scholarly journals Reconstitution of intestinal stem cell niche in vitro with pharmacological inhibitors or L-WRN conditioned medium differentially regulates epithelial proliferation, differentiation and barrier function in rabbit caecum organoids

2020 ◽  
Eloïse Mussard ◽  
Cécile Pouzet ◽  
Virginie Helies ◽  
Géraldine Pascal ◽  
Sandra Fourre ◽  

AbstractIntestinal organoids are self-organized 3-dimensional (3D) structures formed by a single layer of polarized epithelial cells. This innovative in vitro model is highly relevant to study physiology of the intestinal epithelium and its role in nutrition and barrier function. However, this model has never been developed in rabbits, while it would have potential applications for biomedical and veterinary research. Here, we cultured rabbit caecum organoids with either pharmacological inhibitors (2Ki medium) or L-WRN cells conditioned medium (L-WRN CM) to reconstitute the intestinal stem cell niche in vitro. Large spherical organoids were obtained with the 2Ki medium and this morphology was associated with a high level of proliferation and stem cells markers gene expression. In contrast, organoids cultured with L-WRN CM had a smaller diameter; a greater cell height and part of them were not spherical. When the L-WRN CM was used at low concentration (5%) for two days, the gene expression of stem cells and proliferation markers were very low, while absorptive and secretory cells markers and antimicrobial peptides were elevated. Epithelial cells within organoids were polarized in 3D cultures with 2Ki medium or L-WRN CM (apical side towards the lumen). We cultured dissociated organoid cells in 2D monolayers, which allowed accessibility to the apical compartment. Under these conditions, actin stress fibers were observed with the 2Ki medium, while perijonctionnal localization of actin was observed with the L-WRN CM suggesting, in 2D cultures as well, a higher differentiation level in the presence of L-WRN CM. In conclusion, rabbit caecum organoids cultured with the 2Ki medium were more proliferative and less differentiated than organoids cultured with L-WRN CM. We propose that organoids cultured with the 2Ki medium could be used to rapidly generate in vitro a large number of rabbit intestinal epithelial stem cells while organoids cultured with the L-WRN CM represent a suitable model to study differentiated rabbit epithelium.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Nikolce Gjorevski ◽  
Paloma Ordóñez-Morán

Intestinal stem cells are located at the base of the crypts and are surrounded by a complex structure called niche. This environment is composed mainly of epithelial cells and stroma which provides signals that govern cell maintenance, proliferation, and differentiation. Understanding how the niche regulates stem cell fate by controlling developmental signaling pathways will help us to define how stem cells choose between self-renewal and differentiation and how they maintain their undifferentiated state. Tractable in vitro assay systems, which reflect the complexity of the in vivo situation but provide higher level of control, would likely be crucial in identifying new players and mechanisms controlling stem cell function. Knowledge of the intestinal stem cell niche gathered from both in vivo and novel in vitro models may help us improve therapies for tumorigenesis and intestinal damage and make autologous intestinal transplants a feasible clinical practice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 ◽  
pp. 101980
Eloïse Mussard ◽  
Cécile Pouzet ◽  
Virginie Helies ◽  
Géraldine Pascal ◽  
Sandra Fourre ◽  

Blood ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 114 (22) ◽  
pp. 559-559
Sarah Rivkah Vaiselbuh ◽  
Morris Edelman ◽  
Jeffrey Michael Lipton ◽  
Johnson M. Liu

