ABIDUMASY Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
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Published By Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng Jombang


2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Sakhi Herwiana ◽  
Mukminatus Zuhriyah ◽  
Ria Kamilah Agustina

The objective of this community service activity / PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) is to provide knowledge to participants (parents and children) about the importance of character education from early age through the family. This program was motivated by problems that happens in society in Ngusikan, Jombang, East Java, children in that area addicted to play gadgets and have a tendency to anti-social behavior and lack of social courtesy. The method in this program used a dialogical collaborative-participatory approach includes in-house training (lectures, questions and answers, discussions) for the delivery of material, direct practice to make storytelling media, testing, practice of using fairy tale media and mentoring assisted by KKNT students. The number of participants in this program is approximately 40 participants, including students. This community service activity (PKM) was followed by women who have job as a housewife. The participants stated that this activity was very useful and was a new experience. This community service activity went well and was greeted with enthusiasm from the participants..

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Mochamad Arif Irfai1 ◽  
Muchlis Arif ◽  
Nova Kristiana ◽  
I Made Arsana4

The purpose of this activity is to assist the government in providing and distributing face shields for medical personnel at referral hospitals to treat covid-19 patients. At first we analyzed the problems with partners (hospitals and community health centers). The results of the analysis show that hospitals and health centers lack a helmet-face shield for medical personnel to treat covid-19 patients. Based on the results of discussions and requests from the partner. Then the design is carried out to manufacture a helmet-face shield. There are 2 PPE made, The first type is only a face shield and the second type is obtained a helmet design that is equipped with a face shield or can be called a helmet-face shield. At the end of the activity, questionnaires were distributed to respondents consisting of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel. Respondents were selected randomly in health facilities in Batu, East Java. The response from medical personnel has generally been positive. This can be seen from the questionnaires distributed to respondents. More than 90% of the results of the questionnaire stated that helmet-face shield and face shield products could be accepted by health workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Desrina Yusi Irawati ◽  
Nany Suryawati ◽  
Lucia Ina Trisjanti

Pesanggrahan Village is a village located on the banks of the Bengawan Solo River, Laren District, Lamongan Regency. In Pesanggrahan Village, there are youth groups, but they have not carried out entrepreneurial activities. Even though one of the goals of the youth organization is to develop an entrepreneurial spirit. This is because members of the youth organization are passive, the management and members are less skilled in starting a business, and lack of funds. Therefore, community service is carried out in the form of providing entrepreneurship knowledge through counseling, discussions to choose the type of business, and starting a simple business. The counseling contains material on entrepreneurial motivation, the benefits of entrepreneurship, home-based entrepreneurship, preparation for opening a business, determining profit, and healthy business space. The business that is being developed by the youth organization is a coffee shop business. The realization of a coffee shop business is carried out by preparing a business place and procuring coffee shop facilities. The result of mentoring youth organizations in pioneering coffee shops is to increase the motivation of young people to become entrepreneurs, open jobs, increase cash for youth organizations, and add supporting facilities in the village sports room.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Heristama Anugerah Putra ◽  
Josephine Roosandriantini

The area of open land in the City of Surabaya is decreasing from year to year. This is influenced by the number of settlements and housing that have begun to emerge and develop, thus increasing the population level in an area. Humans are by nature social creatures. Can not be separated from other individuals and need each other. Individual someone indirectly lives together with the surrounding environment. This is what triggers that each individual must be social to one another. However, along with the times and technological advances today, many individuals often forget this and think more about their respective interests. Time to gather and meet face to face with neighbors, chat with each other directly or with the surrounding environment is also very minimal. Broadly speaking, the Babatan Pilang community is individual. The background to the problems that have been previously described is the basis for this community service to be able to provide input to the community of Babatan Pilang RT. 003 RW 005. The purpose of this community service is to help the community or housing residents to restore and create a social society. This community service program is carried out by creating and arranging common spaces for socializing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Sumarsono ◽  
Nur Muflihah ◽  
Sulung Rahmawan. W.G ◽  
Andhika Mayasari ◽  
Minto ◽  

