scholarly journals Regulation of a formin complex by the microtubule plus end protein tea1p

2004 ◽  
Vol 165 (5) ◽  
pp. 697-707 ◽  
Becket Feierbach ◽  
Fulvia Verde ◽  
Fred Chang

The plus ends of microtubules have been speculated to regulate the actin cytoskeleton for the proper positioning of sites of cell polarization and cytokinesis. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, interphase microtubules and the kelch repeat protein tea1p regulate polarized cell growth. Here, we show that tea1p is directly deposited at cell tips by microtubule plus ends. Tea1p associates in large “polarisome” complexes with bud6p and for3p, a formin that assembles actin cables. Tea1p also interacts in a separate complex with the CLIP-170 protein tip1p, a microtubule plus end–binding protein that anchors tea1p to the microtubule plus end. Localization experiments suggest that tea1p and bud6p regulate formin distribution and actin cable assembly. Although single mutants still polarize, for3Δbud6Δtea1Δ triple-mutant cells lack polarity, indicating that these proteins contribute overlapping functions in cell polarization. Thus, these experiments begin to elucidate how microtubules contribute to the proper spatial regulation of actin assembly and polarized cell growth.

2011 ◽  
Vol 22 (21) ◽  
pp. 4016-4028 ◽  
Brian R. Graziano ◽  
Amy Grace DuPage ◽  
Alphee Michelot ◽  
Dennis Breitsprecher ◽  
James B. Moseley ◽  

Formins are a conserved family of actin assembly–promoting factors with diverse biological roles, but how their activities are regulated in vivo is not well understood. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the formins Bni1 and Bnr1 are required for the assembly of actin cables and polarized cell growth. Proper cable assembly further requires Bud6. Previously it was shown that Bud6 enhances Bni1-mediated actin assembly in vitro, but the biochemical mechanism and in vivo role of this activity were left unclear. Here we demonstrate that Bud6 specifically stimulates the nucleation rather than the elongation phase of Bni1-mediated actin assembly, defining Bud6 as a nucleation-promoting factor (NPF) and distinguishing its effects from those of profilin. We generated alleles of Bud6 that uncouple its interactions with Bni1 and G-actin and found that both interactions are critical for NPF activity. Our data indicate that Bud6 promotes filament nucleation by recruiting actin monomers to Bni1. Genetic analysis of the same alleles showed that Bud6 regulation of formin activity is critical for normal levels of actin cable assembly in vivo. Our results raise important mechanistic parallels between Bud6 and WASP, as well as between Bud6 and other NPFs that interact with formins such as Spire.

2007 ◽  
Vol 18 (10) ◽  
pp. 4155-4167 ◽  
Sophie G. Martin ◽  
Sergio A. Rincón ◽  
Roshni Basu ◽  
Pilar Pérez ◽  
Fred Chang

Formins are conserved actin nucleators responsible for the assembly of diverse actin structures. Many formins are controlled through an autoinhibitory mechanism involving the interaction of a C-terminal DAD sequence with an N-terminal DID sequence. Here, we show that the fission yeast formin for3p, which mediates actin cable assembly and polarized cell growth, is regulated by a similar autoinhibitory mechanism in vivo. Multiple sites govern for3p localization to cell tips. The localization and activity of for3p are inhibited by an intramolecular interaction of divergent DAD and DID-like sequences. A for3p DAD mutant expressed at endogenous levels produces more robust actin cables, which appear to have normal organization and dynamics. We identify cdc42p as the primary Rho GTPase involved in actin cable assembly and for3p regulation. Both cdc42p, which binds at the N terminus of for3p, and bud6p, which binds near the C-terminal DAD-like sequence, are needed for for3p localization and full activity, but a mutation in the for3p DAD restores for3p localization and other phenotypes of cdc42 and bud6 mutants. In particular, the for3p DAD mutation suppresses the bipolar growth (NETO) defect of bud6Δ cells. These findings suggest that cdc42p and bud6p activate for3p by relieving autoinhibition.