Abstract Abstract 559 Introduction: Different cellular components of the normal hematopoietic niche have been identified. However, the niche for malignant hematopoiesis remains to be elucidated. Recent work of other groups has suggested that hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) within the bone marrow anchor themselves in place by attaching to osteoblasts and/or vascular sinusoid endothelial cells. We have recently identified mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) as niche-maker cells and found a crucial role of the SDF-1/CXCR4 axis in this process. Stromal Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1/CXCL12) regulates stem cell trafficking and the cell cycle via its receptor CXCR4. Methods: Polyurethane scaffolds, coated in vitro with human bone marrow MSC, were implanted subcutaneously in non-irradiated NOD/SCID mice. CD34+ HSC or primary AML cells (from a leukapheresis product) were injected either in situ or retro-orbitally in the mice and analyzed for engraftment. The mice were treated twice per week with in situ injections of SDF-1, AMD3100 (a CXCR4 antagonist) or PBS (control). After 2 to 4 weeks, the scaffolds were processed and evaluated for cell survival in the mesenchymal niche by immunohistochemistry. Results: We created in vitro MSC-coated scaffolds that retained inoculated AML cells in the presence of SDF-1, while AML cells seeded on empty scaffolds were not retained. In vivo in NOD/SCID mice, the MSC-coated scaffolds, in the presence of SDF-1 enabled homing of both in situ injected normal CD34+ HSC and retroorbital- or in situ injected primary human AML cells. The scaffolds were vascularized and showed osteoclasts and adipocytes present, suggestive of an ectopic human bone marrow microenvironment in the murine host. Finally, the SDF-1-treated scaffolds showed proliferation of the MSC stromal layer with multiple adherent AML cells, while in the AMD3100-treated scaffolds the stromal lining was thin and disrupted at several points, leaving AML cells free floating in proximity. The PBS-treated control-scaffold showed a thin single cell MSC stromal layer without disruption, with few AML cells attached. Conclusion: The preliminary data of this functional ectopic human microenvironment in NOD/SCID mice suggest that AMD3100 (a CXCR4 antagonist) can disrupt the stem cell niche by modulation of the mesenchymal stromal. Further studies are needed to define the role of mesenchymal stem cells in maintaining the hematopoietic/leukemic stem cell niche in vivo. In Vivo Leukemia Stem Cell Niche: (A) Empty polyurethane scaffold. (B)Vascularization in SQ implanted MSC-coated scaffold (s) niche in NOD/SCID mice. (C) DAB Peroxidase (brown) human CD45 positive nests of AML cells (arrows) 1 week after direct in situ AML injection. (D) Human CD45 positive myeloid cells adhere to MSC in vivo (arrows). Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

2014 ◽  
Vol 306 (7) ◽  
pp. G547-G556 ◽  
Yumiko Hirokawa ◽  
Kelvin Hon Yan Yip ◽  
Chin Wee Tan ◽  
Antony W. Burgess

A stable and efficient system for the culture of murine colon epithelial cells or crypts is required to facilitate studies of the dynamics and factors affecting colon stem cell niche and crypt formation. Survival of colonic epithelial cells or crypts in vitro was not established until recently, when it was found that exogenous Wnt3A and R-spondin could promote cell survival and formation of spheroids (colonospheres) or some advanced organoids with well-developed crypts (colonoids). However, after 6–8 days in these culture conditions, only small numbers of colonospheres form organoids with crypt-like structures (colonoids). This study describes the use of a myofibroblast cell line and a coculture system that increases the efficiency of colonoid formation from isolated crypts. The enhanced coculture system has significantly improved colonoid-forming efficiency compared with results from previous systems. Crypt formation can be detected as early as day 2. The coculture system will facilitate the characterization of the colon stem cell niche and the changes that occur as a result of perturbations or mutations in colon stem or epithelial cells, such as those that favor precancerous adenoma or cancer.

2010 ◽  
Vol 298 (5) ◽  
pp. F1254-F1262 ◽  
Hyeong-Cheon Park ◽  
Kaoru Yasuda ◽  
Mei-Chuan Kuo ◽  
Jie Ni ◽  
Brian Ratliff ◽  

Renal resident stem cells were previously reported within the renal tubules and papillary area. The aim of the present study was to determine whether renal capsules harbor stem cells and whether this pool can be recruited to the renal parenchyma after ischemic injury. We demonstrated the presence of label-retaining cells throughout the renal capsule, at a density of ∼10 cells/mm2, and their close apposition to the blood vessels. By flow cytometry, in vitro cultured cells derived from the renal capsule were positive for mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) markers (CD29+, vimentin+, Sca-1+, nestin+) but did not express hematopoietic and endothelial stem cell markers. Moreover, renal capsule-derived cells also exhibited self-renewal, clonogenicity, and multipotency in differentiation conditions, all favoring stem cell characteristics and identifying them with MSC. In situ labeling of renal capsules with CM-DiI CellTracker demonstrated in vivo a directed migration of CM-DiI-labeled cells to the ischemic renal parenchyma, with the rate of migration averaging 30 μm/h. Decapsulation of the kidneys during ischemia resulted in a modest, but statistically significant, deceleration of recovery of plasma creatinine compared with ischemic kidneys with intact renal capsule. Comparison of these conditions allows the conclusion that renal capsular cells may contribute ∼25–30% of the recovery from ischemia. In conclusion, the data suggest that the renal capsule may function as a novel stem cell niche harboring MSC capable of participating in the repair of renal injury.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-134 ◽  
Adrianna K. San Roman ◽  
Chenura D. Jayewickreme ◽  
L. Charles Murtaugh ◽  
Ramesh A. Shivdasani