TPKU PP.Tebuireng's business is engaged in school uniforms. The results of previous research, it was found that there were seven Critical to Quality (CTQ). The seven CTQs are button attachment, accessories installation, untidy stitching, loose overlock, uniform stain, slanted pocket, and sloping belt. Based on these findings, the objective of the activity is transforming knowledge to develop the quality of school uniform using the six sigma method. The six sigma method is improving quality, aiming 3-4 defects per million products or services. The results of the service activities have been delivery of material and the application of the six sigma method. The six sigma method stages include define, measure, analyze, improve, control. The results of the define application by check sheet, identified seven CTQs. The application of measure is 2.95 sigma level, is equivalent to 74,830 defective in a million productions. The analyze application with pareto and causal diagram shows two types of CTQ. That have dominant causes of defects, namely untidy seams and uniform stains. The implementation of improve is based on the analyze stage results. Implementation of control by means of documentation, disseminate all relevant sections. As a step to improve the performance of the next process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-46
Andhika Mayasari ◽  
Noer Af’idah ◽  
Oktaffi Arinna Manasikana

The characteristics of healthy snacks are containing healthy nutrition criteria, clean, and free from harmful additives, so it is safe to consume. Banjar cake is a sweet and crunchy cake made from glutinous rice flour with original flavors, chocolate and ginger. So, this community service entitled "Edu Krisza (criteria for healthy snacks free from additives), a typical Banjarese cake, culinary of Sumbernongko village". Some of the reasons why this Banjar cake has not become the main daily snack of the community are: 1) limited human resources, limited people who makes this Banjar cakes, because there is remain elder women only who can make Banjar cake in Nongko village, from 4 other villages; 2) Limited marketing including packaging factors and women who produce Banjar cake do not have ability in science and technology to promote; 3) limited consumers, which are only produced based on demands or certain events. These are the stages: 1) educational training on the criteria for healthy snacks free from additives; 2) Simulation of making Banjar cake; 3) Online marketing of Banjar cake through social media (Facebook, YouTube and Instagram).

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-40
Nihayatus Sa’adah

Abstract:COVID-19 outbreak had changed the order of social life in Indonesia. As school isshutting down, many teachers face the hardship to observe the students’ activity. Many studentsseen active by online but they didn’t give their best effort to join the learning process. One waycould be used to overcome this problem is by conducting the interactive learning process thatenabled the realtime interaction between teacher and students. This community service activitywas held in SMP Al Furqan MQ located in Tebuireng that involving 33 participants. The usedmethod was lecturing dan direct implementation. This training enhanced the participants’information and insight so it could be used in online learning process.Keywords: Online learning process, interactive learning processAbstrak: Wabah COVID-19 banyak mengubah tatanan kehidupan bermasyarakat di Indonesia.Dengan ditiadakannya cara tatap muka dalam sistem pembelajaran di sekolah, guru memilikikesulitan untuk memantau aktivitas siswa. Sering terjadi siswa aktif secara maya namun padakenyataannya siswa tidak mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Salah satu cara yang bisa digunakanuntuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan mengadakan pembelajaran daring yangmemungkinkan adanya interaksi antara guru dan siswa. Pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian kepadaMasyarakat ini dilakukan di SMP Al Furqan MQ Tebuireng dengan total 33 peserta. Metode yangdigunakan adalah pelatihan dan praktik. Pelatihan ini dapat menambah informasi dan wawasanguru yang nantinya bisa dipakai dalam pembelajaran daring di sekolah ini.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Daring, Pembelajaran Interaktif

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Asriana Kibtiyah ◽  
Ikhsan Gunadi

