scholarly journals Phospholipase C and cofilin are required for carcinoma cell directionality in response to EGF stimulation

2004 ◽  
Vol 166 (5) ◽  
pp. 697-708 ◽  
Ghassan Mouneimne ◽  
Lilian Soon ◽  
Vera DesMarais ◽  
Mazen Sidani ◽  
Xiaoyan Song ◽  

The epidermal growth factor (EGF)–induced increase in free barbed ends, resulting in actin polymerization at the leading edge of the lamellipodium in carcinoma cells, occurs as two transients: an early one at 1 min and a late one at 3 min. Our results reveal that phospholipase (PLC) is required for triggering the early barbed end transient. Phosphoinositide-3 kinase selectively regulates the late barbed end transient. Inhibition of PLC inhibits cofilin activity in cells during the early transient, delays the initiation of protrusions, and inhibits the ability of cells to sense a gradient of EGF. Suppression of cofilin, using either small interfering RNA silencing or function-blocking antibodies, selectively inhibits the early transient. Therefore, our results demonstrate that the early PLC and cofilin-dependent barbed end transient is required for the initiation of protrusions and is involved in setting the direction of cell movement in response to EGF.

1999 ◽  
Vol 145 (2) ◽  
pp. 331-345 ◽  
Maryse Bailly ◽  
Frank Macaluso ◽  
Michael Cammer ◽  
Amanda Chan ◽  
Jeffrey E. Segall ◽  

Using both light and high resolution electron microscopy, we analyzed the spatial and temporal relationships between the Arp2/3 complex and the nucleation activity that is required for lamellipod extension in mammary carcinoma cells after epidermal growth factor stimulation. A rapid two- to fourfold increase in filament barbed end number occurs transiently after stimulation and remains confined almost exclusively to the extreme outer edge of the extending lamellipod (within 100–200 nm of the plasma membrane). This is accompanied by an increase in filament density at the leading edge and a general decrease in filament length, with a specific loss of long filaments. Concomitantly, the Arp2/3 complex is recruited with a 1.5-fold increase throughout the entire cortical filament network extending 1–1.5 μm in depth from the membrane at the leading edge. The recruitment of the Arp2/3 complex at the membrane of the extending lamellipod indicates that Arp2/3 may be involved in initial generation of growing filaments. However, only a small subset of the complex present in the cortical network colocalizes near free barbed ends. This suggests that the 100–200-nm submembraneous compartment at the leading edge of the extending lamellipod constitutes a special biochemical microenvironment that favors the generation and maintenance of free barbed ends, possibly through the locally active Arp2/3 complex, severing or decreasing the on-rate of capping protein. Our results are inconsistent with the hypothesis suggesting uncapping is the dominant mechanism responsible for the generation of nucleation activity. However, they support the hypothesis of an Arp2/3-mediated capture of actin oligomers that formed close to the membrane by other mechanisms such as severing. They also support pointed-end capping by the Arp2/3 complex, accounting for its wide distribution at the leading edge.

Tumor Biology ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 101042831769141 ◽  
Qing Gou ◽  
ShuJiao He ◽  
ZeJian Zhou

Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common subtype of liver cancer. Protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 was shown to be upregulated in various cancers. However, the role of protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 in hepatocellular carcinoma progression remains incompletely understood. We investigated the clinical and functional significance of protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 in a series of clinical hepatocellular carcinoma samples and a panel of hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines. We performed suppression analysis of protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 using small interfering RNA to determine the biological roles of protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 in hepatocellular carcinoma. In addition, the expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition indicators was verified by western blotting in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines after small interfering RNA treatment. Protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 expression was found to be significantly upregulated in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines and clinical tissues. Moreover, downregulation of protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells by small interfering RNA could inhibit cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in vitro. These results indicate that protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 may contribute to hepatocellular carcinoma progression and serves as a promising target for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma patients.

2007 ◽  
Vol 179 (7) ◽  
pp. 1539-1553 ◽  
Rosa Ana Lacalle ◽  
Rosa M. Peregil ◽  
Juan Pablo Albar ◽  
Ernesto Merino ◽  
Carlos Martínez-A ◽  

Directional cell movement in response to external chemical gradients requires establishment of front–rear asymmetry, which distinguishes an up-gradient protrusive leading edge, where Rac-induced F-actin polymerization takes place, and a down-gradient retractile tail (uropod in leukocytes), where RhoA-mediated actomyosin contraction occurs. The signals that govern this spatial and functional asymmetry are not entirely understood. We show that the human type I phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase isoform β (PIPKIβ) has a role in organizing signaling at the cell rear. We found that PIPKIβ polarized at the uropod of neutrophil-differentiated HL60 cells. PIPKIβ localization was independent of its lipid kinase activity, but required the 83 C-terminal amino acids, which are not homologous to other PIPKI isoforms. The PIPKIβ C terminus interacted with EBP50 (4.1-ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM)-binding phosphoprotein 50), which enabled further interactions with ERM proteins and the Rho-GDP dissociation inhibitor (RhoGDI). Knockdown of PIPKIβ with siRNA inhibited cell polarization and impaired cell directionality during dHL60 chemotaxis, suggesting a role for PIPKIβ in these processes.

