Planar InGaAsP/InP photoelastic low loss waveguides and electroabsorption modulators

X.S. Jiang ◽  
S.A. Pappert ◽  
Q.Z. Liu ◽  
L.S. Yu ◽  
Z.F. Guan ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1572-1574 ◽  
K.K. Loi ◽  
J.H. Hodiak ◽  
X.B. Mei ◽  
C.W. Tu ◽  
W.S.C. Chang ◽  

David C. Joy ◽  
Dennis M. Maher

High-resolution images of the surface topography of solid specimens can be obtained using the low-loss technique of Wells. If the specimen is placed inside a lens of the condenser/objective type, then it has been shown that the lens itself can be used to collect and filter the low-loss electrons. Since the probeforming lenses in TEM instruments fitted with scanning attachments are of this type, low-loss imaging should be possible.High-resolution, low-loss images have been obtained in a JEOL JEM 100B fitted with a scanning attachment and a thermal, fieldemission gun. No modifications were made to the instrument, but a wedge-shaped, specimen holder was made to fit the side-entry, goniometer stage. Thus the specimen is oriented initially at a glancing angle of about 30° to the beam direction. The instrument is set up in the conventional manner for STEM operation with all the lenses, including the projector, excited.

Oliver C. Wells

The low-loss electron (LLE) image in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) is useful for the study of uncoated photoresist and some other poorly conducting specimens because it is less sensitive to specimen charging than is the secondary electron (SE) image. A second advantage can arise from a significant reduction in the width of the “penetration fringe” close to a sharp edge. Although both of these problems can also be solved by operating with a beam energy of about 1 keV, the LLE image has the advantage that it permits the use of a higher beam energy and therefore (for a given SEM) a smaller beam diameter. It is an additional attraction of the LLE image that it can be obtained simultaneously with the SE image, and this gives additional information in many cases. This paper shows the reduction in penetration effects given by the use of the LLE image.

C P Scott ◽  
A J Craven ◽  
C J Gilmore ◽  
A W Bowen

The normal method of background subtraction in quantitative EELS analysis involves fitting an expression of the form I=AE-r to an energy window preceding the edge of interest; E is energy loss, A and r are fitting parameters. The calculated fit is then extrapolated under the edge, allowing the required signal to be extracted. In the case where the characteristic energy loss is small (E < 100eV), the background does not approximate to this simple form. One cause of this is multiple scattering. Even if the effects of multiple scattering are removed by deconvolution, it is not clear that the background from the recovered single scattering distribution follows this simple form, and, in any case, deconvolution can introduce artefacts.The above difficulties are particularly severe in the case of Al-Li alloys, where the Li K edge at ~52eV overlaps the Al L2,3 edge at ~72eV, and sharp plasmon peaks occur at intervals of ~15eV in the low loss region. An alternative background fitting technique, based on the work of Zanchi et al, has been tested on spectra taken from pure Al films, with a view to extending the analysis to Al-Li alloys.


Small particles exhibit chemical and physical behaviors substantially different from bulk materials. This is due to the fact that boundary conditions can induce specific constraints on the observed properties. As an example, energy loss experiments carried out in an analytical electron microscope, constitute a powerful technique to investigate the excitation of collective surface modes (plasmons), which are modified in a limited size medium. In this work a STEM VG HB501 has been used to study the low energy loss spectrum (1-40 eV) of silicon spherical particles [1], and the spatial localization of the different modes has been analyzed through digitally acquired energy filtered images. This material and its oxides have been extensively studied and are very well characterized, because of their applications in microelectronics. These particles are thus ideal objects to test the validity of theories developed up to now.Typical EELS spectra in the low loss region are shown in fig. 2 and energy filtered images for the main spectral features in fig. 3.

H. Seiler ◽  
U. Haas ◽  
K.H. Körtje

The physical properties of small metal particles reveal an intermediate position between atomic and bulk material. Especially Ag has shown pronounced size effects. We compared silver layers evaporated in high vacuum with cluster layers of small silver particles, evaporated in N2 at a pressure of about 102 Pa. The investigations were performed by electron optical methods (TEM, SEM, EELS) and by Photoacoustic (PA) Spectroscopy (gas-microphone detection).The observation of cluster layers with TEM and high resolution SEM show small silver particles with diameters of about 50 nm (Fig. 1 and Figure 2, respectively). The electron diffraction patterns of homogeneous Ag layers and of cluster layers are similar, whereas the low loss EELS spectra due to plasmon excitation are quite different. Fig. 3 and Figure 4 show first results of EELS spectra of a cluster layer of small silver particles on carbon foil and of a homogeneous Ag layer, respectively.

J. Bentley ◽  
E. A. Kenik ◽  
K. Siangchaew ◽  
M. Libera

Quantitative elemental mapping by inner shell core-loss energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with a Gatan Imaging Filter (GIF) interfaced to a Philips CM30 TEM operated with a LaB6 filament at 300 kV has been applied to interfaces in a range of materials. Typically, 15s exposures, slit width Δ = 30 eV, TEM magnifications ∼2000 to 5000×, and probe currents ≥200 nA, were used. Net core-loss maps were produced by AE−r background extrapolation from two pre-edge windows. Zero-loss I0 (Δ ≈ 5 eV) and “total” intensity IT (unfiltered, no slit) images were used to produce maps of t/λ = ln(IT/I0), where λ is the total inelastic mean free path. Core-loss images were corrected for diffraction contrast by normalization with low-loss images recorded with the same slit width, and for changes in thickness by normalization with t/λ, maps. Such corrected images have intensities proportional to the concentration in atoms per unit volume. Jump-ratio images (post-edge divided by pre-edge) were also produced. Spectrum lines across planar interfaces were recorded with TEM illumination by operating the GIF in the spectroscopy mode with an area-selecting slit oriented normal to the energy-dispersion direction. Planar interfaces were oriented normal to the area-selecting slit with a specimen rotation holder.

William Krakow ◽  
Alec N. Broers

Low-loss scanning electron microscopy can be used to investigate the surface topography of solid specimens and provides enhanced image contrast over secondary electron images. A high resolution-condenser objective lens has allowed the low-loss technique to resolve separations of Au nucleii of 50Å and smaller dimensions of 25Å in samples coated with a fine grained carbon-Au-palladium layer. An estimate of the surface topography of fine grained vapor deposited materials (20 - 100Å) and the surface topography of underlying single crystal Si in the 1000 - 2000Å range has also been investigated. Surface imaging has also been performed on single crystals using diffracted electrons scattered through 10−2 rad in a conventional TEM. However, severe tilting of the specimen is required which degrades the resolution 15 to 100 fold due to image forshortening.

1981 ◽  
Vol 128 (6) ◽  
pp. 323
G. Ohm ◽  
D. Rosowsky ◽  
H. Zeh

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