scholarly journals Seeding of thymic microenvironments defined by distinct thymocyte-stromal cell interactions is developmentally controlled.

1987 ◽  
Vol 166 (2) ◽  
pp. 520-538 ◽  
B A Kyewski

Seeding of distinct intrathymic microenvironments defined by direct thymocyte-stromal cell interactions was correlated with T cell development in situ using radiation and nonradiation chimeras of Thy-1.1/1.2 congenic mice. The results identify associations of thymocytes with I-A- macrophages in the cortex as the earliest discernible cell-cell interactions during thymopoiesis. After a significant delay, this recognition stage is followed by concomitant interactions of T cells with I-A+ epithelial cells in the cortex and bone marrow-derived I-A+ dendritic cells in the medulla. All three types of T cell-stromal cell interactions occur after seeding of the intrathymic precursor cell subset and before development of mature medullary-type T cells. The seeding kinetics imply that recognition of cortical epithelial cells by thymocytes in situ represents a relatively late stage of cortical T cell development, whereas thymocyte-dendritic cell interactions denote a very early stage of T cell development in the medulla. The relative positioning of these cell-cell recognition stages during the course of T cell maturation pertains to a putative role of these microenvironments in selection and tolerization of the T cell repertoire.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Hong-Xia Wang ◽  
Wenrong Pan ◽  
Lei Zheng ◽  
Xiao-Ping Zhong ◽  
Liang Tan ◽  

The thymus is the primary lymphoid organ responsible for the generation and maturation of T cells. Thymic epithelial cells (TECs) account for the majority of thymic stromal components. They are further divided into cortical and medullary TECs based on their localization within the thymus and are involved in positive and negative selection, respectively. Establishment of self-tolerance in the thymus depends on promiscuous gene expression (pGE) of tissue-restricted antigens (TRAs) by TECs. Such pGE is co-controlled by the autoimmune regulator (Aire) and forebrain embryonic zinc fingerlike protein 2 (Fezf2). Over the past two decades, research has found that TECs contribute greatly to thymopoiesis and T cell development. In turn, signals from T cells regulate the differentiation and maturation of TECs. Several signaling pathways essential for the development and maturation of TECs have been discovered. New technology and animal models have provided important observations on TEC differentiation, development, and thymopoiesis. In this review, we will discuss recent advances in classification, development, and maintenance of TECs and mechanisms that control TEC functions during thymic involution and central tolerance.

2019 ◽  
Amr H. Allam ◽  
Mirren Charnley ◽  
Kim Pham ◽  
Sarah M. Russell

AbstractThe β-selection checkpoint of T cell development tests whether the cell has recombined its genomic DNA to produce a functional T Cell Receptor β (TCRβ) receptor. Passage through the β-selection checkpoint requires the nascent TCRβ protein to mediate signaling through a pre-TCR complex. In this study, we show that developing T cells at the β-selection checkpoint establish an immunological synapse in in vitro & in situ, resembling that of the mature T cell. The immunological synapse is dependent on two key signaling pathways known to be critical for the transition beyond the β-selection checkpoint, Notch and CXCR4 signaling. In vitro and in situ analyses indicate that the immunological synapse promotes passage through the β-selection checkpoint. Collectively, these data indicate that developing T cells regulate pre-TCR signaling through the formation of an immunological synapse. This signaling platform integrates cues from Notch, CXCR4, and MHC on the thymic stromal cell, to allow transition beyond the β-selection checkpoint.SummaryT cell development requires testing whether genomic rearrangement has produced a T cell receptor capable of transmitting signals. Most T cells fail this test. Here, we show that passage through the β-selection checkpoint requires assembly of a platform to support TCR signaling.

2021 ◽  
Sayumi Fujimori ◽  
Izumi Ohigashi ◽  
Hayato Abe ◽  
M Mark Taketo ◽  
Yousuke Takahama ◽  

In the thymus, the thymic epithelium provides a microenvironment essential for the development of functionally competent and self-tolerant T cells. Previous findings showed that modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in thymic epithelial cells (TECs) disrupts embryonic thymus organogenesis. However, the role of β-catenin in TECs for postnatal T cell development remains to be elucidated. Here, we analyzed gain-of function (GOF) and loss-of-function (LOF) of β-catenin highly specific in TECs. We found that GOF of β-catenin in TECs results in severe thymic dysplasia and T cell deficiency beginning from the embryonic period. By contrast, LOF of β-catenin in TECs reduces the number of cortical TECs and thymocytes modestly and only postnatally. These results indicate that fine-tuning of β-catenin expression within a permissive range is required for TECs to generate an optimal microenvironment to support postnatal T cell development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 441-449
Sowmya Angusamy ◽  
Tamer Mansour ◽  
Mohammed Abdulmageed ◽  
Rachel Han ◽  
Brian C. Schutte ◽  

