Boundary Value Analysis Using Divide-and-Rule Approach

Karan Vij ◽  
Wenying Feng
Ndeye Arame Diago ◽  
Samir Aknine ◽  
Sarvapali Ramchurn ◽  
El hadji Ibrahima Diago

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-94
Fitra Ramadhan ◽  
Maksum Ro’is Adin Saf

Pada perkembangan ekonomi di Indonesia yang sedang berkembang saat ini,  usaha dalam penyewaan ruko sangatlah pesat, dan untuk menyewa ruko haruslah sesuai dengan target yang ingin dicapai, seperti lokasi yang ramai, lokasi yang mudah diakses, ataupun kelengkapan ruko untuk memaksimalkan pelayanan. Akan tetapi dari beberapa kriteria tersebut, kemungkinan terjadinya kesalahan penyewaan ruko dapat muncul karena kurangnya dan keterbatasan dalam mendapatkan informasi ruko. Dari permasalahan tersebut dibangunlah sebuah Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Penyewaan Ruko yang Strategis. Metode yang digunakan adalah Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Kemudian, dilakukan tiga buah pengujian terhadap sistem yaitu pengujian black box, usability testing dan perbandingan perhitungan manual dan sistem. Didapatkan hasil pengujian black box dengan teknik Equivalence Class Partitioning bahwa semua inputan berjalan, dan dengan teknik Boundary Value Analysis didapatkan nilai batas atas dan bawah tiap masukan. Berdasarkan hasil rekapitulasi kuesioner terhadap user, responden setuju dengan kepuasan dalam penggunaan sistem dengan rata-rata 75,31%. Kemudian Berdasarkan perbandingan perhitungan manual dan sistem, didapatkan hasil selisih perhitungan sebesar 0,03, akurasi dari perhitungan sistem sebesar 100% dan perhitungan metode AHP berhasil diterapkan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 143
Muhamad Nurudin ◽  
Windi Jayanti ◽  
Rio Dwi Saputro ◽  
Masda Priadyan Saputra ◽  
Yulianti Yulianti

In a software test, validation is one of the processes of checking whether the software meets the expected specifications and objectives or not. The data validation process has not been maximized can result in a mismatch of data that will be stored in the database. For example the amount of stock turned negative, or the number of digits entered can exceed the defined limits. This can be detrimental to the owner and user in using this application. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of validation more accurately, so it can help the owner in terms of data accuracy. Applications are designed in such a way must go through a testing phase to ensure the quality of the software itself. Examples of tests can be said to be good if they have a chance of finding an error that cannot be revealed. Among the many ways of the Black Box testing methods, this study uses the Boundary Value Analysis testing method. The method tests the maximum number of limits and the minimum number of limits to produce a valid value, which is considered quite relevant for testing sales applications at PT Karunia Segar Kedua. The initial stage of the research needs to be done is to define the functionality to be tested, compile the test scheme, choose the material to be tested, determine the maximum and minimum number of limits in accordance with a predetermined database structure, conduct experiments, document research results, and draw conclusions. The conclusion is based on the testing has been done is software can be used properly, after an improvement is made on the errors found. However, this test has not been said to be perfect, because it is only done using a sample form. From the results of this test it is expected that the application can be used according to user requirements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Ismail Ismail ◽  
Jalisal Efendi

The Source Code Bank Programming application that the researchers built uses Borland Delphi which functions to support software learning activities and as a reference for software developers, especially the Delphi programming language. In the process of developing Source Code Bank Programming is still in the prototype stage and further development is still being carried out so that it can be competitively competitive in the world. It is necessary to do various evaluations of the quality of the application in order to match the expectations of the user, one of which is to analyze the quality of the application using the Black-Box Testing method. Testing the Black-Box Source Code Bank Programming uses 3 methods, namely; 1) Graph-based testing, 2) Equivalence Partitioning, and 3) Boundary Value Analysis. The research results show that graph testing, equivalence partitioning, and boundary value analysis will be able to help the process of making test cases and make testing simpler, There are errors in testing and are included in the defect-list, the test results also show that the fulfillment of user needs for public users with a value 0.90, user registers/member with a value of 1.00, students with a value of 0.90, lecturers with a value of 0.82 and admin with a value of 0.84 are classified as good because the degree of value in each user module is greater than 0.8.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 165
Muhammad Indra Rizaldi ◽  
Sandi Ramadhan ◽  
Mochammad Noor Holik Majid ◽  
Yulianti Yulianti

