scholarly journals MIC (Minimum Inhibition Concentration) test of metanol extract on rhizophora stylosa and chloroform Avicennia marina against vibriosis in mangrove crab larvae (Scylla serrata forsskal)

Burhanuddin ◽  
A Saru ◽  
A Rantetondok ◽  
E N Zainuddin
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-120
Ratih Permana Sari ◽  
Molani Paulina Hasibuan

Abstrak. Besarnya potensi alam yang dimiliki oleh Kota Langsa yaitu tumbuhan mangrove dikembangkan yang nantinya dapat digunakan dalam bidang kesehatan khususnya untuk pencarian bahan baku obat-obatan seperti obat antimikroba. Selain tumbuhannya, ketersediaan makanan laut seperti kepiting bakau juga merupakan salah satu potensi lokal yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat setempat. Namun masyarakat harus berhati-hati dalam mengkonsumsi kepiting bakau karena ada kepiting bakau yang mengandung mikroorganisme atau bakteri berbahaya yang dapat merusak kesehatan manusia baik dalam jangka pendek maupun panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi mangrove sebagai antimikroba dan mengetahui komponen bioaktif yang terdapat pada mangrove dalam mengatasi penyakit pada kepiting bakau. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel biji mangrove Avicennia marina dilakukan  pada Desa Kuala Langsa.  Sampel mangrove yang diambil adalah biji yang tua dan kondisinya utuh, sampel kemudian dimasukkan dalam kantong sampel ditimbang hingga beratnya 1 kg. Hasil data uji skrining fitokimia diketahui kandungan senyawa biokatif dan jenis senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat di dalam ekstraksi biji mangrove adalah triterpenenoid, tanin, fenol dan alkaloid. Pengujian daya hambat ekstrak metanol dan n-heksan biji A. marina dilakukan dengan metode difusi agar. Pada beberapa pengulangan ekstrak pelarut metanol dan n-heksan sampel biji mangrove didapatkan zona bening rata-rata 3,13 mm dan 3,03 mm dari kontrol positifnya. Hasil gejala klinis pada kepiting bakau pasca perendaman ekstrak biji tumbuhan mangrove terlihat adanya perubahan seperti mengecilnya melanosis pada karapas, memudarnya kaki renang yang memerah, dan warna karapas mulai kehijauan.Kata Kunci: antimikroba, biji mangrove, kepiting bakau Abstrak. The amount of natural potency possessed by Langsa City is developed mangrove plant which later can be used in health field especially to search for raw material of medicines like antimicrobial drug. In addition to the plants, the availability of seafood such as mangrove crab is also one of the local potential that many in demand by the local community. But people should be careful in consuming mangrove crabs because there are crabs containing microorganisms or harmful bacteria that can damage human health both in the short and long term. This study aims to assess the potential of mangrove as an antimicrobial and to know the bioactive components contained in mangrove in overcoming the disease in mangrove crab. The data was collected by sampling of mangrove seeds conducted in Kuala Langsa Village. The mangrove samples taken were old mangrove seeds and the condition was intact, the sample then put in a sample bag weighed up to weighing 1 kg. The result of phytochemical screening data data of biochemical compound and bioactive compound type found in mangrove seed extraction of Avicennia marina are triterpenenoid, tannin, phenol and alkaloid. Testing of inhibitory power of methanol and n-hexane extract of A. marina seeds was done by agar diffusion method. In some repeat extracts of methanol and n-hexane solvent samples of mangrove seeds obtained an average clear zone of 3.13 mm and 3.03 mm of positive control. Furthermore, the results of clinical symptoms in mangrove crabs after soaking seed extracts visible changes such as decreased melanosis in the carapace, the waning of the swimming pool is red, and the color of the carapace begins to greenish.Keywords: Antimicrobial, mangrove plant seed, mangrove crab

Mimie Saputri ◽  
Muammar Muammar

Research on the characteristics of Mangrove Crab Habit (Scylla sp) in Silang Cadek Mangrove Ecosystem, Baitussalam Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province. This study aims to determine the habitat characteristics of Mangrove Crab (Scylla sp) in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Silang Cadek. The research method is survey with purposive sampling technique. The results of the survey are described. The results of the research showed that the water temperature data ranged from 22 s.d 25°C, the pH ranged from 7.5 to 7.7, the water salinity ranged from 30‰ -34‰. Substrate loamy sand, sandy loam, sandy clay loam. There are 4 constituent species of mangrove plants namely Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Rhizopora stylosa, Rhizopora apiculata, Avicennia marina. Macrozoobenthos found were Nerita lineata, Uca crassipes, Terebralia palustris, Terebralia sulcata, Isognomon ephippium, Saccostrea cucculata, Uca demani, Scylla serrata, Scylla olivacea, Scylla paramamosain.