Abstract: Schools as the leading education operators have a heavy responsibility as with schoolsin the interior of Central Kalimantan province. Through social responsibility programs, miningcompanies located in rural villages carry out school assistance programs. By involving expertsand practitioners in the world of education, the character habituation mentoring program iscarried out in a measured and planned manner. This study is to describe the original conditions ofthe schools in the interior. This research is qualitative in nature and has a journalistic descriptivecase study background which is expected to reveal the problems of rural schools. In this study, aprocess of testing the ability of teachers and students was also carried out, observing teachercompetence in teaching, and so on. Research data were obtained in addition to field observationsas well as interviews with teachers, students and parents as well as community leaders includingofficials in government and companies. The results showed that the teacher's ability to teach andliterate was relatively low. The findings of this study are regarding the existence of schoolprincipals who do not function in managing schools so that most rural schools run without a cleardirection and purpose. Another finding regarding the culture of local people who do not have theawareness of realizing child-friendly education and educating children to become quality humanbeings is also not an easy thingKeywords: Character Habituation, Outback SchoolAbstrak: Sekolah sebagai operator pendidikan terdepan memiliki tanggung jawab yang tidakringan sebagaimana dengan sekolah-sekolah yang ada di pedalaman provinsi Kalimantan Tengah.Melalui program tanggung jawab sosial, perusahaan tambang yang berada di desa pedalamanmelakukan program pendampingan sekolah. Dengan melibatkan para pakar dan praktisi duniapendidikan, program pendampingan pembiasaan karakter dijalankan secara terukur dan terencana.Penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi asli sekolah-sekolah di pedalaman. Penelitian inibersifat kualitatif dan berlatarbelakang studi kasus deskriptif jurnalistik yang diharapkan dapatmengungkapkan permasalahan sekolah pedalaman. Dalam penelitian ini juga dilakukan prosespengujian atas kemampuan guru maupun siswa, mengobservasi kompetensi guru dalam mengajar,dan sebagainya. Data penelitian diperoleh selain melalui pengamatan lapangan juga wawancarakepada guru, siswa dan orangtua serta para tokoh masyarakat termasuk pejabat di Pemerintahanmaupun perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan guru masih terbilangrendah dalam mengajar dan berliterasi. Temuan penelitian ini terhadap keberadaan kepala sekolahyang tidak berfungsi mengelola sekolah sehingga sebagian besar sekolah pedalaman berjalan tanpaarah dan tujuan yang jelas. Temuan lain berkenaan budaya masyarakat setempat yang belummemiliki kesadaran mewujudkan pendidikan yang ramah anak, dan mendidik anak menjadimanusia berkualitas juga bukan hal yang mudah.Kata Kunci: Pembiasaan Karakter, Sekolah Pedalaman

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-49
Emy Yunita Rahma Pratiwi ◽  
Ratih Asmarani ◽  
Evita Widiyati ◽  
Muhammad Nuruddin ◽  
Claudya Zahrani Susilo