Praktek Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) information system is a system used to record grades and other student data relating to the implementation of work practices in industry. This information system must be error free. If an error occurs can cause losses to stakeholders. To provide assurance that the information system developed has been free from errors, it is necessary to test. Testing is one level of the program implementation process that must be passed in order that an error can be found. Tests that can be said to be good are if the tests were initially found no errors and then errors can be found, even if only a small error. In testing the Praktek Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) information system it is proposed as a Black Box. Black Box testing has various techniques. Of the many testing methods currently available, the current testing will use the Boundary Value Analysis method. The technique of determining the limits that exist in the lower and upper values to be able to produce the actual value. The test results show that the information system developed has been error free and has good quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Agus Utomo ◽  
Yusuf Sutanto ◽  
Erna Tiningrum ◽  
Eko Meiningsih Susilowati

Sistem informasi merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang sering digunakan untuk mempermudah pekerjaan manusia. Pekerjaan yang sering menggunakan sistem informasi adalah pekerjaan kantor, baik di instansi pemerintah maupun instansi swasta. Perusahaan umumnya membutuhkan sistem informasi untuk mempermudah pekerjaan seperti membuat dokumen kerjasama, dokumen perjanjian dengan pihak luar, maupun untuk membantu membuat lembar monitoring dan evaluasi manajemen internal. Adanya sistem informasi tersebut juga mempermudah untuk menyimpan dokumentasi kegiatan secara digital. Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang perdagangan juga memerlukan sistem informasi, perusahaan perdagangan menggunakan sistem informasi untuk mencatat transaksi yang sudah terjadi. Data pencatatan transaksi yang sudah masuk sistem tersebut diolah dan dapat menghasilkan kesimpulan pelanggan mana yang melakukan banyak transaksi, jenis barang yang sering di beli oleh pelanggan, pelanggan mana yang sering melakukan transaksi, dan lain sebagainya. Perusahaan yang memiliki data yang akurat mengenai data transaksi para pelanggannya akan dapat memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik.  Layaknya sebuah sistem, untuk bisa menyimpan dan menampilkan data sesuai dengan yang seharusnya. Dibutuhkan pengujian sistem informasi agar dapat diketahui sisi kekurangan suatu sistem. Kekurangan suatu sistem itu bisa berupa fitur yang tidak bekerja dengan baik atau adanya perbedaan antara fitur yang di harapkan dan fitur yang tersedia. Pengujian sistem informasi itu salah satunya adalah pengujian sistem metode Black Box dengan cara Boundary Value Analisis. Boundary Value Analisis merupakan cara pengujian dengan menentukan nilai batas bawah dan batas atas dari data yang akan ingin diuji. Pengujian ini dilakukan pada fungsi tambah data barang baru pada aplikasi transaksi perdagangan. Hasil pengujian masih ada kekurangan saat melakukan validasi pada data yang di masukkan kedalalam sistem, sehingga menyebabkan data yang disimpan dalam database tidak sesuai dengan yang di harapkan. Hasil dari pengujian ini bisa menjadi masukan untuk memperbaiki aplikasi supaya persyaratan kelayakan sistem informasi menjadi lebih baik sesuai dengan data yang diharapkan masuk kedalam sistem.

Fitria Febriani ◽  
Augie David Manuputty

The Salatiga Class I District Court is a government agency that has implemented Information Technology (IT) governance which has problems in IT management, so the purpose of this study is to evaluate information technology governance using the COBIT 5 framework by determining the level of capability and gaps. The results of the recapitulation of the questionnaire with the Likert scale model obtained the average value of the selected domain getting a value of 3.28, which means that the current level of capability (as is) is at level 3 (established process), while the numbers from the range of 0 to 5 levels are expected or target (to be) namely 5 (optimization process). So that a gap or gap is obtained, namely the value of 1.27 which results in a reduction between to be and as is. The selected process domain is in the highest position, namely DSS01 with a value of 3.80 or level 4 (predictable process) while the lowest position is APO12 with a value of 2.82 or level 3 (established process). To achieve the expected conditions, the IT subdivision can improve in dealing with IT risks and IT problems that occur in the Salatiga District Court Class I B. In addition to evaluating IT governance, testing system functionality is also carried out by using the Blackbox Testing method with the Boundary Value Analysis technique. The object is used for testing the system, namely­ e-Court tested on the registration page and login page. From the results of system testing­ e-Court On the registration page, there is a discrepancy in the expected name field and on the login page that the test results ­field - field as expected.  Keywords — Information Technology Governance; COBIT 5; e – Court; Blackbox Testing; Boundary Value Analysis.

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