتبط بمكونات التدريب الفعلي الخاص بهذه اللعبة وما تتميز به من قدرات بدنية وحركية لغرض إحداث التطوير في مستوى هذه القدرات لحراس المرمى بادخال الوسائل التدريبية والأجهزة مساعده مثل   الهدف الالكتروني  والراندوم شوت فضلا عن  تطبيق تمرينات مركبة يرافقة مؤثرات سمعية وبصرية لبث روح الحماس والابتعاد عن الملل والرتابة للمتدربين سعيا منا لتطوير الجانب البدني والحركي .  وكانت  هدفا البحث - اعداد تمرينات مركبة باستخدام جهاز ( RANDOM  SHOT )  والهدف الالكتروني في تطوير سرعة الاستجابة الحركية  والقدرة السريعة للرجلين لدى عينة البحث  -والتعرف على تاثير التمرينات باستخدام جهاز ( RANDOM  SHOT )  والهدف الالكتروني في تطوير سرعة الاستجابة الحركية والقدرة السريعة للرجلين  لحراس مرمى كرة القدم للصالات.اما فرض البحث فكان -توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين نتائج الاختبارات القبلية والبعدية في  سرعة الاستجابة الحركية والقدرة السريعة  للرجلين لحراس مرمى منتخب الشباب بكرة القدم للصالات .   وقد استخدام المنهج التجريبي بتصميم المجموعة الواحدة ذات الاختبارين القبلي والبعدي وقد حدد مجتمع البحث بحراس مرمى المنتخب العراقي للشباب بكرة القدم للصالات اما عينة البحث فقد اختيرت بالطريقة العمدية والبالغ عددهم 4  حراس مرمى  حيث تم اجراء التجربة الاستطلاعية على 2 من حراس المرمى ضمن عينة البحث ،   بعد ذلك تم اجراء الاختبارات القبلية  لعينة البحث ومن ثم تطبيق التمرينات  باستخدام الاجهزة المساعده . حيث تم تطبيقها في الجزء الرئيسي من الوحده التدريبية وبواقع 24 وحده تدريبية مقسمه على 3 وحدات تدريبية في الاسبوع ولمده شهرين وبعد ذلك تم اجراء الاختبارات البعدية لعينة البحث .واستخدمت الوسائل الاحصائية لمعالجه البيانات، واستنتجت الباحثتان  ان  التمرينات المركبة باستخدام  الاجهزة ساعدت بصورة فعالة الى تطوير سرعة الاستجابة الحركية  والقدرة السريعة للرجلين  لدى حراس مرمى كرة القدم للصالات ومن اما اهم التوصيات ضرورة   استخدام الوسائل التدريبية الحديثة  والتركيز على جانب تطوير سرعة الاستجابة الحركيه والقدرة السريعة لحراس المرمى لانها  من اهم الصفات البدنية التي تعتمد عليها  الواجبات الدفاعية والهجومية لحارس المرمى. الكلمات الافتتاحية / تمرينات مركبة - سرعة الاستجابة الحركية والقدرة السريعة للرجلين- شباب كرة القدم للصالات   The Effect of compoundexercises using the (RANDOM SHOT) device and the electronc goal ln developing the speed of the motor response and the rapid ability of the two goal keepers youth football halls Prof.Wadad Kazem  Al-zuhairi                 Masters student-Diana Haidar Ghadban Abstract                                                           The research problem shaped through the entry of complex exercises with the introduction of scientific devices as a Random Shot, and the electronic goal when applying goalkeepers exercises for the national football team for halls. Through the experience of the researchers in the field and academic field, and on students, researchers and personal interviews with football coaches, as well as their follow up on the training course. The two researches noticed that there was a variation in the movement response and ability of the goalkeepers' feet. This may be attributed to the lack of interest of trainers in training these two abilities. As well as, the lack of equipment and tools that accompany exercises which allow for diversity and change to occur, it is regarded as one of the important rules in training.        Therefore, this study came to shed light on such exercises according to the scientific foundations that are related to the actual training components that are related to the characterized by physical and movement capabilities for the purpose of bringing about development in the level of these capabilities for goalkeepers by introducing training methods and assistive devices like the electronic goal and Random Shot. As well as, applying complex exercises accompanied by audio and visual effects to spread enthusiasm and move away from boredom and monotony for the trainees in an effort to develop the physical and movement side. An objective of research and monotony for the trainers were preparing compound exercises using Random Shot and electronic goal in developing the speed of the motor response and the rapid ability of the feet of the football goalkeepers for halls.        As for imposing search, there are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre and post-tests of the kinetic response and rapid ability to the feet of the goalkeepers of the youth football team for halls. As for the research sample was deliberately chosen, consisted of four goalkeepers where the reconnaissance experiment was conducted on two goalkeepers within the research sample. After that, pretests were conducted for the research sample, and then, apply exercises using assistive devices where they were implemented in the main part of the training unit, with 24 units divided into 3 training units per week for a period of 2 months. After that, the posttests of the research sample were performed. Statistical methods were used to process the data.        The two researchers concluded that combined exercises using devices helped effectively to develop the speed of movement response and the rapid ability of football goalkeepers feet for halls. One of the most important recommendations is the necessity of using modern training methods and the emphasis on the aspect of developing the speed of movement response and rapid ability of the goalkeeper, because it is one of the most physical characteristics on which the defensive and offensive duties of a goalkeeper depend. Key words: Compound exercises, The speed of movement response and the rapid ability of the feet,  Youth football halls

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