Abstract: This community service is one of the education services to the community,which is one of the programs in the field of KKNT of UNHASY Tebuireng Jombangstudents in Kedungbogo Village, Ngusikan District, Jombang Regency. One of those isconducting a dance training at Raden Fatah. The results of the study were: there is a lackof understanding of the concept and the importance of cultural arts education inclassroom learning in terms of students’ character development into humanisticcharacters through creativity, sense, and intention. The method used in implementing thiscommunity service is as follows: a) partner Situation Analysis, b) literature study, c)preparation of material to be presented as a problem solution, d) testing the results, e)revision products, f) the training implementation, and g) Regular mentoring.Based onthose problems, it can be concluded that a) there must be an improvement in skills andcompetence of teachers related to the teaching and learning process in the schoolsenvironments, b) this training (community service) is expected to make teachersunderstand the concept and the importance of cultural arts education c) there must be adevelopment of students’ character to become humanistic character through creativity,taste, and initiative, displaying an attitude of appreciation for cultural arts, displayingcreativity through cultural arts, and increase the participation of cultural arts events at thelocal, regional and global levels.Keywords: Dance, Competency, Professional, Teacher, Raden FatahAbstrak: Pengabdian ini merupakan salah satu pengabdian perguruan tinggi kepadamasyarakat, yaitu salah satu program di bidang pendidikan KKNT mahasiswa UNHASYTebuireng Jombang di Desa Kedungbogo Kecamatan Ngusikan Kabupaten Jombang,diantaranya melaksanakan Pelatihan Tari di Raden Fatah. Hasil analisis yang ditemukanadalah: Kurang adanya pemahaman konsep dan pentingnya pendidikan seni budayapada pembelajaran di kelas sehingga kurang dalam hal pengembangan karakter pesertadidik menjadi manusia yang humanistis melalui olah cipta, rasa, dan karsa. Metodepelaksanaan PKM adalah sebagai berikut: a) Analisis Situasi Mitra, b) Pengkajianpustaka c) Penyusunan materi sebagai solusi masalah, d) Uji coba, e) Revisi produk, f)Pelaksanaan pelatihan, dan g) Pendampingan berkala. Berdasarkan permasalahantersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlu adanya a) peningkatan keterampilanmaupun kompetensi guru yang berkaitan dengan proses belajar mengajar di lingkunganSekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah maupun PAUD/RA perlu ditingkatkan. b) adanyapelatihan dalam PKM ini diharapkan menjadikan guru memahami konsep dan pentingnyapendidikan seni budaya c) mengembangkan karakter peserta didik menjadi manusia yanghumanistis melalui olah cipta, rasa, dan karsa, menampilkan sikap apresiasi terhadap senibudaya, menampilkan kreativitas melalui seni budaya, dan meningkatkan peran serta senibudaya pada tingkat lokal, regional dan global.Kata Kunci: Tari, Kompetensi, Professional, Guru, Raden Fatah

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-35
Jati Widyo Leksono ◽  
Nailul Izzati ◽  
Nanndo Yannuansa ◽  
Elly Indahwati ◽  
Agung Samudra

Abstract:The Consumption of fruit and vegetables by the community is inseparable fromthe waste generated. Conventionally, fruit and vegetable waste is thrown away, or forpeople who have livestock or livestock, the waste is used for feed. This is of course veryunfortunate, given the fact that optimal fruits and vegetables can be utilized. Utilizationof organic waste as animal feed ingredients as conventional compost material. If organicwaste is made into compost, the benefits are only given to plants. It is different if organicwaste is made into animal feed, which is beneficial for livestock, and from livestockobtained from livestock manure which can be made compost. However, organic wasteused for animal feed, easy to rot and voluminous (large) processing techniques areneeded to improve the future of storage, facilitate storage, and to enhance the antinutritionaleffects that usually contain alkaloids.Keywords: Waste, Fruit vegetable, Processing techniqueAbstrak:Konsumsi buah dan sayur oleh masyarakat tidak lepas dari adaya limbah yangdihasilkan. Secara konvensional, limbah buah dan sayur dibuang begitu saja, atau bagimasyarakat yang memiliki hewan ternak atau peliharaan, limbah tersebut dijadikanpakan. Hal ini tentu saja sangat disayangkan, mengingat sebenarnya limbah buah dansayur tersebut masih dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Pemanfaatan limbah organiksebagai bahan pakan ternak ataupun sebagai kompos secara konvensional dinilaimemiliki kelemahan. Jika limbah organik dijadikan kompos, manfaatnya hanya diberikankepada tanaman. Berbeda jika limbah organik dijadikan pakan ternak, yang bermanfaatbagi ternak, dan dari ternak diperoleh kotoran ternak yang dapat dijadikan kompos.Namun, limbah organik yang dijadikan pakan ternak secara langsung, bersifat mudahmembusuk dan voluminus (bulky) sehingga diperlukan inovasi teknik pengolahan limbahuntuk memperpanjang masa simpannya, mempermudah penyimpanan, dan mengurangiefek anti nutrisi yang biasanya berupa suatu alkaloid.Kata Kunci : Limbah, Buah sayur, Teknik pengolahan

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