Mycoscience ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 399-404 ◽  
Kazuyo Nakamura ◽  
Miho Nakamura ◽  
Kishio Hatai ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Syahrul Muharamsyah ◽  
M Sofwan Anwari ◽  
Hafiz Ardian

Mangrove forests are unique ecosystems that have ecological, biological and socio-economic functions. The function of mangrove forests on the environment is very important especially in the coastal and oceanic regions. Mangrove forests providers of wood, leaves as raw material for medicines, and natural dye. This study aims to inventory the diversity of species of mangrove vegetation in Mendalok Village, Sungai Kunyit Subdistrict, Mempawah Regency. The benefits of this study are to provide the data on mangrove forest vegetation as basic data for local government and related agencies in efforts to protect and preserve mangrove forests in Mendalok Village, Sungai Kunyit Subdistrict, Mempawah Regency. Inventory the tree in mangrove forest used a line with measured 200 meters. There are 6 lines and the distance between the lines as far as 100 meters. The lines of observation are placed by purposive sampling. The results of research found 11 types of species and consisted of 6 genera. The genera are Avicennia, Bruguiera, Ceriops, Rhizophora, Soneratia and Xylocarpus. The species found were Avicennia alba, Avicennia marina, Bruguiera cylindrica, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Bruguiera parviflora, Ceriops decandra, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa, Sonneratia caseolaris, Xylocarpus mollucensis. Diversity of mangrove species in Mendalok Village, Sungai Kunyit Subdistrict, Mempawah Regency was high and should be maintained for conservation and ecotourism area. Keywords : conservation, ecotourism, mangrove, Mendalok Village

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  
Gazali Salim ◽  

Abstract. Indarjo A, Salim G, Zein M, Septian D, Bija S. 2020. The population and mortality characteristics of mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) in the mangrove ecosystem of Tarakan City, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 3856-3866. The mangrove crab is an iconic species of Tarakan City and is often is used as a souvenir. However, the high demand for this species can cause its population to decline. This study aimed to characterize the mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) population in the mangrove ecosystem of Tarakan City, North Kalimantan, Indonesia. This study was designed using a quantitative descriptive method with a case study model. The samples of mangrove crabs were obtained from 6 different stations using a purposive sampling method. The mangrove crab specimens were caught using 35-50 units of crab traps known as the ambau brackets. The primary data included carapace length, carapace width, carapace thickness, sex, and the total weight of each mangrove crab specimen. The results showed that male mangrove crabs have positive allometric growth when the condition index was fat. However, female crabs exhibited negative allometric growth when the condition index was thin. The Von Bertalanffy growth model analysis showed that the maximum carapace length of male mangrove crab in the mangrove ecosystem of Tarakan City was approximately 11.1118 cm for 189 days, while the female length was 9.6474 cm for 80 days. The total mortality value of male and female crabs was 120.01% and 154.94%, the mortality due to fishing was 84.69% and 135.75%, and natural mortality was 35.32% and 19.2%, respectively. The estimated rate of exploitation of both male and female crabs was 70.57% and 87.61%, respectively. The exploitation of S. serrata in the mangrove ecosystem of Tarakan City was evident, hence, conservation efforts are urgently required.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Khairiah Khairiah ◽  
Supriyono Eko Wardoyo ◽  
Pasril Wahid