Abstract Background: The adaptive immune system of neonates is relatively underdeveloped. The thymus is an essential organ for adaptive T cell development and might be affected during the natural course of oxygen induced lung injury. The effect of prolonged hyperoxia on the thymus, thymocyte and T cell development, and its proliferation has not been studied extensively. Methods: Neonatal mice were exposed to 85% oxygen (hyperoxia) or room air (normoxia) up to 28 days. Flow cytometry using surface markers were used to assay for thymocyte development and proliferation. Results: Mice exposed to prolonged hyperoxia had evidence of lung injury associated alveolar simplification, a significantly lower mean weight, smaller thymic size, lower mean thymocyte count and higher percentage of apoptotic thymocytes. T cells subpopulation in the thymus showed a significant reduction in the count and proliferation of double positive and double negative T cells. There was a significant reduction in the count and proliferation of single positive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Conclusions: Prolonged hyperoxia in neonatal mice adversely affected thymic size, thymocyte count and altered the distribution of T cells sub-populations. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that prolonged hyperoxia causes defective development of T cells in the thymus.

2009 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 590-600 ◽  
Wen Qing Li ◽  
Tad Guszczynski ◽  
Julie A. Hixon ◽  
Scott K. Durum

ABSTRACT Interleukin-7 (IL-7) is critical for T-cell development and peripheral T-cell homeostasis. The survival of pro-T cells and mature T cells requires IL-7. The survival function of IL-7 is accomplished partly through induction of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 and inhibition of proapoptotic proteins Bax and Bad. We show here that the proapoptotic protein Bim, a BH3-only protein belonging to the Bcl-2 family, also plays a role in peripheral T-cell survival. Deletion of Bim partially protected an IL-7-dependent T-cell line and peripheral T cells, especially cells with an effector memory phenotype, from IL-7 deprivation. However, T-cell development in the thymus was not restored in IL-7−/− Rag2−/− mice reconstituted with Bim−/− bone marrow. IL-7 withdrawal altered neither the intracellular location of Bim, which was constitutively mitochondrial, nor its association with Bcl-2; however, a reduction in its association with the prosurvival protein Mcl-1 was observed. IL-7 withdrawal did not increase Bim mRNA or protein expression but did induce changes in the isoelectric point of BimEL and its reactivity with an antiphosphoserine antibody. Our findings suggest that the maintenance of peripheral T cells by IL-7 occurs partly through inhibition of Bim activity at the posttranslational level.

2006 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 789-809 ◽  
Lawryn H. Kasper ◽  
Tomofusa Fukuyama ◽  
Michelle A. Biesen ◽  
Fayçal Boussouar ◽  
Caili Tong ◽  

ABSTRACT The global transcriptional coactivators CREB-binding protein (CBP) and the closely related p300 interact with over 312 proteins, making them among the most heavily connected hubs in the known mammalian protein-protein interactome. It is largely uncertain, however, if these interactions are important in specific cell lineages of adult animals, as homozygous null mutations in either CBP or p300 result in early embryonic lethality in mice. Here we describe a Cre/LoxP conditional p300 null allele (p300 flox ) that allows for the temporal and tissue-specific inactivation of p300. We used mice carrying p300 flox and a CBP conditional knockout allele (CBP flox ) in conjunction with an Lck-Cre transgene to delete CBP and p300 starting at the CD4− CD8− double-negative thymocyte stage of T-cell development. Loss of either p300 or CBP led to a decrease in CD4+ CD8+ double-positive thymocytes, but an increase in the percentage of CD8+ single-positive thymocytes seen in CBP mutant mice was not observed in p300 mutants. T cells completely lacking both CBP and p300 did not develop normally and were nonexistent or very rare in the periphery, however. T cells lacking CBP or p300 had reduced tumor necrosis factor alpha gene expression in response to phorbol ester and ionophore, while signal-responsive gene expression in CBP- or p300-deficient macrophages was largely intact. Thus, CBP and p300 each supply a surprising degree of redundant coactivation capacity in T cells and macrophages, although each gene has also unique properties in thymocyte development.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-32 ◽  
Oxana Dobrovinskaya ◽  
Iván Delgado-Enciso ◽  
Laura Johanna Quintero-Castro ◽  
Carlos Best-Aguilera ◽  
Rocío Monserrat Rojas-Sotelo ◽  

