Effect of processing on the amino acid content of New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia tetragonioides Pall. Kuntze)

2010 ◽  
Vol 45 (8) ◽  
pp. 1682-1688 ◽  
Jacek Słupski ◽  
Jacek Achrem-Achremowicz ◽  
Zofia Lisiewska ◽  
Anna Korus
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 141
Rahma Micho Widyanto ◽  
Titis Sari Kusuma ◽  
Ardhila Lovi Hasinofa ◽  
Adelia Paradya Zetta ◽  
Frisa Inda Vega Br Silalahi ◽  

<p><em>Abstrak</em> - <strong>Nugget merupakan salah satu jenis produk olahan beku siap saji yang sering dijumpai di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Kelinci <em>New Zealand White</em> (<em>Oryctolagus cuniculus</em>) adalah jenis kelinci yang dikembangkan untuk tujuan pedaging. Pembuatan nugget daging kelinci dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan upaya diversifikasi produk olahan daging. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah daging kelinci yang diolah menjadi nugget. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kadar  proksimat, kadar asam lemak dan asam amino pada nugget daging kelinci jenis ras <em>New Zealand White</em> (<em>Oryctolagus cuniculus</em>). Rancangan penelitian menggunakan 3 kali ulangan untuk setiap sampel pengujian. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan nilai proksimat daging kelinci adalah protein sebesar 10.71g per 100g sampel, kandungan air sebesar 54,66%, kadar abu sebesar 1%, karbohidrat sebesar 30,29%. Kadar asam lemak jenuh per 100g sampel adalah 1.16mg, sedangkan kandungan asam lemak tidak jenuh per 100g sampel adalah 1.17mg. Untuk hasil kandungan asam amino esensial per 100g sampel adalah : Histidin : 0.42g, Arginin : 0.75g, Treonin : 0.54g, Valin : 0.60g, Isoleusin :0.54g, Leusin :0.94g, Penilalanin : 0.59g, dan Lisin : 1.01g. Sedangkan  kandungan asam amino non esensial per 100g sampel adalah : Asam aspartat: 1.18g, Asam glutamat: 2.31g, Serin: 0.58g, Glisin : 0.69g, Alanin : 0.90g, dan Prolin : 11.63g. Dengan kandungan gizi yang cukup baik , daging kelinci bisa menjadi alternatif bahan nugget untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi keseharian.</strong></p><p><strong><em>Kata kunci</em></strong> - <em>nugget kelinci, proksimat, asam lemak, asam amino</em></p><p><em>Abstract</em> - <strong>Nugget is one type of processed frozen ready-to-eat products that are often found in the midst of society. The New Zealand White Rabbit (<em>Oryctolagus cuniculus</em>) is a type of rabbit developed for the purpose of broilers. Making rabbit meat nuggets in order to increase the diversification efforts of processed meat products. The material used in this research is rabbit meat that is processed into nuggets. The aim of this research is to analyze proximate, fatty acid and amino acid content on rabbit nugget of New Zealand White (<em>Oryctolagus cuniculus</em>). The study design used 3 replicates for each test sample. The result of the test shows that the proximate value of rabbit meat is protein of 10.71g per 100g sample, the water content is 54,66%, the ash content is 1%, the carbohydrate is 30,29%. The saturated fatty acid level per 100g sample is 1.16mg, while the content of unsaturated fatty acids per 100g sample is 1.17mg. For the results of the essential amino acid content per 100g of sample are: Histidin: 0.42g, Arginine: 0.75g, Treonin: 0.54g, Valin: 0.60g, Isoleucine: 0.54g, Leusin: 0.94g, Penilalanin: 0.59g, and Lisin: 1.01 g. While the content of non essential amino acids per 100g of sample are: Aspartic acid: 1.18g, Glutamic acid: 2.31g, Serine: 0.58g, Glycine: 0.69g, Alanin: 0.90g, and Prolin: 11.63g. With a fairly good nutritional content, rabbit meat can be an alternative ingredient nugget to meet the daily nutritional needs.</strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong> - <em>rabbit nugget, proximate, fatty acid, amino acid </em></p>

1933 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 1648-1654 ◽  
James Murray Luck ◽  
Stanley Wallace Morse

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-43
Awatsaya Chotekajorn ◽  
Takuyu Hashiguchi ◽  
Masatsugu Hashiguchi ◽  
Hidenori Tanaka ◽  
Ryo Akashi

AbstractWild soybean (Glycine soja) is a valuable genetic resource for soybean improvement. Seed composition profiles provide beneficial information for the effective conservation and utilization of wild soybeans. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the variation in free amino acid abundance in the seeds of wild soybean germplasm collected in Japan. The free amino acid content in the seeds from 316 accessions of wild soybean ranged from 0.965 to 5.987 mg/g seed dry weight (DW), representing a 6.2-fold difference. Three amino acids had the highest coefficient of variation (CV): asparagine (1.15), histidine (0.95) and glutamine (0.94). Arginine (0.775 mg/g DW) was the predominant amino acid in wild soybean seeds, whereas the least abundant seed amino acid was glutamine (0.008 mg/g DW). A correlation network revealed significant positive relationships among most amino acids. Wild soybean seeds from different regions of origin had significantly different levels of several amino acids. In addition, a significant correlation between latitude and longitude of the collection sites and the total free amino acid content of seeds was observed. Our study reports diverse phenotypic data on the free amino acid content in seeds of wild soybean resources collected from throughout Japan. This information will be useful in conservation programmes for Japanese wild soybean and for the selection of accessions with favourable characteristics in future legume crop improvement efforts.

2008 ◽  
Vol 43 (10) ◽  
pp. 1786-1791 ◽  
Waldemar Kmiecik ◽  
Zofia Lisiewska ◽  
Jacek Słupski ◽  
Piotr Gębczyński

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