2007 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 1826-1838 ◽  
Shawnna M. Buttery ◽  
Satoshi Yoshida ◽  
David Pellman

The budding yeast formins Bni1 and Bnr1 control the assembly of actin cables. These formins exhibit distinct patterns of localization and polymerize two different populations of cables: Bni1 in the bud and Bnr1 in the mother cell. We generated a functional Bni1-3GFP that improved the visualization of Bni1 in vivo at endogenous levels. Bni1 exists as speckles in the cytoplasm, some of which colocalize on actin cables. These Bni1 speckles display linear, retrograde-directed movements. Loss of polymerized actin or specifically actin cables abolished retrograde movement, and resulted in depletion of Bni1 speckles from the cytoplasm, with enhanced targeting of Bni1 to the bud tip. Mutations that impair the actin assembly activity of Bni1 abolished the movement of Bni1 speckles, even when actin cables were present. In contrast, Bnr1-GFP or 3GFP-Bnr1 did not detectably associate with actin cables and was not observed as cytoplasmic speckles. Finally, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching demonstrated that Bni1 was very dynamic, exchanging between polarized sites and the cytoplasm, whereas Bnr1 was confined to the bud neck and did not exchange with a cytoplasmic pool. In summary, our results indicate that formins can have distinct modes of cortical interaction during actin cable assembly.

2012 ◽  
Vol 23 (23) ◽  
pp. 4579-4591 ◽  
Libera Lo Presti ◽  
Fred Chang ◽  
Sophie G. Martin

Myosin V motors are believed to contribute to cell polarization by carrying cargoes along actin tracks. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Myosin Vs transport secretory vesicles along actin cables, which are dynamic actin bundles assembled by the formin For3 at cell poles. How these flexible structures are able to extend longitudinally in the cell through the dense cytoplasm is unknown. Here we show that in myosin V (myo52 myo51) null cells, actin cables are curled, bundled, and fail to extend into the cell interior. They also exhibit reduced retrograde flow, suggesting that formin-mediated actin assembly is impaired. Myo52 may contribute to actin cable organization by delivering actin regulators to cell poles, as myoV∆ defects are partially suppressed by diverting cargoes toward cell tips onto microtubules with a kinesin 7–Myo52 tail chimera. In addition, Myo52 motor activity may pull on cables to provide the tension necessary for their extension and efficient assembly, as artificially tethering actin cables to the nuclear envelope via a Myo52 motor domain restores actin cable extension and retrograde flow in myoV mutants. Together these in vivo data reveal elements of a self-organizing system in which the motors shape their own tracks by transporting cargoes and exerting physical pulling forces.

2001 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 1367-1380 ◽  
Fumio Motegi ◽  
Ritsuko Arai ◽  
Issei Mabuchi

We characterized the novel Schizosaccharomyces pombegenes myo4+andmyo5+, both of which encode myosin-V heavy chains. Disruption of myo4 caused a defect in cell growth and led to an abnormal accumulation of secretory vesicles throughout the cytoplasm. The mutant cells were rounder than normal, although the sites for cell polarization were still established. Elongation of the cell ends and completion of septation required more time than in wild-type cells, indicating that Myo4 functions in polarized growth both at the cell ends and during septation. Consistent with this conclusion, Myo4 was localized around the growing cell ends, the medial F-actin ring, and the septum as a cluster of dot structures. In living cells, the dots of green fluorescent protein-tagged Myo4 moved rapidly around these regions. The localization and movement of Myo4 were dependent on both F-actin cables and its motor activity but seemed to be independent of microtubules. Moreover, the motor activity of Myo4 was essential for its function. These results suggest that Myo4 is involved in polarized cell growth by moving with a secretory vesicle along the F-actin cables around the sites for polarization. In contrast, the phenotype of myo5 null cells was indistinguishable from that of wild-type cells. This and other data suggest that Myo5 has a role distinct from that of Myo4.

1997 ◽  
Vol 110 (6) ◽  
pp. 707-720 ◽  
W.E. Allen ◽  
G.E. Jones ◽  
J.W. Pollard ◽  
A.J. Ridley

Rho family proteins are known to regulate actin organization in fibroblasts, but their functions in cells of haematopoietic origin have not been studied in detail. Bac1.2F5 cells are a colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1)-dependent murine macrophage cell line; CSF-1 stimulates their proliferation and motility, and acts as a chemoattractant. CSF-1 rapidly induced actin reorganization in Bac1 cells: it stimulated the formation of filopodia, lamellipodia and membrane ruffles at the plasma membrane, as well as the appearance of fine actin cables within the cell interior. Microinjection of constitutively activated (V12)Rac1 stimulated lamellipodium formation and membrane ruffling. The dominant inhibitory Rac mutant, N17Rac1, inhibited CSF-1-induced lamellipodium formation, and also induced cell rounding. V12Cdc42 induced the formation of long filopodia, while the dominant inhibitory mutant N17Cdc42 prevented CSF-1-induced formation of filopodia but not lamellipodia. V14RhoA stimulated actin cable assembly and cell contraction, while the Rho inhibitor, C3 transferase, induced the loss of actin cables. Bac1 cells had cell-to-substratum adhesion sites containing beta1 integrin, pp125FAK, paxillin, vinculin, and tyrosine phosphorylated proteins. These ‘focal complexes’ were present in growing and CSF-1-starved cells, but were disassembled in cells injected with N17Cdc42 or N17Rac1. Interestingly, beta1 integrin did not disperse until long after focal phosphotyrosine and vinculin staining had disappeared. We conclude that in Bac1 macrophages Cdc42, Rac and Rho regulate the formation of distinct actin filament-based structures, and that Cdc42 and Rac are also required for the assembly of adhesion sites to the extracellular matrix.

