What we know about research policy mix

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-245 ◽  
Marta Cocos ◽  
Benedetto Lepori

Abstract The research policy (RP) arena has been transforming in recent years, turning into a policy mix encompassing the diversity of policy instruments embedded in, and following different policy rationales and aims. Its complexity defies attempts for complex comparative analysis and eventually, a better understanding of what kind of (mixes of) funding instruments work better than others and in which situations. In this article, we address this gap by developing a conceptual framework that allows us to build the policy mix idea into the analysis of research funding instruments (RFIs), by relying on four dimensions: policy rationales, implementation modalities, policy actors, and the funding instruments interactions. We base our work on a careful literature review, especially drawing on the work of researchers who have developed similar frameworks in other policy areas, bringing it together with that of RP scholars, capturing the issues that are key to analyzing and understanding RFIs.

Livio Cricelli ◽  
Michele Grimaldi ◽  
Silvia Vermicelli

AbstractIn recent years, Open Innovation (OI) and crowdsourcing have been very popular topics in the innovation management literature, attracting significant interest and attention, and inspiring a rich production of publications. Although these two topics share common themes and address similar managerial challenges, to the best of our knowledge, there is no systematic literature review that digs deep into the intersection of both fields. To fill in this gap a joint review of crowdsourcing and OI topics is both timely and of interest. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to carry out a comprehensive, systematic, and objective review of academic research to help shed light on the relationship between OI and crowdsourcing. For this purpose, we reviewed the literature published on these two topics between 2008 and 2019, applying two bibliometric techniques, co-citation and co-word analysis. We obtained the following results: (i) we provide a qualitative analysis of the emerging and trending themes, (ii) we discuss a characterization of the intersection between OI and crowdsourcing, identifying four dimensions (strategic, managerial, behavioral, and technological), (iii) we present a schematic reconceptualization of the thematic clusters, proposing an integrated view. We conclude by suggesting promising opportunities for future research.

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-22 ◽  
Martin Kesselman

Purpose – This article examines Current CITE-ings from the Popular and Trade Computing Press, Telework and Telecommuting Design/methodology/approach – The methodology adopted is a literature review. Findings – Readily available technologies now allow librarians to perform most of their work-offsite. Some traditional building-based services such as reference, have been taken over by virtual reference and now even instruction offers options on par with or even better than classroombased questions such as a webinar that can be viewed and reviewed at any time or by having librarians embedded into various courseware packages. Researchlimitations/implications – Librarians no longer need be limited to a single library; groups of subject librarians can work together in the cloud to provide services to multiple universities. Originality/value – This article collates some articles from the non-library literature that mayprovide some ideas and review advantages and disadvantages for both the library and employee

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 294-305 ◽  

SUMMARYHabitat banking and tradable development rights (TDR) have gained considerable currency as a way of achieving ‘no net loss’ of biodiversity and of reconciling nature conservation with economic development goals. This paper reviews the use of these instruments for biodiversity conservation and assesses their roles in the policy mix. The two instruments are compared in terms of effectiveness, cost effectiveness, social impact, institutional context and legal requirements. The role in the policy mix is discussed highlighting sequential relationships, as well as complementarities or synergies, redundancy and conflicts with other instruments, such as biodiversity offsets and land-use zoning.Habitat banking and TDR have the potential to contribute to biodiversity conservation objectives and attain cost-effective solutions with positive social impacts on local communities and landowners. They can also help to create a new mind-set more favourable to public-private cooperation in biodiversity conservation. At the same time, these policy instruments face a number of theoretical and implementation challenges, such as additionality and equivalence of offsets, endurance of land-use planning regulations, monitoring of offset performance, or time lags between restoration and resulting conservation benefits.A clear, enforceable regulatory approach is a prerequisite for the success of habitat banking and TDR. In return, these schemes provide powerful incentives for compliance with regulatory norms and ensure a more equitable allocation of the benefits and costs of land-use controls and conservation. Environmentally harmful subsidies in other policy sectors as well as alternative offset options, however, reduce the attractiveness and effectiveness of these instruments. Thus, the overall performance of habitat banking and TDR hinges on how they are integrated into the biodiversity conservation policy mix and fine-tuned with other sectoral policies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 230
Ana Cristina Menegotto Spannenberg ◽  
Cindhi Vieira Belafonte Barros