T leukemogenesis is a multistep process, where the genetic errors during T cell maturation cause the healthy progenitor to convert into the leukemic precursor that lost its ability to differentiate but possesses high potential for proliferation, self-renewal, and migration. A new misdirecting “leukemogenic” signaling network appears, composed by three types of participants which are encoded by (1) genes implicated in determined stages of T cell development but deregulated by translocations or mutations, (2) genes which normally do not participate in T cell development but are upregulated, and (3) nondifferentially expressed genes which become highly interconnected with genes expressed differentially. It appears that each of three groups may contain genes coding ion channels. In T cells, ion channels are implicated in regulation of cell cycle progression, differentiation, activation, migration, and cell death. In the present review we are going to reveal a relationship between different genetic defects, which drive the T cell neoplasias, with calcium signaling and ion channels. We suggest that changes in regulation of various ion channels in different types of the T leukemias may provide the intracellular ion microenvironment favorable to maintain self-renewal capacity, arrest differentiation, induce proliferation, and enhance motility.

1994 ◽  
Vol 40 (11) ◽  
pp. 2128-2131 ◽  
T W Mak

Abstract T lymphocytes recognize antigen peptides and major histocompatibility complex products through their T-cell antigen receptors (TcR), consisting of alpha and beta chains. The interaction between T cells and their target cells or antigen-presenting cells is also assisted by a series of other cell-surface polypeptides, most notably CD4 and CD8, which are selectively expressed on mature helper/inducer and killer/suppressor T cells, respectively. Upon engagement of their ligands, a series of signals is transduced intracytoplasmically via some of these molecules and their associated proteins. Perhaps the most important enzyme in this signal transduction process is the lymphocyte-specific tyrosine kinase lck. Another important component is the cell-surface tyrosine phosphatase CD45. This molecule is alternatively spliced and the different isoforms are expressed on the various hematopoietic and lymphopoietic cells. Signaling through the TcR-CD4 D8-lck-CD45 complex is thought to be insufficient to activate T lymphocytes. A costimulatory signal is believed to be essential, and many investigators have suggested that CD28, a ligand for B7/BB1, is such a signal. Immune responses are also controlled by a number of cytokines and soluble factors. Signaling through the tumor necrosis factor receptor p55 is required for clearance of intracellular pathogens. Transcriptional factors involved in controlling interferon production are also important in T-cell development and immune responses. In an attempt to gain a better understanding of the roles of these molecules in T-lymphocyte functions and ontogeny, we generated a series of mutant mice with disruptions in the genes coding for these molecules. We are analyzing the mutant mice to evaluate the importance of these genes in T-cell development.

2004 ◽  
Vol 200 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-34 ◽  
Y. Jeffrey Chiang ◽  
Connie L. Sommers ◽  
Martha S. Jordan ◽  
Hua Gu ◽  
Lawrence E. Samelson ◽  

c-Cbl is an adaptor protein that negatively regulates signal transduction events involved in thymic-positive selection. To further characterize the function of c-Cbl in T cell development, we analyzed the effect of c-Cbl inactivation in mice deficient in the scaffolding molecule SLP-76. SLP-76–deficient mice show a high frequency of neonatal lethality; and in surviving mice, T cell development is blocked at the DN3 stage. Inactivation of c-cbl completely reversed the neonatal lethality seen in SLP-76–deficient mice and partially reversed the T cell development arrest in these mice. SLP-76−/− Cbl−/− mice exhibited marked expansion of polarized T helper type (Th)1 and Th2 cell peripheral CD4+ T cells, lymphoid infiltrates of parenchymal organs, and premature death. This rescue of T cell development is T cell receptor dependent because it does not occur in recombination activating gene 2−/− SLP-76−/− Cbl−/− triple knockout mice. Analysis of the signal transduction properties of SLP-76−/− Cbl−/− T cells reveals a novel SLP-76– and linker for activation of T cells–independent pathway of extracellular signal–regulated kinase activation, which is normally down-regulated by c-Cbl.

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