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
pp. 664-664 ◽  
Sebastian Stier ◽  
Yon Ko ◽  
Randolf Forkert ◽  
Christoph Lutz ◽  
Thomas Neuhaus ◽  

Abstract Stem cells reside in a physical niche where a balance of signals controls their growth, differentiation and death. Niche components have generally been defined in terms of cells and positive effects on stem cell maintenance or expansion. Here we define a role for a matrix glycoprotein that provides a constraining function in the hematopoietic stem cell niche. Osteopontin (OPN) is an abundant glycoprotein in bone that can function as either cytokine or cell adhesion mediator. It is known to be produced by multiple cells types including osteoblasts, cells recently defined to be a regulatory component of the hematopoietic stem cell niche. Using studies combining OPN deficient mice and exogenous OPN, we demonstrate that OPN modifies primitive hematopoietic cell numbers and function. In OPN deficient mice, increased primitive cell numbers were observed in vivo associated with reduced progenitors and reduced primitive cell apoptotic fraction. To determine whether the effect of OPN deficiency was stroma dependent, we performed in vitro stem cell assays on OPN−/− stroma and observed greater LTC-IC supportive capacity compared with wild type stroma. Furthermore, OPN−/− recipients showed a significantly higher proportion of hematopoietic stem cells after transplantation of OPN+/+ bone marrow in comparison to wild-type recipients, indicating that the OPN null microenvironment was sufficient to increase stem cell number. A reduction in apoptotic fraction was seen in primitive cells in the OPN−/− recipient marrows. A role for OPN in apoptosis was confirmed by exogenous OPN in in-vitro studies. Hypothesizing that OPN may serve as a physiologic constraint on stem cell pool size, we compared OPN−/− with wild type animals following parathyroid hormone activation of the stem cell niche. The expansion of stem cells by PTH was superphysiologic in the absence of OPN. Therefore, OPN is a restricting element of the stem cell niche, limiting the number of stem cells produced by niche activation. Extracellular matrix components such as OPN may serve as modulable, regulatory participants in the stem cell niche.

Blood ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 110 (11) ◽  
pp. 4046-4046 ◽  
Michael Cross ◽  
Rudiger Alt ◽  
Lydia Schnapke-Hille ◽  
Thomas Riemer ◽  
Dietger Niederwieser

Abstract The hematopoietic stem cell niche presents a localised environment supporting the balanced maintenance, self-renewal and occasional expansion of the stem cell pool. These options are widely assumed to be regulated exclusively by signalling from specific combinations of stroma-bound or soluble ligands. However, a consideration of the rare conditions under which absolute numbers of stem cells increase in vivo as well as the selective pressures acting on regenerative systems during evolution has led us to propose a metabolic component to the stem cell niche which serves to limit cumulative damage, to avoid the selection of potentially oncogenic mutations and to tie symmetric division to slow proliferation. This would mean that traditional cell culture media based on “systemic” substrates such as glucose and glutamine may actively prevent the symmetric amplification of high quality stem cells, offering a possible explanation for the limited success in this area to date. To investigate this possibility, we have examined the effects of range of carbon and energy sources on the proliferation and maintenance of stem and progenitor cells. Our strategy is to screen a wide variety of culture conditions using murine FDCPmix cells, which are non-tumorigenic but have an innate tendency to amplify symmetrically in the presence of IL-3, and then to test key observations in human UCB CD133+ cells provided with SCF, TPO and FLT-3L. In both cell systems, we do indeed find an unusually low requirement for the systemic substrates glucose and glutamine normally included as major energy and carbon sources in cell culture media. Reducing glucose reduces the yield of committed cells from CD133+ cultures without affecting the accumulation of CD133+CD34+cKit+ progenitors. When provided with alternative substrates more likely to reflect a “niche” type environment, FDCPmix cells can be maintained for long periods in media containing only the trace levels of glucose or glutamine derived from dialysed serum, and show improved self-renewal under these conditions. We have also found that raising osmolarity reduces glucose dependence and simultaneously favours the maintenance both of self-renewing CFU (FDCPmix culture) and of CAFCweek13 (CD133+ culture). In parallel, the use of NMR and mass spectrometry techniques to profile intracellular metabolites in self-renewing and differentiating FDCPmix cells reveals a shift in the metabolite balance indicating reduced glycolysis in the early cells. Taken together, these results suggest that hematopoietic stem cells do indeed have remarkable metabolic characteristics consistent with adaptation to a metabolically limiting niche environment. It may therefore be necessary to identify niche substrates and to combine these with the relevant signalling environment in vitro in order to effectively increase stem cell numbers for research, stem cell transplantation and tissue engineering applications.

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