Noninertial Theory of Ocean Circulation

Rick Salmon

This third chapter represents both a change in topic and a change in viewpoint. In chapter 2, we mainly considered the free (that is, unforced) motions of an ideal, horizontally unbounded fluid in which the inertia was always important. In this chapter, we examine the response of a horizontally bounded fluid to an external forcing. The presence of coastal boundaries is a complicating but indispensable feature of ocean circulation models. To compensate somewhat for the extra complications of the boundaries, we now simplify our dynamical equations by entirely neglecting the advection of momentum, or, more precisely, by replacing the inertia terms in the momentum equations with a large eddy viscosity of the kind discussed in chapter 1. Although this drastic step might be easier to justify for the ocean than tor the atmosphere—the ocean is in some sense more sluggish—our real motivation is a desire for tractable equations. Throughout most of this chapter, we also neglect the advection of buoyancy, and thus consider the linear theory of ocean circulation, which is relatively easy and reasonably complete. However, in the final two sections, we return to the much more challenging problem of properly incorporating nonlinear buoyancy advection.

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 1095-1112 ◽  
A. Petronio ◽  
F. Roman ◽  
C. Nasello ◽  
V. Armenio

Abstract. In the present paper a state-of-the-art large eddy simulation model (LES-COAST), suited for the analysis of water circulation and mixing in closed or semi-closed areas, is presented and applied to the study of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the Muggia bay, the industrial harbor of the city of Trieste, Italy. The model solves the non-hydrostatic, unsteady Navier–Stokes equations, under the Boussinesq approximation for temperature and salinity buoyancy effects, using a novel, two-eddy viscosity Smagorinsky model for the closure of the subgrid-scale momentum fluxes. The model employs: a simple and effective technique to take into account wind-stress inhomogeneity related to the blocking effect of emerged structures, which, in turn, can drive local-scale, short-term pollutant dispersion; a new nesting procedure to reconstruct instantaneous, turbulent velocity components, temperature and salinity at the open boundaries of the domain using data coming from large-scale circulation models (LCM). Validation tests have shown that the model reproduces field measurement satisfactorily. The analysis of water circulation and mixing in the Muggia bay has been carried out under three typical breeze conditions. Water circulation has been shown to behave as in typical semi-closed basins, with an upper layer moving along the wind direction (apart from the anti-cyclonic veering associated with the Coriolis force) and a bottom layer, thicker and slower than the upper one, moving along the opposite direction. The study has shown that water vertical mixing in the bay is inhibited by a large level of stable stratification, mainly associated with vertical variation in salinity and, to a minor extent, with temperature variation along the water column. More intense mixing, quantified by sub-critical values of the gradient Richardson number, is present in near-coastal regions where upwelling/downwelling phenomena occur. The analysis of instantaneous fields has detected the presence of large cross-sectional eddies spanning the whole water column and contributing to vertical mixing, associated with the presence of sub-surface horizontal turbulent structures. Analysis of water renewal within the bay shows that, under the typical breeze regimes considered in the study, the residence time of water in the bay is of the order of a few days. Finally, vertical eddy viscosity has been calculated and shown to vary by a couple of orders of magnitude along the water column, with larger values near the bottom surface where density stratification is smaller.

2011 ◽  
Vol 133 (2) ◽  
Hassan Raiesi ◽  
Ugo Piomelli ◽  
Andrew Pollard

The performance of some commonly used eddy-viscosity turbulence models has been evaluated using direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large-eddy simulation (LES) data. Two configurations have been tested, a two-dimensional boundary layer undergoing pressure-driven separation, and a square duct. The DNS and LES were used to assess the k−ε, ζ−f, k−ω, and Spalart–Allmaras models. For the two-dimensional separated boundary layer, anisotropic effects are not significant and the eddy-viscosity assumption works well. However, the near-wall treatment used in k−ε models was found to have a critical effect on the predictive accuracy of the model (and, in particular, of separation and reattachment points). None of the wall treatments tested resulted in accurate prediction of the flow field. Better results were obtained with models that do not require special treatment in the inner layer (ζ−f, k−ω, and Spalart–Allmaras models). For the square duct calculation, only a nonlinear constitutive relation was found to be able to capture the secondary flow, giving results in agreement with the data. Linear models had significant error.