Endocrinology ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 151 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-55 ◽  
Jian-Zhong Tang ◽  
Ze-Hua Zuo ◽  
Xiang-Jun Kong ◽  
Michael Steiner ◽  
Zhinan Yin ◽  

Abstract Increased activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)-5 has been reported in various malignancies including mammary carcinoma. However, it is only recently that potentially distinct roles of STAT5A and STAT5B in neoplasia have begun to emerge. Herein we systematically delineate the functions of STAT5A and STAT5B in human mammary carcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and T47D. Forced expression of constitutively active (CA) STAT5A enhanced both survival and anchorage-independent growth of human mammary carcinoma cells but concordantly suppressed cell motility as revealed in colony scattering, cell migration, and invasion assays. In contrast, forced expression of CA STAT5B exhibited lower potency than CA STAT5A in enhancing survival and anchorage-independent growth of mammary carcinoma cells and exerted no effects on cell motility. Differential expression of genes that regulate cellular survival and motility was concomitantly observed on forced expression of CA STAT5A or CA STAT5B. Small interfering RNA-mediated depletion of STAT5A significantly impaired anchorage-independent growth of human mammary carcinoma cells, whereas a smaller reduction was observed upon small interfering RNA-mediated depletion of STAT5B. Depletion of endogenous STAT5A also significantly enhanced cell motility, whereas depletion of endogenous STAT5B exhibited no effect. Xenograft studies provided data concordant with the in vitro effects of the two STAT5 isoforms. We therefore demonstrate that STAT5A and STAT5B differentially regulate behavior of human mammary carcinoma cells.

2007 ◽  
Vol 179 (6) ◽  
pp. 1247-1259 ◽  
Jacco van Rheenen ◽  
Xiaoyan Song ◽  
Wies van Roosmalen ◽  
Michael Cammer ◽  
Xiaoming Chen ◽  

Lamellipodial protrusion and directional migration of carcinoma cells towards chemoattractants, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), depend upon the spatial and temporal regulation of actin cytoskeleton by actin-binding proteins (ABPs). It is generally hypothesized that the activity of many ABPs are temporally and spatially regulated by PIP2; however, this is mainly based on in vitro–binding and structural studies, and generally in vivo evidence is lacking. Here, we provide the first in vivo data that directly visualize the spatial and temporal regulation of cofilin by PIP2 in living cells. We show that EGF induces a rapid loss of PIP2 through PLC activity, resulting in a release and activation of a membrane-bound pool of cofilin. Upon release, we find that cofilin binds to and severs F-actin, which is coincident with actin polymerization and lamellipod formation. Moreover, our data provide evidence for how PLC is involved in the formation of protrusions in breast carcinoma cells during chemotaxis and metastasis towards EGF.

2004 ◽  
Vol 167 (3) ◽  
pp. 505-518 ◽  
Atsuo T. Sasaki ◽  
Cheryl Chun ◽  
Kosuke Takeda ◽  
Richard A. Firtel

During chemotaxis, receptors and heterotrimeric G-protein subunits are distributed and activated almost uniformly along the cell membrane, whereas PI(3,4,5)P3, the product of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), accumulates locally at the leading edge. The key intermediate event that creates this strong PI(3,4,5)P3 asymmetry remains unclear. Here, we show that Ras is rapidly and transiently activated in response to chemoattractant stimulation and regulates PI3K activity. Ras activation occurs at the leading edge of chemotaxing cells, and this local activation is independent of the F-actin cytoskeleton, whereas PI3K localization is dependent on F-actin polymerization. Inhibition of Ras results in severe defects in directional movement, indicating that Ras is an upstream component of the cell's compass. These results support a mechanism by which localized Ras activation mediates leading edge formation through activation of basal PI3K present on the plasma membrane and other Ras effectors required for chemotaxis. A feedback loop, mediated through localized F-actin polymerization, recruits cytosolic PI3K to the leading edge to amplify the signal.