2018 ◽  
Vol 217 (12) ◽  
pp. 4215-4229 ◽  
Daniela Gallo Castro ◽  
Sophie G. Martin

The formation of a local zone of Cdc42 GTPase activity, which governs cell polarization in many cell types, requires not only local activation but also switch-off mechanisms. In this study, we identify Rga3, a paralog of Rga4, as a novel Cdc42 GTPase-activating protein (GAP) in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Contrary to Rga4, Rga3 localizes with Cdc42-GTP to sites of polarity. Rga3 is dispensable for cell polarization during mitotic growth, but it limits the lifetime of unstable Cdc42-GTP patches that underlie cell pairing during sexual reproduction, masking a partly compensatory patch-wandering motion. In consequence, cells lacking rga3 hyperpolarize and lose out in mating competition. Rga3 synergizes with the Cdc42 GAPs Rga4 and Rga6 to restrict Cdc42-GTP zone sizes during mitotic growth. Surprisingly, triple-mutant cells, which are almost fully round, retain pheromone-dependent dynamic polarization of Cdc42-GTP, extend a polarized projection, and mate. Thus, the requirement for Cdc42-GTP hydrolysis by GAPs is distinct during polarization by intrinsic or extrinsic cues.

2005 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 1500-1512 ◽  
Allison Zajac ◽  
Xiaoli Sun ◽  
Jian Zhang ◽  
Wei Guo

Polarized exocytosis is important for morphogenesis and cell growth. The exocyst is a multiprotein complex implicated in tethering secretory vesicles at specific sites of the plasma membrane for exocytosis. In the budding yeast, the exocyst is localized to sites of bud emergence or the tips of small daughter cells, where it mediates secretion and cell surface expansion. To understand how exocytosis is spatially controlled, we systematically analyzed the localization of Sec15p, a member of the exocyst complex and downstream effector of the rab protein Sec4p, in various mutants. We found that the polarized localization of Sec15p relies on functional upstream membrane traffic, activated rab protein Sec4p, and its guanine exchange factor Sec2p. The initial targeting of both Sec4p and Sec15p to the bud tip depends on polarized actin cable. However, different recycling mechanisms for rab and Sec15p may account for the different kinetics of polarization for these two proteins. We also found that Sec3p and Sec15p, though both members of the exocyst complex, rely on distinctive targeting mechanisms for their localization. The assembly of the exocyst may integrate various cellular signals to ensure that exocytosis is tightly controlled. Key regulators of cell polarity such as Cdc42p are important for the recruitment of the exocyst to the budding site. Conversely, we found that the proper localization of these cell polarity regulators themselves also requires a functional exocytosis pathway. We further report that Bem1p, a protein essential for the recruitment of signaling molecules for the establishment of cell polarity, interacts with the exocyst complex. We propose that a cyclical regulatory network contributes to the establishment and maintenance of polarized cell growth in yeast.

2003 ◽  
Vol 161 (6) ◽  
pp. 1081-1092 ◽  
Yuqing Dong ◽  
David Pruyne ◽  
Anthony Bretscher

Formins are actin filament nucleators regulated by Rho-GTPases. In budding yeast, the formins Bni1p and Bnr1p direct the assembly of actin cables, which guide polarized secretion and growth. From the six yeast Rho proteins (Cdc42p and Rho1–5p), we have determined that four participate in the regulation of formin activity. We show that the essential function of Rho3p and Rho4p is to activate the formins Bni1p and Bnr1p, and that activated alleles of either formin are able to bypass the requirement for these Rho proteins. Through a separate signaling pathway, Rho1p is necessary for formin activation at elevated temperatures, acting through protein kinase C (Pkc1p), the major effector for Rho1p signaling to the actin cytoskeleton. Although Pkc1p also activates a MAPK pathway, this pathway does not function in formin activation. Formin-dependent cable assembly does not require Cdc42p, but in the absence of Cdc42p function, cable assembly is not properly organized during initiation of bud growth. These results show that formin function is under the control of three distinct, essential Rho signaling pathways.

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