Peng Zhang ◽  
Xu Hong

This paper simulates the dispersed bubbly flow in a vertical tube with two different turbulence models based on Eulerian two-fluid frameworks. Both the RANS (Reynolds Averaged N-S equation) approach and LES (Large Eddy Simulation) approach can get results agreed with experiment well. The “wall peak” bubble distribution is captured. Compare with RANS with SST (Shear Stress Transport) turbulence model, the LES with WALE (Wall-Adapted Local Eddy-viscosity) sub-grid model can give transient and detail information of the flow field, and it shows better agreement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (22) ◽  
pp. 7727-7745 ◽  
Christopher H. O’Reilly ◽  
Laure Zanna ◽  
Tim Woollings

Abstract Atlantic multidecadal variability (AMV) of sea surface temperature exhibits an important influence on the climate of surrounding continents. It remains unclear, however, the extent to which AMV is due to internal climate variability (e.g., ocean circulation variability) or changes in external forcing (e.g., volcanic/anthropogenic aerosols or greenhouse gases). Here, the sources of AMV are examined over a 340-yr period using proxy indices, instrumental data, and output from the Last Millennium Ensemble (LME) simulation. The proxy AMV closely follows the accumulated atmospheric forcing from the instrumental North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) reconstruction (r = 0.65)—an “internal” source of AMV. This result provides strong observational evidence that much of the AMV is generated through the oceanic response to atmospheric circulation forcing, as previously demonstrated in targeted modeling studies. In the LME there is a substantial externally forced AMV component, which exhibits a modest but significant correlation with the proxy AMV (i.e., r = 0.37), implying that at least 13% of the AMV is externally forced. In the LME simulations, however, the AMV response to accumulated NAO forcing is weaker than in the proxy/observational datasets. This weak response is possibly related to the decadal NAO variability, which is substantially weaker in the LME than in observations. The externally forced component in the proxy AMV is also related to the accumulated NAO forcing, unlike in the LME. This indicates that the external forcing is likely influencing the AMV through different mechanistic pathways: via changes in radiative forcing in the LME and via changes in atmospheric circulation in the observational/proxy record.

2005 ◽  
Vol 127 (4) ◽  
pp. 666-673 ◽  
Steffen Stolz

In this contribution we consider large-eddy simulation (LES) using the high-pass filtered (HPF) Smagorinsky model of a spatially developing supersonic turbulent boundary layer at a Mach number of 2.5 and momentum-thickness Reynolds numbers at inflow of ∼4500. The HPF eddy-viscosity models employ high-pass filtered quantities instead of the full velocity field for the computation of the subgrid-scale (SGS) model terms. This approach has been proposed independently by Vreman (Vreman, A. W., 2003, Phys. Fluids, 15, pp. L61–L64) and Stolz et al. (Stolz, S., Schlatter, P., Meyer, D., and Kleiser, L., 2003, in Direct and Large Eddy Simulation V, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 81–88). Different from classical eddy-viscosity models, such as the Smagorinsky model (Smagorinsky, J., 1963, Mon. Weath. Rev, 93, pp. 99–164) or the structure-function model (Métais, O. and Lesieur, M., 1992, J. Fluid Mech., 239, pp. 157–194) which are among the most often employed SGS models for LES, the HPF eddy-viscosity models do need neither van Driest wall damping functions for a correct prediction of the viscous sublayer of wall-bounded turbulent flows nor a dynamic determination of the coefficient. Furthermore, the HPF eddy-viscosity models are formulated locally and three-dimensionally in space. For compressible flows the model is supplemented by a HPF eddy-diffusivity ansatz for the SGS heat flux in the energy equation. Turbulent inflow conditions are generated by a rescaling and recycling technique in which the mean and fluctuating part of the turbulent boundary layer at some distance downstream of inflow is rescaled and reintroduced at the inflow position (Stolz, S. and Adams, N. A., 2003, Phys. Fluids, 15, pp. 2389–2412).

1998 ◽  
Vol 356 ◽  
pp. 327-352 ◽  

A numerical study of turbulent channel flow at various Reynolds numbers (Reτ=115, 210, 300) is conducted in order to examine the requirements for a reliable subgrid modelling in large-eddy simulations of wall-bounded flows. Using direct numerical simulation data, the interactions between large and small scales in the near-wall flow are analysed in detail which sheds light on the origin of the inverse cascade of turbulent kinetic energy observed in the buffer layer. It is shown that the correlation of the wall-normal subgrid stress and the wall-normal derivative of the streamwise grid-scale velocity plays the key role in the occurrence of the inverse cascade. A brief a priori test of several subgrid models shows that currently applied models are not capable of accounting properly for the complex interactions in the near-wall flow. A series of large-eddy simulations gives evidence that this deficiency may cause significant errors in important global quantities of the flow such as the mean wall shear stress. A study of the eddy-viscosity ansatz is conducted which reveals that the characteristic scales usually employed for the definition of the eddy viscosity are inappropriate in the vicinity of a wall. Therefore, a novel definition of the eddy viscosity is derived from the analysis of the near-wall energy budget. This new definition, which employs the wall-normal subgrid stress as a characteristic scale, is more consistent with the near-wall physics. No significant Reynolds-number effects are encountered in the present analysis which suggests that the findings may be generalized to flows at higher Reynolds numbers.

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