scholarly journals Online learning and experimentation via interactive learning resources

Alexander Mikroyannidis ◽  
John Domingue ◽  
Allan Third ◽  
Andrew Smith ◽  
Nuno Guarda
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 395
Muhamad Uyun ◽  
Idi Warsah

The transformation of learning from offline to online modes due to the Covid-19 pandemic has affected students’ self-endurance in learning and the complexities of learning problems. Accordingly, this study was oriented towards investigating IAIN Curup students’ self-endurance and the problems they faced during online learning. Grounded in a qualitative method, this study incorporated 20 IAIN Curup students selected purposively as the participants. They were interviewed on the basis of the study’s foci. The data of interviews were analyzed using an interactive model. The findings demonstrated weak students’ self-endurance in online learning. Psychologically, they felt under pressure. Physically, their eyes’ condition got worse, and a few of them suffered from headache. They were psychologically bored as well less-concentrated, and they could not enjoy learning due to the limitation of social engagement in learning. Subsequently, as regards the problems faced during online learning, they had problems related to Internet’s signals, budgeting for fulfilling Internet’s needs, and difficulty in the search of learning resources, wherein the foregoing was categorized as a case of weak technological competence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-40
Nihayatus Sa’adah

Abstract:COVID-19 outbreak had changed the order of social life in Indonesia. As school isshutting down, many teachers face the hardship to observe the students’ activity. Many studentsseen active by online but they didn’t give their best effort to join the learning process. One waycould be used to overcome this problem is by conducting the interactive learning process thatenabled the realtime interaction between teacher and students. This community service activitywas held in SMP Al Furqan MQ located in Tebuireng that involving 33 participants. The usedmethod was lecturing dan direct implementation. This training enhanced the participants’information and insight so it could be used in online learning process.Keywords: Online learning process, interactive learning processAbstrak: Wabah COVID-19 banyak mengubah tatanan kehidupan bermasyarakat di Indonesia.Dengan ditiadakannya cara tatap muka dalam sistem pembelajaran di sekolah, guru memilikikesulitan untuk memantau aktivitas siswa. Sering terjadi siswa aktif secara maya namun padakenyataannya siswa tidak mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Salah satu cara yang bisa digunakanuntuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan mengadakan pembelajaran daring yangmemungkinkan adanya interaksi antara guru dan siswa. Pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian kepadaMasyarakat ini dilakukan di SMP Al Furqan MQ Tebuireng dengan total 33 peserta. Metode yangdigunakan adalah pelatihan dan praktik. Pelatihan ini dapat menambah informasi dan wawasanguru yang nantinya bisa dipakai dalam pembelajaran daring di sekolah ini.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Daring, Pembelajaran Interaktif

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 203
Sheema Liza Idris ◽  
Puteri Rohani Megat-Abdul-Rahim ◽  
Zarinatun Ilyani Abdul Rahman ◽  
Mohamed Syafiq Ya Shaq ◽  
Nur Farhana Nasir

Abstract: Teaching and learning process is constantly transforming due to the ever-increasing globalization. In the educational sector the use of information and communication technology (ICT) is constantly changing due to the increasing trend in globalization. This has resulted in the change and transformation the facet of education in this 21st century. The various usage of technologies and other forms of learning materials that have been extensively used has created a medium where students able to be interactive because it is learner centred, and the environment of online learning is more open and flexible. However, several studies showed that students prefer traditional classroom more because they would prefer face-to-face communication with their instructor. Thus, this study intends to explore the perspective of learning listening and speaking using online among L2 learners. A total number of 102 university students at UiTM Perak Branch took part in this study. They were instructed to answer a set of questionnaires which was created using google document. From the findings the students reported that they do see the benefits of online learning. In addition, they found learning through this interactive medium as interesting and provide them space to progress at their own pace in learning. However, this does not portray students’ eagerness in which may be due to several factors.  This study is hoped to able to highlight the positive aspects of using online as an alternative to the traditional way of teaching listening and speaking.    Keywords: Interactive Learning, Listening Skill, Online Learning, Second language learners, Speaking Skill.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
Mega Putri Islamyati ◽  
Ida Bagus Surya Manuaba

Teaching materials and online learning outcomes that are less than optimal affect the learning process. Students need visualization that can help concrete understanding of the material, especially in implementing online learning. This study aimed to develop interactive multimedia learning in science subjects according to the validation of expert tests and individual trials. This development research applies the DDD-E model (Decide, Design, Develop, Evaluate). The method used to collect data is a questionnaire equipped with observations and interviews. The data analysis used is quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The subject of this development research is interactive learning multimedia. Then a review is carried out from subject content expert validators, instructional design experts, learning media experts, and individual trials on students. The results of data analysis based on validation by subject matter content experts obtained a percentage score of 96.15% with very good qualifications, instructional design experts obtained a score percentage of 87.5% with good qualifications, learning media experts obtained a percentage score of 93.00% with very good qualifications, and the results of the review of 3 students in individual trials obtained a percentage score of 91.66% with very good qualifications. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the interactive learning multimedia developed is very feasible in science learning for sixth-grade elementary school students.

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