2001 ◽  
Vol 114 (11) ◽  
pp. 2155-2165
Kunito Yoshida ◽  
Kei Inouye

We found that amoeboid cells of Dictyostelium are induced by a millimolar concentration of quinine to form a rapidly elongating, cylindrical protrusion, which often led to sustained locomotion of the cells. Formation of the protrusion was initiated by fusion of a contractile vacuole with the cell membrane. During protrusion extension, a patch of the contractile vacuole membrane stayed undiffused on the leading edge of the protrusion for over 30 seconds. Protrusion formation was not inhibited by high osmolarity of the external medium (at least up to 400 mosM). By contrast, mutant cells lacking myosin II (mhc− cells) failed to extend protrusions upon exposure to quinine. When GFP-myosin-expressing cells were exposed to quinine, GFP-myosin was accumulated in the cell periphery forming a layer under the cell membrane, but a newly formed protrusion was initially devoid of a GFP-myosin layer, which gradually formed and extended from the base of the protrusion. F-actin was absent in the leading front of the protrusion during the period of its rapid elongation, and the formation of a layer of F-actin in the front was closely correlated with its slowing-down or retraction. Periodical or continuous detachment of the F-actin layer from the apical membrane of the protrusion, accompanied by a transient increase in the elongation speed at the site of detachment, was observed in some of the protrusions. The detached F-actin layers, which formed a spiral layer of F-actin in the case of continuous detachment, moved in the opposite direction of protrusion elongation. In the presence of both cytochalasin A and quinine, the protrusions formed were not cylindrical but spherical, which swallowed up the entire cellular contents. The estimated bulk flux into the expanding spherical protrusions of such cells was four-times higher than the flux into the elongating cylindrical protrusions of the cells treated with quinine alone. These results indicate that the force responsible for the quinine-induced protrusion is mainly due to contraction of the cell body, which requires normal myosin II functions, while actin polymerization is important in restricting the direction of its expansion. We will discuss the possible significance of tail contraction in cell movement in the multicellular phase of Dictyostelium development, where cell locomotion similar to that induced by quinine is often observed without quinine treatment, and in protrusion elongation in general.Movies available on-line

2008 ◽  
Vol 180 (6) ◽  
pp. 1245-1260 ◽  
Corina Sarmiento ◽  
Weigang Wang ◽  
Athanassios Dovas ◽  
Hideki Yamaguchi ◽  
Mazen Sidani ◽  

We examined the role of the actin nucleation promoters neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) and WAVE2 in cell protrusion in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF), a key regulator in carcinoma cell invasion. We found that WAVE2 knockdown (KD) suppresses lamellipod formation and increases filopod formation, whereas N-WASP KD has no effect. However, simultaneous KD of both proteins results in the formation of large jagged protrusions with lamellar properties and increased filopod formation. This suggests that another actin nucleation activity is at work in carcinoma cells in response to EGF. A mammalian Diaphanous–related formin, mDia1, localizes at the jagged protrusions in double KD cells. Constitutively active mDia1 recapitulated the phenotype, whereas inhibition of mDia1 blocked the formation of these protrusions. Increased RhoA activity, which stimulates mDia1 nucleation, was observed in the N-WASP/WAVE2 KD cells and was shown to be required for the N-WASP/WAVE2 KD phenotype. These data show that coordinate regulation between the WASP family and mDia proteins controls the balance between lamellar and lamellipodial protrusion activity.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Yi-Ning Li ◽  
Ji-An Hu ◽  
Hui-Ming Wang

Purpose. To validate the function of autophagy with the regulation of hypoxia inhibitor-induced glycosylation in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell.Methods. Human Tca8113 cell line was used to detect autophagy and glycosylation related protein expression by western blotting and immunofluorescence with HIF-1αinhibitor. Short interfering RNA (siRNA) transfection blocked human ATG12 and ATG1.Results. HIF-1αinhibitor PX-478 reduced the amount of LC3-II and LC3-I in Tca8113 cells. PX-478 decreased the expression of O-GlcNAc and OGT and increased OGA expression. The tendency of O-GlcNAc showed a similar pattern to OGT. PX-478 gradually decreased OGT expression in Tca8113 cells. Protein level of O-GlcNAc and OGT increased in ATG12 and ATG1 depletion. The expression of OGT decreased at first and then rose slowly with the treatment of Atg12 and Atg1 siRNA and PX-478 fluctuant. Autophagy affected the stability of OGT when HIF-1αsignaling was blocked.Conclusions. Autophagy reduced by hypoxic stress inhibited. HIF-1αinhibitor decreased glycosylation. OGT became unstable in the absence of autophagy when HIF-1αsignaling was blocked.

2009 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 699-707 ◽  
Alessia Para ◽  
Miriam Krischke ◽  
Sylvain Merlot ◽  
Zhouxin Shen ◽  
Michael Oberholzer ◽  

Cell motility of amoeboid cells is mediated by localized F-actin polymerization that drives the extension of membrane protrusions to promote forward movements. We show that deletion of either of two members of the Dictyostelium Dock180 family of RacGEFs, DockA and DockD, causes decreased speed of chemotaxing cells. The phenotype is enhanced in the double mutant and expression of DockA or DockD complements the reduced speed of randomly moving DockD null cells' phenotype, suggesting that DockA and DockD are likely to act redundantly and to have similar functions in regulating cell movement. In this regard, we find that overexpressing DockD causes increased cell speed by enhancing F-actin polymerization at the sites of pseudopod extension. DockD localizes to the cell cortex upon chemoattractant stimulation and at the leading edge of migrating cells and this localization is dependent on PI3K activity, suggesting that DockD might be part of the pathway that links PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 production to F-actin polymerization. Using a proteomic approach, we found that DdELMO1 is associated with DockD and that Rac1A and RacC are possible in vivo DockD substrates. In conclusion, our work provides a further understanding of how cell motility is controlled and provides evidence that the molecular mechanism underlying Dock180-related protein function is evolutionarily conserved.

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