Effect of Mutilation and Ablation to Molting of Mangrove Crab (Scylla serrata) as Soft Crab          Soft crabs that are more expensive than regular crab, that having hard carapace, in nature and in culture are very difficult to find. This study aimed to get the soft crabs more easily controlled the number  of molting in culture, by the method of mutilation and ablation. Thus the supply in market will be able to meet existing demand. Four treatment techniques had been implemented namely mutilation, ablation, ablation + mutilation, and controls which each performed four replications. Complete Randomized Desaign (CRD) was used because the experiment was conducted in a fairly homogeneous patch of tambak pond. Experimental unit in the form of bamboo pen cages with the size of 2x1x1m filled with 20 crabs.  All experimental crabs were ready for molting (dark color) even with 40-90 g of varied sizes. The results showed that each week until the third week, the average number of crabs per unit experiment with techniques of mutilation was always having highest of molting number, respectively 1.00, 3.25, and 11.00 crabs and having the lowest mortality rate, respectively  0. 25, 1.75, and 1.25 crabs, compared with the ablation, mutilations + ablation technique, and control. Statistically  four treatments in molting, in week two and  three was significantly different , eventhough in mortality was not (α = 5%).Keywords : mangrove crab (Scilla serrata), soft crabs, mutilation, ablation ABSTRAK                Kepiting lunak yang  harganya lebih mahal dari kepiting biasa bercangkang keras, di alam maupun dalam budidaya sangat susah ditemukan.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kepiting lunak yang lebih mudah terkontrol jumlahnya dalam budidaya, dengan metoda mutilasi dan ablasi.  Dengan demikian dalam  pasar ketersediaannya akan dapat memenuhi permintaan yang ada. Empat perlakuan telah dilaksanakan yaitu teknik mutilasi, ablasi, mutilasi+ablasi, dan kontrol dengan masing-masing dilakukan empat kali ulangan. Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) digunakan karena percobaan ini dilakukan di suatu petak tambak yang cukup homogen. Unit percobaan berupa keramba bambu tancap ukuran 2x1x1m yang diisi 20 kepiting yang semua kepiting dalam percobaan siap molting (warnanya gelap) meskipun dengan ukuran yang bervariatif 40-90 g. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tiap minggu sampai pada minggu ke tiga  rata-rata jumlah kepiting per unit percobaan dengan teknik mutilasi selalu tertinggi terjadinya proses molting yaitu masing–masing 1,00; 3,25; dan 11,00 ekor dan mortalitasnya terendah yaitu 0,25; 1,75; dan 1,25 ekor dibanding dengan teknik ablasi, mutilasi+ablasi; dan kontrol.  Secara statistik ke empat perlakuan dalam molting pada minggu ke dua dan ke tiga berbeda nyata hasil terbaik ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan mutilasi, meskipun dalam mortalitas tidak  berbeda nyata (selang kepercayaan 95 %).Kata Kunci : Kepiting bakau (Scilla serrata), kepiting lunak, mutilasi, ablasi.

Maichel Arvan Pananggung ◽  
Ivor L. Labaro ◽  
Emil Reppie

ABSTRACT Mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) and swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) are economically important marine commodities produced from the coastal waters of Sangihe Islands Regency. But those marine commodity products are usually only caught accidentally with a bottom gill net. There has been a special trap fishing gear for that resources, but not known well by local fishermen. Addition of squid oil extraction baits could increase the fishing power of mangrove crab and swimming crab traps. This research aims to study the effect of squid oil extract on traps bait to catch mangrove crab and swimming crab; and identify the types of biota captured. This research was done in coastal waters of Malise village, Tabukan Tengah District of Sangihe Islands Regency for 2 weeks September 2015; based on experimental method. Six unit traps were operated ten trips where three units of them used scad mackerel bait that injected with squid oil extract, and tree other units just used scad mackerel bait without extract; and the capture data were analyzed using t test. The catch was 142 individuals (135 mangrove crabs and 7 swimming crab); where 86 crabs was caught by scad mackerel bait with squid oil extract, and 56 crabs caught with bait without squid oil extract. The analysis showed that the use of squid oil extracts on trap baits increased the catch. Keywords: mangrove crab, swimming crab,trap baits, squid oil extract, Sangihe   ABSTRAK[1] Kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) dan rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) merupakan komoditi hasil laut ekonomis penting yang dihasilkan dari perairan pantai Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe. Tetapi komoditi hasil laut tersebut biasanya hanya tertangkap tanpa sengaja (by catch) dengan jaring insang dasar. Sebenarnya telah ada alat tangkap bubu khusus untuk kepiting bakau dan rajungan, tetapi belum dikenal oleh nelayan lokal. Pemberian ekstrak minyak cumi pada umpan, diduga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan tangkap dari bubu kepiting bakau dan rajungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh ekstrak minyak cumi pada umpan bubu terhadap hasil tangkapan kepiting bakau dan rajungan, dan mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis biota yang tertangkap. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan Malise Kecamatan Tabukan Tengah, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe; selama 2 minggu pada bulan September 2015; yang didasarkan pada metode eksperimental. Enam unit bubu dioperasikan selama sepuluh trip untuk mengumpulkan data; di mana tiga unit menggunakan umpan ikan layang yang disuntikan ekstrak minyak cumi, dan tiga unit lainnya hanya menggunakan umpan ikan laying tanpa ekstrak; dan data dianalisis dengan uji t. Tangkapan total berjumlah 142 ekor (135 ekor kepiting bakau dan 7 ekor rajungan); di mana 86 ekor tertangkap dengan umpan layang yang diberi ekstrak minyak cumi, dan 56 ekor tertangkap dengan umpan tanpa ekstrak. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan ekstrak minyak cumi pada umpan bubu, memberikan hasil tangkapan yang sangat berbeda dibandingkan dengan umpan tanpa ekstrak minyak cumi. Kata-kata kunci: kepiting bakau, rajungan, umpan bubu, ekstrak minyak cumi, Sangihe  

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