O trabalho propõe uma análise comparativa dos formatos impresso e online do Jornal do Brasil (JB), a fim de investigar as transformações no perfil editorial do periódico a partir de sua transição definitiva para a plataforma digital, que ocorreu em 2010. Ao todo, foram analisadas 14 publicações do JB, entre impressas e digitais, buscando uma análise comparativa das edições nas duas mídias. O presente artigo apresenta um resgate da história do JB. Além disso, expõe a análise descritiva, com base nos indicadores de identidade levantados em revisão bibliográfica específica e, posteriormente, apresenta os resultados obtidos, tecendo comparações entre os formatos. Palavras-chave: Jornal do Brasil; Jornalismo Digital; Jornalismo Impresso; Imprensa; História do Jornalismo.  Abstract: The paper proposes a comparative analysis of printed and online formats of Jornal do Brazil (JB) in order to investigate the changes in the journal's editorial profile from its final transition to the digital platform, which took place in 2010. Altogether, 14 JB issues were analyzed, both printed and digital ones. This article presents a bailout in the history of JB. In addition, it presents the descriptive analysis, based on the identity indicators raised in specific literature review and subsequently presents the results obtained, weaving comparisons between formats. Key-words: Jornal do Brasil; Digital Journalism, Journalism Printed; Press; History of Journalism.  Resumen:El documento propone un análisis comparativo de los formatos impresa y electrónica de Jornal do Brasil (JB) con el fin de investigar los cambios en el perfil editorial del diario de su transición final a la plataforma digital, que tuvo lugar en 2010. En total, el estudio analizó 14 publicaciones de JB entre impresos y digitales, para esbozar un análisis comparativo de los temas en los dos medios. En este artículo se presenta un plan de rescate en la historia de JB. Además, se presenta el análisis descriptivo, basado en la identidad de los indicadores planteados en revisión de la literatura específica y, posteriormente, presenta los resultados obtenidos, tejiendo las comparaciones entre los formatos. Palabras clave: Jornal do Brasil; Periodismo digital; Periodismo de impresión; Prensa; Historia del periodismo.

2005 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 91-98
U. V. Tsvelev ◽  
V. F. Bejenar ◽  
S. А. Povzun ◽  
D. В. Fridman

Literature review is performed of modern adenomyosis diagnostics methods, morphologic changes of myometrium, producing diagnostic phenomena are described, comparative analysis of diagnostic value is performed.

Laura Sinay ◽  
Maria Cristina Fogliatti de Sinay

Taking advantage of tourists’ intensive flow, the SARS-CoV-2 virus rapidly spread causing thousands of deaths globally. Trying to contain the already pandemic virus, government travel restrictions were suddenly imposed. Consequently, the tourism industry, which at that moment employed one in ten workers globally, suddenly collapsed. Hundreds of thousands of workers immediately lost their income. Flights were cancelled, and thousands of tourists were stuck abroad with no means to return to their home countries. The gravity of the situation raised the question of whether there was scholarly knowledge that could have helped manage tourism during the current pandemic. To answer this question, a methodical literature review was performed, allowing for up to 900 publications to be analysed. Keywords used were pandemic, tourism, tourist and travel. Based on this process, 63 publications were selected for further analysis. Among these, less than 5% were focused on the tourism side of the problem. As such, this research concludes that, by the time the novel coronavirus emerged, there was, virtually, no scholarly knowledge on how to manage tourism during pandemic times so as to avoid chaos, and that the scholarly community studying related issues is very small. Moving forward, this article recommends that research funding agencies and universities encourage the sound development of this area of knowledge. Aspects that should be investigated include when, how and by whom should tourism be halted, as well as the feasibility of a Tourism World Fund for supporting related costs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-176
Yumna Nur Millati Hanifa ◽  
Inge Dhamanti

The implementation of safe and quality care with attention to patient safety, requires organization’s effort to create and cultivating patient safety culture. The purpose of this article was to map the instruments used in measuring patient safety culture in healthcare organizations. The method used integrated literature review from various sources of research articles published from 2015 to 2020. The article included if it was available in full text and open access as well as articles described the instruments of patient safety culture or measurement of patient safety culture using one of the instruments of measurement of patient safety culture. The results of the literature review unravel the findings of three instruments such as HSOPSC (Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture), MaPSaF (Manchester Patient Safety Assessment Framework) and SAQ (Safety Attitudes Questionnaire). We concluded all three instruments contained four dimensions of patient safety culture, namely open culture, just culture, reporting culture and learning culture and were widely used to measure patient safety culture in hospitals, primary health facilities and other health facilities.

2021 ◽  
Eram Abbasi ◽  
Imran Amin ◽  
Shama Siddiqui

Abstract Various aspects of innovation management have been discussed in literature over the past few decades. Most of the innovation management frameworks have been formulated by undertaking studies in the developed world and lack the industry / culture specific focus. In this paper we revisit the generic innovation management studies to develop an innovation management framework for highlighting the factors affecting innovation specifically at the ICT sector of Pakistan. A detailed literature review has been conducted to identify the factors included in the past innovation management models. To identify the factors specific for Pakistan, senior level professionals, working at the Pakistani ICT organizations were interviewed. A comparative analysis of the innovation management frameworks for Pakistan against those previously found in literature revealed interesting similarities and differences. Based on the study findings, an innovation management framework is developed that highlights the present factors which are important for innovation in the ICT sector for Pakistan. This framework can be used by Pakistan and other underdeveloped countries for improving their innovation in ICT sectors in particular and other sectors in general.

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